Fair enough, so now address the rest of my points.Darth Pounder wrote:I'm gonna have to stop you there. I must point that in the Predator movies Men are considered the ultimate Prey and Hunters of them get all the toys. This is stated in the 1st AVP book when broken tooth is outraged that his trainee Predators are attacking a human camp.weemadando wrote:My take on it:
The Pred will win. Mainly because I despise Fett fan-bois-ism.
But, lets be reasonable here. Fett undoubtedly does have the superior fire-power, but lets also remember that Predators in the movies and in the comics have been mainly equipped for hunting humans, who, at the best of times aren't great prey. As such they could well be under-equipped and we do know from the history of Predator literature that they have some truly funky tech to back them up...
Predator vs. Boba Fett
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I'll say that the pred has been beaten up by 20th century humans... Not to mention Aliens, USCM and a whole shebang of others.SirNitram wrote:We'll ignore Fett's Character Shield(rated just below Ripped Shirt Kirk) when you admit the Pred was straight up beaten by 20th century humans.
But when in any of those movies did they use decent techniques and technology to take down the Predator? Are you saying that Boba would not be taken down in those circumstances? His armour you shout at my deafened ears? Would Boba even WEAR the armour on 20th century earth? He'd be able to blend in better without it, allowing him to stalk a target on earth with far greater ease than some 'idiot' jetpacking from building to building which would doubtless attract far more attention than he wished.
The problem is that both sides fail to look at the realities of the situation. If I was placed in charge of the operation to capture a predator, I'd say: "Fuck secrecy" and have the fucking Apache gunships stalking the fucker. Are you telling me that Boba would successfully survive multiple 30mm and Hellfire impacts? "He's got a jetpack!" - we've got Stingers...
This is a stalemate between two equally biased sets of fans and by the looks of this thread its WW1 fan-boy style.
So while you people continue assailing each others wall of ignorance I'm going to go and get a beer.
- SirNitram
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The problem, WMA, is that the tech was the last stand the Predator side had. They can't argue manuevarability in the setting chosen by the initial post, we've conceded physical strength(Though it's useless unless this somehow gets really close, and even then Fett's armour has shown to be very durable against such). There's no walls of ignorance or WWI here, just stubborn Pred fans.
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And some damn stubborn people on the SW side too. I've quite often found that some people will apply one set of rules to SW while holding other burdens of proof and evidence to other series. This would appear to be one of those examples.SirNitram wrote:The problem, WMA, is that the tech was the last stand the Predator side had. They can't argue manuevarability in the setting chosen by the initial post, we've conceded physical strength(Though it's useless unless this somehow gets really close, and even then Fett's armour has shown to be very durable against such). There's no walls of ignorance or WWI here, just stubborn Pred fans.
I'm not attempting to dispute the fact that some of the pred fans here have proven themselves to be complete arses, just making the point that it not all one way.
- Darth Wong
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Boba would not be hunting for sport, so the situation would never happen in the first place. If he wanted one specific target for some reason, he would probably just fly in with Slave-1, bag him with a stun blast at medium range, grapple-hook him up into his ship, and leave. It's not sporting, but it works. The whole point here is that Fett is not a sporting man.weemadando wrote:But when in any of those movies did they use decent techniques and technology to take down the Predator? Are you saying that Boba would not be taken down in those circumstances? His armour you shout at my deafened ears? Would Boba even WEAR the armour on 20th century earth? He'd be able to blend in better without it, allowing him to stalk a target on earth with far greater ease than some 'idiot' jetpacking from building to building which would doubtless attract far more attention than he wished.
I think you're missing the point that Predator behaves according to some bizarre fucked-up hunting ethos while Fett doesn't. Fett would never find himself wandering around some 20th century environment hunting for sport in the first place, and if he was "made" by our forces, he would promptly beeline for Slave-1 instead of wandering around like an idiot, the way Pred2 did.The problem is that both sides fail to look at the realities of the situation. If I was placed in charge of the operation to capture a predator, I'd say: "Fuck secrecy" and have the fucking Apache gunships stalking the fucker. Are you telling me that Boba would successfully survive multiple 30mm and Hellfire impacts? "He's got a jetpack!" - we've got Stingers...

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Thinking he wasn't beatening straight up in a fight or hand to hand I don't see why I need to admit something that isn't true. Can 20th centruy humans beat a pred? Yes, they can, same with Fett.SirNitram wrote:We'll ignore Fett's Character Shield(rated just below Ripped Shirt Kirk) when you admit the Pred was straight up beaten by 20th century humans.
