Next up, the Orks. Gotta love Da Boyz, mainly because they're potentially as big a threat as the Tyranids, if they ever managed to somehow unite (and this fact will be repeatedly hammered home in sources, believe me.)
Rogue Trader
Page 185
Ork Space comprises a large compact area to the west of the galactic pole. In all it probably numbers as many as ten thousand habitable solar systems.
1st edition Rogue Trader. This clearly got retconned later on in size because they're as large as the Imperium (but more decentralized) as well as spreading across much of the galaxy.
Page 186
Instead, their worlds are divided into rival, inter-warring empires, most comprising only one or two planets, with the largest about twenty worlds. THere are thousands of these small empires, each ruled over by a strong warlord.
"thousands" of Empires, each comprised of only a couple planets, with the largest ever being ~20 worlds. Like the numbers, this too probably got retconned, but I haven't seen any definites on just how MANY in an empire or numbers of Empires. Given large-scale incidents like Armageddon, major Ork incursions seem to be based on a powerful leader unifying a number of empires/tribes under one banner and pooling the resources. (like Ghazgahkull, who pulled together some 12 separate empires for his assault.)
Given that, and given any other information, "thousands" probably can mean many hundreds of thousands of Empires. The number of planets could be taken as an approximate average, but larger empires may be possible. In the end it doesn't really matter how many planets per Empire, because most major incursions/WAAAGHs are going to be composed of multiple empires as it is.
Waagggh the Orks
Page 6
Ork civilisation is now faced with a major problem: the maintenance of technology. The Orks have found the obvious solution in their use of slaes. Apartt from the Mekboyz, who are Ork swith a residual, innate talent for technology, orks rely on enslaved Humans and other aliens in their workshops and factories. More importantly, they rely on tribute exacted from vassal alien communities. This tribute is paid in the form of armaments and technology. Sometimes whole communities and planets are occupied by Ork warriors, enslaved, and put to work making armaments.
AFter several viscious and destructive wars, many alien communities willingly manufacture equipment for the Orks as bribes to keep them away, or as tribute to provide protection.
only included this to clarify the kinds/types of worlds an Ork "Empire" might include, and explain how Orks manage to compete in 40K - on the back of servant races or slaves as well as "Ork proper" worlds - thuis might explain why they're so massive.
Page 8
Orks live on innumerable worlds.
- again now instead of 10,000 worlds its "innumerable" - it does get (vaguely) enumerated later.
Page 90
There are countless Ork settlements of every conceivable kind scattered on planets throughout the universe. In addition, there are settlements of Ork tribes that perpetually drift through space aboard space hulks, as well as war bands that are in occupation of alien worlds.
"Countless" settlements, as well as constantly mobile tribes aboard space hulks. Note they also make a distinction for "conquered" worlds as well as outright Ork settlements.
Codex ORks (1999 edition)
Page 2
In terms of sheer numbers and planets Orks occupy more of the galaxy than any other single race and were they unified they would soon crush all opposition. However the Orks' passion for violence is so unquenchable that they spend most of their time warring amongst themselves and any Ork leader worth is followers' respect would never dream of voluntarily following another. But once in a generation an Ork leader will emerge who is powerful enough to defeat his rivals and dominate their tribes. His success will draw others and soon a great Ork Waaagh! is underway, a movement of millions; part migration, part holy Jihad as the Orks seek new worlds to conquer and races to enslave.
The Orks occupy more planets in the galaxy than any other race, implying they have at least millions (which is what the Imperium has.) but unlike the Imperium, they are more scattereda and
Page 3
Early estimates place the attacking ground forces at the equivalent of sixteen regiments, with one hulk, four cruisers, and twenty plus attack ships supporting them from orbit.
- Example of one Ork force I could find (aside from Ghaz in Armageddon). I'll be using this and Ghaz as the baseline for fleet/troop estmates.
PAge 33
Attempts to penetrate the so-called Ork enclaves of Gathrog and Dregruk in the southern regions of the Segmentum have proven unsuccessful. The ORks have dominated these areas unchecked since before the founding of the Imperium and it is, quite reasonably, surmised that within an area of only a few light years there are tens of millions of the creatures. It is possible that in such conditions the Ork's physical proportions are evne more pronounced, with whole planetary populations the size of the sub-type known to our warrios as "Skarboyz"
Note that on the size chart (Skarboyz are "veterans") they show up as beinga round 2-2.5 meters tall and about 1.5 meters across. Gives another potential way to estimate number, though the populations and size seem to vary.
