40K/Harry Potter Crossover
Moderator: LadyTevar
Apologies for all the non-action. Don't worry, there will be gratuitous frying, melting, blood bursting out of eyes sockets, and the like, but that's later in the story.
“How are you feeling?”
Alyson opened her eyes and examined the speaker. It was a doctor, male, with an old grandfatherly look that must have been great for his bedside manner. Remembering that she was still acting, Alyson just groaned in response.
“Not too wonderful, I see. Don’t worry, we’ve fixed you all up, you just need some rest.”
Alyson thought about that for a moment. She probably did need some sleep. It had only been a day since she stepped outside the shuttle, but she had been drawing on her psyker abilities for a lot of work, and the times where she was given the opportunity to rest; in the cell and here in the hospital, she had been keeping her consciousness up while her body rested. Not that her body needed much rest. At the moment, Alyson’s main limitation was her mind.
The doctor slowly stood up and started to leave, but Alyson groaned again and croaked out a question, “Wh-where am I-I-I? What a-a-am I doing here?”
The doctor turned back, gave her a warm smile, and said “You are currently laying on your back on the bed in Ward 431 at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.”
Before he could go on, there was a gentle rapping at the door.
“Ah, and you have some visitors now. Normally, I wouldn’t permit them entry, but they had very official documents signed by some very important people. Pah, I say. They’re probably here to ask you some questions, but as I already told them, you have the classic physical signs of having been Obliviated. The mental signs are nearly impossible to find, naturally, given a good wizard. However, the process does leave noticeable traces in the various physical systems of the body. Oh, and I heard they brought along a Legilimens too, but I already told them that you’re a natural Occlumens and that they were probably not going to be able to-:
The knocking on the door this time was louder, harsher, with more force and a sense of urgency.
“Ah well, it’s not as if I can do anything about it anyways. You may want to brace yourself.”
The doctor walked over to the door, unlocked it, and slowly opened it, blocking the door with his body. He said firmly “Again, I must lodge a formal complaint against this blatant violation of basic doctor-patient privileges. Not to mention that this interrogation of yours is probably going to keep her from recovering in any decent amount of time, and-”
A deep voice, not unlike the one that the now-dead psyker had, said “I understand. Now please, leave us to do our work.”
“What? Now I can’t even be present while this takes place? You’ll probably do something stupid and blame it on me, and I’ll be the one who has to pay for damages, and probably lose my job too, and just a few months before I retire…”
Grumbling all the way out the door, the doctor left, allowing the man with the deep voice and two people carrying a chest into the room. They set the chest down roughly, and Alyson winced at the heavy thunk it made as it impacted the floor. They seemed not to notice. The man with the deep voice pulled up a chair and sat next to the bed, while the other two started unloading various equipment from the trunk. They seemed to be doing some sort of security sweep, but with nothing remotely resembling an auspex.
The man drew Alyson’s attention again with an “ah-hem”, then said “First of all, let me say that you can speak freely here. If the Death Eaters told you that they would hunt you down if you revealed their plans, or anything of that sort, they’re wrong. We can protect you, make it so they can’t even find you, and you can rest easy knowing that the best in the business are here to help you and protect you.”
The doctor’s ramblings had been a goldmine of information. Following her hunch, Alyson rolled over onto her side and gave him a blank look.
The man sighed in defeat.
“Alright, let’s start at the beginning again. Hello, my name is Lucas. Nice to meet you. I’m an Auror, I was one of the people in the attack on the Death Eater base where they rescued you.”
Alyson asked innocently, “What’s an Auror?”
Lucas sighed again. This was going to be one of the frustrating ones.
After a half-hour of questioning, all they had managed to find out was that their former damsel in distress had no recollection of the past whatsoever, up to yesterday. Alyson had frustrated them with even the simplest concepts, even going as far as asking “What are those stick things you’re carrying.”
That was the question that finally made them give up. No wizard or witch had ever been Obliviated so thoroughly that they didn’t recognize a wand. They had tried explaining things, but apparently nothing was sticking.
The truth was far from that. Alyson was in the perfect position to find out about this place, and it was very convenient for Alyson that they had some sort of attack where memories were erased. She was starting to piece together the clues, and she had a sinking feeling in her stomach that the truth, once fully revealed, was not going to be good.
Lucas turned to his comrades still sitting at the back of the room and said “Alright, Noah, you can come here and give it a try.”
The two men switched places, and the one named Noah said “Alright, I want you to relax and look into my eyes. This will only take a few seconds.” Alyson complied, and her brilliant violet eyes met the dark brown of Noah. As they held eyes contact, Alyson could feel fragile Warp currents forming around his mind, probing Alyson’s mind, and dashing themselves to pieces on her passive defenses. She wasn’t even trying to hold them back, they were doing more damage to themselves than anything else. After nearly a minute of this, Noah broke eyes contact and shook his head in failure.
“Nothing. It’s like a gigantic smooth wall, no way through, over, or around. Now, I’m not the most capable around, but I doubt anyone we’ve got is going to be able to get anything.”
Lucas looked grim. He said dejectedly, “Alright, let’s pack it up and get out of here. I’ll tell the higher-ups that they need to send the all high and mighty ones to take a look.”
The men loaded up the trunk again, and Lucas said to Alyson, “There’s going to be another one of these sessions in a couple days, hopefully we’ll be able to solve this puzzle. If you need anything, anything at all, I’ll be nearby, you can call me for help.”
Alyson simply replied “Bye” and smiled at them as they filed out the door. Once it was closed, she decided that she was actually going to go to sleep and process all the information that she had just gained.
Out in the hallway, the three Aurors discussed their patient as they walked, slowly, out of the hospital.
“So what do you think?” asked Lucas.
“She’s definitely an interesting one.” Replied Noah.
The third of the group, who had remained silent the whole time, now spoke up, “Ha, yeah. ‘Interesting’. Is that all you’ve got to say, Noah-boy? Don’t lie, I saw the way you ‘looked into her eyes’”.
“Will…” cautioned Lucas.
“Oh, you don’t get away from this either, mister ‘If you need anything at all…’ Yeah, that’s right, admit it.”
The group was silent for a while as both victims blushed furiously. Then Will pulled them back by saying “Don’t worry, good sirs, the expert taste of William here says that you’ve got yourselves a winner. If you can get past the whole Alice in Wonderland thing.”
Lucas and Noah both paused before asking “What?” simultaneously.
“Alice in Wonderland! Don’t you know the story? Little girl falls down the rabbit hole, wakes up in Wonderland, has adventures. Oh, sorry, I forgot, I’m a filthy muggle-lover who likes Disney movies. Don’t mind me…”
“Lord, our scout reports that they were attacked by an Auror strike-team, and killed your Lieutenant. There were no survivors, and they rescued the host body too.”
Voldemort, now encased in a fresh host, contemplated testing out the vocal capacity and arm strength of this new body. He ultimately decided against it, and just said menacingly, “Find those responsible, and report back. They will be our first targets…”
“How are you feeling?”
Alyson opened her eyes and examined the speaker. It was a doctor, male, with an old grandfatherly look that must have been great for his bedside manner. Remembering that she was still acting, Alyson just groaned in response.
“Not too wonderful, I see. Don’t worry, we’ve fixed you all up, you just need some rest.”
Alyson thought about that for a moment. She probably did need some sleep. It had only been a day since she stepped outside the shuttle, but she had been drawing on her psyker abilities for a lot of work, and the times where she was given the opportunity to rest; in the cell and here in the hospital, she had been keeping her consciousness up while her body rested. Not that her body needed much rest. At the moment, Alyson’s main limitation was her mind.
