Guess what? FOX dumped another load.

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Guess what? FOX dumped another load.

Post by Anarchist Bunny »

This new 30-60 minute block of shit?

Basicly it they present a group of people, then the viewers vote in and pick a pair. The pair that gets picked are married on national television.

Yep thats right, there paying a group of people to let the public hook them up on a blind marriage.

Oh and American Idol continues to follow the pattern of destroying the music industry.
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Post by jaeger115 »


:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

This is surprising why?

*Watches as FOX passes through the core and begin heading for the other side of the earth*
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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

Sea Skimmer wrote:This is surprising why?

*Watches as FOX passes through the core and begin heading for the other side of the earth*
Hold on. If FOX is drilling to the other side of the Earth, they should be getting better. Somehow, they found some sort of dimension that allows them to sink even lower. And unfortunately, millions will tune in to watch that crap. I believe about 25 million people watched the premiere of Joe Millionaire, as an example.

What is this show, and when is it airing?
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Post by Darth Servo »

Are Tim Jones and RSA running the network or something?
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Post by RedImperator »

You know what? I don't blame Fox anymore. If they can make money because morons watch this drek, more power to them. Maybe it's all really a twisted, large scale sociology experiment: how deliberately awful can we make a television show before people refuse to watch it?
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Post by jaeger115 »

What is this show,
It's a piece of shit about 20 women falling for a guy who "inherited" 50 million $$ and lives in a villa in France. Really, he's a construction worker who makes $19,000 a year.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

They should pay more attention in pulling up the simpsons from the hole it is digging for itself.
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

I'm going to start a slush fund to hire assasains to make sure this couple do not procreate, as anyone dumb enough to sign up for that show should not pass on their genes.

Donations, anyone?
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Post by jaeger115 »

Donations, anyone?
*gets out my checkbook and starts writing. Suddenly realizes that I have a sniper rifle and assassin training* :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: Guess what? FOX dumped another load.

Post by Temjin »

anarchistbunny wrote:This new 30-60 minute block of shit?

Basicly it they present a group of people, then the viewers vote in and pick a pair. The pair that gets picked are married on national television.

Yep thats right, there paying a group of people to let the public hook them up on a blind marriage.

Oh and American Idol continues to follow the pattern of destroying the music industry.
Just when I thought FOX couldn't sink any lower.....

And what really sucks is that it will probably get sky-high ratings...
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Post by Ghost Rider »


I'm waiting for Hardcore sex now...sure why not...they've all but done it. problem is why is this shit on the air and yet other good things like Futurama nearly get canned.

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Post by EmperorMing »

Ghost Rider wrote:BWAHAHAHAHA

I'm waiting for Hardcore sex now...sure why not...they've all but done it. problem is why is this shit on the air and yet other good things like Futurama nearly get canned.
In the media industry dumbassess get kicked upstairs to make even worse decsisions; sorta like Janeway... :P

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Post by jaeger115 »

This calls for an uprising. :evil:
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

jaeger115 wrote:
Donations, anyone?
*gets out my checkbook and starts writing. Suddenly realizes that I have a sniper rifle and assassin training* :twisted: :twisted:
Even better. Maybe now I can watch TV again.
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

jaeger115 wrote:This calls for an uprising. :evil:
You could just turn off your TV
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Post by Shinova »

None of us can even begin to fathom the inner working minds of the studio execs. What is it that drives them to cater stupid shows to a stupid audience? What goes on inside that muddled depth of freakishness that we call the mind of a studio exec?
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

jaeger115 wrote: *gets out my checkbook and starts writing. Suddenly realizes that I have a sniper rifle and assassin training* :twisted: :twisted:
Take me on as an apprentice!
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Post by HemlockGrey »

Remember that Simpsons episode set in the future? Where Marge goes "Fox became a hardcore porn channel so fast, I didn't even notice!"

Gentlemen, we are living that quote.
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Post by Pu-239 »

er the point is not to entertain the viewer, but to make money. They are not stupid, they just don't care.

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Post by Wicked Pilot »

How much longer till we get "When Trekkies Attack!"?
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