Stuff you destroyed in anger

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Robert Treder
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Post by Robert Treder »

I've never broken anything in anger. If I get mad, I just cuss out whoever or whatever I'm mad at. This usually works, but it causes problems with teachers. But after being mad for a few minutes, I usually just decide, "fuck it." My philosophy about anything that happens is "fuck it; what's done is done."
So, strangely enough, I've never broken anything because I was angry.

EDIT: I just remembered, I punched one of my friends in the face once for trying to convert me to Christianity. But I didn't break anything, and I'm still friends with that guy. So I guess that doesn't count, even though it's the only time I've ever lashed out physically because I was angry.
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Post by Falkenhorst »

I knew a guy once who worked in my wonderful damn grocery store for awhile, and he was a crazy mofo. He told me once how he wigged out hardcore the day he got out of prison and he was on all kinds of meds for his mental instability. He said he smashed out doors and windows and stuff with his bare hands and then rammed his car into an Oak tree, heh heh heh. :twisted: :twisted:

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Post #114 @ Fri Oct 18, 2002 4:44 pm

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Post by One True Spoon »

I kicked a hole in a door once, but it was accidental.
The person on the other side of the door, for one reason or another, wanted to slam it in my face, so I instinctively raised my foot, making a large hole.
Luckly, it was not my door.
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Post by Crazy_Vasey »

Keyboard, mouse, headphones, brother's nose, Daggerfall CD :evil: that one sucked.

You don't put holes in the walls we have in my house, they're a thin layer of plaster over some very solid concrete. Old houses were built tough.
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Post by Mr Flibble »

Six months ago I broke my mobile phone when I threw it to the ground in a fit of rage. I was at a party and one of my friends had wandered off in childish huff. When he wouldn't answer his phone I got so angry I threw mine to the ground, breaking a couple of he keys on the keypad.
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

Crayz9000 wrote:
One True Spoon wrote:No. So long as it keeps 'em quiet.
Talk about heartless. :roll: Well, I'm glad in that case that you weren't MY parent.

Ever heard of methylphenidate hydrochloride? How about methamphetamine? The first is ritalin. The second is crystal meth, or speed. The two are chemically similar enough that ritalin could be sold as speed on the street.

Don't try to tell me that ritalin is good for kids. They tried to diagnose me with ADHD and put me on ritalin. My parents promptly took me out of the public school system. I'm stable, in college, and don't use drugs.

Fucking idiot. Peddle your crystal meth elsewhere.
Off-topic, but Crystal Meth is cool. I always use 'em while listening to The Prodigy, Chemical Brothers, or The Crystal Method (no pun intended).
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

PS: I usually abuse my keyboard, mouse, or monitor. Whatta say, I'm an IT consultant. Sigh.
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

...except once when the rage came during a rave party. Now, that guy is an asshole and he harassed my girlfriend. It's nice when the bottle shattered against his head.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

You know that you can edit your posts, don't you KAN? :P
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Post by Pcm979 »

You do not punch walls in my house. A foot of pure concrete + rage = broken arm. :D

When I get mad, I generally just become very unplesant to be around. This, combined with my reputation for carrying around sharp objects, makes me not very popular at parties. :)
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Post by Coaan »

Cooker.....Well it wasn't -my- fault...they should have made the cooker outa sterner stuff, who would have known putting a boot through it would be enough to smash the lid? :roll:




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Post by One True Spoon »

Crayz9000, I just made a discovery.
I spoke to a paediatrician friend of mine, and it turns our that Ritalin is not speed.
Ritalin belongs to a family of drugs called amphetamines(sp?) anyway, Speed is also part of this family. I common misunderstanding is that they are the same thing, but it is wrong.
Ritalin is not Speed.

You are wrong.
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Post by aerius »

One True Spoon wrote:Crayz9000, I just made a discovery.
I spoke to a paediatrician friend of mine, and it turns our that Ritalin is not speed.
Ritalin belongs to a family of drugs called amphetamines(sp?) anyway, Speed is also part of this family. I common misunderstanding is that they are the same thing, but it is wrong.
Ritalin is not Speed.

You are wrong.
Learn how to read dumbass. He never said that Ritalin is Speed, he said that Ritalin is chemically related to speed. His exact words were:
Ever heard of methylphenidate hydrochloride? How about methamphetamine? The first is ritalin. The second is crystal meth, or speed. The two are chemically similar enough that ritalin could be sold as speed on the street.
Idiot, you just said the same thing he did but with different words.
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Post by One True Spoon »

He was suggesting that Ritalin was like speed.
It is not.
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Post by XaLEv »

One True Spoon wrote:He was suggesting that Ritalin was like speed.
It is not.
If Ritalin is not like speed, why did you say this:
Ritalin belongs to a family of drugs called amphetamines(sp?) anyway, Speed is also part of this family
Emphasis mine.
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Post by jaeger115 »

I never broke anything in anger, but my sister did all the time. She would throw tantrums every time I didn't obey her every order and broke some of my stuff. She's still moody from time to time, and our relationship sucks because of it. :roll:

grr. I kinda want to break some of HER stuff for what she did to me. :x
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Post by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman »

Spanky The Dolphin wrote:You know that you can edit your posts, don't you KAN? :P
I know but it won't help my post count.. :P
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

jaeger115 wrote:I never broke anything in anger, but my sister did all the time. She would throw tantrums every time I didn't obey her every order and broke some of my stuff. She's still moody from time to time, and our relationship sucks because of it. :roll:

grr. I kinda want to break some of HER stuff for what she did to me. :x
Go ahead. Just make sure you don't get caught or something.
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Post by jaeger115 »

Go ahead. Just make sure you don't get caught or something.
SERIOUSLY??? I was just ranting!
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Post by mantakai »

hey spoon, two things:

1. u take these things way to serious, i dont think everyone wants to know the molecular structure of drugs or what ever it is your trying to go through, people just come on these boards to rant and go on about stuff that is funny or interesting

2. you have serious problems if you believe that rage is only brought on by some illness or mental disorder, it is an emotion just like love and happiness, only on the other end of the scale. It is an extreme version of anger where a person finds it hard to control oneself and therefore lashes out at things around them. It does NOT mean they have adhd or anything, it means they are normal, and if YOU dont experience emotions then maybe you should consider seeing someone about it

p.s im not trying to be nasty or anything, but if your going to come onto a message board and start insulting people who you think have problems or are inferior to you cause they dont know that retalin is an amphetamine or what ever, you shouldnt bother staying on the boards cause there are a lot more crazy things posted here aswell
"normal is not something to apire to, its something to get away from"
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