This is irrelevant if they all started near Nowa Masovie and did not start moving until the incoming fleets were 30 minutes from Ruda Slaska (and were detected 30 minutes after that, with one hour still to go). Which they were described as doing. If they had done anything else, the sensor picture would have been different.Imperial Overlord wrote:Starglider, you've completely forgotten the fact that your ships have already been detected on long range arrays and that our fleets were already moving to block off the flight plans.
This is also irrelevant. Thirdfain's description of the detection sequence establishes the sensor range of the strike fleets as equivalent to one hour of FTL travel (at the speed the combined defence fleets are moving at). You had plenty of advance notice (many hours) of the fleets coming in, and Thirdfain chose not to act on it. From that point on the two large fleets were in shipboard sensor range of each other, so there is no difference in the time lag for each side (probably a few minutes, if sensors work at the same speeds as standard FTL comms). I don't know exactly where the Portugese interception fleet was, but it would have to be at least two hours out from the colony to avoid being detected before now.We do get near real time data on White Haven and UC's maneuvers and can easily adjust our courses and interdiction fields. The fleeing ships find out we are there after they enter their sensor range, after its too late.
You had ample opportunity to establish multiple fleets at dispersed locations earlier and you did not do so. Thirdfain placed them all within a few minutes of Nowy Masovie so that he could crush the invading fleets in one swift blow. Which would have worked just fine if he'd bothered to co-ordinate with Beowulf better. He did not so they did not.We have the advantage of multiple, separate fleets maneuvering to cut them off and can do so.
This was covered in discussion before the game started. Sublight speed is influenced by ship size. FTL speed is not. You have to spend points on it to go faster. Both fleets have some elements with extra-fast FTL drives. If you want your extra-fast ships to go ahead and catch the fleeing ships, you can do so. They will have to fight for somewhere between 30 and 60 minutes before reinforcements arrive.Furthermore, the fleets don't have equal speed. The light elements are the fastest. If they run full out, they abandon the cruisers and the capships.
EDIT: Note that you will need extra-fast interdictors, specifically, to do this. I'm fairly sure the weapons we've got in this setting (railguns, lasers, chemically propelled missiles) can't shoot an FTL target from an FTL firing platform. You have to run ahead, close with the enemy, force them to sublight, keep moving with them to interdict, and keep all your interdictors intact for long enough for the main body of pursuers to catch up.