Give me one freaking example when wartime laws were repealed when the war ended within a REASONABLE amount of time. A whileThe Duchess of Zeon wrote: Furthermore, freedoms are not disappearing, or at least one cannot prove it: Firstly, the actions against Enemy Combatants are covered under WWII decisions by SCOTUS, and early Civil War decisions; while the majority of the Homeland Security bill, indeed all the sensitive proportions requires renewal. Though one should, I do grant, never trust the government, it is also inane to think that when the present danger is past a considerable amount of pressure will not be brought to bear to roll those back.
back we finally repealed a tax on phones intended to pay for the SPANISH
And the thing is, AMERICAN CITIZENS are being held without trial. Give
them a trial, and then take them out to be hung for treason, is my POV.
Don't keep them stewing in our jails like a TURD WORLD COUNTRY
would do.
HAAAAFinally, of course, all indications are that there may be a rollback in gun control at the federal level.
*gasp choke thud*
You damn near killed me with laughter!
If that's true, then why the fuck is the ATF still around? Why the fuck hasn't
the 1986 MG manufacturing ban been repealed? Why is the NFA still