And I get to get sleep this week, so my posts should become far more intelligent. If I sleep all week i'll only be a few weeks behind. Yah!
Moderator: Thanas
DEM, you and me are obviously still playing.Crossroads Inc. wrote:Speaking of NGTO all this time... Any luck contacting the other members Starglider?
I said yes, but I haven't heard anything from him since.For the next few weeks my access to the internet is going to be spotty, at best. I'll still be able to post, but the'll be few and far between, and I was wondering if I could give you some proxy control over my fleet. Nothing much, just so that if shit goes down you could drop a reference to Bear ships taking part. Would you be up for that?
Well in your case they act like stereotypical furries instead of humansI might be a bit guilty of that, But of course I have five times the amount of aliens to keep track of...
A page or so back in this thread there's a decent summation of the game thus far. Beyond that, there's the current battle of the skullduggerous sorts.Nephtys wrote:So! I'm back from vacation and ready to cause more stirrups. I read the thread, but can I get the cliffnotes?
But the point is, and the one I think Dark Hellion was trying to make, is that what you think of as sensible heavily depends on your culture.Starglider wrote:Any sapient worthy of the name would hold back on such highly context-dependent gestures in a first contact situation - assuming otherwise really is Trek-writer levels of stupidity. Thinking objectively takes effort, but yes there really are game-theoretic objective axioms for behaviour in the same way that maths is an objective basis for describing reality. Any species capable of the scientific progress required to build FTL drives is capable of not acting like a moron, unless they are in fact insane (admittedly a popular choice in STGODs, because being rational about everything important is kinda boring).Dark Hellion wrote:Where was someone who fires a warning shot as a sign of respect?
Who is Harold, why does he have space, and what does the mets game have to do with it?Crossroads Inc. wrote:The bate is set!
Now I sit back and see just how hard it is to resist metgaming NOW!
What you /intuitively/ think of as sensible depends on your culture and more importantly species. But logic is logic. Nations taking it seriously do not just wing it, unless they are a hell of a lot more impulsive and irrational than humans.Dahak wrote:But the point is, and the one I think Dark Hellion was trying to make, is that what you think of as sensible heavily depends on your culture.
No, I call it insane because there is no strong first-principles justification for it but there is a fairly strong case /against/ it. I've read a lot of this kind of analysis with regard to working out what the behaviour of de novo AGIs will do and done some of it myself. Everything is /not/ relative. There /are/ absolutes.You call it insane simply because it is insane within the boundaries of your thinking and cultural guidelines. There is no intrinsic insanity in it and no galactic "Thou shalt not fire shots of repect" rule.
I threatened to use the STGOD as an excuse to make people read furry porn by having characters discuss vital plot information while having sex, but just about everyone in the SDNET room at the time said they'd lynch me if I did.Dark Hellion wrote:occational illicit sexromp (come on guys, we can NC-17 this in no time
Looks fine to me; presumably you piggybacked some info onto that last comms pulse and had already had the encryption keys to decode the message as it traversed the NGTO relay station it was aimed at. But since the attack is still ongoing, you won't know what happens to the Pirate & League fleets yet, and realistically it should be a while before anyone can respond to that.Crossroads Inc wrote:The bate is set!
Now I sit back and see just how hard it is to resist metgaming NOW!
Why is it logical about not giving of warning shots as greetings? Just because from your point of view, it is. But for another species, it is the logical thing to do. Maybe because they are a deeply honour-bound society and not doing it would go against their whole cultural and mental stucture? Or another myriad completely alien ideas.Starglider wrote:What you /intuitively/ think of as sensible depends on your culture and more importantly species. But logic is logic. Nations taking it seriously do not just wing it, unless they are a hell of a lot more impulsive and irrational than humans.Dahak wrote:But the point is, and the one I think Dark Hellion was trying to make, is that what you think of as sensible heavily depends on your culture.
And how do you arrive at your conclusion of these absolutes...? Why should "not giving warning shots as respect" be one of those? And why should every species, with a completely different history, culture, and background arrive at the same ones?No, I call it insane because there is no strong first-principles justification for it but there is a fairly strong case /against/ it. I've read a lot of this kind of analysis with regard to working out what the behaviour of de novo AGIs will do and done some of it myself. Everything is /not/ relative. There /are/ absolutes.You call it insane simply because it is insane within the boundaries of your thinking and cultural guidelines. There is no intrinsic insanity in it and no galactic "Thou shalt not fire shots of repect" rule.
OK, so I missed an "A" in there, however techniclly, if I understand Dark Hellion correctly, "Xylyx" is the all powerful God race his people are working to over throw... Not the direct name of his race.Hotfoot wrote:Who is Harold, why does he have space, and what does the mets game have to do with it?
The best generally available information on the Kitaka is that they're somewhere north of Sol. Every time the Kitaka has met with a power, they've tried to disguise the path the ships would be taking. Given that they've been cloaked ships doing such, it's not hard to do so.Crossroads Inc. wrote:As for the probe off toward Beowulf. Your right that no one knows "Exactly" where he is, but I would imagine RUDI has enough information to make a good educated guess.
This would be skipping over a critical event if events were occuring on my original timeline. There's two ways to reconcile this; push the definition of 'a few hours' or increase the effective speed of the ships. I'll compromise.Thirdfain wrote:The vanguard unit of the Pirate attack was only a few hours from it's target
For god' sakes, this is taking forever. How about you just PM me your overall intentions and we can work this all out at once rather than stabbing away in the dark?Starglider wrote: This would be skipping over a critical event if events were occuring on my original timeline. There's two ways to reconcile this; push the definition of 'a few hours' or increase the effective speed of the ships. I'll compromise.
All its doing is listening. Each probe has an advanced AI that determins if something is "useful" They arn't pulling in EVERY transmission that floats by, only ones that might be useful. As for encrypted bands, that would be too overt and put them at risk of being discovered. If i am going to crack a miltiary network, I'd send a speciallized starship to do it.Thirdfain wrote:Oh, and PS: Crossroads, your probes are all over the place, but frankly, I don't see why. It takes dozens if not hundreds of massive, manned, un-stealthy facilities to provide even moderate tracking coverage in the Polish Republic. A single tiny stealth-probe would only be able to track FTL signatures over a fairly small area, and unless the ships passed nearby, it wouldn't be getting much more information than "big ship" or "little ship." Also, if it's sucking in all the quintillions of FTL-comm messages from a trillion sources which criss-cross the Core territories on the 'Net, the private comm corporations, the encrypred military bands, the top-secret tightbeams, and re-broadcasting them to some home base for analysis, well, you'd have better spent some points on that bad boy is all I'm saying.
Yeah, I wanted to co-ordinate with White Haven first, plus chronologically this should be happening well after the FEA-Kitaka battle. Unfortunately White Haven seems to be busy and its taking (real time) days to chase down those last FEA ships.Thirdfain wrote:For god' sakes, this is taking forever.
I'll post all the planning materials after the battle.How about you just PM me your overall intentions and we can work this all out at once rather than stabbing away in the dark?
Maybe he's hoping to pick up something useful in the aftermath of this attack - it'll take a while for those probes to get into position after all.Crossroads, your probes are all over the place, but frankly, I don't see why. It takes dozens if not hundreds of massive, manned, un-stealthy facilities to provide even moderate tracking coverage in the Polish Republic.