Anyway, I registered here just so I could share his email with you, since I know you two have a love / hate relationship, mostly revolving around Captain Han Solo and John Luke Picard and the Ewoks or Hobbits or whatever you discuss in such a heated fashion.
I'm not going to even bother replying to him, as posting on this forum is going at least nine steps further than I normally go in response to an ALoD. But hey, I thought you guys might get a kick out of it, so there you go.Hello,
(Pardon my use of a Yahoo address, but my webhost's
POP3 system doesn't seem to like*)
Er, "thanks" for the site recognition, and the
newsflash that it's a dorky topic.
That, we already knew. I'm just in it for the
idle pastime . . . there are a lot weirder pastimes
out there (creationism, that "sex with dolphins" guy,
and the "malarkey or effective way" guy come screaming
to mind).
What should've really freaked you out, though,
wasn't the existence of a site on the topic (good
grief, what topic *doesn't* have a website?), or
even my new site on the topic. What should really
freak you out is this:
1. The author of (the
oldest and oddest website on the topic) openly
fantasizes about killing me over the debate and our
difference of opinion in regards to it
( ... com&rnum=1).
2. The author of (a
several-years-old "Star Wars fanboys are pure evil"
site with way more "grease amount" than my own) takes
the debate so personally that:
A. he feels it necessary to harass the educators of
those he disagrees with
( ... nnedy.html)
B. he insults those who criticize Star Wars in
any way
C. he and his web board participants are so twisted
that the majority of them don't believe the
quintessential science-fiction "evil empire" is
D. he created "hate mail" pages specifically in
reference to me, which link to a page containing
all the personal information he and his flunkies
could find about me
(This was even before my new site went up, but
after the same fellow complained about people
harassing him with threatening phone calls and
. . . and so on.
My site may be "something awful", but those guys
are something worse.