It's Official: Empire: Total War. (NAVAL COMBAT!)

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It's Official: Empire: Total War. (NAVAL COMBAT!)

Post by Vympel »


Why is it whenever I say what the next TW game should be, CA listens to me?!
SEGA® Europe Ltd. and SEGA® of America, Inc. today announced Empire: Total War™, the revolutionary new instalment of The Creative Assembly’s wildly successful, multi award winning Total War™ RTS franchise. Empire: Total War™ will maintain the series genre leading 3D battles, grand turn based campaign map and rich historical flavour while for the first time introducing 3D naval combat into the series.

Empire: Total War™ is set in the 18th century a turbulent era that is the most requested by Total War’s™ loyal fan base and a period alive with global conflict, revolutionary fervour and technological advances. With themes such as the Industrial Revolution, America’s struggle for independence, the race to control Eastern trade routes and the globalisation of war on land and sea, Empire: Total War™ promises to be amongst the richest and most dynamic PC RTS games of all time.

Empire: Total War™ will see the debut of 3D naval combat within the Total War™ franchise. PC Gamers will be able to intuitively command vast fleets or single ships upon seascapes rich with extraordinary water and weather effects that play a huge role in your eventual glorious success or ignominious defeat. After pummelling your enemy with cannon fire, close in to grapple their ship and prepare to board taking control your men as they fight hand to hand on the decks.

Along with the revolutionary introduction of Naval Combat, Empire: Total War™ will see further enhancements to the Total War™ series signature 3D battles and turn based campaign map. Real time battles will pose new challenges with the addition of cannon and musket, challenging players to master new formations and tactics as a result of the increasing role of gunpowder within warfare. And the Campaign Map – for many the heart of Total War™ – will see new improved systems for Trade, Diplomacy and Espionage with agents, a refined and streamlined UI, improved Advisors and extended scope taking in the riches of India, the turbulence of Europe and the untapped potential of North America.

“Empire: Total War™ is a huge revolutionary step for the series. We’re delighted to introduce true 3D naval combat, something that adds a totally new dimension to Total War™ games.” commented Mike Simpson, Studio Director at The Creative Assembly and the father of the Total War™ franchise. “We’re genuinely excited about what we’re achieving with the naval battles and also by the scale of the improvements being made to the core of the game – the land battles and the campaign. This will undoubtedly be the biggest and best Total War™ game we’ve ever made.”

Empire: Total War™ has already been secretly in development at The Creative Assembly’s Horsham studio for over a year and is priming its forces for a release in 2008.

Stay tuned to for all the latest Empire: Total War™ news and screenshots!
Orgasmic screenshots here

This will lay the foundations for some truly awesome naval combat in Rome 2 and Medieval 3! :lol:

Feature list:
Empire: Total War will be the greatest and most awe-inspiring Total War experience ever. This is a total revolution of the Total War series, featuring a brand new graphics engine and technology. The new, advanced graphics engine will include staggering real-time seascapes, new advanced landscape and flora systems, dynamic weather and new battle choreography and occupy-able and destructible battlefield buildings.

The game is set in the years 1700 to the early 1800’s, a turbulent age of gunpowder, revolution, discovery and Empire Building. This period has all the ingredients for a great Total War title: fascinating changes in warfare and its technology, a large number of competing factions hungry for power, and gloriously exciting and colourful battles. This is a time when an old world is being swept away at a tremendous rate by the juggernaut of the industrial age. Revolutionary ideas are in the air, and at least one monarch meets a bloody end!

Against a backdrop of key historical themes such as the French Revolution and the American War Of Independence, the player’s aim is to create the greatest Republic or Empire the world has known, spanning not just a continent but the world! Can you hold on to lands in the New World, or establish a rich trading empire in the Indies?

Empire: Total War contains a revolutionised Total War campaign spanning 3 continents and featuring new, enhanced systems for Trade, Diplomacy, Missions and Espionage. There will be an all-new fully animated campaign map with all buildings and upgrades visible. The campaign will also feature a huge cast of historical figures including Peter The Great, Malborough and Charles XII of Sweden. The game will include 10 playable factions including Britain, Prussia, France, Spain, America and the massive Ottoman Empire.

New Real-Time 3D Naval Warfare takes Total War’s unparalleled battle action to the high seas with players commanding single ships or vast fleets. These will be the most exciting and realistic sea battles ever seen in a PC game. They will feature a realistic sailing model, cannon and musket fire, boarding actions, fully destructible sails, rigging and hulls and a full range of weather effects to influence battles. These will play out on stunning, ultra-realistic seascapes, as cannons and muskets blaze away, cutting through the smoke and fog to splinter, pierce and shatter hulls, sails and masts, laying waste to crew members and sending them to Davy Jones’ Locker.

