HoI2DDA AAR: My take on Nazi Germany

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HoI2DDA AAR: My take on Nazi Germany

Post by Gandalf »

I thought I'd do this in the form of radio broadcasts. This first entry would be longer, but the game crashed.

Firstly, an introduction to Germany's key players and societal stuff.



On this day, the thirtieth of August, nineteen thirty-nine, we are at war. Please make a note of it.



Our forces in the east have conquered nearly half of Poland. However, we have decided to hold our advance in order to allow our Slovakian allies a chance to contribute to the war effort.



Following Poland's annexation of our Slovakian allies, we have invaded and annexed former Slovakian lands and what remains of Poland. We have of course honoured our treaty rights with the Soviet Union and ceded the east of Poland to them.

As this moment, our glorious military is moving west for our spring invasion of France.

A massive garrison force is being raised across Germany to help police these lands and promote order and productivity amongst our new citizens.
"Oh no, oh yeah, tell me how can it be so fair
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Post by Gandalf »

5/4/40: We are now at war with Belgium, our glorious western campaign has begun.

15/4/40: Belguim now resides under German control.


16/4/40: Lt. General Model, and his Panzer army have taken Paris! This is a glorious day for the Reich!

However, one the same day, the situation in Scandinavia boiled over. Two panzer armies were diverted north to pacify Denmark.

30/4/40: Denmark under control.




26/7/40: Werner Heisenberg, famed scientist, has been assigned to work on Germany's new Atomic Bomb project. We hope that this new technology will bring Germany and her people into a bold new age.

26/11/40: After seeing massive industrial output from France following the completion of the occupation program, the Fuhrer has declared that Europe will be best served by being one nation, one people, under one leader. Therefore war with Hungary.


10/12/40: After two weeks of alleged war, Hungary is now part of the Reich. Occupational forces are on the way, and will be in place by year's end.

1/1/41: How beautiful, is it not?

"Oh no, oh yeah, tell me how can it be so fair
That we dying younger hiding from the police man over there
Just for breathing in the air they wanna leave me in the chair
Electric shocking body rocking beat streeting me to death"

- A.B. Original, Report to the Mist

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Post by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba »

Fascinating. Didn't go for the Vichy event? Seems like you'd be wasting a lot more dissent keeping French partisans down.

Also, I wonder how many AARs will come out featuring Archona being nuked off the map once Shep finds the Draka mod for HOI2...

Anyways, good-looking game. Just going to conquer every country in your path? That's always a sensible strategy in a game where, in the hands of a great player, Romania can conquer Eurasia and North America minus the Soviet Union in 20 years. :P
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Post by Skgoa »

Try taking Britain ASAP, then you can concentrate on the eastern front. Don't bother building ships, strategic bombers or nukes for now. Wether you win the war will be determined by your ability to beat the red army, your Barbarossa must be successfull.
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Post by Vendetta »

Skgoa wrote:Try taking Britain ASAP, then you can concentrate on the eastern front.
I'm going to echo that. Leave them until late in the game and the British Isles can be hugely annoying to invade, given the AI's habit of stacking every territory except Wales with 18 or so divisions. (last time I invaded, I eventually had to paradrop into wales to secure ports to land my real forces)
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Post by fgalkin »

Which graphics mod are you using?

Have a very nice day.
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Post by Gandalf »

Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba:I'm trying to make a grey world, anyone can take Germany all over the world by puppeting people. I'm making it harder on myself.

Vendetta: I'm working on masses of planes right now to start bombing the British troops to make it easier for my paratroopers. The problem is that I won't be able to truly wrap that up until 1942.

fgalkin: GIP 0.6. It's pretty awesome, but the counters don't have the modified flags like the sprites do.
"Oh no, oh yeah, tell me how can it be so fair
That we dying younger hiding from the police man over there
Just for breathing in the air they wanna leave me in the chair
Electric shocking body rocking beat streeting me to death"

- A.B. Original, Report to the Mist

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Post by Ritterin Sophia »

Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba wrote:Also, I wonder how many AARs will come out featuring Archona being nuked off the map once Shep finds the Draka mod for HOI2...
I suppose it would be a bit optimistic to hope for a TBO mod... :(
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Post by 2000AD »

Is there any reason you're not going after Switzerland?
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Post by Adrian Laguna »

2000AD wrote:Is there any reason you're not going after Switzerland?
On that note, the longer you wait to take Switzerland the harder it gets. They'll just keep piling the MTN and INF in their little fortified alpine provinces until it becomes damn near impossible to lodge them out without devoting half a front's worth of land and air divisions to it.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

But why attack the land of choclate?

