Ghost Rider wrote:For GTA3...did in the one area where your hideout is in an alleyway and only one entrance. Lost count after 100.
Yeah, there and the parking garages work exxxcellently, as long as you have a bazooka to bring down the choppers. With the hideout down the hill in the alley, you can just keep tossing grenades and cocktails up there and kill scores of people at a time. It's great!
The platform between the hospital and the police station in Portland is THE best gunnery range in the game, bar none. Why? You have a completely uninterrepted panoramic view of the street from just a level or so up, you can pick off helicopters as they come, and NO ground unit will EVER have the brains to run to the stairs.
I've got "itsallgoingmaaad" and "weaponsforall" activated, meaning that the city is damn lethal to start with. In an FBI car (swiped a while ago during a daring armoured car rampage) I leave my Staunton Island hangout and go vigilanteing. 3 kills later I am flipped by an impact with a fire-truck racing to a nearby car wreck (thanks to the molotov cocktails of a friendly rioter). Getting out, I run 2 blocks to the hospital, taking half a clip from an AK-47 on the way (this is not fun). I grab some health and an Ambulance and start a paramedic mission. 7 successful rescues later (a fucking hard task when the city is in warzone mode) I lose it on the AM petroleum building corner in downtown Staunton and bail from the vehicle leaving the wounded patient to burn alive in the flaming wreckage.
At this point an idiot with an uzi opens up on me and I return fire with the M-16. Unfortunately a cop is hit by a stray round... and so it begins. A cop car comes screaming in from nowhere only to get hit in the side by a LAW, the cop car flips and explodes in mid air in a beautiful spiral of flaming destructing. A spiral, with me at the terminating point. The car flies into me, catapulting me a good 20-30m backwards and landing me square on my arse. Quickly I recover, running backwards with suppressive fire from the uzi towards the staircase that will take me to the relative safety of the upper-levels of the building. Once in place I set up my first sniper position on the top of the stairway cover. After plinking about 20 civilians and 10 officers, I feel, rather than hear (I love my subwoofer) the approach of police helicopters. Two of them.
With a deft bit of maneuvring I get to some cover and grab my LAW (from wherever he hides all those guns). Firing at the choppers as they approach along the street from the Belleville park area. Nailing them both they crash into buildings, doubtless killing tens of innocent civilians cowering in their homes. As I continue up the building I begin throwing grenades and molotov cocktails over the edge, creating a see of flames, explosions and shrapnel on the street far below me. Once at the top of the building (well, on the highest observation deck) I can see the tanks, helicopters, FBI cars and army trucks littering the street below. 37 molotov cocktails, 20 grenades, 37 rounds of sniper ammunition and 300 rounds of M-16 ammo later...
The street is clear enough (like, barely) that I can risk jumping from where I am, to street level (at the cost of 20 health, or in this case, 20 armour). Hitting the turf I see an army truck coming hurtling around the corner, but then some civvie with an RPG decides to blow the living shit out of it, while another two with M-16s turn their attention to the congregation of police, feds and soldiers chasing me.
I make it to the underground parking garage and thank god, the Yakuza Stinger (getaway car of choice for that location) is unlocked. Hopping in I go tear-arsing out of the building and scream around the corner, making with all possible speed for the chop-shop in order to lose the fuzz... As I turn the corner I am confronted by a tank, veering to the right I get huge airtime and a beautiful double somersault off the median strip. Landing behind the tank I continue my mad run through town, dodging and diving between vehicles, running through the park and finally to the area near the chop-shop, hide-out and parking garage. Seeing tank roadblocks blocking my most direct route to the location and not having enough time to double back (tanks and trucks chasing me) I dive the vehicle into the parking garage and make my way to the roof. On the way up I swap vehicles to a convenient Cheetah. I then fly this off the roof of the parking garage and the moment I hit the ground do a 180 and take off down to the alternate alley entrance to the chop-shop - with a tank right behind me. Realising that there is no way that I'll make the corner alive with a tank this close behind I hit the handbrake, spin the vehicle and jump out, just as the tank hits. I run to the mini-van parked in a garage in the "courtyard" and hop in that as the tank attempts to barge the Stinger out of the way. By the time it has, I'm in the chop-shop and home free.
Vehicles totalled: >40 seen onscreen, other explosions on rear speakers unaccounted for.
IG-88E wrote:The platform between the hospital and the police station in Portland is THE best gunnery range in the game, bar none. Why? You have a completely uninterrepted panoramic view of the street from just a level or so up, you can pick off helicopters as they come, and NO ground unit will EVER have the brains to run to the stairs.
Oh, yes yes yes, I forgot about that!! I've done that before and it works really well!!
