It looked like you were only talking about LOTF, not the actual thread subject.No Shit Sherlock. So are we, Ghost Rider only mentions the novel series one bit, mentioning how it is more lame than the comics.
"When gone am I, the Last of the Jedi you will be..."
One of the most powerful lines in Ep VI, but it doesn't have the same meaning thanks to the EU.
Doesn't mean anything if there's people who are no longer Jedi. Remember Obi-Wan's little line from two films before? "I was once a Jedi Knight, same as your father." Also "Now the Jedi are all but extinct" does not automatically translate to "It's just me and some guy in a swamp".
Technically, there's nothing in the movies to suggest there are no more Jedi beyond Luke, Leia, Vader and Palps.
Aside from that, I dislike yet another "lol Tatooine"-connection. Then again, I cringed at the mention of Prequel-era Jedi from this planet in the first place, as well as the one from Naboo. Fucking small galaxy.
I'm going to wait and see if this story turns to shit, at least I get to read it for free, so there's no loss on my part.
As far as Quinlan Vos is concerned, I hate that guy and his faux drama with a passion. Republic 83 was wonderful up until he survived and met up with his tramp girlfriend. He's the main reason I awaited Legacy to be a disaster, but the writing seems better and the events are a little more entertaining.