Andrew_Fireborn wrote:I'd like to take this moment and ask what your intent for this universe is. As I've forgotten where you mentioned why you're putting these forward for 'peer review' as it were.
I didn't mention before, but will in full now. This is two-fold, as one reason directly affects the other. One, this universe is one I'm developing culture by culture so I may write within it comfortably, and my goal is to have consistency and science behind all of the nifty things that makes this place what it is.
Secondly, I'm borrowing stuff from this universe to play my faction in the STGOD game going on in the G&C forum right now - so, the more developed it is, the better I can write out proper fluff for my particular faction.
Andrew_Fireborn wrote:If you're writing a story, Whether or not it's going to be hard sci-fi, the story you're telling is the far greater part. Even the two universes this site has huge sections based on taking the technical aspects of apart were created primarily as vehicles for a story.
True, but "the devil is in the details," as it were. Though all of this techno-imagining will be there, I know that it merely serves as a stage for the characters within the story. However, all the details have to be consistent and make proper sense to a reader, to help them and myself imagine the scene painted by the words more clearly. For this reason, I find other's thoughts on these concepts in this forum invaluable for pointing things out that I, having only my perspective, may not be able to see. I'd rather they be fixed
before they even enter the possibility of a story - otherwise, the story doesn't flow well, and I end up looking like a jackass as the writer.
Andrew_Fireborn wrote:Just an aside. Really, you can handwavium or simply avoid most hard details like power supply and minute (and even a few major) functions of kit in a story, unless the function becomes vital to a point in the story. (Such as a group has to take some of these suits out, or are being stalked by them, and so on.)
Exactly - I'm hoping that most of the handwavium I have so far can be treated as placeholders for stuff that's more plausible, but for the setting I'm imagining so far, the higher-tech stuff makes more sense. Even with that said, I'd rather they dodge physics as little as possible.
Additionally, thanks to Hotfoot's HAB-ishly fiendish imagination in the chat, I've conceptually added another carried weapon for use by wearers of the suit, as a heavy weapon. I'll come up with dramatic fluff about it later, but it's in essence a scifi upgrade to the MK19 Grenade Machine Gun currently in use by the U.S. military today. I'm not sure how it should be upgraded, but there are a number of very interesting possibilities.
- Essentially a graser gatling gun. Fun concept, but kinda boring.
- A gatling coilgun. This one really sounds interesting.
- A gatling ramshell launcher. This one sounds the most plausible so far.
Any comments on these are welcome.