Epic 40K Armies book
PAge 41
Luckily the billions of Orks spread throughout the galaxy spend so much time fighting each other that their desire for battle is generally sated unless they find themselves faced with an obvious threat. If all the Orks were ever to band together in a single Waaagh nothing in the galaxy would have the power to stop them.
Repetition of before, this time though there's a specific number of "billions" of orks, though this could be a dramatic underestimate (much in the same way "billions" of Imperial Guardsman exist in the galaxy)
3rd edition rules:
PAge 116
Spread as they are across the entire Sector, in numbers rivalling that of humanity, these savage creatures know only war.
Orks have been fighting against us on hundreds of worlds and throughout the depths of open space, especially around the Denebian astroid belt.
Here stated to be "sopread out across an entire Sector" in "humanity-rivalling" numbers. This seems to imply on one hand the Orks are comprised in a whole sector (about a few hundred light yearS) but their overall numbers match huhmaity. That is possible, but seems questionable given the previous stuff.
Alternately, the idea might be that the number of Orks in the Sector is of similiar numbers to the number of (Imperium) humans in the sector. This seems liklier. This would again also infer similar numbers to the Imperium's popualtion,
Codex Armageddon
Page 6
The monitor station's final reports indicated an Ork fleet moving into the system, comrpising 50 Ork cruisers and over 300 escort vessels accompanying at least four space hulks.
Minimum numbers of the Ork fleet at aRmagedon. They get bigger later.
Page 6
By their last count, the combined Ork fleets numbered in excess of 2,000 ships and at least 12 space hulks, the largest number of huulks to assault a world of the Imperium in its 10,000 year history.
Revised Ork numbers. May not have been total numbers even now.
Codex Imperialis:
PAge 50
The Ork racec is spread throughout the galaxy much like mankind, but unlike mankind the Orks are divided into many thousands of independent empires, each led by an Ork Warlord. Warlords strive to defeat their neighbors whether they are humans, Eldar, or even other Orks. If successful, a Warlord expands his territories by conquest, and continues to do so until he is defeated. Even if a Warlord wins battle after battle, plundering many worlds and scattering the armies of the Imperium before him, he will eventually overreach himself. This is simply a part of Ork nature! Orks always attack before they are ready adn they never think beyond the next battle.
This is from Codex Imperialis and cnofirms the whole "spread throughout the galaxy" bit, though it also retains the "thousands of Empires"
What has become clear is that the Orks are the remnants of a once diverse race of green-skinned creatures whose colonies extended over most of the galaxy.
Orks formerly occupied "most of the galaxy"
Epic Armageddon
Page 65
To their dismay, the Imperial Navy ships encountered dozens of crude asteroid fortresses, or 'Roks', in the normally vulnerable tail of the Ork fleets.[/quote][/quote]
At Armageddon there were "dozens" of Roks . Roks are of interest because of what they represent in fleet numbers (addressed later.)
Page 104
Luckily, the billions of Orks spread throughout the galaxy spend so much time fighting each other that their desire for battle is generally sated unless they find themselves faced with an obvious threat. If all the Orks were ever to band together into a single Waaagh, nothing in the galaxy would ahve the power to stop them.
Reiteration of earlier information.
Page 105
A warbad can comprise anywhere from between thirty and three hundred Boyz plus their assorted war machiens and is commanded by a large and aggrgessive Ork chieftan aclled the Warboss and his personal retinue of Ork Nobz.
A tribe can comprise anything from several hundred to tens of thousands of Orks and will usually control an entire continent or world. More commonly, a vaguely habitable world will sustain several Ork tribes in a more or less perpetual state of war with each other until they join in a Waaagh agains tnon ORks.
The Implication here is that Orks, while as numerous as humanity, are not as densely populated on a planet as humanity. The idea seems to be that there are only hundreds of thousands or millions per planet (as opposed to the billions or trillions some planets can hold.) The numbers could thus balancec out (more planets than the Imperium, but lower popualtions.)
Page 108
Ghazgahkull pulled off the seemingly impossible by uniting over a dozen of the sector's most notorious Warlords with the promise of a grreat and glorious fight in the name of Gork and Mork. With a force numbering into the millions, Ghazghkull's rise to a Warlord of such stature has been nothing short of meteoric,
Ghazzie pulled together twelve warlords (well "over twelve" and thus a dozen empires) for his efforts. Given the ship numbers above, this allows us to work out numbers on Orks.