The doctor slowly stood up and started to leave, but Alyson groaned again and croaked out a question, “Wh-where am I-I-I? What a-a-am I doing here?”
The doctor turned back, gave her a warm smile, and said “You are currently laying on your back on the bed in Ward 431 at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.”
Before he could go on, there was a gentle rapping at the door.
“Ah, and you have some visitors now. Normally, I wouldn’t permit them entry, but they had very official documents signed by some very important people. Pah, I say. They’re probably here to ask you some questions, but as I already told them, you have the classic physical signs of having been Obliviated. The mental signs are nearly impossible to find, naturally, given a good wizard. However, the process does leave noticeable traces in the various physical systems of the body. Oh, and I heard they brought along a Legilimens too, but I already told them that you’re a natural Occlumens and that they were probably not going to be able to-:
The knocking on the door this time was louder, harsher, with more force and a sense of urgency.
“Ah well, it’s not as if I can do anything about it anyways. You may want to brace yourself.”
The doctor walked over to the door, unlocked it, and slowly opened it, blocking the door with his body. He said firmly “Again, I must lodge a formal complaint against this blatant violation of basic doctor-patient privileges. Not to mention that this interrogation of yours is probably going to keep her from recovering in any decent amount of time, and-”
A deep voice, not unlike the one that the now-dead psyker had, said “I understand. Now please, leave us to do our work.”
“What? Now I can’t even be present while this takes place? You’ll probably do something stupid and blame it on me, and I’ll be the one who has to pay for damages, and probably lose my job too, and just a few months before I retire…”
Grumbling all the way out the door, the doctor left, allowing the man with the deep voice and two people carrying a chest into the room. They set the chest down roughly, and Alyson winced at the heavy thunk it made as it impacted the floor. They seemed not to notice. The man with the deep voice pulled up a chair and sat next to the bed, while the other two started unloading various equipment from the trunk. They seemed to be doing some sort of security sweep, but with nothing remotely resembling an auspex.
The man drew Alyson’s attention again with an “ah-hem”, then said “First of all, let me say that you can speak freely here. If the Death Eaters told you that they would hunt you down if you revealed their plans, or anything of that sort, they’re wrong. We can protect you, make it so they can’t even find you, and you can rest easy knowing that the best in the business are here to help you and protect you.”
The doctor’s ramblings had been a goldmine of information. Following her hunch, Alyson rolled over onto her side and gave him a blank look.
The man sighed in defeat.
“Alright, let’s start at the beginning again. Hello, my name is Lucas. Nice to meet you. I’m an Auror, I was one of the people in the attack on the Death Eater base where they rescued you.”
Alyson asked innocently, “What’s an Auror?”
Lucas sighed again. This was going to be one of the frustrating ones.
After a half-hour of questioning, all they had managed to find out was that their former damsel in distress had no recollection of the past whatsoever, up to yesterday. Alyson had frustrated them with even the simplest concepts, even going as far as asking “What are those stick things you’re carrying.”
That was the question that finally made them give up. No wizard or witch had ever been Obliviated so thoroughly that they didn’t recognize a wand. They had tried explaining things, but apparently nothing was sticking.
The truth was far from that. Alyson was in the perfect position to find out about this place, and it was very convenient for Alyson that they had some sort of attack where memories were erased. She was starting to piece together the clues, and she had a sinking feeling in her stomach that the truth, once fully revealed, was not going to be good.
Lucas turned to his comrades still sitting at the back of the room and said “Alright, Noah, you can come here and give it a try.”
The two men switched places, and the one named Noah said “Alright, I want you to relax and look into my eyes. This will only take a few seconds.” Alyson complied, and her brilliant violet eyes met the dark brown of Noah. As they held eyes contact, Alyson could feel fragile Warp currents forming around his mind, probing Alyson’s mind, and dashing themselves to pieces on her passive defenses. She wasn’t even trying to hold them back, they were doing more damage to themselves than anything else. After nearly a minute of this, Noah broke eyes contact and shook his head in failure.
“Nothing. It’s like a gigantic smooth wall, no way through, over, or around. Now, I’m not the most capable around, but I doubt anyone we’ve got is going to be able to get anything.”
Lucas looked grim. He said dejectedly, “Alright, let’s pack it up and get out of here. I’ll tell the higher-ups that they need to send the all high and mighty ones to take a look.”
The men loaded up the trunk again, and Lucas said to Alyson, “There’s going to be another one of these sessions in a couple days, hopefully we’ll be able to solve this puzzle. If you need anything, anything at all, I’ll be nearby, you can call me for help.”
Alyson simply replied “Bye” and smiled at them as they filed out the door. Once it was closed, she decided that she was actually going to go to sleep and process all the information that she had just gained.
Out in the hallway, the three Aurors discussed their patient as they walked, slowly, out of the hospital.
“So what do you think?” asked Lucas.
“She’s definitely an interesting one.” Replied Noah.
The third of the group, who had remained silent the whole time, now spoke up, “Ha, yeah. ‘Interesting’. Is that all you’ve got to say, Noah-boy? Don’t lie, I saw the way you ‘looked into her eyes’”.
“Will…” cautioned Lucas.
“Oh, you don’t get away from this either, mister ‘If you need anything at all…’ Yeah, that’s right, admit it.”
The group was silent for a while as both victims blushed furiously. Then Will pulled them back by saying “Don’t worry, good sirs, the expert taste of William here says that you’ve got yourselves a winner. If you can get past the whole Alice in Wonderland thing.”
Lucas and Noah both paused before asking “What?” simultaneously.
“Alice in Wonderland! Don’t you know the story? Little girl falls down the rabbit hole, wakes up in Wonderland, has adventures. Oh, sorry, I forgot, I’m a filthy muggle-lover who likes Disney movies. Don’t mind me…”
“Lord, our scout reports that they were attacked by an Auror strike-team, and killed your Lieutenant. There were no survivors, and they rescued the host body too.”
Voldemort, now encased in a fresh host, contemplated testing out the vocal capacity and arm strength of this new body. He ultimately decided against it, and just said menacingly, “Find those responsible, and report back. They will be our first targets…”
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- Sidewinder
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Regarding Voldemort's need for replacement bodies: does this mean he's a daemon of the warp in this story?
Overall, I like the story, but when the Auror first appeared at Alyson's "rescue," his description made me think you were trying to bring back Dumbledore, or at least Dumbledore's brother (an apparent recluse mentioned in 'Order of the Phoenix').
Overall, I like the story, but when the Auror first appeared at Alyson's "rescue," his description made me think you were trying to bring back Dumbledore, or at least Dumbledore's brother (an apparent recluse mentioned in 'Order of the Phoenix').
Last edited by Sidewinder on 2007-09-12 10:34am, edited 1 time in total.
Please do not make Americans fight giant monsters.
Those gun nuts do not understand the meaning of "overkill," and will simply use weapon after weapon of mass destruction (WMD) until the monster is dead, or until they run out of weapons.
They have more WMD than there are monsters for us to fight. (More insanity here.)
Those gun nuts do not understand the meaning of "overkill," and will simply use weapon after weapon of mass destruction (WMD) until the monster is dead, or until they run out of weapons.
They have more WMD than there are monsters for us to fight. (More insanity here.)
Yes, it is alive. Just had the whole sumer vacation thing to do. Now that I'm back in school, I can write. More is coming soon, stay tuned!
The next morning, the three Aurors once again visited Alyson, to take custody of her as she was released from the hospital. The doctor pronounced his professional opinion, stating that “It does her no good to be laying in bed here getting interrogated for weeks, so let her out, see the sights, and maybe she’ll start remembering something. The human brain is a very complex thing and I wouldn’t be surprised if they had missed something in the Obliviate.”
