V:tM - New Orleans by Night

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Post by Oberleutnant »

"Zdravstvuite, everyone," Anton greeted, nodding to everyone. All hesitation had gone from the moment he had entered the shop. He noticed Colin and extended his hand to him, smiling in his way. "I don't believe I introduced myself earlier. I'm Anton."
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"I don't believe I introduced myself earlier. I'm Anton."

Colin looked at the man, and extended his own hand. "Colin, pleasure to meet you." With that Colin looked around at everyone, then back to Anton. "Seven or eight vampires from all sorts of backgrounds, most with everything to loose. This versus the entire city, think we stand a chance?"

Colin smiled and pulled the scarves off from around his face, continuing to smile, his fangs bared. He figured that the chances a mortal would be coming in here let alone see the fangs was slim to none, not that it really mattered to much even if they did.

Looking at Anna and DuMont Colin's smile faded, the looks on their face was definately not a good thing. "Something tells me I just got involved in something more than just a little book of Giovanni necromancy secrets."
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Post by Dahak »

As Colin pulled of the scarves, Josh flinched ever so slightly as he saw the fangs.
He softly nudged Dachlan.
"Those fangs..." he whispered. "They aren't normal, are they?"
"No, my dear," Dachlan assured him. "They are definitely not normal. Makes life a bit complicated. But you have felt my presence before, too. Nothing is so natural around here one way or the other..."
Josh gulped, but tried to look calm.
"This meeting here," he whispered to Dachlan, "all this, I mean. Is this normal for your...society?"
"Fortunately, no. But it happens occasionally. We'll just have to weather through it."
He looked up at Dachlan's face and was greeted by a reassuring smile.
"Don't fear," he hushed. "Now lets hear what Anna got to say."
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Post by Oberleutnant »

Colin looked at the man, and extended his own hand. "Colin, pleasure to meet you." With that Colin looked around at everyone, then back to Anton. "Seven or eight vampires from all sorts of backgrounds, most with everything to loose. This versus the entire city, think we stand a chance?"

"I... I don't know. Nothing like this ever happened in Russia," Anton said, becoming agitated. "I'm not even warrior, and when the shooting starts, I'm totally useless! So don't be surprised if you find me crouching behind something."

He forced a faint smile back to his face, trying to look cool. "But as I said before to one of these guys, I'm not afraid of dying again."

Anton eyed at Josh. What the hell is he doing here?
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Post by 2000AD »

Armand Crow walked into the Eye of Horus and looked around. It was quiet. Good, he thought, he felt uneasy when there were too many other vampiresaround . Apart from him there only seemed to be the bartender and a couple of people talking to each other. He pulled his hat down tighter, casting a slightly larger shadow on his face and walked up to the bar. He got a vodka and coke, the only alcoholic drink he found he liked. He'd been called a pussy and other things, by friend and foe alike, for not drinking anything else before but he knew that this was nothing compared to what some people would call him. He took his drink and sat at a table in a shadowy corner. Shadows were his friends, they kept him concealed frm the world and he liked that just fine. He took the latest batch of wanted posters he'd found at the police station out of his pocket and browsed through them. Bounty hunting was a tough profession, but compared to the hand the afterlife had dealt him it was a cake walk. Besides it was the only way he could bring himself to get some food.
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

Anna let go of Alec's hand as they entered the store proper. "Good evening, gentlemen," she said to the assembled vampires. "If you would follow me, we can get this meeting underway."

Turning towards a hallway, she led them up a flight of stairs and into a sitting room. The room had several full bookshelves as well as chairs and couches. It was decorated in deep reds. Even the furniture was stained a dark cherry.

Anna motioned for everyone to take a seat. She stood near the middle of the room and began to speak. "First, I received a call a moment ago from the bartender on duty at the Eye. It seems Sheriff Redtalon burst in to inform us that there is a new Prince. I do not know of the circumstances, as of yet, and do not know who has taken power."

She waited for any questions before continuing.
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Post by Captain Cyran »

Colin had followed Anna, carrying his Shotgun in quite plain view he leaned against one of the walls and listened to Anna as she spoke. "If I may, I think it is quite apparent that there was a change in power. I wouldn't be surprised if my house has been burned to the ground by the end of the night."

Colin's eyes locked on Anna. "What I want to know is what the hell is in that book?"
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Post by weemadando »

Oswald knew he had been seen, but was confident that he had not been identified. So many faces going into that little store, what on earth could be going on? So many faces that had been at the club...

