Half-Life progress.

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Post by Slartibartfast »

Evil Sadistic Bastard wrote:Why the fuck would you want to?

BTW the Shock Rifle is the little bug stuck ont he hand of the four-armed monster that is ridiculously hard to kill. If you already have a shock rifle the shock bugs of slain shocktroopers will attack you instead of sitting their quietly waiting to be picked up.
IIRC it still jumped at you even if you didn't have one. But the first one would attach firmly to your arm (it didn't just sit there for the taking, at least not in single player)
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Post by Mr Bean »

Wanted I wanted you to say or rather admit it that HL was worth the money and your a better person for having playied it :D

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Anarchist Bunny
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Post by Anarchist Bunny »


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Post by weemadando »

anarchistbunny wrote:NOOOOOOOOOOO!


you are about to reach the BEST level in video gaming EVER.

"Surface Tension"...
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Anarchist Bunny
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Post by Anarchist Bunny »

Accually I'm there, took me a bit before I realized that the experimental weapon to destroy the helicopter. Now I have to find how to get out of the dam area, I turned off the turbines and turned the valve, now I have to find the way out.

When do I get the hornet cannon?
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Post by weemadando »

anarchistbunny wrote:Accually I'm there, took me a bit before I realized that the experimental weapon to destroy the helicopter. Now I have to find how to get out of the dam area, I turned off the turbines and turned the valve, now I have to find the way out.

When do I get the hornet cannon?
Actually both the Apaches and the Ospreys can be taken down by a single clip of 9mm from the pistol, you just have to hammer the engines and its game over...
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Anarchist Bunny
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Post by Anarchist Bunny »

Damn it. Oh well, what I'm really pissed off about is unloading a whole clip of arrows into the soldier and the alien before I relized that they couldn't be killed.
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Anarchist Bunny
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Post by Anarchist Bunny »

Well, got past the tanks, uhhh is this the really good part? Cause ehhh, it was ok.
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Post by Darth Balls »

I used to be a freggin GOD at Team Fortress Classic. I'd enter a game and rack up 100+ kills in no time consistantly. I havent played it in a year and a half tho. It was a great game back in the day ;D
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Anarchist Bunny
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Post by Anarchist Bunny »

I read the FAQ on it and it really sounds cool, but I need to download an update, with a shitty modem.
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Post by Darth Balls »

Oh yeah, for a good time try killing the final boss of half life with the crowbar. I've done it a bunch of times. Funny as hell.
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Anarchist Bunny
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Post by Anarchist Bunny »

Well, it has been done.

Blue Shift. *check*

Opposing Force. *check*

Half-Life. *check*

Damn. I'm sad now. Hey am I the only one that couldn't stop myself from humming the ghost buster's theme when using the second experimental weapon?
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Post by The Dark »

Darth Balls wrote:I used to be a freggin GOD at Team Fortress Classic. I'd enter a game and rack up 100+ kills in no time consistantly. I havent played it in a year and a half tho. It was a great game back in the day ;D
Bah. My roomie and I are CS players. He specializes in shotguns and assault rifles, I'm good with SMGs and sniper rifles. We'll either play with him carrying an autoshotgun and me with an SMG (on close combat levels), or each pack rifles (large, open levels). I'll usually take a Deagle also, and a flashbang to disorient enemies. He tends to carry 2 flashbangs and an HE, with the Berettas for backup weapons. Best match so far was a 3-on-3 with friends that went something like 71-33.
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Post by Darth Balls »

I just never got into CounterStrike. I tried it during the early betas and didnt like it. Tried again at v1.0. The only thing I ever thought was kinda cool was the jeepathon2k map where you could drive cars around. That was it though, I just didnt like CounterStrike.....wasnt my cup of tea.

oh and have you tried killing the final boss with the crowbar yet?

****spoiler if you havent beat game yet!!!!******

Use the jump pads and jump up into his head and start smacking away with the crowbar. Funny as hell!
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Post by IRG CommandoJoe »

anarchistbunny wrote:Well, got past the tanks, uhhh is this the really good part? Cause ehhh, it was ok.
You should play through HL again on hard mode. You'll swear you could actually feel the Marine AIs kick your ass over and over again they're so good. :lol: I was totally amazed the first time I went up against a squad of Marines. The music was great, the Marines swarmed all around me as I stood their dumfounded, getting my ass blown off with grenades and then witnessing Marines popping out of nowhere and gunning me down. And that was on easy. I never saw anything like that before in a game. I just sat there for a while after I died to take in what just happened. No other game has had that effect on me the way HL did.
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