And is EU all this uber? Dark Empire 2, Fett is tracking Han and Chewie thru Cuescant, and attacks them.... does he use his long range blaster on stun? No he holds them at gunpoint old west style, then gets smacked like a bitch by chewie, and only character sheilds in the form of plot happenstance with his hoverpack, allows him breifly to gain the advantage again, and loose it again. I'm not a big reader of the EU, but tell me this if I was to read all the comics and all the novels I wouldn't find another act of incompentance and stupidity? So all your talk of sniping at long distance is shown to be naught because he is capable of the same plot driven stupidity the Pred is.
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And as pointed out the guy had a bead on him in the secound movie and still doesn't injure the pred, also take into consideration that pred 2 had more gadgets its been said that the lest experence a pred has the more tech he takes on a fight.Slartibartfast wrote:In the first movie, when the bald black guy spots the pred he fires at him with the gatling and (missing 99% of the shots) injures him, making him bleed all over the place. The predator was cloaked at that time, so that proves that the cloak is not bulletproof.Darth_Shinji wrote:Your opionion only. Not based on anything like say facts.You certainly won't find an idea like 'the Predator's bulletproof cloak' in the script.
Furthemore, there's no canon policy that says anywhere that the games aren't part of the Predator continuity, and in the games the cloak isn't bulletproof either.
And pred movies greater canon than video games and novels. Plus you have no idea how much tech the preds in that game were allowed to take.
Concession Accepted. I haven't ignored any onscreen evidence, you just thought you could get away with a Darkstar-style potshot.Darth_Shinji wrote:Thats nice, change the subject.
What part of that tirade does not fall under the definition of STRAIGHT-UP-FIGHT?! I'm sorry, it's not like Danny Glover tripped and the Predator fell over and stabbed himself, is it?Oh where to start. Lets see first Danny was running away when the pred chased after him and admittedly stuby into the shotgun shots wich only put him uncounses for serval secounds (something I want to see fett do without body armour). Then he threw Danny across the room, knocking him down and he was finished till the other guy hit the pred with liquid nitrogen (which annoyed the pred). After pred fininshed that guy off Danny ran away and hide on the roof. Then after a short game of cat and mouse Danny having nothing else to do charged and threw himself and the pred off the building, pred graps dannys leg and danny finds the disc after it was implaed in the concert. He then cut the preds arm off when the pred is totally imbolized. Then he lands on a pipe and goes threw a wall. Sugging that off, he preforms on the site medical aid, then rips threw the biulding going back to his ship PREHAPS FOR BETTER MEDICAL HELP! THE DUDE HAS SIX SHOTGUN HOLES IN HIM, AN ARM CUT OFF, AND JUST WENT THREW A WALL, AND YOU CALL THAT RUNNING AWAY INSTEAD OF GETTING MEDICAL ATTENTION? I WANT TO SEE FETT DO THOSE THINGS AND STAY AROUND LIKE AN IDOIT TO FIGHT. Then Pred fights danny, rips dannys stomach and proceeds to relise his victory for a second which danny takes advantage of. How you can see that as those going at it hth with no plot coming in the way is beyound me. And yes pred made many mistakes and fett mightbe able to take this one on. Though it would be the preds mistakes that give him the victory, not his skills. And other preds are wiser and would of killed danny in a secound.
Riiiiiighhhtttt. Bullet-proof camoflage not observed in Predator 1 instead of hits on his armor which we know to exist from other scenes in Predator 2. What a baboon.Your opionion only. Not based on anything like say facts.
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No, you did ingnore evidence, the whole subway train evidence is thrown out the window by you. So bring in a point I never talked about.Vympel wrote:Concession Accepted. I haven't ignored any onscreen evidence, you just thought you could get away with a Darkstar-style potshot.Darth_Shinji wrote:Thats nice, change the subject.
Don't you understand the concept of a straight-up fight? Let me give you a highly unlikey example:What part of that tirade does not fall under the definition of STRAIGHT-UP-FIGHT?! I'm sorry, it's not like Danny Glover tripped and the Predator fell over and stabbed himself, is it?
You and me get into a real phyiscal fight. For the most part you are owning my ass, then I get a gun and shot you when you are not aware of the gun, you get back up and hand me my ass again, till I get your knife and cut your arm off, you go to get medical attention after doing something to yourself that marines would bow too, and then I follow after you, you hand me my asss agian and even cut me in the stomach, I act beat and then stab you in the stomach and win. Then people talk about who would win, you or another guy. And they take the fact that I beat you to show that I won in a straight-up, hand to hand fight, and you have no hope of phyiscaly owning this other guy, despite the fact that you have been shown to be stronger and tougher than said other guy.
In other words the pred has shown to be alot tougher and stronger than danny or anuld, and only luck and circumstance allowed them to win.
Riiiiiighhhtttt. Bullet-proof camoflage not observed in Predator 1 instead of hits on his armor which we know to exist from other scenes in Predator 2. What a baboon.[/quote] And we see prove that Pred 2 armour couldn't have stopped that other guy in the subway, and the pred is unharmed.Your opionion only. Not based on anything like say facts.
