Design you own Movie

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Design you own Movie

Post by JGregory32 »

We all know the TNG movies suck various levels of donkey dick. SO the question becomes, if you had the chance, what would your movie look like? Characters, ships, actors, it's all available.

I would start with an peaceful scene of Starfleet academy and Starbase one. Next thing would be several photon torpedo's raveging both the academy and the starbase, fired from a cloaked vessal (Yes someone resurrected the klingon ship from ST:IV and built a few)

So with the Federation taking the worst non-Borg drubbing in their history, Picard is ordered to the Neutral Zone to use his Senate Contacts to learn if the Romulans had anything to do with the attack.

Meanwhile Riker on the Titan is ordered to pick up the Klingon ambassador at DS9 and head to Klingon Space to look for clues.

From there it could go several ways. Has a Romulan faction decided to destablize the Federation? Are the Romulans and Klingons in cahoots? Or is there a new player on the field? How will StarFleet react to loosing both the Academy and the main orbital shipyard? Will others see this as a weakness and take advantage?
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Post by JGregory32 »

Ghetto Edit: I ment Earth Spacedock :oops: I always think of that thing as Starbase One. :oops:
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Post by ShadowSonic »

It's not?

The main problem with the TNG movies and their lack of big stories came from being at the same time as DS9. If they had done some big stuff like how WOK introduced the Genesis device, or have a diplomatic incident with the Klingons like in TSFS and TVH it would've all messed with DS9's storyline. Meaning they had to make the movies more self-contained and have no real change or impact.

So this would have to be after DS9 then to do anything real big.
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Post by FaxModem1 »

And even 'big' events like the assassination of the Romulan Senate still don't help the movie, Nemesis, anyone?
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Post by ShadowSonic »

Yeah, there's also the point of "if you're going to do something big you should run with it" whereas NEM just used it as a minor point of getting Shinzon powerful enough to summon Picard to Romulus.

The Genesis device, while being in the background for 2/3 of the movie, proved to be a major part of the plot towards the end. The Romulan Senate assassination was hardly even menioned after the first ten minutes.
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Post by Patrick Degan »

This would probably never be done.

A ground-up remake of TNG as a feature movie but with certain aspects radically different.

Basically, I'd play on the whole "next generation" angle by essentially working the plotline as Mr. Midshipman Hornblower In Space —with William Riker not a commander but an acting ensign assigned to his first deep space mission and having to prove himself in his first real test of leadership in a terminal situation in which the lives or deaths not only of the enlistee crew assigned to him but also the survival of the Enterprise are at stake. The film's climax is the resolution of that challenge and we see how Picard (playing Capt. Pellew to Riker's Hornblower) shapes the young mid on his pathway to eventual starship command in the service and sees the young officer's potential beginning to emerge. Riker gets his rough edges knocked off and starts to grow up fast.

Obviously, the Enterprise is again an exploring warship: no useless baggage like children and families and luxury hotel appointements aboard ship and a crew who act like members of a halfway plausible military service. No ship's counsellors. Also, plots hinging on actual crises and not bullshit manufactured dangers like the ship being struck by a quantum filament.
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Post by DogsOfWar »

I'd love to see this made into a movie:

Similar to Generations, but way more interesting :P
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Post by Uraniun235 »

I would start with an peaceful scene of Starfleet academy and Starbase one. Next thing would be several photon torpedo's raveging both the academy and the starbase, fired from a cloaked vessal (Yes someone resurrected the klingon ship from ST:IV and built a few)

So with the Federation taking the worst non-Borg drubbing in their history, Picard is ordered to the Neutral Zone to use his Senate Contacts to learn if the Romulans had anything to do with the attack.
If it's so easy for cloaked ships to get right up over Earth, why haven't the Romulans just waltzed over a fleet already (one that's bigger than the local Earth defenses can handle) and flattened Earth?

Also, I'm pretty sure the Federation's biggest shipyards we've ever seen were those at Mars.

Also, why did the cloaked ships stop at taking out the Academy and the shipyards? Why didn't they just keep going? If they were stopped, how were they stopped?

Also, your idea sounds like just a big two-parter TNG episode, only with slightly bigger events.

anyway my movie would be about a federation civil war and there'd be a lot of guns and badasses and those damn commies would all be killed and picard would get his ass kicked by michael ironside and it would be so awesome

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Post by Gandalf »

I'd have a coup on Romulus, but not have the whole Reman/Shinzon thing.

One of the factions behind the coup requests that the Federation send the famous Picard and his Enterprise to come and respresent the Federation and help open the old RSE to the galaxy. But there's other people behind the coup who are various stripes of bad guys.

