Argument regarding homosexuality

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Frank Hipper
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Post by Frank Hipper »

Darth Wong wrote:I've always wondered whether these "homosexuality is a choice" guys actually look back on their adolescence and believe that they woke up one day and chose to find girls attractive, instead of just being hardwired that way.
No, I think they simply chose not to act on their attraction to men. :D
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Interesting points

Post by BrYaN19kc »

I think there have been some very interesting points made in this forum.

I can't ever remember finding a girl sexually attractive. (sorry gals, no offense intended). I didn't ever want to play with Barbie dolls or dress up either. I always hung out with the guys wanted to be around the guys. I don't ever recall making a choice, I just knew what I wanted.

As for the "male scents" or "aromas"... HEHE..... When Matt (may partner of three and a half years) gets up early to go to work, an early class, or running and I'm still in bed, the first thing I do when he leaves is roll over to his spot in the bed and sink under the covers and his pillow. :-P It's pure heaven. Not as good as the real thing, but heaven none the less. :)

Neway...just wanted to comment that I found many of the comments here very interesting.... Now, I'll just blush AGAIN and call it a night. :)

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Post by kheegster »

Thanks for the info, guys, but does anyone have any comments on how I could have done better with this debate (need to polish up my debating skills), although frankly I doubt much would have penetrated her wall of ignorance.
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Darth Wong
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Post by Darth Wong »

List all of her assumptions in order and then after each one, say "justify this assumption". Keep it short and sweet, to make it difficult for her to evade, nitpick, etc. When she replies by repeating her assumptions and stating them as fact, simply repeat the same demand for justification of assumptions.
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Post by The Dark »

Basically the same thing DW's saying, but ask that most basic of all phiolosophical questions: How do you know? Is she speaking from her experiences, something she read, or is she merely having a knee-jerk reaction to the idea of homosexuality?
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