Pint0 Xtreme wrote:You are indeed exaggerating by implying that an escort mission somehow equates to Alderaan having a full fledged military. The fact that a number of rebel ships traveled to Alderaan (which shouldn't be surprising at all considering Alderaan probably supported the Alliance morally and financially) doesn't say diddly squat about Alderaan's military capabilities.
The OT movies are filmed from a Rebel perspective as well. What's your point?
You must factor that in with some statements and facts. I remember some people calling the OT Rebel Propaganda or a Documantary shot by the Alliance.
And even if Alderaan did arm itself with patrol craft, your quotations imply that Alderaan was lying about the nature of its "patrol craft".
For one thing, the ships was able to be taken apart and then as parts installed in Imperial Battlecruisers
]Why should we assume that they were being dishonest about the nature of their defenses?
Because Alderaan was aiding Rebels and Saxton also refers the Star Wars encyclopedia (and other sources) on Alderaan re-arming.
Do you automatically dismiss any rebel literature as deceitful propaganda?
no; but you must factor it in.
Does that mean that we should consider the events portrayed in the OT movies to be significantly distorted since they are shown from the perspective of the rebels?
Possibly, some have called it a documentary made from the Alliance perspective so we must not take everything at face value
Concerning the reference to KDY's contract with Alderaan, I don't see why we have to automatically assume KDY built warships for Alderaan. KDY is a massive ship building conglomerate and it probably built large warships for the Empire as well as smaller patrol craft for numerous systems. It shouldn't be surprising if Alderaan did business with KDY since it was pretty much the Microsoft of starships in the SW universe.
True; but for one: those shps could be scrapped and put into Imperial Battlecruisers.
Saxton also suggests this:
". At the very least, the fact that they were capable of independent interstellar flight indicates something more versatile than the usual kind of system patrol craft. Their designation as "scouts" may have been duplicitous, intended to maintain Alderaan's illusion of peacability. "
TC Pilot wrote:
I hesitate to believe you since the Anoat system was represented in the New Republic Senate and Kyp Durron was training to be a Jedi Knight.
Ahh....that is true.
But was Kyp Durron offically mde a NR citizen or anything lke that? Well the process of becoming a NR citizen seems murky; likely the Imperial citizens of worlds taken by the NR were automatically made NR citizens.
The fact that the bounties were issued during wartime is the very point. It's virtually insane to post bounties on opposing military officers for charges like treason and destruction of property.
That's weird 0_o
They rightfully should.