"On the infrequent occasions when I have been called upon in a formal place to play the bongo drums, the introducer never seems to find it necessary to mention that I also do theoretical physics." -Richard Feynman
IG-88E wrote:
The platform between the hospital and the police station in Portland is THE best gunnery range in the game, bar none. Why? You have a completely uninterrepted panoramic view of the street from just a level or so up, you can pick off helicopters as they come, and NO ground unit will EVER have the brains to run to the stairs.
Thanks...I remember there was some spot that ground pounders couldn't get to me.
Sometimes we can choose the path we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all
Well I finally made it to Shoreside Vale... I was messing around at the airport, and discovered you can jack the Cesna-like planes. With a few minutes of exploration, I found out the flight model is extremely, extremely primitive, as you cannot even control your pitch (AFAIK). I dared not try to bank, for fear of crashing into the water (though I did anyway). Hmm... I wonder what a 6-star chase would be like if you managed to jack a plane in the process?
Agitated asshole | (Ex)40K Nut | Metalhead The vision never dies; life's a never-ending wheel
1337 posts as of 16:34 GMT-7 June 2nd, 2003
"'He or she' is an agenderphobic microaggression, Sharon. You are a bigot." ― Randy Marsh
JediNeophyte wrote:Well I finally made it to Shoreside Vale... I was messing around at the airport, and discovered you can jack the Cesna-like planes. With a few minutes of exploration, I found out the flight model is extremely, extremely primitive, as you cannot even control your pitch (AFAIK). I dared not try to bank, for fear of crashing into the water (though I did anyway). Hmm... I wonder what a 6-star chase would be like if you managed to jack a plane in the process?
It's pretty funny. Just don't crash unless you're near a Pay'n'Spray
I wish the helicopters would follow you, but sadly they don't. Anyway, the reason that the Dodo's flight model is so screwed up is because it's a stub-wing stuntplane, designed to do crazy stunts. Unfortunately, it's also terribly easy to crash.
The best way of making the Dodo take off is to head down the runway with the NOSE DOWN key pressed down (if you're using the WASD for steering, then the arrow keys work nicely.) Once you hear metal scraping the ground, immediately let off the key--but not completely. The Dodo will nose up; keep tapping the NOSE DOWN key to level it out until it's flying level.
Steering is the same. Never hold down a key; just tap it quickly once, wait a moment for the aircraft to correct, and do it again.
Admiral Valdemar wrote:Borgnine Taxi? Sounds like it's paying homage to Escape from New York where Ernest "Santini" Borgnine used a taxi to help Snake evade capture.
Well, the entire taxi driver concept in GTA3 is a homage
Often and easily.
When I want to get a Rhino, I'll just go to the mansion, stand on the steps with a sniper rifle, and kill everything I see. The LEOs don't really know how to get into the estate, so all you have to worry about are the choppers (which go away if you go underneath the overhangs) and the cops that appear two at a time around the stairs (not very often).
After I get L6 and see some Rhinos nearby, I'll get right next to the wall to taunt the driver into getting out of it. Then I'll run back, grab the Infernus, race out, bail, jump into the tank, and wedge it into the mansion's garage.
Save game, reload game, and I've got a Rhino and no wanted stars.
Then while in the Rhino, it's beyond easy to get 6 stars.
And after the Hunter starts spawning...
Right now, I'm trying to get the last 23 packages to get the Hunter to spawn outside the military base.
Eric from ASVS
"Sufficiently advanced technology is often indistinguishable from magic." -- Clarke's Third Law
"Then, from sea to shining sea, the God-King sang the praises of teflon, and with his face to the sunshine, he churned lots of butter." -- Body of a pharmacy spam email
Shadowhawk wrote:Save game, reload game, and I've got a Rhino and no wanted stars.
What?! It's cheating if you don't live long enough to make the stars go away on their own, either by way of a paint 'n' spray or just surviving long enough to make them go away (which is damn hard without racking up more killings which makes you keep the stars longer).
"On the infrequent occasions when I have been called upon in a formal place to play the bongo drums, the introducer never seems to find it necessary to mention that I also do theoretical physics." -Richard Feynman should always see how long you can survive.
So fr though VC makes it easier with your Mansion hideout then GTA3 does in the way that I can pretty much sit there...kill the few Helicopters...reload all my wepaons...have my gang kill a few, and wash rinse repeat...still fun though.
What's the longest any survive by going and running around?
Sometimes we can choose the path we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all
Ghost Rider should always see how long you can survive.
So fr though VC makes it easier with your Mansion hideout then GTA3 does in the way that I can pretty much sit there...kill the few Helicopters...reload all my wepaons...have my gang kill a few, and wash rinse repeat...still fun though.
What's the longest any survive by going and running around?
Get a cheetah and do laps of Staunton on the Freeways, you should be able to avoid the tanks etc. Or, you can just park yourself at the apartment block where you first come to Staunton and head out onto a dock and sun yourself...