Over the night, while Alyson had slept, she had also been trying to figure out this world. The people here did everything with their stick-tools, and Alyson couldn’t see how so many capabilities could be put into one little instrument. That was only the beginning of it. Every time the did something with their stick-tools, there was a tiny flash around them in the warp, almost like they were using psyker abilities. But as far as Alyson could tell, none of them had any other signs of being a psyker, save the one in the cave. The only other thing she knew of that produced warp activity was warp-sorcery. The implications of that were disturbing, to say the least.
An entire society, at least, of warp magicians, and here Alyson was, right in the middle of it. She had engaged in some questionable practices before, but nothing on this scale. She ought to have the whole place burned from orbit: it was the only way to be safe.
And yet, besides the psyker in the cave, Alyson had sensed absolutely no traces of Chaos here, even though magic and Chaos were so intertwined that they were basically considered the same thing. There were exceptions of course, but the only ones known to exist were the ones that related to the Imperial Cult, and worship of the immortal God-Emperor. It was the reason why blessed weapons were so effective against daemons, and how those of great faith could do the impossible. Yet just as there was no chaos around, this world was also lacking the light of the Emperor. In a galaxy dominated by either the light of the Emperor or the darkness of Chaos, this world was an impossibility, touched by neither. Except for the one psyker Alyson had encountered. There was something familiar, something that she almost understood. Magic was outside of her area of expertise, but all inquisitors were taught about psykers.
The medical staff had returned Alyson’s clothes and lent her some robes to wear so she wouldn’t look too out of place on the street. She was reminded of the robes that were so common in the halls of the Inquisition, and on many Imperial worlds. Definitely not conclusive evidence that this was an Imperial world, but it helped to have something familiar around. Alyson still wore her armored bodysuit underneath though, as befit an inquisitor in unfamiliar territory.
After Alyson got dressed and was given back her possessions, the aurors were allowed to enter and take custody of her. Lucas caught her eyes first and said “Hello again miss, it’s nice to see you up and around. We’re going to be showing you around the city today, so stick close if you please.”
Alyson just smiled and nodded. The third auror, the one that hadn’t spoken the last time, disengaged himself from the others, strode confidently to Alyson, and took a deep bow, proclaiming “I am William the Gallant, the Brave, and the Noble, and I am pleased to make your acquaintance, fair lady. May I inquire as to whether you have remembered or selected your name?”
The other two in the back were cracking up quietly, and Alyson took this as a sign that it was safe to assume that this William character was making a joke. Alyson rendered a fair approximation of a giggle and said no.
“Well then good lady, would it displease you if I were to render upon you the name of ‘Alice’?”
There were no coincidences in the universe, just faith, fate, and Chaos. Alyson prayed that this was fate.
“I like it, it sounds nice.”
William the Gallant, Brave, Noble, and now Victorious, smiled hugely, bowed again, then strode back to his counterparts, who were shaking their heads and producing several valuable looking coins that looked like currency. After paying up, Lucas looked to Alyson and said “Well then, Alice, shall we be off?”
Alyson left St. Mungo’s in between the three aurors, who were discussing where to go first. Evidently, they had narrowed the field down to a street named “Diagon Alley”, but there was some question as to what establishment to visit first. There was some sort of bar, a zoo, a museum, a restaurant, and several other places that she couldn’t understand. It was mainly the two underlings arguing with each other, while Lucas was just listening. Finally, he raised his hands, calming the two aurors down, and said “Boys, you are both wrong. The first place we will go is Ollivander’s, where we will get her a new wand.”
The two junior aurors both nodded in approval, suitably chastised by Lucas’s tone and the wisdom of his words. Of course they had to get her a wand, and Ollivander might have records of who Alice was, if she had bought her wand there.
After another teleportation, the four were standing in a market plaza filled with vendors. Strange aromas filled the air, tickling the nose and burning the tongue. All around were men and women dressed in robes of various quality, hurrying about their business or stopping to see the sights. Commerce was a constant in all civilized worlds, and this one seemed to be no exception. Alyson took in the sights as they threaded their way through the crowd and into the main street, where the larger shops made their business. They stopped in front of an old, regal looking building of wood and stone. A sign above the door proudly proclaimed that this was Ollivander’s, makers of fine wands wince some date that held no meaning to Alyson. Will opened the door and gestured for Alyson to step inside. She did so, crossing the threshold into a place of peace and darkness.
The inside of the wand shop reminded Alyson of a library. There was a small waiting area, and beyond that, shelved stacked with slim boxes. There was nobody inside except for the small man sitting at a workbench near the waiting area. As Alyson stepped in, the man rose and approached her.
“Welcome to Ollivander’s! I am Ollivander, operator of this fine business. Might I inquire as to your business here?”
The aurors stepped into the building and Ollivander seemed a bit confused. Before he could say anything, Lucas led him off away from the group and whispered something into his ear. He nodded eagerly, then turned back to Alyson with a smile on his face.
“I see you are looking for a wand, yes? Not to worry, you’ve come to the finest place available! Come along now, we’ll get you matched up in no time!”
The aurors stayed back in the waiting area as Ollivander led Alyson away. As they walked, tape measures and various other measuring instruments flew out from nowhere and started measuring Alyson while the wandmaker took notes. She suppressed the urge to swat at the insectlike disruptions, but recognized that this was probably what happened to everyone who came to this place. After the last measurement was done, Ollivander did some math and looked uncomfortable. He led Alyson deep into the store, down a flight of stairs, and into what seemed to be a small storage room.
“Take a look around, just wander for a while. Your wand is here somewhere, just waiting for you. You’ll know it when you come to it.”
There wasn’t much room to wander in the small room. Many of the boxes had a thick layer of dust on them, and Alyson had no idea what she was supposed to do. She came to a trunk sitting next to one of the shelves, and out of curiosity, opened it. The hinges creaked, but the sound was muffled by the surroundings. Inside were more slim boxes, almost indistinguishable from the ones in the front of the store. She picked up one made from a rich black wood, and noticed the small man peering over her shoulder.
“Go ahead, open it, and we’ll find out what’s inside.”
Alyson had a feeling that this was a great important moment, as if she was about to enter the shrine of an Imperial Saint or a great hero. She took a deep breath of the dusty air and opened the box.
“White oak driftwood, black eagle feather, six inches, quite stiff, of the old design. Very rare that this chose to be selected. We haven’t sold one of these in hundreds of years. Workmanship is top quality as always, but there was always something unusual about them. Extraordinarily unresponsive to anyone but the chosen wizard or witch. Well then, let’s see how you respond to it.”
Alyson took the wand out of its case. She suddenly understood what they did. They were conduits, access points in which the Warp could be made material, harnessed, commanded. And possibly, could it corrupt?
“Go ahead, give it a swish.”
Alyson did as she was told, and a single bright blue spark flew out and hung in the air until it slowly faded and disappeared. She was surprised. She had done nothing, that spark had been all the wand’s doing. Either that, or it was absorbing the miniscule bleed-off of her powers and harnessing it. She would have to investigate further.
“Well then, I think we’ve found the match for you. Come on back and we will get this recorded.”
They returned to the waiting area, wand in Alyson’s hand. Ollivander and Lucas went to fill out paperwork while the other aurors examined the wand. They made comparisons, remarked on its qualities, and showed their own wands. They both seemed to be experts, but Alyson guessed that this was the sort of thing everyone claimed to be an expert at.
Lucas returned, looking cheerful, but with worry hanging in his mind. Alyson would have to find out what it was later. For now, they had plans to show her around the rest of Diagon Alley.