Something was happening this night. And without a doubt it was going to be unpleasant. Casually he strolled in through the front door, following the scuff marks on the dusty floor to a back room.

Opening the door, he hears the words "...there is a new Prince. I do not know of the circumstances, as of yet, and do not know who has taken power."

"A coup has taken place without a doubt. And I have little doubt that it is that book that holds many of the secrets Ms Bruck." Oswald strides confidently around the room, all of the assembled vampires looking at him with a measure of confusion and disdain. "In 1730 there was an attempted coup in a small town in Europe, where a group of unfortunate kindred got trapped in the middle. I am assuming of course that we are all kindred here?" A smile... "This coup wouldn't have been of any great consequence if it was not for who had been involved in it. Yours truly." A small bow... "Now a coup flies in the face of everything that the kindred hold dear, order and secrecy. And it is clear that the Giovanni have mad some kind of play for power tonight." He walks up to the front of the room. "Now what all of you must decide, is whether or not it is worth risking your lives to continue to hide behind the veil, under the dominion of some new group, or whether you truly want to live. In which case I'd recommend that you not meet here. This place is known, not just to us, but to your enemy. Ms Bruck. I thank you for your hospitality, now I'll be going before the Inquisition, the Giovanni or the deposed Prince finds you all here. And I do hope that you are still alive for our meeting tomorrow Ms Bruck, it would be a shame for you to die and for me to never glance at that tome that has brought us all together."

With that Oswald moves out the door and out into the alley behind the store, leaving behind a room of very confused and marginally irritated kindred.
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Post by haas mark »

"Zdrastvvuite," Josh said to the RUssian one. He stood by Dachlan's side as he watched Michael come in the door.

(( Okay, short post, but I REALLY need to catch up, and I don't yet have the time...Damn being gone to HELL. ))
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Post by Dahak »

Dachlan sat besides Josh on a very plush couch.
After Oswalds dramtic entrance and equally dramatic exit, all the vampires seemed comfused and in thoughts.
"Gentlemen," Dachlan spoke in the confused silence. "We seem to have all but two choices. We can stay here, in New Orleans, and do whatever we seem fit to get rid of this...rabble that took over. Or we can just pack our things, and leave to where ever we feel safe. Now, if it wasn't for Ms. Bruck, I'd be on my way back home to London. But we should decide, and do so fast..."
He looked around and could see some minds working furiously.
He sat back, and laid his arm around Josh.
He seems to get used to this. Good...
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Post by haas mark »

Joshua looked at Dachlan. Then he turned to the doorway, wher Michael walked in. He stood up, and walked to him, bringing him to sit with Dachlan on the couch, and holding his hand, and looking coldly into his eyes.
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Post by Dahak »

((As it seemed to be a bit confusing, I henceforth rename my "human toy" to Daffyd, thus ending any confusions with verilons Joshua...
SHould have remembered that one...))
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Post by Mark S »

((To clear up another bit of confusion I'm seeing; Weemanando, it is the next night. I think Oswald is supposed to be meeting Anna now.))

First it was wait until they get back from the Prince. Than it was meet me at this shop. Now, we were being directed into the back of the shop. I was starting to feel like a rat in a maze or hound being led by a piece of meat.

I stood next to Reece as the meeting began and listened silently. I couldn't have cared less who the new Prince was much less who the old one was, but the memories of so long ago would not let me walk away. I would not make the same mistake twice. Besides, I had given my word that I would help and that was what I would do.

There had been a couple of requests about the book and I nodded to them. That was what I wanted to know about. "Yeah. First things first," I added. "What's so special about that book?"
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Post by Captain Cyran »

Colin watched the kindred walk in, he lifted the shotgun for a moment and kept it trained on the man as he spoke. As he left he shook his head, "No doubt a Malk...." he muttered under his breath.

"He's not the only person who was unlucky enough to be in a coup, a few years back Albany went to hell. It's not a pretty sight. Vampire kills vampire, nothing goes right, and Caitiff are the targets most of the time because eventually some idiot spouts about Gehenna. In one week alone 20 kindred were dead, 15 of which were Caitiff, or those of high generation. As I see it the only chance I've got is to band together with you guys to survive. That book might just be able to help us, so I wanna know what it contains"

Colin lowered his shotgun again and closed his eyes, waiting for the kindreds reactions to the second coup speach of the night, and no doubt not the last.
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Post by Dahak »

Daffyd ((formerly known as Josh*g*)) was seriously afraid of that gun.
Those might be mighty vampires, but I sure as hell know that guns can kill humans...
He turned to Dachlan and whispered in his ear.

