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Post by Cpt_Frank »

I say it has a good chance of winning at least the Romance one.
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Post by Kuja »

I say it has a good chance of winning at least the Romance one.
That's an interesting comment, considering the actual romance hasn't even started yet...oops, did I say that out load? :twisted:
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

*blink* We're up for a GSD??
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Post by Cpt_Frank »

Kelly Antilles wrote:*blink* We're up for a GSD??
For two actually.
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

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Post by Kuja »

Cpt_Frank wrote:For two actually.
Woot. :shock:
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Post by Cpt_Frank »

Yes you've been nominated for best romance and best title. Didn't you check?
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

I had no idea. I thought they all had to be SW vs. ST stories. This one really wasn't until Iggy added the Darkstar bit... so, Iggy's name REALLY should be on the nomination as well.
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Post by Stravo »

Congratulations Kelly/Iggy Best of Luck to you both and keep up the damn fine work.
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

Sorry it took a while but we (Iggy and I) had mass writer's block. We've fixed that and here is the latest chapter.

Zaia sighed as she watched her brother wearing a hole in the floor of their room. "Ted, calm down," she told him for the umpteenth time. He was making her nervous.

"You know I can't stand being cooped up," he replied as he passed her. "This is ridiculous. Master Utsanomiko hasn't sent for me in days!"

His words sent chills through her. He actually wanted to see the Dark Lord? "MASTER Utsanomiko? Have you forgotten all you've learned? Utsanomiko is a SITH LORD! He isn't interested in what's best for you."

He waved her off. "Yes, I know. But, if I can learn to beat him, perhaps I can get us out of here."

"How? You think you can take on that many Sith?"

"Of course."

Zaia shook her head. Once he got an idea in his head, there was no stopping him. She had a bad feeling this wasn't going to turn out very good. If she didn't do something, he'd end up on the wrong end of a lightsaber... or worse. "Ted?"

He stopped pacing and looked at her. "What?"

She had to try. He was her brother after all. "Think for a minute. Nine Sith Lords. All well-trained. All perfectly willing to slice you up if you step out of line. Think, Ted."

He held her gaze then looked down at the floor. You're right," he said softly. Suddenly, all the energy seemed to bleed out of him, and he sat down. "I'm just... sick of being jerked around."

"I know." She crossed over and hugged him. "Don't worry bro, I got you into this, I'll get you out." She turned to go back to her original position, and thus missed the look of pure venom he shot her.

The two men entered the room side by side. One wore Mandalorian armor, colored dark blue with green trim, sans helmet. He had close-cropped blond hair and blue eyes. The other wore an Imperial uniform with the rank of Colonel.

The ready room of the Starfury was fairly dim, but lit by screens along the walls. The different screens broadcast views of Star Destroyers, and several displayed maps of several sectors of the galaxy.

As the two walked across the room, the thin carpet muffled their steps. It was black with a huge rendition of the Imperial Emblem in silver, stretching from wall to wall. They approached the center of the room and halted, facing the back of a chair beside which stood a third man. This one had spiky red hair, which fell nearly to his shoulders. He wore battle-scarred armor that had once been a standard Imperial Guard uniform. He had added to it a black gunbelt from which hung a pair of heavy blasters, black boots, and heavy spikes over one shoulder. As the
two arrivals halted, he bent and whispered to the chair's occupant. The chair turned to face them. "Olrik, Ando, good to see you back."

Olrik saluted, and Ando nodded. "A pleasure to see you, Admiral," Ando added.

Admiral Kanos sat back and steepled his fingers. "Your report, gentlemen."

"The Republic is cementing its hold over Zsinj's territory," Olrick said, his words filling the near-silent room. "By the most recent data, it seems they will soon have a solid hold over two-thirds of it."

"Rogriss was unable to keep them back?"

"Apparently. He was injured in one of the latest battles. The Imperial Fleet fought well, but was unable to keep the Republic back."

"And no thanks at all to Warlord Teradoc," Ando added with a snort. "The fool brought his own fleet into the middle of the fray and got hammered by both sides."

Kanos frowned, his brown eyes boring into the two men. "End result?"

"The Republic is still young," Olrik said. "But it's growing rapidly. A year from now, maybe two, and it will control a strong percentage of the galaxy."


"Admiral, we're all aware of your... agreement. Both Ando and I feel it would be best to strengthen it."

Kanos nodded and pressed his palms together. "I agree. Now then." He turned to face a Commander standing by the screens. "What's the status of the Beowulf?"

"Sir!" Commander Smi barked to cover his surprise. "The Beowulf is currently in the Zexel System. She seems to be making fair speed for the orbit of the fourth planet."

