So, here is the PM I got:
Alexandrov wrote:To answer your first part, I never broke any rules, because I never complained about the flaming or neglected to answer an argument to to it. If you can provide proof that I broke rules, I'll shut-up and say nothing more. However, since I didn't, can you please drop that from the discussion?
To answer the second: I'll start with a honest question, the one I asked Darth Wong when this whole stupidity (not caused by me, you idiotic moron, it was caused by your idiotic assumption that I was whining about the rules, when I wasn't.) Do you get pleasure out of thinking you totally dominate someone on the internet? Seriously, because your comments, and your stupidity at the beginning of this matter certainly indicate that you persist in wanting to be right, and wanting to dominate me. Persisting in the belief that I was whining about Darth Wong and then taking my ignored attempts to tell you to misinterpreted me and calling them stupid seems like nothing more than an attempt to assert your own intellectual dominance and feel good about yourself.
There would be no need for arguments if you had listened early on when I tried to tell you it was an honest question. There would have been no need for this had no only listened an understood. You can call me whatever names you want, and think my arguments are crap, but your abject stupidity in persisting in incorrect beliefs in no different, and thus no better.
Finally, if the answer is yes, then you are aren't any better than the "alpha-males" in football who Darth Wong derides constantly. It's a different arena, but exactly the same feeling and instinct. You fancy yourself as above these cultural troglodytes, but really, it is a case of pot meeting kettle.
I don't see why there is a need for this hostility. Is there possibly a way to resolve this peacefully, without the need for your juvenile statements, and for my quasi-whining? I really want to stay here, and I don't wish to continue a stupid war in which neither side will admit defeat.[/i]
And here, the reply
Alexandrov wrote:To answer your first part, I never broke any rules, because I never complained about the flaming or neglected to answer an argument to to it. If you can provide proof that I broke rules, I'll shut-up and say nothing more. However, since I didn't, can you please drop that from the discussion?
That's after you did get your first question answered and looks very much like whining to me. You're just asserting that you're whining after making a passive-aggressive reply to a direct answer to your question.Alexandrov wrote:It isn't whining.Plekhanov wrote:Does your entering a bb of your own free will and then shortly afterwards commencing whining about the board culture that you chose to enter into not strike you as more than a little bit 'immature'?Alexandrov wrote: Basically, you feel like acting immature and pretending you dominate someone, so you do?
Stupidity irritates me. You made a really fucking stupid hasty generalization toward all of society from a sample size of one and that from a highschool environment where immaturity is a the default state of the students simply because they lack the necessary life experience and mental development required for full maturity. Your argument got dismissed as worthless because of that, it was explained to you by various people and then you started the part where you first asked the serious question and then pursued it down a road to nowhere. That isn't just making one stupid blunder, that's asking to get yourself crisped and I'm more than happy to oblige because it gives me the satisfaction of venting my spleen at you and making a proper mockery of your idiocy.Alexandrov wrote:To answer the second: I'll start with a honest question, the one I asked Darth Wong when this whole stupidity (not caused by me, you idiotic moron, it was caused by your idiotic assumption that I was whining about the rules, when I wasn't.) Do you get pleasure out of thinking you totally dominate someone on the internet?
See the slogan of the board below the board logo? It says "Get your fill of sci-fi, science, and mockery of stupid people" (emphasis added), and your posts qualify you for the bolded part.
MY stupidity at the beginning of this matter? I made one reply to you, remarking on the worthlessness of your anecdote, which was later clarified by Spin Echo and others who explained the sample size issue. The thread then went merrily on its way for three pages before I poked my nose back in (since, being the moderator of the HoS, I need to keep an eye on what goes on in there), read all of your bullshit and flamed you to a crisp. I do not need to persist in any beliefs about you, my observations about how you come across are borne out every time you post anything and it seems everyone else sees you the same way.Alexandrov wrote:Seriously, because your comments, and your stupidity at the beginning of this matter certainly indicate that you persist in wanting to be right, and wanting to dominate me. Persisting in the belief that I was whining about Darth Wong and then taking my ignored attempts to tell you to misinterpreted me and calling them stupid seems like nothing more than an attempt to assert your own intellectual dominance and feel good about yourself.
Also, the attempted psychoanalysis shit is absolutely hilarious in its lameness. YOU pretend to be able to assign me motives?

What makes you think that I feel bad about myself? What makes you think that I need to use you as a vehicle to improve how I feel about myself? The arrogance in those assumptions is staggering and makes you look even more stupid than you've managed so far.
I get your fucking part about an honest question, which was answered just as directly and brutally, after which you started the song and dance with the passive-aggressive bullshit, which led to the general conclusion that you're a whiny asshole and your repeated assertions that everyone is misinterpreting you and how you're so hard done by. The only one here persisting in incorrect beliefs is you, if you think that your words and actions have come across as anything but whining to the general population. Fuck off.Alexandrov wrote:There would be no need for arguments if you had listened early on when I tried to tell you it was an honest question. There would have been no need for this had no only listened an understood. You can call me whatever names you want, and think my arguments are crap, but your abject stupidity in persisting in incorrect beliefs in no different, and thus no better.
Would you like some cheese with that whine? This thread stopped being an attempt to truly explain anything to you a while ago and its main purpose now is to expose your idiocy to the audience in all its glory and mock you in the process. Rest assured, you are providing them with a fair bit of entertainment.Alexandrov wrote:Finally, if the answer is yes, then you are aren't any better than the "alpha-males" in football who Darth Wong derides constantly. It's a different arena, but exactly the same feeling and instinct. You fancy yourself as above these cultural troglodytes, but really, it is a case of pot meeting kettle.
Did you see the part about golden mean fallacies earlier? You are so used to having conflicts solved by everyone pretending they give up something and compromise so nobody needs to feel like they lost an argument, but it doesn't work that way here. I have no intention of giving you any concessions because you have completely failed to give any credible evidence to your arguments being anything other than your opinions stated as fact and you have constantly complained about how everyone misinterprets you. As I said earlier and DW said earlier, if everyone constantly interprets what you say in a way you did not intend, then it is up to YOU to improve your communication skills.Alexandrov wrote:I don't see why there is a need for this hostility. Is there possibly a way to resolve this peacefully, without the need for your juvenile statements, and for my quasi-whining? I really want to stay here, and I don't wish to continue a stupid war in which neither side will admit defeat.[/i]
If you are too proud to be able to admit a mistake and eat crow, we'll kick you out and good fucking riddance. I can assure you that nobody here will miss you if that happens.