"Colin?" Dachlan turned away from Daffyd and asked the one carrying the gun. "Yes, I mean you, with that gun of yours. Could you just put it away? Gosh, I mean what do you expect in here?"
He sounded seriously annoyed.
"Anyway, we should let Ms. Bruck tell her story now, don't you think?"
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Post by Kuja »

The airport was crowded, but Max Roivas had seen it worse. "Oh man, I've been away too long," the Toreador said. He grinned, and scratched at his goatee. Max was a rich man, but one could never tell by looking at him. His unruly brown hair fell past his shoulders, and his sunglasses and goatee gave him a very hippieish look. His sloppy grin added to the image, as well as his clothes. Max wore a black jacket, a black T-shirt with the words 'Bring it on' in blue across the chest, torn jeans, and sneakers.

He claimed his baggage and headed out the door, where a familiar face was waiting for him. "Macus, hello!" he said to his chauffeur as he got into the sleek limousine.

"Good to see you again sir," Marcus said with a smile as he slipped into the driver's seat and pulled away from the curb. "How was Kosovo?"

"Bad, Marcus, quite bad," Max said, the smile slipping away.

"Is that why you're here?"

"Yes. I needed a bit of time off. How are things?"

"Quite well. Everyone's all excited having you back."

Max grinned again. "You haven't told anyone, have you?"

The chauffeur smiled mysteriously. "As far as New Orleans is concerned, you're still halway across the world."

Max laughed outright. "Good! Good! I can't wait to see their faces when walk into the Eye after more than ten months."

"A night to remember, sir?"

"It will be," Max sighed. "For now though, let's head home. I want to look things over."

"Your wish is my command, Mister Roivas." Max nodded and settled back into the seat, a smile still on his face. He couldn't wait.
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Post by Oberleutnant »

"Colin?" Dachlan turned away from Daffyd and asked the one carrying the gun. "Yes, I mean you, with that gun of yours. Could you just put it away? Gosh, I mean what do you expect in here?"
He sounded seriously annoyed.
"Anyway, we should let Ms. Bruck tell her story now, don't you think?"


"Okay, everyone just calm down, please!" Anton shouted, unware of the fact that he sounded exactly like his father during his Vodka-filled ravings. He looked at Anna. "Ms. Bruck, excuse me, but I have no idea about this book, Sheriff Red... Redtalon, or anything involving the regional power plays."
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Post by 2000AD »

Armand looked up from his papers. He checked the clock on the wall. He checked his watch. He shook his head, and cursed. He must have gotten too absorbed in the reading, dangerous for a vampire like him, time had flown by. The bar was even more deserted than before, the two from the other corner having left. He wondered where everyone was tonite, he had been told that this was a vampire hotspot but it was dead in more than the normal way. He rolled up the papers and stuffed them back in the deep pockets of his overcoat. The overcoat also hid other things, among them the tools of his trade, two pistols and his custom 5-knife set. As he began to walk towards the door his face began to itch. He reached up and scrathed the source, a collection of puckered scars on the right hand side of his face, left by a nasty encounter with a priest and some holy water, a permanent reminder that although most didn't have faith there were still some that did. He needed to feed, they only itched when he was hungry.
Ph34r teh eyebrow!!11!Writers Guild Sluggite Pawn of Chaos WYGIWYGAINGW so now i have to put ACPATHNTDWATGODW in my sig EBC-Honorary Geordie
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Post by Captain Cyran »

"Colin?" Dachlan turned away from Daffyd and asked the one carrying the gun. "Yes, I mean you, with that gun of yours. Could you just put it away? Gosh, I mean what do you expect in here?"
He sounded seriously annoyed.
"Anyway, we should let Ms. Bruck tell her story now, don't you think?"

Colin sighed "It seems to me like it was a good thing I brought this...considering that someone just walked right in here. I'm not going to keep myself unarmed just so you royalty don't have to look at the down and dirty things that happen, I've been through to much to leave my gaurd down for you."

Colin looked away from Dachlan and back at Anna, it was more than obvious that he was more than uncomfortable here, and that he didn't like the Tremere. Right about now he was considering walking out once he got the information he needed, to hell with them, he didn't need these people anyway.
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

((guys, please be patient. It will probably not be until tomorrow night before I can reply with what is in the book. Sorry guys. Anna has to play in the past tonight.))
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Post by Dahak »

Colin sighed "It seems to me like it was a good thing I brought this...considering that someone just walked right in here. I'm not going to keep myself unarmed just so you royalty don't have to look at the down and dirty things that happen, I've been through to much to leave my gaurd down for you."