Empire: Total War’s revolutionised graphics engine will be put to work on land battles that will feature heavy artillery in the form of cannons, mortar and early rocket launchers, with bouncing cannonballs slicing through drifting gunsmoke to tear up lines of infantry. Bagpipes, drummers, flautists and trumpeters will fill the air with play out over the crack of musket fire, the boom of artillery and the thunderous charge of cavalry. Generals will bark out orders to their regiments as the player orchestrates the battle utilizing formations, unit abilities and drills. Weapons will jam and misfire, cannons will seize up and explode as the field of conflict becomes strewn with the bodies of wounded and dying men, lacerated and dismembered by pike, bayonet and shot.
With no Greece to play as, I must content myself with Russia under Peter the Great. Fine by me. :lol:
Last edited by Vympel on 2007-08-22 12:11pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Alferd Packer »

I came.

Also, I wonder how they'll carve up territory in the Americas. This is very exciting, and also makes me happy that I beefed up my video card last month.
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Post by Vympel »

The fantastic thing about it is that 1700 to 1815 (I'm guessing - if it doesn't end at Waterloo, I'll eat my hat) is that the historical record is really well defined as far as the military of the respective nations are concerned. Every single army should be different and easily distinguishable (justifiable color differences on the battlefield!). It's going to look awesome.
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Post by wautd »

I could almost kiss you :luv:

The only thing that suck is to wait untill 2008. Maybe I should freeze myself in ice untill then. IIRC, it worked for Cartman when he was waiting for the Wii
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Post by Ypoknons »


Of course, the mod community now has another choice to make.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

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Post by Dahak »

Wow, that looks stunning...
I'd buy it :)
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Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

It's about bloody time. People have been clamouring for this for ages.
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Post by Vanas »

Heck yes. Continuing Empire building for Me and Country.

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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

The game is set in the years 1700 to the early 1800’s
Damn. As cool as Napoleonic stuff is, I was kind of hoping they'd get to the 1860s and truly reach the pinnacle of the era they're going for. Ranks of muskets are cool, but ranks of the sheer lethality of rifles are cooler.

Looks like I'll be doing a play-through of America and then Great Britain or France.

Though it looks like we won't be seeing a multiplayer campaign yet, sigh. The naval battles do seem pretty cool though. I can totally pirate my enemies.

EDIT: And I'm surprised they took it to this advanced stage of gunpowder, they seemed very resistant to the idea previously. Here's hoping for a World War: Total War encompassing the first half of the 20th century!
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Post by Duckie »

But will the AI not suck ass? That's they key.
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Post by Darth Tanner »

But will the AI not suck ass? That's they key.
Empire: Total War will boast a full re-write of the AI with a wider range of strategies and tactics, providing a formidable opponent on land, sea and on the campaign map.
Obviously the devs are going to say that regardless but I'm going to raise my hopes anyway. They can't just ignore their customers demands forever can they? Oh wait... don't answer that.
Here's hoping for a World War: Total War encompassing the first half of the 20th century!
The problem with that is you can't really do that without trenches and tanks. tanks would simply need a new model and game mechanics to go with it but trenches would offer much more difficulty. It could be done I suppose with the existing build fort feature however.

Oh can I just add


Although I'll probably have to buy a new computer to run it! But to crush the American revolt I think it'll be worth it.
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Post by CaptHawkeye »

New Real-Time 3D Naval Warfare takes Total War’s unparalleled battle action to the high seas with players commanding single ships or vast fleets. These will be the most exciting and realistic sea battles ever seen in a PC game. They will feature a realistic sailing model, cannon and musket fire, boarding actions, fully destructible sails, rigging and hulls and a full range of weather effects to influence battles. These will play out on stunning, ultra-realistic seascapes, as cannons and muskets blaze away, cutting through the smoke and fog to splinter, pierce and shatter hulls, sails and masts, laying waste to crew members and sending them to Davy Jones’ Locker.
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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

Darth Tanner wrote:The problem with that is you can't really do that without trenches and tanks. tanks would simply need a new model and game mechanics to go with it but trenches would offer much more difficulty. It could be done I suppose with the existing build fort feature however.
The exact same can be (and was) said of naval combat with regards to Medieval 1 or Rome, yet here we are. It's not like it's some great taboo to add new functionality to the engine or retool existing game mechanics (I know, shock, horror). Frankly I don't see how doing 20th century warfare would be very difficult; yes, it would mean a thorough overhaul of the way combat works but what's wrong with that?
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Post by Fire Fly »

To do this time period any reasonable amount of justice, the game will need three things:

1. Better AI. I don't think this one requires much explanation. All the AI needs to do is to stop splitting its armies up into small little bands and to coordinate its armies logically. The next thing it should be able to do is to better prioritize its targets. I think if CA can manage to pull these off, the fans will finally be satiated...for the time being.

