Justify your Rock Star...

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Justify your Rock Star...

Post by DocHorror »


In as many words as you like justify why you like your favourite singer/band/musician...

What it is that sucks you in, why you respect them, etc...

Try not to let this become a 'my bands better than your band' thread...

Ill go first...

Rob Zombie, why do I like Rob Zombie? Well cos the guy makes damn good music! Not the most objective statement ever, but theres more...

I like Rob Zombies music because it makes you think...not in a deep meaningful way, thats not how its meant to be taken, but it conjures up images and feelings. Its like the perfect music for Halloween all the time. Plus the guy is a great artist, I would love to get my hands on some of his pieces.

I respect him because he worked damn hard to get where he is today, he always puts tons of effort into his albums and shows. It like when your a kid & you say 'I wanna be a rock star, or I wanna make movies...' Hes done both, and I just think its a great philosphy, work hard & you can do whatever you want...

okay, maybe not the best expression of my thoughts, but you get my meaning...
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Post by Dalton »


I like them mostly because their music is almost pure THUNDER

They've bounced back from adversity several times. They overcame the death of Bon Scott and came back stronger than ever. They weathered the media firestorm and subsequent bullshit shower from Tipper Gore and co. after the infamous concert deaths. Malcolm Young overcame substance abuse. And even though they're aging, they still ROCK.
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Post by Lord Pounder »

Bono, coz he is Irish and he is perpared to stand up for his beliefs and openly attacks christianity etc in his lyrics. Also when i met him in Dublin once he drank the entire population of the bar under the table. Any man who can drink roughly a gallon of Guinness in one sitting is worthy of my un-dying admiration.
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Post by InnerBrat »

Alice Cooper,


What, you need more? OK....

Alice invented the whole makeup on stage thing - before KISS, before Bowie, Alice was doing it. He's a magnificant showman - how many other rockstars have their heads chopped off every night?
His tunes are amazing and timeless - and he's not afraid to move with the times. His last two albums have been as good as any rock band, and he's been at it since the 60s, and still updates his old tunes to sound good to today's young audience.

He looks fucking amazing in leather catsuits.

He's a Christian who's ethics I actually respect.

He looks good with a mullet. He's the only man in the world who looks good with a mullet.
Last edited by InnerBrat on 2003-01-13 05:55pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

personally , I like the older stuff, things were much newer then.

However I would have to go for a blues/Jazz musician.

Billie "Lady Day" Holliday

If she hadn't come out with "God Bless the Child" there would be no strong female voice, agnsty songs. No Janis Joplin, No Gloria Gayner, No Alanis, No Merideth Brooks.

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
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Post by Frank Hipper »

Pink Floyd

They started in the "swinging London" psychedelic scene of the late sixties and survived it. Even if they lost Syd Barrett to LSD. They then practically created the seventies audiophile set and with Dark Side of the Moon created an immortal classic.

Bouble negatives aside, The Wall.

If you never saw them live, you can't imagine what you missed.
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Post by Straha »

David Bowie.

Need I say more? I meen what has been done that he hasn't done, and done WELL? Name one other musician that has done that, and been able to last to David Bowie's age and still get grammy nominations.
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Post by Admiral Valdemar »

Freddie Mercury, Bohemian Rhapsody. 'Nuff said.
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Post by Frank Hipper »

Straha wrote:David Bowie.

Need I say more? I meen what has been done that he hasn't done, and done WELL? Name one other musician that has done that, and been able to last to David Bowie's age and still get grammy nominations.
Did you know that Syd Barrett was one of Bowie's biggest early influences? HE was the one who came up with wearing stage makeup first, BTW. Not Alice Cooper. :D
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Post by Raptor 597 »

Ipllitov Ivanov, George Tchaivosky, Pink Floyd
Formerly the artist known as Captain Lennox

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Post by EmperorMing »

The Lords Of Acid. The pics alone would justify their existance... :twisted:

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Post by Lord Poe »

Gene Simmons of KISS

Probably the person I respect the most. The man went out and captured every SINGLE one of his dreams. Saw the Beatles on TV, wanted to be a rock star. DONE. Wanted to be a superhero with a secret identity. DONE. Wanted to be in movies. DONE Wanted to be rich and famous. DONE.

I respect his opinions and like the fact that he's straightforward; he'll give you an exact, honest answer to anything.

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Post by Peregrin Toker »

I like Bal-Sagoth because they're the only metal band I've heard of who have made an entire fantasy universe as a setting for their songs.

Nocturnus might also count, but their lyrics are sci-fi themed rather than fantasy. (OK, Bal-Sagoth once did a sci-fi concept album called "The Power Cosmic", but it still had a lot of fantasy influence)
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