Stormbringer wrote:Is there a fairly complete but concise summary of what's happened any where around here? Because I'm interested in getting into the game but don't necessarily want to have to finish reading the entire game thread before I do.
Here's what I think happened, but this may miss out a lot of stuff I wasn't paying attention to:
1. Poland invites anyone who cares to come and form a UN analogue based on earth (the CON).
2. Six powers on the north side of the galaxy sign a mutual defense treaty (the NGTO - initiated by the Kiroter'nah but hosted by the UISC). Announcement is posted to earth. Golden Sky Combine, FEA and Heralds send representatives.
3. The earth powers form a mutual defensive tracking arrangement.
4. Poland siezes the Bootswellington delegation to the CON (a battleship and a few cruisers) under threat of overwhelming force.
5. The Hegemony of the Heavens tries to sieze a Kiro ship in earth orbit for using teleporters without proper authorisation. Kiro ship runs, Hegemony ship opens fire, then is fired upon by friendly forces. Hegemony claims the captain was insane and pays reparations.
6. Some kind of bizarre incident goes on in the galactic south involving an attack (possibly staged) on one of Spyder's ships and 'rescue parties' from at least two nearby powers. I don't know what happened to this plotline.
7. A shadowy conspiracy between elements of the NGTO powers intelligence services and xenophobic factions decides that Dark Hellion has to go. The GSC is added to the NGTO.
8. A strike force of Bootswellington ships blows up a series of outposts along the Nephilim border facing the Heralds. Meanwhile GSC cloaked ships temporarily appear (actually by accident, but it was fortuitous) and make it look like more heralds are on the way.
9. The conspirators fake an attack by the Herald probe (which is destroyed) on the NGTO conference site.
10. The NGTO gathers a big fleet to 'defend' Nephilim space (it's still there). Mudslinging back and forth at the Heralds. Various CON nations pledge to defend the Heralds if they're invaded.
11. Africa starts having internal rebellions - possibly formented by outside intelligence forces, I was never clear on that.
12. One of the League of Thought's battleship's accidentally toasts a Polish docking bay. Offers to surrended the crewmember they claim was 'responsible'. Polish ships insist on unconditional surrender. League refuses. Polish send marines over. League ship blasts them. Short battle results in League battleship being vaporised.
13. NGTO builds an embassy station in geostationary orbit over Africa.
14. Conspiracy of nations pissed off with Poland plots an attack on a Polish colony.
15. THEM invade and subjugate NPC nation. Lots of refugees flee, most of them infected with THEM parasites, telling tales of woe.
16. Fighting in Africa gets much worse, largely due to the actions of Straltoc mercenaries. Tactical nukes and orbital weapons are used. Poland deploys 'peacekeepers' that don't seem to help much.
17. The Android Colony, the Ninian Theocracy and the Golden Sky Combine go into permenant seclusion (players left the game).
18. The Cretacean Confederacy manages to (secretly) attract a large group of space monsters to the Sol system. After milling about for a couple of days they try to eat Mercury. Despite the vast numbers initially giving cause for concern the combined Earth fleets blast them into gibblets with negligable friendly losses.
19. The situation over Africa continues to deteriorate. Multiple nuclear initiations eventually terminating in a 64 megaton antimatter airbust that devestates a vast area and sets many thousands of square kilometres of grasslands on fire. Africa is basically a write off at this point.
20. Kioter'nah ships destroy several Polish listening posts as a preparation for the colony raid, with the loss of one ship. However the Polish have been warned by the Kitaka and have relocated backup tracking systems to the affected volume in advance.
21. Fleets from the FEA, Kitaka, League of Thought and Bootswellington prepare to advance into Polish space. However, the Kitaka open fire on the FEA strike fleet (they are at the same staging point) and four unarmed Kiro ships at the same location.
22. A hasburg fleet jumps in and joins the Kitaka in anhiliating the FEA fleet (ongoing ATM). One Kiro cloak cruiser gets a message off to home before being destroyed, but it won't arrive in time to do the advancing League and Pirate fleets any good (also ongoing ATM).
23. The Heralds declare war on the NGTO, saying that they cannot be tolerated any longer and the Herald forces will anhiliate them down to the last baby. This is not terribly popular. They then declare war on the rest of the Galaxy too for good measure.
EDIT: a couple of clarifications:
Bugsby wrote:The NGTO backed down, but the members that were once part of the CoN quit or became inactive, creating two main power blocs.
Actually we just left a decent sized war fleet sitting opposite the Herald border until they cracked and cried Jihad.
Bugsby wrote:The TGA, which is a member of NGTO, is using this as a cassus belli against Poland and the CoN.
AFAIK Redleader hasn't done this /yet/, at least not officially, but he certainly laid the groundwork by having mass protests against Polish actions in the shoot-down incident. The NGTO has not said anything official about anything going on in Africa; the tone has generally been 'we don't intefere in the internal affairs of members'. However I imagine if he actually declared war on another earth power the other players would say 'it's your funeral, best of luck though', unless there was irrefutable evidence that that power was responsible for effectively destroying Africa.
Bugsby wrote:At an initial fleet rendesvous between different NGTO fleets, Beowulf's Kitaka backstabbed the NGTO. A battle yet rages between the betrayers and the betrayed. Meanwhile, NGTO raiders are disabling the Polish early warning net with nukes.
Only the FEA and the Kitaka rendeavoused; the other two came from their own territory. None of those players are NGTO members; I am, but I only sent nine cloaked ships, four of which were at the FEA/Kitaka staging area. None of the NGTO governments actually know what's going on, just a few conspirators in the Kiro, Catgirl and UISC intelligence services and black ops groups (and the later two only got a 'FYI').
Bugsby wrote:Still angry over NGTO agression, Dark Hellion declared war on the NGTO.
Hellion made an RP mistake here and ranted about the fleet engagements as they were happening, despite having no way of knowing about them (there hadn't even been time for signals to travel from the battle site to nearby worlds), never mind about any connection to the NGTO. That was fixed by a retcon though.