2. Larger armies. TW fans have been calling for larger armies and now that computing power is becoming stronger and cheaper, I think its time that CA give the fans what they want. I would like to be able to command an army that is at least 10,000 strong.

3. Larger battlefields. With larger armies, the battlefields should expand. This will allow for more tactical situations and more options. I'm not sure if I could play a recreation battle of Austerlitz and not have tens of thousands of troops on a large, open map.
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Post by Pelranius »

Can we also play as the Asian nations (i.e. Qing China, Mughal India)?

If you're going to trade with the Asian nations, it'd only make sense to include some armies and such for them.
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Post by RogueIce »

Just two quick things for me:

1) This will make my current computer cry like a little bitch if I ever tried to play it. M2TW was already too much. This will just Guess I'll hold off on buying a new system for a bit until after this comes out, since I wouldn't be at all surprised that anything I buy in the near future still wouldn't meet the specs.

2) I dunno if they did it in M2TW, but can they please have a thing where it selects all of your units that haven't exhausted movement like in Civ? I remember reading from other RTW players how they'd have diplomats and spies and stuff who just up and died somewhere on them because they forgot they were out there. That's really bugged me in RTW having to wander all over the map looking to see what units are where and whether or not they've moved.

Other than that, this looks really, really cool. Though will the American faction get to live out Manifest Destiny or will they limit it because of the time period? Y'know, making it so if they want to expand more they gotta go East because the map just won't expand over the continent?
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Post by Vympel »

2) I dunno if they did it in M2TW, but can they please have a thing where it selects all of your units that haven't exhausted movement like in Civ? I remember reading from other RTW players how they'd have diplomats and spies and stuff who just up and died somewhere on them because they forgot they were out there. That's really bugged me in RTW having to wander all over the map looking to see what units are where and whether or not they've moved.
No, they didn't have that in M2TW - a gross oversight. I don't know what they were thinking with not having such a simple feature.
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Post by RogueIce »

Vympel wrote:No, they didn't have that in M2TW - a gross oversight. I don't know what they were thinking with not having such a simple feature.
Ideally they could make it a button or something that says "Go to next available unit" or something, rather than being strictly automatic. Because the Civ thing is annoying too when you move and see another army or agent and think, "Oh well that's interesting, let me take a look...oh wait I'm on the other side of the world map."

Granted that isn't as big a deal as "Hmm, let me scroll all over the map to see if there are any armies or agents I haven't moved yet" so I'd certainly rather have it automatic than not have it at all.

I mean, especially now if you can go across from North America to India? It would not surprise me in the least if field armies or a fleet or two totally get forgotten about without such a feature.
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Post by HSRTG »

M2TW makes my computer cry like a baby when I run it on anything other than low/low/low etc. (Exception: Unit sizes, I like my huge units). This will just, no, just no. I'm going to have to make a new computer for this. Goddamn. On an unrelated note, I'm not sure how they'll make naval combat at all speedy without throwing realism to the sharks.

EDIT: Coherency. That'll teach me to post when tired.
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Post by ray245 »

Well...I'm still hoping for a china side hopefully.
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Post by Stark »

RogueIce wrote: Ideally they could make it a button or something that says "Go to next available unit" or something, rather than being strictly automatic. Because the Civ thing is annoying too when you move and see another army or agent and think, "Oh well that's interesting, let me take a look...oh wait I'm on the other side of the world map."
CA not implementing standard features after a decade and half a dozen titles? Sounds reasonable to me. They hit on a great formula with Total War (basically computer miniatures gameplay) but they seem to suboptimal when it comes to actually making games.
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Post by Alexandrov »

I second the opinion of a World War: Total War. The scale of battles in these conflicts (and especially WWII) would be captured magnificently, and the final product would undoubtedly be the most accurate RTS in terms of portraying WWII.
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Post by Dartzap »

Sweet merciful Zeus!

I can actually scream "Britannia Rules The Waves! and it'll actually be true!

Bagpipes, drummers, flautists and trumpeters will fill the air with play out over the crack of musket fire
As well as getting regimental musicians, will each Company get some Sergeants, captains and the like? Like in Rome with the Centurions?
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Post by Vympel »

I'm going to go on record and say that anything more modern than 18th to 19th century won't work. War gets too complicated to fudge and abstract the further along in history you go, and the armies get ever more massive.

As it is, I'll be very surprised if Empire has appropriate troop numbers for massive continent wide wars like the Napoleonic wars.

Asking for tanks and machine guns and trenches - just no. Play Combat Mission or Close Combat or whatever if you want that.
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