The Customer's Always Right

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Post by Robert Treder »

Yeah, at the video store, I have to check ID on every rental, to make sure they're using their own account. People don't even fucking realize that it's for their own good.
One time, a regular customer came in and one of my coworkers didn't check her ID. This other customer then accused us of being racist because we only checked his ID, and he was black. Grrr...
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Post by Slartibartfast »

Falkenhorst wrote:People walk up to me while I'm working, and ask me, "Excuse me, sir, do you know where the bathrooms are?" Well yeah, you dumb fucks, I only use them 2x a day.
While I might agree about the other stuff, that one's just nitpicking. FYI, these people are actually asking you where the bathrooms are, not testing your knowledge of the facilities. It's just a polite/awkward way of asking, but it's perfectly valid.
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Post by Ghost Rider »

LMAO...ah the race card...the one true thing I despised when I was at, hispanic hell even white would go saying "You're not tending to me because I'm_____!!!"

No moron it's because you got out of line and are now trying to get in front of 8 others... :roll:

One thing I wished in EB was regular registers instead of this BS we had weith just a table top counter...which is another thing...if you have a velvet rope, people obey rope or even lines on the floor, for some reason you this crowd who has no idea who's next...and confusion ensues.

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Post by Robert Treder »

Yeah, instead of dealing with the idiots and their lack of a line, I just sort of look off into empty space and yell "Can I help the next customer in line?"
I let them figure out who that is for themselves.
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Re: The Customer's Always Right

Post by Straha »

Stormbringer wrote:One of the most rewarding experiences of the job was turning a child abuser over to security. The matter eventually went to court and they took the kids away from the crackhead-bitch of mother.
What was she doing to the Kid?
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »


line down the staircase, and some asshole will always muscle in and demand immediate service, I just tend to ignore them and be nice to everyone in line.

This year it back fired on me, I had a line out the door, these people formed a line off to the side and then went and complained to my manager because I wasn't serving them. (Gee we have registers (Ropes the works, and a big sign above that says Place orders Here), and your standing in front of my DELIVERY WINDDOW (Hence the sign that says Delivery window)


The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
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Post by consequences »

What I always wonder is how people think they can curse us out all they want, but the instant we don't thank god for the privilege of kissing their ass we're the ones being impolite. I actually had a woman go off at me because I asked if I could help her find anything as she came through the door.
Let's do a quick check, you walk into a store, don't know how to describe what you need, and need me to lead you by the hand to it, and shove it in your face. Now, do you believe me when I tell you we don't have a specific thing, or do you claim that you purchased something which doesn't exist from us last week when I've worked there for 2 years? "Oh My God, I've been on hold for forever" Bitch, come into the store if you want fast service, I have too damned many customers between me and what you need me to find.
Also, apparently I'm the CEO of Staples, because every damned thing that they find wrong with the place is my personal responsibility, and I should have made everything perfect just for them. It's bad enough that I consider my 2 week annual Reserve trainings a vacation, and I'm actually looking forward to being activated.
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Post by Enlightenment »

consequences wrote:It's bad enough that I consider my 2 week annual Reserve trainings a vacation, and I'm actually looking forward to being activated.
:shock: If you like the possibility of going to get shot at (even if its only live-fire training) over working your day job, then it's way, way past time to get another job. People have gone postal for less.
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Post by CmdrSweevo »

Falkenhorst wrote:
Is the customer always right?
A large percentage of customers, maybe even 25-30%, are blindly fucking stupid. I have seen people walk up to automatic doors that only open to exit and stand there going DUH while not noticing the EXIT ONLY written on them in 10" red letters.
Haven't we all done that... at least once... Ok, in my defence, they'd *just* changed things around...