The next morning, the three Aurors once again visited Alyson, to take custody of her as she was released from the hospital. The doctor pronounced his professional opinion, stating that “It does her no good to be laying in bed here getting interrogated for weeks, so let her out, see the sights, and maybe she’ll start remembering something. The human brain is a very complex thing and I wouldn’t be surprised if they had missed something in the Obliviate.”
Over the night, while Alyson had slept, she had also been trying to figure out this world. The people here did everything with their stick-tools, and Alyson couldn’t see how so many capabilities could be put into one little instrument. That was only the beginning of it. Every time the did something with their stick-tools, there was a tiny flash around them in the warp, almost like they were using psyker abilities. But as far as Alyson could tell, none of them had any other signs of being a psyker, save the one in the cave. The only other thing she knew of that produced warp activity was warp-sorcery. The implications of that were disturbing, to say the least.
An entire society, at least, of warp magicians, and here Alyson was, right in the middle of it. She had engaged in some questionable practices before, but nothing on this scale. She ought to have the whole place burned from orbit: it was the only way to be safe.
And yet, besides the psyker in the cave, Alyson had sensed absolutely no traces of Chaos here, even though magic and Chaos were so intertwined that they were basically considered the same thing. There were exceptions of course, but the only ones known to exist were the ones that related to the Imperial Cult, and worship of the immortal God-Emperor. It was the reason why blessed weapons were so effective against daemons, and how those of great faith could do the impossible. Yet just as there was no chaos around, this world was also lacking the light of the Emperor. In a galaxy dominated by either the light of the Emperor or the darkness of Chaos, this world was an impossibility, touched by neither. Except for the one psyker Alyson had encountered. There was something familiar, something that she almost understood. Magic was outside of her area of expertise, but all inquisitors were taught about psykers.
The medical staff had returned Alyson’s clothes and lent her some robes to wear so she wouldn’t look too out of place on the street. She was reminded of the robes that were so common in the halls of the Inquisition, and on many Imperial worlds. Definitely not conclusive evidence that this was an Imperial world, but it helped to have something familiar around. Alyson still wore her armored bodysuit underneath though, as befit an inquisitor in unfamiliar territory.
After Alyson got dressed and was given back her possessions, the aurors were allowed to enter and take custody of her. Lucas caught her eyes first and said “Hello again miss, it’s nice to see you up and around. We’re going to be showing you around the city today, so stick close if you please.”
Alyson just smiled and nodded. The third auror, the one that hadn’t spoken the last time, disengaged himself from the others, strode confidently to Alyson, and took a deep bow, proclaiming “I am William the Gallant, the Brave, and the Noble, and I am pleased to make your acquaintance, fair lady. May I inquire as to whether you have remembered or selected your name?”
The other two in the back were cracking up quietly, and Alyson took this as a sign that it was safe to assume that this William character was making a joke. Alyson rendered a fair approximation of a giggle and said no.
“Well then good lady, would it displease you if I were to render upon you the name of ‘Alice’?”
There were no coincidences in the universe, just faith, fate, and Chaos. Alyson prayed that this was fate.
“I like it, it sounds nice.”
William the Gallant, Brave, Noble, and now Victorious, smiled hugely, bowed again, then strode back to his counterparts, who were shaking their heads and producing several valuable looking coins that looked like currency. After paying up, Lucas looked to Alyson and said “Well then, Alice, shall we be off?”
Alyson left St. Mungo’s in between the three aurors, who were discussing where to go first. Evidently, they had narrowed the field down to a street named “Diagon Alley”, but there was some question as to what establishment to visit first. There was some sort of bar, a zoo, a museum, a restaurant, and several other places that she couldn’t understand. It was mainly the two underlings arguing with each other, while Lucas was just listening. Finally, he raised his hands, calming the two aurors down, and said “Boys, you are both wrong. The first place we will go is Ollivander’s, where we will get her a new wand.”
The two junior aurors both nodded in approval, suitably chastised by Lucas’s tone and the wisdom of his words. Of course they had to get her a wand, and Ollivander might have records of who Alice was, if she had bought her wand there.
After another teleportation, the four were standing in a market plaza filled with vendors. Strange aromas filled the air, tickling the nose and burning the tongue. All around were men and women dressed in robes of various quality, hurrying about their business or stopping to see the sights. Commerce was a constant in all civilized worlds, and this one seemed to be no exception. Alyson took in the sights as they threaded their way through the crowd and into the main street, where the larger shops made their business. They stopped in front of an old, regal looking building of wood and stone. A sign above the door proudly proclaimed that this was Ollivander’s, makers of fine wands wince some date that held no meaning to Alyson. Will opened the door and gestured for Alyson to step inside. She did so, crossing the threshold into a place of peace and darkness.
The inside of the wand shop reminded Alyson of a library. There was a small waiting area, and beyond that, shelved stacked with slim boxes. There was nobody inside except for the small man sitting at a workbench near the waiting area. As Alyson stepped in, the man rose and approached her.
“Welcome to Ollivander’s! I am Ollivander, operator of this fine business. Might I inquire as to your business here?”
The aurors stepped into the building and Ollivander seemed a bit confused. Before he could say anything, Lucas led him off away from the group and whispered something into his ear. He nodded eagerly, then turned back to Alyson with a smile on his face.
“I see you are looking for a wand, yes? Not to worry, you’ve come to the finest place available! Come along now, we’ll get you matched up in no time!”
The aurors stayed back in the waiting area as Ollivander led Alyson away. As they walked, tape measures and various other measuring instruments flew out from nowhere and started measuring Alyson while the wandmaker took notes. She suppressed the urge to swat at the insectlike disruptions, but recognized that this was probably what happened to everyone who came to this place. After the last measurement was done, Ollivander did some math and looked uncomfortable. He led Alyson deep into the store, down a flight of stairs, and into what seemed to be a small storage room.
“Take a look around, just wander for a while. Your wand is here somewhere, just waiting for you. You’ll know it when you come to it.”
There wasn’t much room to wander in the small room. Many of the boxes had a thick layer of dust on them, and Alyson had no idea what she was supposed to do. She came to a trunk sitting next to one of the shelves, and out of curiosity, opened it. The hinges creaked, but the sound was muffled by the surroundings. Inside were more slim boxes, almost indistinguishable from the ones in the front of the store. She picked up one made from a rich black wood, and noticed the small man peering over her shoulder.
“Go ahead, open it, and we’ll find out what’s inside.”
Alyson had a feeling that this was a great important moment, as if she was about to enter the shrine of an Imperial Saint or a great hero. She took a deep breath of the dusty air and opened the box.
“White oak driftwood, black eagle feather, six inches, quite stiff, of the old design. Very rare that this chose to be selected. We haven’t sold one of these in hundreds of years. Workmanship is top quality as always, but there was always something unusual about them. Extraordinarily unresponsive to anyone but the chosen wizard or witch. Well then, let’s see how you respond to it.”
Alyson took the wand out of its case. She suddenly understood what they did. They were conduits, access points in which the Warp could be made material, harnessed, commanded. And possibly, could it corrupt?
“Go ahead, give it a swish.”
Alyson did as she was told, and a single bright blue spark flew out and hung in the air until it slowly faded and disappeared. She was surprised. She had done nothing, that spark had been all the wand’s doing. Either that, or it was absorbing the miniscule bleed-off of her powers and harnessing it. She would have to investigate further.
“Well then, I think we’ve found the match for you. Come on back and we will get this recorded.”
They returned to the waiting area, wand in Alyson’s hand. Ollivander and Lucas went to fill out paperwork while the other aurors examined the wand. They made comparisons, remarked on its qualities, and showed their own wands. They both seemed to be experts, but Alyson guessed that this was the sort of thing everyone claimed to be an expert at.