It's formulaic as hell, but with a little work it could be a good movie.
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Post by KlavoHunter »

Uraniun235 wrote:anyway my movie would be about a federation civil war and there'd be a lot of guns and badasses and those damn commies would all be killed and picard would get his ass kicked by michael ironside and it would be so awesome

You mean something that looks like this?

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Post by lord Martiya »

If I have the opportunity, I'll make a movie on the Earth-Romulan War. But without the NX-01 or the Romulan Drone Marauder (but with his holografic system: the remote control and the shape suck, but the holografic system is a good ancestor of the cloacking device): the Enterprise crew is good, but the ships are too TNGish (not the bridges), whit phase cannons and photonic torpedos.
I'll begin with a sort of first contact between an arrogant Terran captain of a fusion-powered ship (in the beginning all ships are fusion-powered, also Vulcan's ones) and an early Romulan warbird (possibly with a high officer or the Praetor himself onboard), with the Terran who managed to insult the Romulans, who destroy an asteroid with only one shot of a very powerful plasma cannon (the ancestor of the plasma torpedo) in a warning. The Terran ship attacks, and the warbird destroy it with the plasma cannon, and in the aftermath a Romulan fleet destroy a starbase declaring war.
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Post by Flagg »

I had an idea for a redone Nemesis that involved the Romulan/Vulcan reunion movement and featured Sela Yar as the villain and 'Empress' of the Romulan empire after leading a 'slave' revolt. The backstory would have been Sela being sent to Remus (which would have essentially been a gulag/work camp for the Romulan Empire) in disgrace following the events of the TNG episodes featuring Spock on Romulus. She blames her failure and disgrace on "the weak human blood contaminating her Romulan soul" or some other such metaphysical bullshit. But this provides motivation.

The 'Remans' would just be the prisoners sent to Remus, rather than some gay vampire species. The Romulans would have utilized this slave labor during the Dominion war, and the more technologically knowledgable prisoners, including Sela, would have been used to help construct starships in orbit over the barren prison colony world. Towards the end of the war, the Romulans designed and began construction of a "Super-Warbird" (commence :wanker:) and after its completion well after the end of the war, Sela and a loyal group of experienced ex-Romulan Star Navy officers take control of the ship and essentially lead a massive prison break on Remus. The prisoners gain control of the planet and the warbirds in orbit and start a revolution that eventually is successful in toppling the Romulan Senate and putting Sela in as Empress. Then, as a few times before, the Romulans close their borders and appear to go into seclusion. But in reality Sela is consolidating power and preparing to get her revenge.

After that prologue of sorts, the movie picks up about a year and a half later on DS9, during the celebration after the signing ceremony where Bajor finally joined the Federation. At the party on the DS9 lounge are the familiar faces of now Starfleet Commander (and station commander) Kira Nerys, Lieutenant Commander Dr. Julian Bashir, Lieutenant Ezri Dax-Bashir, Ambassador Worf, Captain Jean Luc Picard, Commander (and new USS Enterprise XO) Data, Dr. Beverly Crusher, Lieutenant Commander Geordie LaForge, and Captain William Riker of the Galaxy class USS Titan along with his XO (really bad fucking idea, BTW) Commander Deanna Troi.

We'll do the standard getting to know you again BS, and then cut to Picard in his ready room on the USS Enterprise NCC 1701-E which is docked with DS9, getting an urgent and heavily encrypted communication from Starfleet command. Admiral Jellico (not that dumb twat Janeway, who would have to spend years catching up on and familiarizing herself with current events in the Alpha uqadrant before actually being able to function as a goddamned Admiral doing anything other than taking up a desk at Starfleet command) informs Picard that the rumors are true, the Romulan Senate has in fact been overthrown and there is a new power on Romulus. An "Empress" as it were. And now that they've apparently gotten their house in order, they want want to talk to the Federation. The new Romulan government has specifically requested that the Enterprise be sent to the Neutral zone to rendesvous with the Romulan flagship so the new Empirial government can begin official relations with the UFP.

So we go through the "nice to have seen you again Captain Riker, that's a fine ship!", and "thanks for hosting us here Commander Kira, you would have made Captain Sisko proud and it's too bad he's not around to see this day" required to move this pig forward. And to get Worf on the bridge of the Enterprise? Well, chancellor Martok requested that Starfleet grant him passage on the Federation flagship to represent the Klingon Empire and Picard is only too happy to drag him along! So several days later the Enterprise approaches the Romulan Neutral Zone right where the rendevouse is to take place, and a lone D'Deridex Warbird decloaks and hails the Enterprise. This is supposedly the Romulan flagship, and Supreme Commander Tomalok requests the Enterprise follow them to the Romulan controlled Vorenus system (you like that? :D ) for official proceedings, which of course Picard agrees to do.