With all that said, ,time to go into the breakdown:
This is fairly straightforward. We know they are at LEAST comparable to the Imperium in size, so they ought to have many millions of worlds, possibly more. Probably not more than a billion or so, since habitable planets aren't common and AFAIK not even they occupy a major percentage of them.
Moreover, while they are comparable in size and scope to the Imperium, this size is offset by the fact that they lack the cohesion or long range travel/communication ability that the Imperium possesses. Thus, their ability to act over long distances is severely curtailed, and it leads to the "thousands" of Empires mentioned (which may be more like tens or even hundreds of thousands of Empires.) Although if a WAAAGH arises, they are perfectly capable of uniting, for short term goals at least.
Populations/troop numbers
Billions, ,at least, but probably much more than that. Their numbers are said to be comaprable to humanity's, which suggests trillions or quadrillions of Orks alone. This can be confirmed by an estimate of the number of orks per planet (hundreds of thousands to millions) multiplied by the estimated number of worlds.. which yields half a trillion to many trillions of orks total. Presumably these numbers don't includ e other orkoids like Gretchin and snotlings, though.
A third way to look at it: Going by the "tens of millions of creatures within a few light years" estimate, and given the size of the galaxy (a disparity of many tens or hundreds of millions times between the radius given above and the radius of the galaxy) there coudl be many quadrillions of orks, even assuming that the figure was not uniform or allowing for it to be a few percent accurate.
Note that on the "quadrillions" scale, note that given the presumed lower "planetary density" for Orks (even factoring in the other sub-species) this almost certainly means the Orks have many more planets (within reason.) There are of course an unknown (but presumably large) number of Orks who encompass purely "spaceborne" communities (like Space Hulks.) (For example, we're looking at an average number of orks being tens of millions per planet, ,spread over hundreds of millions of planets.) I'd guess that some refrences refer to "just " orkoids (like the "billions" bit or the number of orks per world/tribe and number of planets.), while others (ork numbers rivalling humanity) factor in the other sub-species (gretchin and snotlings.)
Of course, even if the number of orks/orkoids is "smaller" than the overall population of humanity, the fact remains that a higher percentage of them are actually viable fighters/active fighters, so the danger can still be significant despite a large numerical disparity. Particularily given their resilience and reproductive capabilities.
Fleet size
We know there are "Thousands" of Empires. We also have two estimates for Warlord fleet strengths: We have two numerical breakdowns. The first estimates 1 space hulk, 4 cruisers, and a score or more of "attack ships" (escrots?) That leads us to estimate many thousands of "space hulks' (IE battleships or battleships equivlaent.) minimum, many thousands/tens of thousands of cruisers, and tens/hundreds of thousands of attack ships (a similar distribution compared to Imperial ships.)
The other estimate is based on the ARmageddon numbers, which was derived from a dozen major warlords (or at least they seemed major.) Twelve space hulks and 2000+ other ships, which is an average of ~166 ships per space hulk. Assumign one Space Hulk per warlord (whcih seems reasonable) thats many hundreds of thousands of ships (and thousand sof Space hulks, again.)
For a more accurate breakdown, we knmow at least 4 Space huulks were escorted by ~150 cruisers and 300 escorts. That works out to rughly 38 cruisers and 75 escorts per Space hulk, for "thousnads" of Space hulks, 70-80,000 cruisers minimum, and 150,000+ escorts. Not onyl are they conservative because the numbers of the Ork fleet at Armageddon were not precise, but the number of "empires" could be easily higher by an order of magnitude or more. Thus, its quite possible/likely that Ork fleet numbers not only can match the Imperium, but quite likely exceed them by several times if not an order of magnitude (at least.)
These do not include Roks, but Roks are ridiculously easy to build and adapt (orkoid equivalent of system defence ships I'd gues) so they could easily match/exceed the "regular" fleet numbers (IE doublling, tripling, or more any estimate.) Likewise, since Ork "shipbuilding" mainly comprises salvaging of and refitting hulks, their "cosntrcuton rates" are not neccesariyl consistent but rapid, if the supply of hulks is steady (in wartime, no reason it wouldn't be.)
Bear in mind, of course, the same lack of coordination and travel distance affect them on the fleet scale, so while the numbers are formidable, their inability to coordinate effectively over great distances will limit the threat those numbers represent. Also, while Ork tech might be equal/superior in some ways to the Imperium, it is still deficinet in a number of other useful ones (accuracy and computers for one thing, acceeleration another.) that can offset the numerical advantage severely. Nonetheless, they are NOT an insignifcant threat under the right circumstances (mainly at short ranges or up close, and where their superior numbers can tell.)