"How long until she reaches Chorax?"

"Three, maybe four days, sir, depending on what route they choose."

"Well, what route do you think they'll choose?"

Smi gulped. "Um, projections indicate they will commit themselves to at least two more jumps before arriving there. I'd say roughly 95 hours, or nearly four days, as an estimate, sir."

"Good." Kanos stood and clasped his hands behind his back. "Talen?"

"Yes sir?" The Guardsman snapped to attention.

"Inform all personnel aboard the Commissar and the Falkenhorst that their leave is hereby canceled. We'll leave port in eight hours and move to set our trap."

Shinova sat on a meditation pad looking out at the stars. She'd been reflecting on herself ever since the outburst with her apprentice. Such incidents were not like her and she was not happy she'd lost control. Her mind began to drift back over the years. She'd been young, a fool. A voice interrupted her reverie. "Do I detect a hint of wistfulness in your expression, Lady Shinova?" Necronlord asked as he entered the room.

Shinova glared at him, quite upset that he'd broken her meditation. "Do I detect a fist ready to plant itself in your face, Norcen Drol?"

His red eyes narrowed beneath his hood. "That name," he announced forcefully, "no longer has any meaning for me."

"Spare me the righteous indignation," she huffed. "I think you've spent too much time with that damned Holocron and not enough maintaining your sanity. And for heaven's sake, will you remove that hood of yours? There's nothing there to be ashamed of."

With a growl, Necronlord pulled off his hood revealing his face. He was fairly handsome with wild dark brown hair, goatee, and strong jaw line. Two things marred his features. The first was a twisted, purplish scar that trailed across his right cheek. The second was the fact that his irises and pupils glowed a bright red.

"Well? Happy now?" he asked.

Shinova smiled slightly. "You can get rid of that scar if it bothers you so much, Drol."

His hand went to touch the scar, moving down the twisting, turning groove, which branched off now and then. "No," he said softly. "This is a part of me. A decision I chose to make. And stop calling me that."

Shinova shrugged. "As you wish." She closed her eyes and returned to her meditation. He stood where he was and simply looked at her, silent. After a few moments, she cracked an eye open and looked at him. "Enjoying the view?"

"It is... exquisite," he said, his eyes not leaving hers.

"Why not take a closer look," she said huskily, her thoughts now only on him. They had known each other for so long and knew what the other needed.

His robe dropped to the floor as he moved to sit before her. A light tunic barely covered his muscular chest and shoulders. He took her in his strong arms and pulled her close, his lips so close to hers. "Is this close enough?"

"Perhaps," she replied breathlessly. It has been far too long. She closed the distance and kissed him softly.

He drank in her lips, so soft and caring. Laying back on the floor, he pulled her on top. His arms wrapped around her gently. Much too long.

Her hands pressed against his chest, feeling every muscle. She gently caressed him, pushing his tunic aside to touch bare skin. "Drol..."

"I know, Shin," he replied to her unasked question. His hands moved to her shoulders, sliding the cloth from them and down her back, exposing her breasts. The cool air quickly made her nipples erect. He pulled her up further so he could feast on them.

Shinova moaned as his tongue wrapped itself around her breast. He'd always known which buttons to press and when. She ran her hands through his long hair.

His hands traveled down her back to her ass. He grasped it tightly, enjoying the feel of her soft skin. One hand slipped between her legs to her folds. She was so wet and ready. His finger lazily drew across her opening, dipping in slightly. He hardly felt it as she lifted them from
the floor telekinetically. His pants began to slide down his body, releasing his engorged cock.

Soon, they both were naked, their bodies entwined in mid-air. Drol pushed her down to kiss her lips. "Shin... you don't have to."

"Yes, I do," she replied, laying a finger across his lips. His cock now throbbed against her labia. It was so intoxicating. Reaching down, she guided him into her hot, wet hole. She shuddered as he filled her completely.

Slowly, methodically they began to make love. He thrust into her before withdrawing and repeating the process. Hearing her groans turned him on more than anything. He adjusted them to a position where he could get even deeper. She gasped in surprise before moaning low and long.

The tempo grew faster. The thrust grew harder. Soon they were bouncing against each other like horny womprats. "Oh yes!" Shinova screamed. He had found her g-spot and was grinding against it hard. It wouldn't be much longer.

He knew she was on the edge, just as he was. One more thrust would be all he could take. He pound hard into her, releasing his seed deep into her. He felt her pussy contract, sucking him dry. Her body began to shake as she was wrapped in her own orgasm.

As the aftershocks faded, Shinova gently lowered them to the floor. She kissed his sweat covered forehead. "Thank you."

"Anytime, my dear."