Lucas returned, looking cheerful, but with worry hanging in his mind. Alyson would have to find out what it was later. For now, they had plans to show her around the rest of Diagon Alley.
Last edited by Hawkwings on 2007-09-25 06:31pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Sidewinder
- Sith Acolyte
- Posts: 5466
- Joined: 2005-05-18 10:23pm
- Location: Feasting on those who fell in battle
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Not bad, but...
Where the hell is Alyson? The Holy Terra of the distant past, with the future Emperor waiting in the shadows? A parallel universe, where neither the Emperor nor the Chaos Gods exist?In a galaxy dominated by either the light of the Emperor or the darkness of Chaos, this world was an impossibility, touched by neither.
Please do not make Americans fight giant monsters.
Those gun nuts do not understand the meaning of "overkill," and will simply use weapon after weapon of mass destruction (WMD) until the monster is dead, or until they run out of weapons.
They have more WMD than there are monsters for us to fight. (More insanity here.)
Those gun nuts do not understand the meaning of "overkill," and will simply use weapon after weapon of mass destruction (WMD) until the monster is dead, or until they run out of weapons.
They have more WMD than there are monsters for us to fight. (More insanity here.)
- Darth Fanboy
- Posts: 11182
- Joined: 2002-09-20 05:25am
- Location: Mars, where I am a totally bitchin' rockstar.
This can only end with Harry Potter's teef being extracted by an ork with big dirty fingers from wiping his ass and not using TP (and not washing either). Then Harry is eaten by said Ork. Man that would be so cooooool!
"If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little."
-George Carlin (1937-2008)
"Have some of you Americans actually seen Football? Of course there are 0-0 draws but that doesn't make them any less exciting."
-Dr Roberts, with quite possibly the dumbest thing ever said in 10 years of SDNet.
-George Carlin (1937-2008)
"Have some of you Americans actually seen Football? Of course there are 0-0 draws but that doesn't make them any less exciting."
-Dr Roberts, with quite possibly the dumbest thing ever said in 10 years of SDNet.
It's planned out in my plot summary, so don't worry. It's definitely not Holy Terra of any time period though. That would just cause a huge mess of problems.Sidewinder wrote:Not bad, but...Where the hell is Alyson? The Holy Terra of the distant past, with the future Emperor waiting in the shadows? A parallel universe, where neither the Emperor nor the Chaos Gods exist?In a galaxy dominated by either the light of the Emperor or the darkness of Chaos, this world was an impossibility, touched by neither.
Where would Orks come into this story? The world's not overrun by Orks, so that means that they aren't here. The only way there would be orks is if a rok crashed on the planet, or if there were spores in the escape pod...Darth Fanboy wrote:This can only end with Harry Potter's teef being extracted by an ork with big dirty fingers from wiping his ass and not using TP (and not washing either). Then Harry is eaten by said Ork. Man that would be so cooooool!
Wait a minute, have you been reading through my plot notes?
- Darth Fanboy
- Posts: 11182
- Joined: 2002-09-20 05:25am
- Location: Mars, where I am a totally bitchin' rockstar.
Hello, you must be new here, hence the Redshirt title and your lack of knowledge regarding the SEARCH FUNCTION! Just remember to search within the Fanfics subforum for best results! Also, since he is a respecte author who updates frequently, most of his top stories tend to be on at least the first two or three pages of topics in this forum.Satori wrote: Can someone provide a link to the stories of "Imperial Overlord"? I would like to read them.
There is no such thing as a good 40K story without Orks. I assume you are trying to write a good one yes?Hawkwings wrote:Where would Orks come into this story? The world's not overrun by Orks, so that means that they aren't here. The only way there would be orks is if a rok crashed on the planet, or if there were spores in the escape pod...
Wait a minute, have you been reading through my plot notes?

"If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little."
-George Carlin (1937-2008)
"Have some of you Americans actually seen Football? Of course there are 0-0 draws but that doesn't make them any less exciting."
-Dr Roberts, with quite possibly the dumbest thing ever said in 10 years of SDNet.
-George Carlin (1937-2008)
"Have some of you Americans actually seen Football? Of course there are 0-0 draws but that doesn't make them any less exciting."
-Dr Roberts, with quite possibly the dumbest thing ever said in 10 years of SDNet.
- Redshirt
- Posts: 9
- Joined: 2007-08-15 05:27pm
- Chris OFarrell
- Durandal's Bitch
- Posts: 5724
- Joined: 2002-08-02 07:57pm
- Contact:
I wana see this Inquisitor turn her wand into a Force weapon 
Some Dark wizard screams Ardarva Kerdava, the energy is simply absorbed by our friendly inquisitor, then she levels her own wand and shouts 'I name thee extremis diabolus!" and a gigantic blast of pure white/blue light vaporizes the Death Eater, followed by most of the medium sized hill behind him...

Some Dark wizard screams Ardarva Kerdava, the energy is simply absorbed by our friendly inquisitor, then she levels her own wand and shouts 'I name thee extremis diabolus!" and a gigantic blast of pure white/blue light vaporizes the Death Eater, followed by most of the medium sized hill behind him...

- Academia Nut
- Sith Devotee
- Posts: 2598
- Joined: 2005-08-23 10:44pm
- Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Technically Death Eaters are probably more heretical than daemonic considering the descriptions of how things are working here, so probably only Voldemort would be likely to recieve Extremis Diabolis, while the rest of his crew is something more along the lines of Hereticus Abomini.
And while raw pyrotechnics will be amusing, telepathic combat will probably be even more so. A lot of psyker combat seems to be done on the "Astral Plane" or something like that, and very few wizards in the HP universe have any sort of mental barriers. So I think this is perhaps a bit better:
DE: Crucio!
Inquisitor: Ow... that was the best you've got? Honestly, was it really? I mean, that was like a 6 on the Excruciator, and it goes up to 11. Here, try this
And while raw pyrotechnics will be amusing, telepathic combat will probably be even more so. A lot of psyker combat seems to be done on the "Astral Plane" or something like that, and very few wizards in the HP universe have any sort of mental barriers. So I think this is perhaps a bit better:
DE: Crucio!
Inquisitor: Ow... that was the best you've got? Honestly, was it really? I mean, that was like a 6 on the Excruciator, and it goes up to 11. Here, try this
I love learning. Teach me. I will listen.
You know, if Christian dogma included a ten-foot tall Jesus walking around in battle armor and smashing retarded cultists with a gaint mace, I might just convert - Noble Ire on Jesus smashing Scientologists
You know, if Christian dogma included a ten-foot tall Jesus walking around in battle armor and smashing retarded cultists with a gaint mace, I might just convert - Noble Ire on Jesus smashing Scientologists
I tried to use it to find a fic by the Duchess of Zion before, with disappointing results. Thus my asking for links.Darth Fanboy wrote: Hello, you must be new here, hence the Redshirt title and your lack of knowledge regarding the SEARCH FUNCTION! Just remember to search within the Fanfics subforum for best results! Also, since he is a respecte author who updates frequently, most of his top stories tend to be on at least the first two or three pages of topics in this forum.
- Singular Quartet
- Sith Marauder
- Posts: 3896
- Joined: 2002-07-04 05:33pm
- Location: This is sky. It is made of FUCKING and LIMIT.
Yay! It's back.
Interesting that the wand works for her, of course, she has no detailed knowledge of how to use it. Perhaps her psyker training will let it function in new ways.
Of course, if not, that laspistol of hers will still be a rude supprise for most of the wizards in the HP-verse.
Interesting that the wand works for her, of course, she has no detailed knowledge of how to use it. Perhaps her psyker training will let it function in new ways.