"Well, you can be assured," Dachlan carried on in a very annoyed voice, "my young friend, if I wanted you dead, your weapon wouldn't help you a bit. But tonight is not the night for that. Just learn some decent behaviour."
Dachlan shook his head, and a very aristocratic tone crept into his voice.
"Gosh, those upstarts," he muttered.
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Post by Kuja »

The limo pulled to a stop before a large estate outside New Orleans. Max got out and, unable to conceal his joy at being back, took a bouncing stride through the door. "HELLO EVERYBODY!" he shouted once he was inside. Several of the full-time staff smiled and waved in greeting. One man walked over. "Andy, how are you?" Max asked.

"Quite well, sir," the butler said. "Seeing you again is quite agreeable."

"You too, Andy," Max said as he shucked his jacket. "You've been watching these miscreants?"

"Like a hawk."

"And just how much did they get away with?"

"Two-thirds of your china, one-half of the mansion's gold, several marble statues, a good chunk of your wardrobe, and someone ripped the kitchen safe out of the wall."

"They paid you off like proper thieves, didn't they?"

"As always, sir." Andy was smiling from ear to ear now. It was a game the two played, and an enjoyable one. "Shall I have a meal prepared?"

"No, that's all right, Andy. I ate on the plane, thank you though. I think I'll just take a stroll through the library."

"Of course, sir," Andy bowed and walked off. Max stood for a moment, then wandered over to one of the hall’s doors. It was a double door, beautiful mahogany, with gold handles. Max turned one and let himself into the 'library'. It was not a library in the traditional sense, as it contained no books. Rather it was stacked, from floor to the sixth foot of the walls, with music CDs. Max had a more complete collection back in Providence, but this was still quite extensive. Classical, Soul, Rock, Jazz, Heavy Metal, Max had at least a few dozen albums of each musical category ever invented.

Now, he plucked one off the shelves at random and set it into a nearby player. Almost immediately, the powerful chorales of Beethoven's 'Ode to Joy' began blasting out from the speakers at the ceiling and corners of the room. Max closed his eyes and took a deep breath, as though he were inhaling the music. He was happy here, content here, pleased to let his beautiful music wash over him like a balm, gently easing away his troubleTroubles...a frown crossed his face. There it was, something the music could not put to rest.

...faces...pools of blood...a child crying...a burning hut...

Max sighed deeply. Obviously, he hadn't yet put himself back together yet. The memories came, and Max let them.

"Is anyone left?" he asked Owen, the soldier to his right.

"Doubt it," Owen said. "That psycho really did a number on these people."

"One final check. I'll take the center, Owen takes left, Marcus right." The three men nodded and went to pick apart the remains of the tiny Yugoslavian encampment. Their quarry, a crazed Serbian vampire named Seld, had happened upon a small Islamic group. And these innocents had paid with their lives. Max moved through the crowded hut quickly, not stopping to look at the carnage wrought. Although no stranger to war, Max had never seen such cold, methodical brutality, not even in Vietnam. It unnerved him, seeing the bodies of the old, the young, male, female, some torn apart, some carefully slashed and left to die. Several huts burned, giving off the stench of cooking meat. As he ended the sweep, Max happened to glance inside one hut. He saw a child there, kneeling over two mutilated bodies Max assumed were his parents. "Hey," he said. The boy did not respond.

<You there,> he tried in Russian. The boy-Max put him at ten or so-looked over. Max smiled. <What is your name, young one?> The child did not answer, but simply walked over and climbed into Max's arms. The old soldier was surprised, but one look at the traumatized face told him everything he needed to know. <Do not worry, little one> he said as he smoothed the boy's hair. <I'll take you someplace safe.>

<Nowhere safe> the boy said, his lip trembling. <The demon cursed them before they died. My parents are in hell.> The boy began to cry. Max could think of nothing to say, so he simply held the child and cried with him.
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

((guys, I REALLY am sorry. I've had a really rough day and can't even think enough to work on the story tonight. I promise I will try tomorrow.))
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Post by Oberleutnant »

((It's okay, Kelly... take your time.))
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Post by haas mark »

(( I'm trying to get back in but no one seems to be able to respond or notice me ))

Josh and Michael sat and began talking to each other. They were listening to the others in the room, as well, but they tried to make themselves inconspicuous.

(( Soon as someone actually talks to Michael or Joshua, I might actually do something ))
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