Enterprise and Warbird drop out of warp over a planet in the Binary Vorenus system. The operations officer reports that oddly, there are no habitable plantes in the system, and due to some lame treknobabble explanation involving radiation from the twin suns and the makeup of the planets in the system affecting subspace, they are having a hard time getting sensor readings and sending communications. Picard suggests that maybe the Romulans are trying to keep them on their toes as a negotiating tactic, Data says something stupid, and as Picard makes some quip the Romulan flagship suddenly cloaks and the Enterprise seems to be all alone. Worf (who is not at tactical, he's just an observer) suggests that maybe they should raise shields and power up their weapons. Picard says that wouldn't be very beneficial if we are to have peaceful relations with this new Romulan government, and then dematerializes in a Romulan transporter beam.

Data immediately orders shields raised, but before they can be fully activated the ship rocks and sparks fly all over the place as the real Romulan flagship decloaks and proceeds to kick the everloving shit out of the Enterprise. Empress Sela's massive Warbird looks like a D'Deridex on steroids (well, more like just the top half, as there isn't an underside that creates that cavity in the middle and it's more solidly built, as well as much larger due to it's being designed to rival Dominion battleships) and weapons fire rains down on the Enterprise. Data orders the ship into a nearby asteroid field (the sci-fi cliche savior dejure) as more than a dozen D'deridex class ships begin decloaking and and moving to intercept the Enterprise. Sela chose this system for a reason. The <insert previousely mentioned lame technobabble here> unique to this system allows cloaked ships to mass in fleets without the Federations tachyon sensor monitoring stations along the Neutral zone to detect them. It's the perfect spot for a Romulan fleet to launch an attack upon the heart of the Federation itself: Earth.

Meanwhile, on the Wanktastic Warbird, Picard has materialized within a cell on the ships brig. He's all alone. He tries using his comm badge, but it doesn't work. He reaches his hand out and recoils as the forcefield activates. He damands to know the meaning of this! A voice from a cell across the hall (whose occupant is in shadow) tells Picard that becoming agitated, while understandible, will not likely get him answers any sooner. Picard gets a look of familiarity on his face after hearing the voice, but before he can react the figure in the cell across from him stands into the light and it's... Spock!

The Enterprise moves into the unrealistically dense asteroid field and manages to find a spot to hide in. That's right, a big assed crater. Data orders the helmsman to position the ship within the crater, and then orders Geordie to power down everything he can, including life support. All that's left is the gravity generators and the air circulating system, but oxygen generation has been switched off, so the crew are forced to don emergency rebreathers and to activate emergeny heat sources. Worf is pissed at Data for seemingly abandoning Picard and fleeing from battle like a little bitch. Data proceeds to smack Worf down much like that whiny bitch on the Sutherland during the TNG episodes where he commanded a ship in that Starfleet blockade preventing the Romulans from supplying the Duras sisters in the Klingon Civil War. Worf isn't happy, but he shuts his fucking mouth in recognition of Datas authority. Now they wait.

Back on the Wankbird, Picard and Spock are conversing. Spock informs Picard of what he's been doing in the years since they last met. He's been furthering the Romulan/Vulcan reunification movement. He tells Picard that larger galactic events (being the Dominion war, of course) have made it readily apparent that an actual political reunification is, of cousrse, unlikely in the extreme. But he has been instead moving for a cultural reunification. After all, at once point before the nuclear wars and the exodus, the Romulans and Vulcans were the same people! Suffice it to say, after the new regime took control, the Reunification movement and its members were hunted down, imprisoned, and in most cases killed. Picard asks just who this new Empress is, but before Spock can answer, Sela Yar walks into the brig with a contingent of intimidating bodyguards. She is in full military regalia and looks much the worse for wear, but then a decade of slave labor will do that. Her face is scarred in several places, and she has an ocular implant in her right eye (much like the ones Geordie has). As Picard looks at her in pity and shock, she says something along the lines of "Well, I'm glad to see you remember me Jean Luc, suffice it to say I remember you."

Back on the Enterprise, the power is still offline, and Data appears deep in thought (well, for him). The ship begins rocking as the Romulan Warbirds begin randomly firing at asteroids (yeah, it's still in cliche mode, but at least they aren't in a fucking nebula). Data suddenly comes back to attention and explains that he's calculated a way for the Enterprise to get a message back to Starfleet about the massed Romulan fleet. But no offense to the new tactical douche, he needs a more experienced person to get this just right. He needs Worf at tactical. After some lame "mutual understanding and respect" bullfuckery, we get down to action. The Enterprise needs to clear the asteroid field and get to warp with enough of a lead that any following Warbirds won't be in weapons range before the Enterprise can get far enough out of the system to transmit subspace radio signals. To do this, they needs to use torpeadoes to prevent the Warbirds from erecting a warp field until the Enterprise gains precious seconds of FTL travel ahead of them. They pull it off, and manage to get out of the system with enough of a lead to contact Starfleet. But the Warbirds are getting within weapons range and the Enterprise is forced to hide again, this time in the corona of a red giant. They have to keep radio silence to avoid detection and destruction, so now they wait for an answer from Starfleet.

