World in Conflict - Released! Thread

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World in Conflict - Released! Thread

Post by Ypoknons »

Reviewers really seem to dig the game. In fact, GameSpot gave it a 9.5, which, as much as I love the game, seems excessive. My main beef is that there some limited use units and they are hard to justify on a cost basis (Sniper, unarmed transports).

Single player so far has been a blast. Unit realism is really limited but the fast, frantic action and essential gameplay mechanics are excellent. Bugs are limited. The storyline does get cheesey at times - try making a big deal of defending the supermarket - but on the whole, it's not overwhelming. There's a good deal of hard action such as "defend the bridge" so it's not all Red Dawn.

Now I wish I'd gotten the Collector's Edition. It's a good game.

Your views? Battle stories?
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Post by Ace Pace »

ARRGH, gets here only in two-three weeks. :cry:
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Post by Admiral Valdemar »

I'll be getting it when I get a new PC for gaming, so likely in December. But from what I've experienced so far, it's well worth it.
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Re: World in Conflict - Released! Thread

Post by Stark »

Ypoknons wrote:Reviewers really seem to dig the game. In fact, GameSpot gave it a 9.5, which, as much as I love the game, seems excessive. My main beef is that there some limited use units and they are hard to justify on a cost basis (Sniper, unarmed transports).
I rarely use armed transports, and usually only for the repair ability. You should be dismounting early anyway, humvees breed bad practice.

Of course, I can't get it before the shops open in three hours. So... fuck you! :lol:
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Post by Lonestar » has a delay and I ain't getting it until next week!
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Post by Laughing Mechanicus »

My collectors edition is on it's way... I might get it tomorrow if I'm extremely lucky. Can't wait.
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Post by Skgoa »

Mine is in the mail. :)
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Post by Chris OFarrell »

I'm going to pick mine up from EB in...eight hours.
Damnit this day better go fast...
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Post by Rightous Fist Of Heaven »

Been playing the Campaign for the better part of 6 hours now. The official launch date here in Finland atleast is the 21st, but through effective negotiation I managed to secure my Collector's Edition a couple of days yearly :P
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Post by 2000AD »

Bah, us europeans get it a few days after you.
Ypoknons wrote:My main beef is that there some limited use units and they are hard to justify on a cost basis (Sniper, unarmed transports).
From a multiplayer prospective those units are perfectly priced.
The truck is just there to rush around and cap unguarded points. Alternatively they act as perfect bait to draw eager enemires in. I can't count the number of times some guy chased and killed my 2 300 point trucks, but by doing so brought his 3 1200 point heavy helos into range of my infantry.
The sniper is there to dominate infantry. 2 or 3 snipers will kill an infantry push faster than anything but a offensive TA. Just make sure they're hidden far away and have a regualr unit of infantry acting as spotters. The only reason snipers are so cheap (At least in the demo) is because if they come up against anything that isn't infantry they're fucked, and they can even be killed by infantry if they're close enough.
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Post by Vympel »

My brother got the collector's edition - I'll pick up the regular one at some point (unless there are collector's editions still around ...)
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Post by Chris OFarrell »

Been playing it for a couple of hours, lots of fun so far :D
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Post by ray245 »

Is there more cinematics battles?
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Post by Skgoa »

I ordered th US Version. What did I get? A german 'uncut edition'. At least games come with an optional english language install nowadays. But I still have to pay the normal german retail prices when all I wanted was the original version. Oh well, next time I will know better and order it from to take advantage of the weak dollar...

Are there hotkeys for the Q menu?
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Post by ray245 »

Can tell me what is the ending like?
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Post by Stark »

Learn fucking english for fucks sake.

I have to say the SP is more fun than I expected (even if I'm halfway through after 5ish hours). It's frenetic, and my only complaint would be that there's too much 'hold this point against infinite waves of Russians to stupid to spend 20TA to kill you all' bits. The tactics you learn in SP are not only useless in MP, but actually misleading. Holding a position in MP? Get fucked.
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Post by Rightous Fist Of Heaven »

Stark wrote:Learn fucking english for fucks sake.

I have to say the SP is more fun than I expected (even if I'm halfway through after 5ish hours). It's frenetic, and my only complaint would be that there's too much 'hold this point against infinite waves of Russians to stupid to spend 20TA to kill you all' bits. The tactics you learn in SP are not only useless in MP, but actually misleading. Holding a position in MP? Get fucked.
Yeah. In MP, facing a half competent Arty-Support player, you'll get ass raped in twenty seconds flat if you sit around in a perimeter point.

Also, is it just me but is Infantry a lot more effective in SP than in MP? The AI not using practically any Tactical Aid might have something to do with that though.