Pash stood on the balcony of the sightseeing attraction, Coruscant Skyline. It was a high tower, set in the middle of a fairly flat area of Coruscant. Several kilometers away was a huge string of buildings. Pash could see the Imperial Palace, the Senate Hall, and NRI Headquarters from where he stood. His watch beeped, indicating that it was nine forty-five. Fifteen minutes until his contact showed up. Around him, people began leaving as they finished taking their holos and went on to the next attraction. One man walked up to the railing beside Pash,
nodding hello as he lit a cigarette. "Coruscant," he said to no one in particular.

"What about it?" Pash asked, willing to burn some time.

"They call it the Hub. The Capital. The Homeworld. Some even refer to it as Coordinates zero-zero-zero. It's been the seat of power for thousands of years, for the Galactic Republic, the Empire, and the New Republic. Hundreds of billions of people call it home. It's the only planet in the galaxy that exists as a city unto itself." The man took a drag on his cigarette. "What a shithole."

Pash nodded. It was common knowledge that millions lived in poverty on Coruscant. The government just couldn't help them all. "So, that's your take on it, mister..." He trailed off.

He looked the man over. He was tall, taller than Pash by a few inches. His brown hair fell into his light brown eyes as he studied the pilot. Those eyes carried a haunted look, and Pash knew that there was more to this man than met the eye.

"Come with me." The man's tone invited no argument and Pash knew he'd found his contact. The two left the railing and walked to where a speeder was docked. The man gestured for Pash to take the passenger's seat, flicked away his cigarette butt and the two took off, merging with
a stream of traffic.

"So, I hear you and a few friends of yours have a slight problem, Captain Cracken," the man said after a few minutes.

"You think you can help us?"

"I know I can help you." He lit another cigarette.


"Because I have a stake in this as well." The man reached into his jacket and pulled out a flimsy photo. "This is my fiancée. Recognize her?"

Pash studied the picture. "No, sorry."

"Well, no reason you should. She was kidnapped along with the other missing NRI people from the Cav operation." The man placed the picture back under his jacket and took another drag on his cigarette.

"Do you have some information?" Pash asked expectantly.

The man nodded. "I've got a witness, a partner, and a few contacts."

"Sounds good," he said with a nod of his head. "Are you NRI? Freelance?"

"NRI, but I'm doing this under the table. Your father doesn't know about it."

"So he shot you down, too?"

"Yeah." The man offered Pash his hand. "Nice to be working with you, Captain. Agent Dolphin, at your service."
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Post by Zaia »

Excellent, as usual. Spank, is this your first appearance? Nice intro! :D
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Post by Stormbringer »

Another excellent chapter guys. I can't wait for more.
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Post by God Emperor »

Very good. Levitating sex :twisted:
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

God Emperor wrote:Very good. Levitating sex :twisted:
*curtsy* Thank you.
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Post by God Emperor »

Your welcome, only read one other story with that happening and that was in space.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
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I liked that chapter

Post by LT.Hit-Man »

Well done I must say that this fan fic is getting better and better.
I enjoyed it so much that I put a vote for it in the GSDA voting I hope you two win at lest one GSDA.
Keep up the good work.
LT.Hit-Man :)
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

Spanky!!! And Necronlord gets some, too.
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Post by Pcm979 »

Nice chapter.
I shall now get back to damning myself for choosing such a &%^*ing abstract username.
*sound fades into distance*
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Post by NecronLord »

Levitation sex...


why drol?
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Post by Stormbringer »

NecronLord wrote:why drol?
Spell it backwards and I think you'll figure it out.
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Post by NecronLord »

Stormbringer wrote:
NecronLord wrote:why drol?
Spell it backwards and I think you'll figure it out.
Lol witty.
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Post by aerius »

Ted is Zaia's brother?? Whoa, I can't say I can picture that one! That just boggles my mind on so many levels.
aerius: I'll vote for you if you sleep with me. :)
Lusankya: Deal!
Say, do you want it to be a threesome with your wife? Or a foursome with your wife and sister-in-law? I'm up for either. :P
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Post by Shinova »

Jedi/Sith can fly now? Wow :shock: This could make for some awesome action scenes :D
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Post by Stravo »

Glad you guys got over the writer's block...another excellent chapter!!
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Post by LT.Hit-Man »

IG-88E wrote:The USS Darkstar, as you can guess, is crewed by pretty much every troll and trekkie I've ever heard of. This was supposed to be a way to laugh at their idiocy. Eventually, they end up getting pasted (and that's not a spoiler, you KNEW I'd kill them off) :twisted:
To make a slight misqoute of Diablo 2
" There souls shall fuel the hellforge " :twisted:
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