Back in the Vorenus system onboard the bridge of the Wankbird, Picard and and Spock are flanked by guards as Sela explains her life after the Romulan conquest of Vulcan was thwarted, how she came to power, and what her dastardly plans are in true Bond villain fashion. She is going to take her Fleet of Romulan Warbids on a beeline to Earth and destroy all life on the Federation capital once and for all. She claims to be doing this for the Romulan Empire as a way to finally weaken the Federation enough for the conquest of Vulcan and true unification. Picard insists that she simply wants revenge on him, and offers his life if it will deter her from carrying out her genocidal ambitions. But Sela simply laughs and tells him that if she wanted him dead she'd have beamed him out into space rather than into her brig and "anyway, it was that ridiculous android that caused my mission to fail". No, Picard and Spock will be kept alive quite a long time, having witnessed the destruction of Earth and the conquest of Vulcan. She will destroy everything that matters most to them and they will have to live knowing they brought it upon themselves and there is nothing they can do to stop it. maybe, when they become so old and feable that they no longer have the capacity to feel that pain she will toss them out an airlock like refuse.

Then they are taken back to the brig, and Spock explains to Picard that he believes he has surmised Selas real motivation. Sela's fleet is more than capable of making to Earth, and with luck can in fact destroy the entire surface of that world before finally being overwhelmed and obliterated. But the Federation is vast, and comprised of much more than just Earth, or even Earth and Vulcan. The path she is taking will scar the psyche of the Federation for hundreds of years or more, but it would survive. Humanity would survive. But the Romulan Empire would be ruined. Starfleet would take vengeance on them with their Klingon allies and it would be carved up afterwards never to be soveriegn again. Selas motivation is simply to die causing as much damage to both of the things she feels have betrayed her. Her humanity for making her weak, and the Empire for casting her out. Picard thinks there may be a way to use that against her. After all, she couldn't have come to power without support from the Romulan navy. If they could somehow get Romulan patriots to realize what this path will lead them to, then maybe it could be averted. But that could very well be impossible as the Wankbird seems to be crewed almost entirely by those Sela freed from the Reman prison camps.

On the Enterprise bridge, a communique from Starfleet finally arrives. They are sending every ship in the area to the Neutral zone in a taskforce lead by the USS Titan. If the Enterprise cannot get to the area, then it is to stay put and wait, only to break radio silence if it's passive sensors detect a cloaked Romulan fleet.

At the Neutral zone an armada of 7 ships, including the USS Titan, and the USS Defiant wait in battle formation. On the Titan bridge, Riker finishes a Viewscreen conversation with Commander Kira and the Defiant, then turns to Troi and gives orders to be relayed to straggling ships joining the armada as they come within range. Until a Romulan fleet shows up or Starfleet Command gives the order to cross the border, they wait.

Onboard the Enterprise bridge, an officer tells Data that they are now detecting a a mass of spacial distortions on the far side of the system moving towards the Neutral zone at warp. It can only be the Romulan fleet. Data gives the order to send a message to the Starfleet armada that the Romulans are coming, then orders the helm to set a course for the Neutral zone at the best speed they can get with their damaged engines. The Enterprise emerges from the red giant to find the warbirds that had been pursuing them since their flight from the Vorenus system waiting, but it jumps to warp as weapons fire inundates the area they just vacated. The Enterprise makes a beeline for the armada with the cloaked Romulan fleet close behind.

I'll finish this up tomorrow if anyone is interested.
Last edited by Flagg on 2007-09-02 02:04pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by lord Martiya »

I am interested. And glad to not being the only Romulan fan.
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Post by Flagg »

Ok, was falling asleep at the computer last night while writing the first part. I fixed most of the typos and spelling errors in the last few paragraphs . Now I'll finish this up.

The Enterprise drops out of warp within viewing range of the Starfleet armada, which now consists of over a dozen more ships of familiar types from the DS9 Dominion war scenes. They are hailed by the Titan and informed that the pursuing Warbirds have broken off and seem to be rejoining the bulk of the Romulan fleet which is only 30 minutes out. Riker informs Data that on their current course the Romulan fleet appears to be headed for Vulcan and that Starfleet has detached part of the home fleet protecting Earth to shore up the defenses there. He then orders Data to form up with the rest of the Starfleet ships into a defensive formation and to start emitting tachyon particles to disrupt the Romulan cloaking fields. They're going to stop this Romulan invasion force cold, then go and rescue Picard. We have a tense montage showing various scenes of starfleet officers at various stations across the different ships waiting in anticipation of the battle to come. But just as the Romulan fleet should be on top of them... Nothing. It was a ruse.