Of course, if not, that laspistol of hers will still be a rude supprise for most of the wizards in the HP-verse.
3D Printed Custom Miniatures! Check it out: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/pro ... miniatures
Here we go! Plots, schemes, preliminary explosions, and Alyson gets really lucky. Enjoy!
“Lord, we have located the target. As you predicted, she is under guard, and in Diagon Alley. We are prepared to attack at once.”
The Dark Lord, under cover of robes and cowls, glared at the messenger. He asked “How go the preparations at the Ministry?”
“Nearly complete Lord. There are just a few minor positions that we have been unable to infiltrate, but the primary posts have been compromised and replaced with our people. We expect quick success if we were to launch the attack immediately.”
The Dark Lord had accelerated the schedule for the Ministry takeover. The introduction of that powerful witch had changed many plans, and now his primary goal was to acquire that host. With such a powerful host body, he wouldn’t need many of the resources that he had come to depend upon, and could continue growing in power. Still, it was better to have the Ministry on his side than arrayed against him, and the target probably would not be vulnerable for much longer.
“The attack on Diagon Alley begins tonight. Once enough aurors leave the Ministry, we attack there as well. By tomorrow, we will have wizarding Britain under our control.”
The attack came in the middle of the night. Alyson was only warned when the local warpspace flashed and rearranged, disturbing her psychic unconsciousness enough that it woke her immediately. Alyson’s eyes snapped open, and she took the luxury of letting her mind naturally reorient itself instead of running through her “sudden wake-up” routine. As soon as her mind cleared, Alyson sensed the strange disturbance around the inn. It was a change in the Warp greater than any she had sensed since arriving on this planet, and she knew that it was not good news. Anything with the power to rearrange warpspace was a serious, credible threat, and most likely that being was not just playing a prank of some sort.
Alyson rolled out of the very comfortable bed and into the chilly air. The temperature had dropped since she’d been asleep, that was expected. However, she did not expect it to be so cold that she could see her breath in the air. Psychic cold was a side-effect of major psyker activity, and another bad sign. Alyson pulled on the matte-black armored bodysuit and threw the robe over it, then holstered her weapons and grabbed the wand.
Alyson had discovered several things about the “stick-tool” in the time that she had been alone to study it. First, and most remarkable, it was capable of being a psychic focus. The blue spark that had appeared in the wand shop was the result of Alyson’s psychic bleed-off, but the wand had not yet been attuned to her. After she had figured out what the stick really was, Alyson had spent an hour carefully attuning the warp spirit inside the wand to her.
That was the other remarkable thing. The wands had tiny warp spirits bound to them. Miniscule in power, their only ability was to influence nearby people into a general feeling of “yes” and “no”. The wandmaker had remarked that “The wand chooses the wizard, not the other way around,” and Alyson now saw how that could be true. Picking up the wand now, Alyson could feel the spirit inside resonating with her. It was similar to the spirits of particularly psy-sensitive tools or weapons, such as the famed objects that Imperial Saints were in contact with when they were slain. Almost unconsciously, Alyson touched the gold butterfly hair-pin, as if remembering something.
The immediate effect of Alyson’s new warp focus was that she had even finer warp-sense, and greater control of her powers, as well as being able to draw upon more of them without burning herself out. She turned her newly heightened senses onto the inn around her, and enjoyed the peaceful feeling of no daemons while investigating the disturbance. It was anchored into real space, just covering the inn, and seemed to have some sort of dampening effect. Outside the field, there were occasional flashes of miniscule warp activity and the stronger, more constant ones that indicated the presence of more powerful sorcery, but inside the physical barriers of the inn, there were none at all. Alyson probed the edges of the field, testing what its capabilities were. As she pushed, she felt some other mind push back, counterprobing her. Alyson quickly drew back and hid her traces. In the brief moment that she had touched the other mind, Alyson sensed enough to know that this was most definitely an attack, and that she was the target.
They have the innkeeper’s records, they’ll be coming up here soon. I need to leave.
The other thing she learned was that this dampening field had separated the inn from the rest of the world outside. Though only a miniscule distance apart, the strange geometries of the Warp had shifted the inn off the plane of this planet and into its own universe. There would be no escape by jumping out a window.
Alyson grabbed the rest of her belongings and slipped into the hallway. The lofted ceilings and wide halls were no longer lit and warmed by the sorcerous torches. The walls creaked every few seconds from the cold, an eerie sound that helped hide Alyson’s movement, but reminded her all too much of encounters with Chaos. She expanded her passive awareness, and noticed that several other people were stirring in their rooms, probably also disturbed by the sudden change. Further out, there were several dozen beings spreading through the hallways, probably the attackers. They were coming quickly and from all directions. Their plan was obviously not just to capture Alyson; a small group would have worked better for that. They were intent on doing something with the other guests as well. Alyson couldn’t worry about that right now. She had to find a way to escape.
The simplest solution would be to destroy the dampening field, causing the inn to revert back to its original position and letting her escape through conventional means. However, during the mental contact, Alyson had sensed that the other person was just as powerful, if not more powerful, then she was. While one on one that would not have been such a big deal, the other several dozen attackers complicated the situation. She could not engage in mental combat and fend off all those people at the same time, even with her new focus. She could also just kill the other person physically, since remaining hidden from psykers was Alyson’s specialty. Still, with all these enemies around, she would have to gather information first.
Alyson sensed that one team of assailants was approaching. As they drew nearer, she could make out details about them. There were two humans, one of which showed wisps of psychic awareness, and several large abhuman creatures. She guessed that the abhumans were the muscle, judging from their dim minds and large presence, and the humans were in charge. They might even hold useful information about the person maintaining the dampening field.
Alyson hid and prepared an ambush while the attackers broke into the rooms and carried off the guests. She neatly avoided the ones headed to her room, and was amused by their frantic actions as they discovered her room was empty. She noticed that the dampening field also seemed to affect the attackers, as none of them used their wands and they relied upon their muscle to do all the hard work. None of the captured guests even had a chance; their sorcerous talents were overcome by simple brute force. It was a story cherished by those in the Guard, but just this once, Alyson wished that some of the guests would have at least offered some resistance. Even the aurors were caught by surprise. The dampening field had killed all their magical wards and traps, and none had thought to prepare any physical alarms. Alyson was rather disappointed, though not surprised. This society was so focused on their sorcery that they seemed to have forgotten about technological advancement.
The targets approached. Alyson perched up high on a support beam, watching as the patrol stopped to investigate a shredded black robe in the middle of the hall. The four abhumans stopped to circle around the robe, and finally the two humans broke into their circle and bent down to examine the robe. Alyson covered her eyes and fired.
In the darkness and quiet, blinding brilliance of the laspistol shot, the cracking explosion as meat flash-vaporized, and the shock from bloody chunks spraying everyone was just as effective as a flash grenade for purposes of disorientation and confusion. The next three shots had similar effects. A second later, when Alyson uncovered her eyes, the two humans were still dazed, unsure of what just happened. To their eyes, the world around them had just exploded in light and sound. The blood on them probably hadn’t even registered yet.
Alyson dropped down, planting her boots into the shoulders of the non-psyker at the same time that the beheaded abhumans hit the ground. The man yelped and crumpled, cushioning Alyson’s fall. The psyker, seemingly spurred into action by his partner’s cry, jumped up and back, away from Alyson. His reflexes were quick, but hardly enough to avoid the inquisitor’s tackle. With the knife pressed firmly to his neck, Alyson whispered in his ear, “Imperial Inquisition, don’t struggle or I’ll slit your throat.”