It seems to me that they toned down many of the TA's for the release. From my experience's with Single Player thus far, I've noticed that the standard air strike for one seems to have lost a lot of its power. In the demo, you could expect those cluster bombs to kill everything in the kill zone, now they wont even kill a medium tank with a direct hit.

The NATO heavy arty is fucking insane judging by the few times I got to play around with it. Individually the rockets have a tiny splash damage area, but the thing shoots so goddamn many of them that you can simply sweep a largish target area with the damn things and wipe out anything in their path. Much like the MRLS, those rockets do quite a bit of damage with a direct hit, are more accurate than the MRLS and are fired by the buttload. Madness I say.
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Post by Stark »

I haven't played retail multi yet (so perhaps someone could confirm this) but the TA *do* seem to be quite different in SP. The arty strikes are larger, the precision is smaller, etc. As you say the airstrike cluster bombs seems to be much less effective. It now takes napalm several seconds to burn through a sniper's hitpoints. And call me a noob, but I'd never even NOTICED the 'heavy air support' one before, and it rules all. :)

I love the LARS. It fires long enough so that as you say walking hte fire down a street is quite possible, and in that lighthouse mission is was leveling several buildings each time. The reload seems to be shorter too, as I remember hte US MRLS in multi took yonks to recycle between loads.
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Post by That NOS Guy »

Stark wrote: I love the LARS. It fires long enough so that as you say walking hte fire down a street is quite possible, and in that lighthouse mission is was leveling several buildings each time. The reload seems to be shorter too, as I remember hte US MRLS in multi took yonks to recycle between loads.
Speaking of NATO love, is it just me or is the Warrior's AP ammo special a hellva lot more useful then the Bradley's TOW special?
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Post by Stark »

The medium AA ground-fire is also much more effective vs light armour than I remember, and even the jeep's AP ammo can really contribute vs light armour.
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Post by ray245 »

Whenever I go to other RTS forums, there is a large number of people saying WiC don't have any tactics and strategy involved...why?
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Post by Chris OFarrell »

Because they are idiots?

And I add a voice to the NATO MRLS = The Win crowd.

Yesterday I was playing that mission where you have to take that French town with the Church. The Colonel comments that the damn Reds are using a captured MRLS against you, you should go and either capture it back or just destroy it.

No problems, thought I, I'll make a note of doing that...right after I push about halfway up the hill.


My brave troops roar up from the bridge points with a mighty war cry, smiting the light armor that comes down to meet them, regrouping at the first block...

Then it starts raining.

High explosives.

Que me screaming "FALL BACK GOD DAMNIT!" as 6 infantry squads just...die....

And yes, the 'Total fucking airwar' TA is just a good way.

And I'm pleasantly surprised at just how good the cutsceens are. They even created the interior of a frigen M1 for the poor Captains last stand.

And yes. I've been playing it on hard, I was hoping the AI would be smart enough to use its TA, it doesn't unfortunately, but I can stand that.

Its still amusing that the standard RTS bread and butter of holding a choke point and blasting away all comers doesn't actually work against humans, who just like in the REAL world will simply bring up heavy guns and blow your ass off the map if you try to fight a static war.
Still given the resources the Russians have in this game against you, its probably just as well they didn't bring absurd amounts of arty support to the game.

All up, I'd give the single player game 4/5. Too short and the AI too simple, but still a very very good package.
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Post by wautd »

Nobody mentioned the awesome tactical nuke yet? Most impressive ingame nuke ever :shock:
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Post by ray245 »

wautd wrote:Nobody mentioned the awesome tactical nuke yet? Most impressive ingame nuke ever :shock:
It was mentioned in the beta if I remember.

Anyway, did any here have the experience of a team working together whenever there is one to two guys using the teamspeak?
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Post by Stark »

ray245 wrote:Anyway, did any here have the experience of a team working together whenever there is one to two guys using the teamspeak?
My experiences with the VOIP is that it's either a pair of nasal Americans whining and saying useless things like 'kill that tank' and 'on the left', or guys whose mics don't work and send babble or static.

I've also seen the 'WiC doesn't have any tactics', and more commonly 'WiC doesn't have any depth'. I believe it came up in one of the older WiC threads here. The attitude seems to be that 'depth' and 'tactics' == basebuilding and teching. It has neither, so it's just a war or maneveur with prioritisation, teamwork, and a constantly shifting battle. None of that requires tactics though, because you don't have to level your guns or place your turrets. This attitude is *extremely* common, almost every board I've ever seen has hordes of CoH fanboys whining about how WiC is 'shallow' and 'boring'.
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