Back on the bridge of the Wankbird, Picard and Spock are again flanked by Romulan guards. We see on the viewscreen that the Romulan fleet is crossing the Neutral zone several lightyears away from the Federation armada. Sela goes on about how once you understand the simple mind of a human, it's so much easier to fool the even simpler mind of an android striving to be human. Picard again tries to reason with her, but she tires of his pleading and orders him and 'the Vulcan' sent back to the brig.

On the way, Picard uses a ruse to distract the guards attention away from Spock. Who nerve pinches one, and then helps Picard otherwise subdue the other. They only have a few minutes, but if they can get to a computer console, they may be able to find a way to disrupt the cloak, or otherwise alert the Federation listening posts along the Neutral zone to the presense of the Romulan fleet. Using the guards disruptors, they incapacitate (kill) a crewmember manning his station in a relatively secluded part of the ship and proceed to dick around with the controls. Being a low ranking member of the crew, the dead Romulan didn't have access to any important systems of the ship. It appears his job was simply to monitor the flow of power to this section of the ship and adjust as necessary. But in the event of an emergency he could also shut down that power. It just so happens that one of the primary cloak emmitters is in this section, and activating the override would short it out for a second, possibly allowing the listening posts to briefly detect the Romulan ships warp signature, thus giving away the location of the fleet. They do this, and shortly afterwards are recaptured, and thrown back into the brig.

Back on the Enterprise bridge, they are hailed by the Titan. Riker informs Data that a listening post several lightyears away briefly detected a Romulan warp signature on the Federation side of the Neutral zone. From the little information they had, it appears that the ship was on course not for Vulcan, but Earth. Onboard the Titan Riker orders that a message be sent to Starfleet immediately so the fleets sent to Vulcan could be brought back to defend Earth. After a few seconds working at his controls, the comm officer tells Riker that their long range communications are jammed. The Romulan fleet is now between them and Earth. No warning can be sent. Riker orders all ships to set course for Earth at maximum warp. On the Enterprise bridge Geordie informs Data that the engines are fully operational, and all ships jump to warp. The starfleet armada should be able to reach the Romulan fleet just as they are arriving in the Sol system.

On Earth, in San Fransisco, the newly constructed Starfleet command building is an impressive sight. Admiral Jellico is in an operations center with several other Admirals and staff officers of various ranks and departments. They are planning for the defense of Vulcan. Since they have had no communication from the armada on the Neutral zone in days, they are forced to assume the worst. Suddenly they get an urgent message from an Early warning post in the Kuiper belt. They are detecting a mass of spacial distortions headed for Earth. They can only be a cloaked fleet of starships. Then in the background on the warning station sparks fly and the officer on the screen falls as debris hammers him, and then static. Dawning horror is evident on Jellicos face as he realizes they were fooled. He orders that the fleets sent to protect Vulcan be immediately recalled, but there is no way they can reach Earth in time. Jellico says that all they have to defend the capitol planet of the Federation is the dozen remaining ships of the home defense fleet and the half completed system of orbital weapons platforms being constructed after the Breen attacks several years prior. He says it will have to be enough. But he knows it won't be.

On the bridge of the Wankbird, now in manacles, Spock and Picard watch on the viewer as the now decloaked Romulan fleet, consisting of dozens of capital ships, annihilates the outer defenses of the Sol system with Neptune in the background, including a few outdated Miranda class vessels and some civillian frieghters. One of the Romulan bridge officers tells Sela that there are dozens of civillian vessels trying to leave the system, but Sela says to let them run and tell the rest of the Federation what they witnessed here. Suddenly warning klaxons sound and a panicked bridge officer informs us that 2 dozen Federation ships have just dropped out of warp behind them. It's the armada from the Neutral zone.

On the Bridges of the Enterprise, Titan, and Defiant we see the resulting battle as the smaller Federation fleet clashes with the Romulan one. Several Romulan and Federation ships are destroyed, with no real outcome.

On the Wankbirds bridge Sela orders that a section of the fleet hold the starfleet armada off, while she takes the Wankbird and half a dozen other ships to make the initial attack run on Earth. The rest of the fleet, she says, can rejoin them when they have finished with the starfleet ships.

On the bridge of the Enterprise, sparks fly as the battle rages when Worf, still at tactical, informs Data that the Wankbird and several other ships have broken off from the Romulan fleet and are headed for Earth. Data orders the helm to find a way through the enemy ships in pursuit. The Enterprise does so, and is joined by the Defiant, Titan, and an Akira class ship while the rest of the Federation and Romulan forces try to annihilate eachother.

As Selas detachement comes into view of Earth, several ships left from the home fleet engage them and the Enterprise, Titan, Defiant, and Akira class vessel catch up. The battle is furious and several of the home fleet and Romulan ships are heavily damaged or destroyed. The Wankbird is a formidable ship and is putting up a hell of a fight.