The psyker had tensed up, but quickly relaxed. Alyson could taste his emotions now, plenty of fear and uncertainty. Perfect to deal with. The other man was unconscious and also useful, though in a different way. She left him alone, and stood up her captive. Keeping the knife at his throat, Alyson marched him into a nearby room, sat him down in a chair, and closed the door. She told him “You will tell me what you know, after that I’ll let you go. It’s really very simple, and nobody needs to know that you betrayed your leader. In fact, I can guarantee that nobody will find out.”
To give the man credit, he wasn’t the stereotypical dumb henchman, which may have been a desirable quality for this man’s employers. He looked as if he was actually considering the deal, which spoke volumes to Alyson about his motivation as well as about her enemy’s recruitment.
While the man considered, Alyson opened her mind and looked at her captive’s thoughts. The surface thoughts were quite readable, along with the emotions, but around his memories was a maze of memory locks and engram traps. She didn’t recognize the form or the directions, but there was no mistaking the fact that they held this man’s memories hostage. She could get through, but that would be tedious work, and she didn’t have time for that. Brief glimpses into the man’s surface thoughts gave her some information, but it was rough and unreliable.
“After our attack fails, I can go into hiding for a while, but the Dark Lord will call me eventually. He will see through any deception you can make, even memory wipes. How do you plan to protect me then?”
Alyson grinned. She said “You’re one of those Death Eaters, aren’t you? This Dark Lord is the most powerful wizard alive, eats fluffy animals, and all the rest of the stuff people say?”
The man nodded, but rolled his eyes as well.
“You’ll be safe at home with your unknowing family because this Dark Lord will be deposed, just like any other tyrant.”
The man coughed a quick laugh. “And how do you plan on doing that?”
“I plan on killing him myself.”
The man was stunned for a moment. He had obviously not considered such a bold statement. He blurted out “But you can’t kill him! It’s impossible! He’s immortal! They’ve killed him twice already, and twice he’s come back!”
Alyson knelt down by his side and responded assuringly, “Please stop telling me I can’t do my job. I am, in fact, very good at doing things that seem impossible, like killing immortal beings. Or breaking anti-magic fields.”
His resistance was weakening. He had just seen four trolls blown to fleshy chunks by an unknown spell of incredible power, through an anti-magic field. That was impossible too.
“I can make sure you die quickly and painlessly if he find out.”
“How?” he asked with childlike enthusiasm.
“Open your mind and look.” Alyson prodded an engram trap. “See these?” She spoke aloud, “I know you remember them being put in. I can make one that will kill you if your Dark Lord questions your loyalty about this incident. I’ll even let you be able to trigger it yourself if you want.”
That sealed the deal for Alyson’s captive. He said “I don’t know if you can kill him or not, but as long as I’m covered, I’ll help you. Just put that in and I’ll talk.”
Alyson shielded her warp traces and quickly completed the engram trap. She said “You must have faith. The Imperial Inquisition always wins. Now, tell me what I need to know.”
“Lord, we have located the target. As you predicted, she is under guard, and in Diagon Alley. We are prepared to attack at once.”
The Dark Lord, under cover of robes and cowls, glared at the messenger. He asked “How go the preparations at the Ministry?”
“Nearly complete Lord. There are just a few minor positions that we have been unable to infiltrate, but the primary posts have been compromised and replaced with our people. We expect quick success if we were to launch the attack immediately.”
The Dark Lord had accelerated the schedule for the Ministry takeover. The introduction of that powerful witch had changed many plans, and now his primary goal was to acquire that host. With such a powerful host body, he wouldn’t need many of the resources that he had come to depend upon, and could continue growing in power. Still, it was better to have the Ministry on his side than arrayed against him, and the target probably would not be vulnerable for much longer.
“The attack on Diagon Alley begins tonight. Once enough aurors leave the Ministry, we attack there as well. By tomorrow, we will have wizarding Britain under our control.”
The attack came in the middle of the night. Alyson was only warned when the local warpspace flashed and rearranged, disturbing her psychic unconsciousness enough that it woke her immediately. Alyson’s eyes snapped open, and she took the luxury of letting her mind naturally reorient itself instead of running through her “sudden wake-up” routine. As soon as her mind cleared, Alyson sensed the strange disturbance around the inn. It was a change in the Warp greater than any she had sensed since arriving on this planet, and she knew that it was not good news. Anything with the power to rearrange warpspace was a serious, credible threat, and most likely that being was not just playing a prank of some sort.
Alyson rolled out of the very comfortable bed and into the chilly air. The temperature had dropped since she’d been asleep, that was expected. However, she did not expect it to be so cold that she could see her breath in the air. Psychic cold was a side-effect of major psyker activity, and another bad sign. Alyson pulled on the matte-black armored bodysuit and threw the robe over it, then holstered her weapons and grabbed the wand.
Alyson had discovered several things about the “stick-tool” in the time that she had been alone to study it. First, and most remarkable, it was capable of being a psychic focus. The blue spark that had appeared in the wand shop was the result of Alyson’s psychic bleed-off, but the wand had not yet been attuned to her. After she had figured out what the stick really was, Alyson had spent an hour carefully attuning the warp spirit inside the wand to her.
That was the other remarkable thing. The wands had tiny warp spirits bound to them. Miniscule in power, their only ability was to influence nearby people into a general feeling of “yes” and “no”. The wandmaker had remarked that “The wand chooses the wizard, not the other way around,” and Alyson now saw how that could be true. Picking up the wand now, Alyson could feel the spirit inside resonating with her. It was similar to the spirits of particularly psy-sensitive tools or weapons, such as the famed objects that Imperial Saints were in contact with when they were slain. Almost unconsciously, Alyson touched the gold butterfly hair-pin, as if remembering something.
The immediate effect of Alyson’s new warp focus was that she had even finer warp-sense, and greater control of her powers, as well as being able to draw upon more of them without burning herself out. She turned her newly heightened senses onto the inn around her, and enjoyed the peaceful feeling of no daemons while investigating the disturbance. It was anchored into real space, just covering the inn, and seemed to have some sort of dampening effect. Outside the field, there were occasional flashes of miniscule warp activity and the stronger, more constant ones that indicated the presence of more powerful sorcery, but inside the physical barriers of the inn, there were none at all. Alyson probed the edges of the field, testing what its capabilities were. As she pushed, she felt some other mind push back, counterprobing her. Alyson quickly drew back and hid her traces. In the brief moment that she had touched the other mind, Alyson sensed enough to know that this was most definitely an attack, and that she was the target.
They have the innkeeper’s records, they’ll be coming up here soon. I need to leave.
The other thing she learned was that this dampening field had separated the inn from the rest of the world outside. Though only a miniscule distance apart, the strange geometries of the Warp had shifted the inn off the plane of this planet and into its own universe. There would be no escape by jumping out a window.
Alyson grabbed the rest of her belongings and slipped into the hallway. The lofted ceilings and wide halls were no longer lit and warmed by the sorcerous torches. The walls creaked every few seconds from the cold, an eerie sound that helped hide Alyson’s movement, but reminded her all too much of encounters with Chaos. She expanded her passive awareness, and noticed that several other people were stirring in their rooms, probably also disturbed by the sudden change. Further out, there were several dozen beings spreading through the hallways, probably the attackers. They were coming quickly and from all directions. Their plan was obviously not just to capture Alyson; a small group would have worked better for that. They were intent on doing something with the other guests as well. Alyson couldn’t worry about that right now. She had to find a way to escape.
The simplest solution would be to destroy the dampening field, causing the inn to revert back to its original position and letting her escape through conventional means. However, during the mental contact, Alyson had sensed that the other person was just as powerful, if not more powerful, then she was. While one on one that would not have been such a big deal, the other several dozen attackers complicated the situation. She could not engage in mental combat and fend off all those people at the same time, even with her new focus. She could also just kill the other person physically, since remaining hidden from psykers was Alyson’s specialty. Still, with all these enemies around, she would have to gather information first.