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Post by Vendetta »

Cause otherwise you have this ugly pink stain in the middle of all that efficient looking grey?
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Post by Skgoa »

The Yosemite Bear wrote:But why attack the land of choclate?
To gain access to said chocolate.
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Post by Gandalf »

1941: The year of consolidation.

29/1/41: Acting on advice from a man known only as "Laguna", we have invaded Switzerland.

14/4/41: Following a long and bitter campaign in which we realised that a massive panzer army does not work well in mountains, Switzerland has been annexed. Occupational forces are on their way.

12/5/41: As a massive air fleet of transports are being built for Operation London Calling, we have declared war on Yugoslavia.

24/6/41: Yugoslavia is ours!

1/7/41: War with Bulgaria!

16/7/41: Bulgaria is ours!

21/7/41: War with Romania!

27/7/41: Romania is ours!

The remainder of the year has been spent building up our forces in preparation for next year's massive works.
Pics of my nation, and various statistics will come in the next post.
"Oh no, oh yeah, tell me how can it be so fair
That we dying younger hiding from the police man over there
Just for breathing in the air they wanna leave me in the chair
Electric shocking body rocking beat streeting me to death"

- A.B. Original, Report to the Mist

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Post by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba »

General Schatten wrote: I suppose it would be a bit optimistic to hope for a TBO mod... :(
That's as close as you're gonna get, and you can tweak it as much as you like to get the real deal. Just remember, the cheat for The Bomb is 'Nukes'. The bombers you'll have to build for yourself.

Edit: Regarding Switzerland. Unless you're playing on Furious (I haven't tried) it's usually a good idea to either invade Luxembourg + Switzerland (Lux on Jan.3, Switzerland a couple months later) or Luxembourg and Spain. The allies won't do shit, and you get extra IC and new routes into France. Spain gives more IC but usually it gets cut off by the allied fleet and invaded from Gibraltar or the Pyrenees unless you've put a lot into your navy. But you also get a few African colonies, an easy strike at Gibraltar, and the feeling of having a true Western European Empire once you conquer France.
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Post by Skgoa »

You actually don't gain IC from Luxembourg due to the rise in dissent. It also increases your beligerence and iirc triggers a gearing up for war event.
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Post by Gandalf »

Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba wrote:Regarding Switzerland. Unless you're playing on Furious (I haven't tried) it's usually a good idea to either invade Luxembourg + Switzerland (Lux on Jan.3, Switzerland a couple months later) or Luxembourg and Spain. The allies won't do shit, and you get extra IC and new routes into France. Spain gives more IC but usually it gets cut off by the allied fleet and invaded from Gibraltar or the Pyrenees unless you've put a lot into your navy. But you also get a few African colonies, an easy strike at Gibraltar, and the feeling of having a true Western European Empire once you conquer France.
I am playing on Furious, which means I'm positively dreading my upcoming fight with the USSR. Also, I plan to leave Spain as it is. I'll put a token force on the border that that should be it.
"Oh no, oh yeah, tell me how can it be so fair
That we dying younger hiding from the police man over there
Just for breathing in the air they wanna leave me in the chair
Electric shocking body rocking beat streeting me to death"

- A.B. Original, Report to the Mist

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Post by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba »

Skgoa wrote:You actually don't gain IC from Luxembourg due to the rise in dissent. It also increases your beligerence and iirc triggers a gearing up for war event.
Hrm? Dissent? With max dictatorship and interventionism, there is no dissent. And the province doesn't have a revoltrisk because it's a national core.
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Post by Flameblade »

On the subject of Pre-War annexations, this page might be of some use.
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Post by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba »

Also, Gandalf; you've not conquered Norway. Don't let those Vikings rub your face in their independence. Something needs to be done. Something that begins in P and ends in ara-drop. :P
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Post by Vendetta »

Romping around up north is always a good idea. A united puppet scandinavia can be a very useful and powerful entity.
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