As the other starfleet ships over Earth are busy engaging the Romulan capital ships, the Enterprise focuses on the Wankbird. Both ships pound the hell out of eachother, but the Wankbird clearly has the edge in firepower.

On the Wankbird bridge, sparks fly. Picard and Spock watch stoicly as the battle rages on the viewer. In the command chair, Sela is giving orders as she recieves a communique from Supreme Commander Tomalok who is leading the forces fighting the federation armada over Neptune. He informs her that they cannot sustain these losses, the Federation fleet sent to protect Vulcan will arive before they can complete the destruction of Earth, and the Romulan forces cannot hope to fight through them to escape. Sela is mad with bloodlust and lets slip that it was always a suicide mission. In horror Tomalok begins to ask about the 'good of the Empire". Sela says essentially, "fuck the Empire". Realizing with ever increasing horror just what is going on here, Tomalok orders the remainder of the Romulan fleet to withdraw back to the Neutral zone. In fury Sela over open channels calls the crews of the ships that flee cowards, and demands that they continue to fight, but all but the few surviving ships in her detachment withdraw.

Picard again tries to reason with Sela, but she is truly mad now. She orders the Wankbird on a course that would take it into Earths atmosphere over San Fransisco. She orders engineering to prepare a warp core breach. This would obliterate all life within thousands of miles of San Fransisco. It would also mean suicide, but her crew is fanatically loyal, and the preparations are made. As the ship approaches Earth, the orbital weapons platforms tear into it, causing chaos on the bridge as sparks fly and consoles explode. This is enough of a distraction for Picard and Spock, whose guards lie conveniently dead from an exploding console of death, to escape the bridge. They use the guards key device to unshackle themselves, and try to find a console to communicate Selas insane plan to Starfleet.

As the Wankbird moves away, Data orders the Enterprise in a pursuit course. All of the damage from the battle and the weapons platforms have slowed the Wankbird considerably, so the Enterprise easily catches up. Worf informs Data that he is getting a signal from within the Wankbird, it's Picard!. Picard tells them Selas plan, and orders Data to do whatever he has to do to stop her. Data orders the Enterprise to get around in front of the Wankbird in an attempt to obstruct the Wankbirds course. The 2 ships exchange weapons fire , and the Romulan ship is stopped, but the warp core breach is now in progress and the ship is close enough to Earth that it would cause massive damage to the biosphere and still kill millions. Data orders boarding parties to ready for transport, but Geordie infroms him that the ship appears to be fitted with some kind of transport inhibiter system. But he says that there are enough areas where the hull is breached and the system is offline that if they get close enough they will be able to beam boarding parties over. Worf pipes in that the Wankbirds thrusters are operational and they are attempting to inch closer to the planet. Geordie says to Data that even if they get onboard, he's not sure they can stop the core breach. Data gets on the intercomm and tells all crewmembers to evacuate the forward saucer section, tells Geordie to route all available power to the structural integrity field, and then orders the helmsman to ram the Wankbird using maximum thrusters. They are going to attempt to push the dying Romulan ship far enough away from the planet for the explosion to cause minimal damage, while getting into range to send boarding parties to try and stop the core breach.

As the Enterprise nears the Wankbird, we see a a sudden buckling at the forward edge of the Romulan ship and the flash of the Enterprises collapsing shields as with a rending and booming noise the Enterprise slowly crashes into the Wankbird. Sela watches the approaching edge of the saucer section on the viewer in seeming slow motion and as the 2 ships connect a beam on the bridge buckles and snaps, impaling her and pinning her to the command chair. Picard and Spock, deep in the Romulan ship, and the bridge crew on the Enterprise brace themselves as the 2 huge objects collide and seemingly meld into one. The forward third of the Enterprise saucer is now buried in the "head" of the massive warbird.

The Enterprise fires all forward thrusters and slowly pushes the Wankbird away from Earth. In the many transporter rooms, boarding parties, one led by Worf and another by Data (leaving LaForge in command), begin dematerializing as they are beamed over to the Romulan ship. They are wearing armbands that allow for the transpoters to get a lock on them even with the Romulan transport inhibiter system.

Onboard the dying Wankbird, Picard and Spock are trying to make their way to the warp reactor room, but are pinned down in a corridor by weapons fire. They return the fire but are unable to move forward. Suddenly Federation Phaser fire cuts down the Romulan crewmembers and a boarding team led by Worf comes into view. Picard and Spock are as glad to see them as Worf is to have found Picard. They join together and move in the direction of the reactor room. As they come nearer, they hook up with another boarding party and finally make it to the reactor room where Datas team is waiting for them. It appears that not even the android will be able to stop the impending core breach. As they begin to plan their withdrawl, they are forced to avoid incoming Romulan weapons fire from a rallying crew. The Romulan crewmembers are aware of Selas death and they are pissed. The starfleet team gets pushed back into the reactor room and is pinned down awaiting transport out. Data calculates that they have less than 15 minutes before the breach sequence is complete.