Alyson sensed that one team of assailants was approaching. As they drew nearer, she could make out details about them. There were two humans, one of which showed wisps of psychic awareness, and several large abhuman creatures. She guessed that the abhumans were the muscle, judging from their dim minds and large presence, and the humans were in charge. They might even hold useful information about the person maintaining the dampening field.
Alyson hid and prepared an ambush while the attackers broke into the rooms and carried off the guests. She neatly avoided the ones headed to her room, and was amused by their frantic actions as they discovered her room was empty. She noticed that the dampening field also seemed to affect the attackers, as none of them used their wands and they relied upon their muscle to do all the hard work. None of the captured guests even had a chance; their sorcerous talents were overcome by simple brute force. It was a story cherished by those in the Guard, but just this once, Alyson wished that some of the guests would have at least offered some resistance. Even the aurors were caught by surprise. The dampening field had killed all their magical wards and traps, and none had thought to prepare any physical alarms. Alyson was rather disappointed, though not surprised. This society was so focused on their sorcery that they seemed to have forgotten about technological advancement.
The targets approached. Alyson perched up high on a support beam, watching as the patrol stopped to investigate a shredded black robe in the middle of the hall. The four abhumans stopped to circle around the robe, and finally the two humans broke into their circle and bent down to examine the robe. Alyson covered her eyes and fired.
In the darkness and quiet, blinding brilliance of the laspistol shot, the cracking explosion as meat flash-vaporized, and the shock from bloody chunks spraying everyone was just as effective as a flash grenade for purposes of disorientation and confusion. The next three shots had similar effects. A second later, when Alyson uncovered her eyes, the two humans were still dazed, unsure of what just happened. To their eyes, the world around them had just exploded in light and sound. The blood on them probably hadn’t even registered yet.
Alyson dropped down, planting her boots into the shoulders of the non-psyker at the same time that the beheaded abhumans hit the ground. The man yelped and crumpled, cushioning Alyson’s fall. The psyker, seemingly spurred into action by his partner’s cry, jumped up and back, away from Alyson. His reflexes were quick, but hardly enough to avoid the inquisitor’s tackle. With the knife pressed firmly to his neck, Alyson whispered in his ear, “Imperial Inquisition, don’t struggle or I’ll slit your throat.”
The psyker had tensed up, but quickly relaxed. Alyson could taste his emotions now, plenty of fear and uncertainty. Perfect to deal with. The other man was unconscious and also useful, though in a different way. She left him alone, and stood up her captive. Keeping the knife at his throat, Alyson marched him into a nearby room, sat him down in a chair, and closed the door. She told him “You will tell me what you know, after that I’ll let you go. It’s really very simple, and nobody needs to know that you betrayed your leader. In fact, I can guarantee that nobody will find out.”
To give the man credit, he wasn’t the stereotypical dumb henchman, which may have been a desirable quality for this man’s employers. He looked as if he was actually considering the deal, which spoke volumes to Alyson about his motivation as well as about her enemy’s recruitment.
While the man considered, Alyson opened her mind and looked at her captive’s thoughts. The surface thoughts were quite readable, along with the emotions, but around his memories was a maze of memory locks and engram traps. She didn’t recognize the form or the directions, but there was no mistaking the fact that they held this man’s memories hostage. She could get through, but that would be tedious work, and she didn’t have time for that. Brief glimpses into the man’s surface thoughts gave her some information, but it was rough and unreliable.
“After our attack fails, I can go into hiding for a while, but the Dark Lord will call me eventually. He will see through any deception you can make, even memory wipes. How do you plan to protect me then?”
Alyson grinned. She said “You’re one of those Death Eaters, aren’t you? This Dark Lord is the most powerful wizard alive, eats fluffy animals, and all the rest of the stuff people say?”
The man nodded, but rolled his eyes as well.
“You’ll be safe at home with your unknowing family because this Dark Lord will be deposed, just like any other tyrant.”
The man coughed a quick laugh. “And how do you plan on doing that?”
“I plan on killing him myself.”
The man was stunned for a moment. He had obviously not considered such a bold statement. He blurted out “But you can’t kill him! It’s impossible! He’s immortal! They’ve killed him twice already, and twice he’s come back!”
Alyson knelt down by his side and responded assuringly, “Please stop telling me I can’t do my job. I am, in fact, very good at doing things that seem impossible, like killing immortal beings. Or breaking anti-magic fields.”
His resistance was weakening. He had just seen four trolls blown to fleshy chunks by an unknown spell of incredible power, through an anti-magic field. That was impossible too.
“I can make sure you die quickly and painlessly if he find out.”
“How?” he asked with childlike enthusiasm.
“Open your mind and look.” Alyson prodded an engram trap. “See these?” She spoke aloud, “I know you remember them being put in. I can make one that will kill you if your Dark Lord questions your loyalty about this incident. I’ll even let you be able to trigger it yourself if you want.”
That sealed the deal for Alyson’s captive. He said “I don’t know if you can kill him or not, but as long as I’m covered, I’ll help you. Just put that in and I’ll talk.”
Alyson shielded her warp traces and quickly completed the engram trap. She said “You must have faith. The Imperial Inquisition always wins. Now, tell me what I need to know.”
Last edited by Hawkwings on 2007-09-25 06:40pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Sidewinder
- Sith Acolyte
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A good chapter, but...
Is the story set after 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows'? If not, when was Voldemort killed a second time?“But you can’t kill him! It’s impossible! He’s immortal! They’ve killed him twice already, and twice he’s come back!”
Please do not make Americans fight giant monsters.
Those gun nuts do not understand the meaning of "overkill," and will simply use weapon after weapon of mass destruction (WMD) until the monster is dead, or until they run out of weapons.
They have more WMD than there are monsters for us to fight. (More insanity here.)
Those gun nuts do not understand the meaning of "overkill," and will simply use weapon after weapon of mass destruction (WMD) until the monster is dead, or until they run out of weapons.
They have more WMD than there are monsters for us to fight. (More insanity here.)
- Comosicus
- Keeper of the Lore
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Could it be the Sorceror Stone incident? He was "killed" then ... as in forced to leave his host body.Sidewinder wrote:A good chapter, but...Is the story set after 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows'? If not, when was Voldemort killed a second time?“But you can’t kill him! It’s impossible! He’s immortal! They’ve killed him twice already, and twice he’s come back!”
Not all Dacians died at Sarmizegetusa
No...there's references to a ministry takeover. Woudln't that mean this was set *during* Deathy Hallows? An alternate-universe DH, obviously.
Cool update, either way. Very shiny.
Cool update, either way. Very shiny.
3D Printed Custom Miniatures! Check it out: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/pro ... miniatures
- Alan Bolte
- Sith Devotee
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In the previous update
This really needs to be fixed.noticed the small man peeing over her shoulder.
Any job worth doing with a laser is worth doing with many, many lasers. -Khrima
There's just no arguing with some people once they've made their minds up about something, and I accept that. That's why I kill them. -Othar
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There's just no arguing with some people once they've made their minds up about something, and I accept that. That's why I kill them. -Othar
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Fixed, thanks.Alan Bolte wrote:In the previous updateThis really needs to be fixed.noticed the small man peeing over her shoulder.
I'll admit that the time setting of this is a bit confused. It's supposed to be about a week before the 7th book starts, so a lot of things are in place already. The events coming up will make that all moot however.
As for the two times he's died... What would a person consider death? And how much would a semi-random Death Eater know about the Dark Lord?