I worry I come across as an idiot sometimes... some people round here have trouble with my accent, and I'm really bad at thinking on my feet.
People walk up to me while I'm working, and ask me, "Excuse me, sir, do you know where the bathrooms are?" Well yeah, you dumb fucks, I only use them 2x a day.
It beats, "Oi, where's the bog?" doesn't it? :)
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Post by Coalition »

I used to work Customer Service too. For a credit card company that helps people get back on their feet after bankruptcy. ($300 credit limit, $150 annual fee, $6.50 monthly fee, $20.00 account opening fee, 35% APR, and only 1/2 the limit was available initially.)

If there is a soul, then mine is long gone.

Lady called, and complained about one charge on her card. She said it had never been there before. I looked in the history, and it had been there for the past 6 months. Her reply was that she had never looked at the bill in detail before. Not much I could say there.

Or the person who sends in their payment 10 days late, and asks if we have a grace period. (We did, but it was only 5 days.)

I did have one bit of fun though.: (times and stuff are made up, everything else is true)
Lady: I would like to check on a charge that occurred earlier today, to see if it arrived. It's the only charge I've done today.

Me: Did it occur at 7:45 pm?

Lady: Yes.

Me: Did it occur at a restaurant?

Lady: Yes.

Me: Was it a Shoney's restaurant?

Lady: Yes.

Me: Was it for $45.00?

Lady: Yes!

Me: Sorry Ma'am, I don't see it yet.

Lady: That's strange, it should have shown up-

(at this point her mind caught up, and we both had a good laugh)

So Customer Service can be fun too. Especially listening to your boss telling the cardholder exactly what he/she thinks about their intelligence.[code][/code]
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The Customer's Always Right

Post by ben »

nope the customers are not always right. you always run across the worst people in retail. some of them are incredibly stupid, rude, obnoxious and outright assholes. (remembers being a Macy's sales monkey) shudders... :(
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Post by consequences »

Originally posted by consequences:
It's bad enough that I consider my 2 week annual Reserve trainings a vacation, and I'm actually looking forward to being activated.

If you like the possibility of going to get shot at (even if its only live-fire training) over working your day job, then it's way, way past time to get another job. People have gone postal for less.

The trouble is, that wherever I go, there is still going to be stupidity. Going postal isn't likely to be a problem, my self-control is pretty close to impregnable, and I get more polite and calm as I get angrier. On the downside, this means I am at the customer service desk a lot.
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Post by Frank Hipper »

"The Customer is always right, no matter how wrong they are"

I had an order for a RARE Prime Rib one night, it came back, they said it was to bloody. Well, to make a long story short, fucktard redneck wanted it WELL DONE!! And to top it off, it complained that it was TOO THICK and NOT TOUGH ENOUGH!!!

I swear to ya people, 90% of the general population uses most of their brain funtion to regulate their body temperature!
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

I really hate is getting stopped when I am running to the restroom, after finally getting my supervisor to cover me for a minute.

They see me break from the reg. and they swarm in like a pack...

The really funny one, was the other day one of them actually said "What am I keeping you from something important?" <Retorically sarcasticly, while blocking me five feet from the bathroom entrance, yes we have to share it with them.>

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
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Post by Robert Treder »

The Yosemite Bear wrote:I really hate is getting stopped when I am running to the restroom, after finally getting my supervisor to cover me for a minute.

They see me break from the reg. and they swarm in like a pack...

The really funny one, was the other day one of them actually said "What am I keeping you from something important?" <Retorically sarcasticly, while blocking me five feet from the bathroom entrance, yes we have to share it with them.>
I always get customers asking me questions and holding me up when I'm trying to go eat my lunch on my break. I'm walking to the back of the store with my hands full of bags of Chinese food, and customers will ask me to help them find a movie. The other day, this kid even spilled this some sort of glitter juice shit all over the place, and the mom asked me if I could clean it up. So I put my food down on the ground, grabbed some napkins and cleaned it all up, all with a smile.
You know, every time I think about it, psychotic murder seems more and more reasonable.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I didn't want to sound totally crazy and mean there...the reason that pisses me off, in case you didn't catch it, is that I wasn't getting paid to do it.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »


this summer I had one actually walk into the break room, and say "Ill have some of that."

