I know this is your playing style Thirdfain but really, this outright dishonest and hence annoying.Thirdfain wrote:Starglider, I'm DEEPLY disappointed.
There are three elements to this kind of game. The two obvious ones are strategy and tactics - strategy (allies and where you send ships) is generally much more important, but tactics are fun and can make the difference if the strategic picture is finely balanced (not the case here). The third one is imposing your will on the game world. It's a consensual reality, and the better you are at convincing everyone that how you envision things happening is the truth, the closer to your vision of what should happen the narrative will be.
Initially I wasn't really doing this myself (I think most people don't, at least not deliberately), but Thirdfain clearly considers this a major if not the main part of the game, so I've joined in too. Thirdfain's style is psychological, and I've been literally counting off the number of tricks he's tried to employ on my fingers while I've been talking to him. When stuff I've proposed means less casualties for him, he agrees with it. When Dahak's totally non-empirical point of view suits him better, he agrees with that. He tries to present his perception as completely reasonable and anything else as unreasonable using emotive appeals and biased language. He avoids arguing with mods to keep them pleasant. He employs countless other little tricks that I know well from having to use them in business situations.
Generally this is a legitimate way to play the game, and I could respond in kind if I wanted (probably not as well - less experience), but frankly it wouldn't be as fun. The style I am using to promote my view of what should happen is to pay close attention to all the details, and then beat people about the head with basic logic and common sense - whether they are a mod or not - until they are forced to conceed (or failing that, mods are convinced). It's more fun for me, it's more in keeping with the style of this BBS as a whole, and hopefully it's more entertaining for spectators (though that may just be a personal conceit).
Just two days ago Thirdfain was praising my 'emprical approach' over IM, and arguing for total concentration of fire, because it would save him a few ships. Of course now he is arguing against such an approach because he would lose a few more ships with it. It's amusing but Thirdfain really, how long can you expect to get away with such blatant flip-flopping? I think you need a more subtle approach.All your figures and so on are bullshit,
And here is the outright lie. Thirdfain informed me over IM that we would detect his ships when they were an hour away from Ruda Slaska, and we were just arriving. I said 'ok, well I want to make a last stand there, I hope that's correct RP for the pirates, obviously I can't speak for White Haven but I expect he'll go for it'. I was wrong on the second point - White Haven did not go for it. As such I had to have the Pirates run away to.In the grand tradition of STGODing, you and I NEGOTIATED this entire segment of the battle. You AGREED to a 30-minute intercept period.
Thirdfain has been breathing down my neck to post since then, pushing the time forward, demanding that the intercept occur before the terrorist intercept is resolved. I have repeatedly told him that I can't do anything until White Haven gets back online (I feel bad enough about running UCB's ships when my IC interests aren't aligned with his), and that he shouldn't either. He has ignored this and pushed ahead to try and anhiliate the enemy ASAP, which he has in fact been doing since the beginning. Had he done it with tactical competence as opposed to pressure-sales techniques, the enemy ships would in fact be dead three times over.
There has been no private negotiation of any sort with regard to what happens after the League decided to ran away, just the lively debate in this thread, which is based on the last thing I heard from White Haven; that he wanted to run directly away from the enemy fleets.
If this is an 'obnoxious huge argument' then your 'obnoxious attempts at bluster and manipulation' are equally offensive. Let's be kind and say this is a 'lively debate' while you are merely 'going on a charm offensive'. Some things are IMHO over the line though and claiming there was a 'negotiation' when there was no such thing is one of them.The entire point of STGOD negotiation is to avoid moments like this, which obnoxiously blossom into hhuge arguments.
I am quite happy to post all relevant PMs and IM logs should there be a call for it.
We did not even discuss an outcome to the engagement. We didn't even discuss an outcome to the 'last stand' engagement which I said I thought would happen. This is an outright lie, and seriously bad form on your part Thirdfain. Haven't you got any more subtle ways to misrepresent the situation?You agreed that was a fair outcome for this segment of the engagement. Why are you arguing differently now?
It is perfectly possible to have deeply accurate mechanics, if the relevant details are supplied to feed into the process. I have noted that you are all for 'deep accuracy' if it means you will lose less ships. In this, the position of your patrol fleets is unknown to me; all we know is that they weren't moving in the scan range of the enemy fleets on the way in. Which is fine, but AFAIK those little fleets aren't relevant. The position of your allies is well known; you personally established it as 'within minutes of Nowa Masovie' - because you wished to ambush the attackers there with no chance to run, which would've worked if you'd done it better. Initially I wished you hadn't told me that, as it almost unavoidably influenced what I wanted to do after the fleets found out that half their allies weren't coming, but White Haven came up with the 'divert to secondary target' idea without knowing about this, and it was better than my idea anyway, so that was fine.Simply put, Starglider, it's impossible to have deeply accurate game mechanics in an STGOD. The precise locations of all my patrol fleets in Polish space are not logged, for instance, nor are the positions of the allied contingents around Earth. Nor, for that matter, is the location of Ruda Slaska!
The location of Ruda Slaska was well established by me, relative to Nowa Massovie, in a post which you had ample opportunity to object to. Assuming your space is full of such minor colonies there was no problem with me specifying which one we were going to. What has not, AFAIK, been well established is the location of Nowa Massovie itself; 'in the middle' was just thrown around in the planning discussion (I honestly can't remember by who - not by me I think) - we went for 'the middle' because it was closest to the League and UCB's hideout for the retreat. But again, you've had ample opportunity to object and you have not.
Ignoring the 'agreement' lie, I have mostly been presenting the position of 'yeah, whatever you want Thirdfain', because I am uneasy about taking over UCB's ships for fear of metagaming. I have been trying to follow White Haven's lead on this attack for that reason. However I got fed up with your 'and it will be so' mentality when ignored my requests to wait for WH to get back and unilaterally teleported your fleet next to the fleeting ships.You seemed pretty on board to me when we made this agreement yesterday.
EDIT: Thanks for completing the battle log Beowulf.