Aboard the Enterprise, Geordie is beaming aboard the away teams as fast as he can. The ship has managed to push the Wankbird far enough away from Earth for the warp core to breach relatively harmlessly, but the Enterprise is now entangled in the dying Romulan ship.

Meanwhile, the Titan, Defiant, and other starfleet ships have managed to destroy or cripple the remaining Romulan ships. Seeing the Enterprise has pushed the Wankbird away from Earth, and getting word that they cannot prevent the core breach, Riker orders his tactical officer to use the Titans phaser to try and cut the Enterprise loose so they can tow it away with a tractor beam before the Romulan ship explodes. After several minutes of carving into the Romulan ship, the Titan manages to pull the crippled Enterprise free. But being pulled away from the Wankbird means that only those wearing the armband that aids in a transporter lock will be able to be beamed back aboard the Enterprise.

In the Wankbird's reactor room, the Romulan crew surrounds Data, Worf, Picard, Spock, and the remaining starfleet team's position. Georgie relays to them over their communictor that he's ready to get them out of there, but they must be wearing the armband. Everyone but Picard and Spock is wearing one. One of their team is dead, so they take his armband, and Picard insists that Spock use it. he is far too important to the future of relations between the Federation and the Romulans to be left behind, which Spock grudging accepts to be true. He also insists that everyone else leave. He's the senior officer, and he will stay knowing his crew made it to safety. Everyone but Picard and Data is beamed aboard the Enterprise. There are only seconds before the core breaches. As Picard is saying his goodbyes, Data uses the Vulcan nerve pinch to subdue him, places his armband on Picard, and orders Geordie to lock on and beam him away. As the Titan pulls the Enterprise to safety, the Wankbird explodes in the background, killing Data.

Weeks later Picard has just finished being debriefed at Starfleet command, and walks outside to see the magnificent view of San Fransisco. Waiting for him there is Spock. They walk and talk about what has happened since the battle. The Romulans have gone back behind the Neutral zone, but a de facto state of war exists between them and the Federation. Worf is back on Quo'Nos and has relayed to Starfleet that the Klingons are itching to participate in an invasion of Romulan space. It seems that things will be very interesting in the Alpha quadrant for some time to come.

Later, in his ready room on the Enterprise (which is in dry dock being repaired) Picard waits to interview another potential new XO. Picard is looking at a holo-image of his crew, as well as Riker and Troi from the party on DS9. he focuses on Data, smiles, and puts the picture away as the door chimes. He tells his prospective XO to come in, and we pull away to see the bustling traffic in Earth orbit, and still further back until it's nothing but a speck of light in a starfield.

The End.
Last edited by Flagg on 2007-09-02 07:32pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Knife »

I think it was Brian who started a rewrite of Nemesis a year or so ago that was promising. Yar crashing on Remus and basically building a powerstructure there with her on top to gain power in the Empire later on using the Remens.

I could see something like that for a movie, with a TWOK bit with Yar and Picard with a larger Romulan/Fed war raging in the back ground.
They say, "the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots." I suppose it never occurred to them that they are the tyrants, not the patriots. Those weapons are not being used to fight some kind of tyranny; they are bringing them to an event where people are getting together to talk. -Mike Wong

But as far as board culture in general, I do think that young male overaggression is a contributing factor to the general atmosphere of hostility. It's not SOS and the Mess throwing hand grenades all over the forum- Red
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Post by lord Martiya »

And I'll buy the ticket many times. Only a question: where is the Verteron array? Yes, it make things too easy, but I have this doubt since I watched Terra Prime...
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Post by Flagg »

lord Martiya wrote:And I'll buy the ticket many times. Only a question: where is the Verteron array? Yes, it make things too easy, but I have this doubt since I watched Terra Prime...
Umm... Mars was on the wrong side of the sun. Or something.
We pissing our pants yet?