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
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Post by neoolong »

The Yosemite Bear wrote:lol

this summer I had one actually walk into the break room, and say "Ill have some of that."
You're break room doesn't have a lock on it? That's weird.
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Post by Dalton »

Hah, I hear some horror stories here in the college computar lab. Most of them involve a floppy meeting a zip drive.

You should also see people flip out during finals when they find out the disk they've used for 2 years is trashed...I mean, they're 35 cents a pop. Stop economizing on crap media!
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Post by TrailerParkJawa »

Hah, I hear some horror stories here in the college computar lab. Most of them involve a floppy meeting a zip drive.

You should also see people flip out during finals when they find out the disk they've used for 2 years is trashed...I mean, they're 35 cents a pop. Stop economizing on crap media!
Same thing for people's computers. It is not uncommon for salespeople not to every back up their laptop even once. One guy at my last company lost his laptop and two years of work files went with it.
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Post by Steve »


I'm the lucky one. I get to work outside with the shopping carts more than inside. But I've heard plenty of horror stories.

For one thing, even when your floor managers will stand firm for the rules, Corporate bends over faster than Bubba's cellmate. My manager has zero tolerance for customers trying to pull a fast one on him. He complains all the time about how the really bad ones call Corporate and Corporate gets the store manager to let them get their way, completely bypassing him.
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Post by Crayz9000 »

Dalton wrote:Hah, I hear some horror stories here in the college computar lab. Most of them involve a floppy meeting a zip drive.

You should also see people flip out during finals when they find out the disk they've used for 2 years is trashed...I mean, they're 35 cents a pop. Stop economizing on crap media!
I've had both happen. One time, some dimwit thought the zip drive was a floppy, so she inserted it.. and Windows locked up trying to access it. One of the other computer guys was trying to hit the "eject" button so that he wouldn't damage the drive... ::rolls eyes::

I promptly pulled out my Leatherman and extracted it. "Here, I hope you didn't lose anything." (while silently hoping that the disk got trashed...)

What was really annoying was when a TDK floppy practically disintegrated on me... in my laptop's floppy drive. The damn dust cover, flimsy as it was, came off when I tried to eject. The spring got lodged in the drive, wrecking it. $20 down the drain...
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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

Looking at your stories, perhaps I should consider a career in retail. Dealing with customers like that will probably be the closest you could get to working at a center for the mentally retarted.
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Post by Next of Kin »

I used to work computer sales a few years back. I had a hoot dealing with this country fried yocal that came in looking to purchase a PC. He asked if I could take apart the chasis and look at the 'innards'. I told him that I would go get the toolkit. I spent a couple of minutes in the back composing myself!
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Re: The Customer's Always Right

Post by Sonnenburg »

Robert Treder wrote:Damn...a customer just asked me to hurry up because she was parked illegally in a handicapped spot, and she didn't want a ticket.
So, of course, I gave her a smile, an understanding look, and I quickly
...hit her in the small of the back with a baseball bat until the lower vertebrae fly apart like a broken pearl necklace, thus providing perfect legal defense in the event of a ticket. "No extra charge, ma'am. It's just another example of how we're trying to serve you better."

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Post by Sonnenburg »

I strike the following balance. On the one hand I know that this is probably the crapiest eight hours of this person's day, and thus I do my best not to contribute to that. I try to speak in a manner that recognizes them as a fellow human being, probably one who's having a particularly shitty day working here.
At the same time, I have already put in my eight crappy hours. Their job is now to try not to put me into crap overtime. I like the people who make comments on my purchases (or on others. You should have seen the look on the face of the guy in front of me when the clerk checked him out: three lemons, whiskey, and baby oil. "Busy weekend?" they said in such an innocent voice I nearly dropped my pizza oven. It's the only time I ever wanted to tip at the grocery store).

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