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Post by KlavoHunter »

lord Martiya wrote:And I'll buy the ticket many times. Only a question: where is the Verteron array? Yes, it make things too easy, but I have this doubt since I watched Terra Prime...
Uuuuugh. The "Verteron" array in ENT had absolutely nothing in common with what we saw verterons doing in the rest of Trek.
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Post by Uraniun235 »

Oh, I had another brilliant idea: Captain Kirk Vs. Captain Harlock. The whole problem of who would win would be neatly avoided by having them team up to save the Earth at the end of the movie. It would be awesome. Image

Image [size=0]p.s. i am not taking this thread seriously[/size]
"There is no "taboo" on using nuclear weapons." -Julhelm
What is Project Zohar?
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Post by Uraniun235 »

Also, what the hell is a "verteron"?
"There is no "taboo" on using nuclear weapons." -Julhelm
What is Project Zohar?
"On a serious note (well not really) I did sometimes jump in and rate nBSG episodes a '5' before the episode even aired or I saw it." - RogueIce explaining that episode ratings on SDN tv show threads are bunk
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Post by KlavoHunter »

Uraniun235 wrote:Also, what the hell is a "verteron"?
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Post by Uraniun235 »

Wow, it's like the Swiss Army Particle.
"There is no "taboo" on using nuclear weapons." -Julhelm
What is Project Zohar?
"On a serious note (well not really) I did sometimes jump in and rate nBSG episodes a '5' before the episode even aired or I saw it." - RogueIce explaining that episode ratings on SDN tv show threads are bunk
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Post by Knife »

Ok, my idea.....

A total revamp and restart of Enterprise...

In the early days of the mid twenty one fifties, what seemed like a Vulcan ship crashed outside the small town of Broken Bow in a corn field. Earth Forces quickly gathered up the ship and what was left of it's crew to return to the Vulcan Embassy but it didn't take long for the military and scientific community to start seeing some odd things about the 'Vulcan' equipment. They were clearly Vulcan but in the same time, weren't.

The Vulcans reclaimed their crashed ship and the bodies of the dead crew but not before the humans had a chance to copy much of the computer data and other material. Among that data were star charts detailing a part of the galaxy that the humans hadn't explored yet and to their knowledge, the Vulcans hadn't either.

At the same time, one of the last cruisers of the NX5 class was about to be launched with Captain Johnaton Archer in commnad. An experienced captain and crew aboard one of Earth's most powerful and quickest ships. Johns father had created the NX engine almost twenty years ago, finally harnessing the matter/antimatter reactor and allowing man to truely explore space at over a hundred times the speed of light.

Now ships and colonies of Earth who were in distress could expect help from Starships in hours or days, instead of weeks or months, and the dark haze of the galaxy could start to be pushed back.

After considerable debate, the decision to give Archer the star charts and assign the Enterprise to start surveying this new patch of the galaxy is made and the intrepid crew depart for space unknown.

But it's not unknown, atleast to the Romulans who have for years been building up both an empire in that region and a spy network in the Vulcan High Command. Their spy was at first unimpressed with the humans and thought little of them, but the last few decades had seen the humans build up a fleet of ships that the Romulan spymaster thought could be used as a Vulcan puppet fleet against the Romulan Empires interests.

When the Enterprise stumbles across the Andorians, the spy unleashes an evil scheme to push the violatal Andorians and the Vulcans into war, with the humans trapped in the middle. John Acher is now in a race to stop a war between a new species and an old ally and he pushes the Enterprise and her crew to the limits to unmask a phantom menace.
They say, "the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots." I suppose it never occurred to them that they are the tyrants, not the patriots. Those weapons are not being used to fight some kind of tyranny; they are bringing them to an event where people are getting together to talk. -Mike Wong

But as far as board culture in general, I do think that young male overaggression is a contributing factor to the general atmosphere of hostility. It's not SOS and the Mess throwing hand grenades all over the forum- Red
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Post by KlavoHunter »

Uraniun235 wrote:Wow, it's like the Swiss Army Particle.
Just like every other particle in ST? :roll:

On the other hand, it can at least be rationalized with its subspace-fucking effects (See: disabling the E-D's warp drives and other subspace systems temporarily, and the fact that it's a major element in wormholes). And THOSE have absolutely nothing to do with some array that shoves comets out of the way, and, oh! Happens to destroy cities if you point it the wrong way. :roll:
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Post by Zwinmar »

I would come with an entirely different point of view:

This is all based on speculation and fantasy, I have no idea if ST supports this, anyways, before the great tragedy that lead Cochran to build his ship and meet the Vulcans....

An intrepid group of explorers set out in their rough space ship, built sturdy to withstand the rigors of space travel. The craft is functional without all the high tech, delicate equipment, rather its high tech durable, equipment that can take a beating. The vessel itself, while ugly, is built like a dreadnaught, meaning that its ment to go through space with brute force. Shortly there after they found a Colony on a planet somewere isolated, its not long then when all communication with earth is lost.

This colony (no matter the nation) would deffinantly be more capitalistic, and by extent more warlike as it were. As a result, while fed ships are built for exploration, this isolasonist world has warships, even their exploration vessels are spartan, intent on the job and defending themselves.

Their heavy warships are just that, warships, with redundant systems, compartementalization, secure computers........

I guess what I'm thinking is something more along the lines of nBSG in the trekverse, sigh...only no Cylons, ships wise that is.
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