Your ludicrous interpretation of the subway scene is not evidence in and of itself.Darth_Shinji wrote: No, you did ingnore evidence, the whole subway train evidence is thrown out the window by you. So bring in a point I never talked about.
Of course the Predator' stronger, idiot. Where did I deny that? To continue on this tangent, for all your arm waving and theatrics, Danny Glover beat the Predator STRAIGHT UP- it is irrelevant if the Predator was stronger and tougher, he STILL got beaten in a slugging match. The mere fact that one opponent is stronger than the other does not automatically make victory by the 'weaker' party 'luck'. The Predator was an idiot and left himself wide open. This was no oops I just killed myself circumstance.Don't you understand the concept of a straight-up fight? Let me give you a highly unlikey example:
You and me get into a real phyiscal fight. For the most part you are owning my ass, then I get a gun and shot you when you are not aware of the gun, you get back up and hand me my ass again, till I get your knife and cut your arm off, you go to get medical attention after doing something to yourself that marines would bow too, and then I follow after you, you hand me my asss agian and even cut me in the stomach, I act beat and then stab you in the stomach and win. Then people talk about who would win, you or another guy. And they take the fact that I beat you to show that I won in a straight-up, hand to hand fight, and you have no hope of phyiscaly owning this other guy, despite the fact that you have been shown to be stronger and tougher than said other guy.
In other words the pred has shown to be alot tougher and stronger than danny or anuld, and only luck and circumstance allowed them to win.
What?And we see prove that Pred 2 armour couldn't have stopped that other guy in the subway, and the pred is unharmed.
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- Illuminatus Primus
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Bullshit. He ambushes them, and they take cover. Chewie, who'd just been shot when he tried to jump Fett from behind, grabs him, steals his helmet and knocks him into the ceeling. No biggie. How is that stupid? When did he have the clear shot to use a medium stun? Dipshit.Darth_Shinji wrote:Thinking he wasn't beatening straight up in a fight or hand to hand I don't see why I need to admit something that isn't true. Can 20th centruy humans beat a pred? Yes, they can, same with Fett.SirNitram wrote:We'll ignore Fett's Character Shield(rated just below Ripped Shirt Kirk) when you admit the Pred was straight up beaten by 20th century humans.
And is EU all this uber? Dark Empire 2, Fett is tracking Han and Chewie thru Cuescant, and attacks them.... does he use his long range blaster on stun? No he holds them at gunpoint old west style, then gets smacked like a bitch by chewie, and only character sheilds in the form of plot happenstance with his hoverpack, allows him breifly to gain the advantage again, and loose it again. I'm not a big reader of the EU, but tell me this if I was to read all the comics and all the novels I wouldn't find another act of incompentance and stupidity? So all your talk of sniping at long distance is shown to be naught because he is capable of the same plot driven stupidity the Pred is.
"You know what the problem with Hollywood is. They make shit. Unbelievable. Unremarkable. Shit." - Gabriel Shear, Swordfish
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"This statement, in its utterly clueless hubristic stupidity, cannot be improved upon. I merely quote it in admiration of its perfection." - Garibaldi in reply to an incredibly stupid post.
The Fifth Illuminatus Primus | Warsie | Skeptical Empiricist | Florida Gator | Sustainability Advocate | Libertarian Socialist |

- beyond hope
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It would help if the scenario had been better defined at the beginning. What I was trying to point out, in my own clumsy way, is that Boba Fett vs. the Predator in the lower levels or in close quarters like inside of one of Coruscant's umpteen-million buildings would be a different affair from Boba spotting the Pred skulking on a rooftop a mile away. Since it's been acknowledged that in close combat the Predator is deadlier, *where* they meet on Coruscant is important.
As far as armor goes, as I already posted Boba Fett is not 100% covered in armor. I'm not trying to claim that the Pred's shoulder cannon or disc o' death will go straight through the armor, because I have no calcs to show for what their power is. What I am trying to point out is that there are vulnerable points, unless the cloth covering his upper arms, waist, neck, and most of his legs has some magical immunity to pointy things that I'm unaware of from the EU. That disc went through 5 or 6 sides of beef to bisect Bill Paxton and then return to the Pred, and it doesn't need to be locked on to do that since the Pred was already missing his helmet with the targeting laser on it. If the Pred is in range to do that, it can do the same to any unarmored location on Boba Fett if Fett isn't fast enough. Same deal with the dart it uses to kill one of the Jamaicans, or the net gun it uses in the same sequence. As far as it's "limited visual range," it was cycling through wavelengths until it found the UV lights the capture team was using. As far as range goes, the first movie takes place in the jungle and the second in downtown LA. I would presume that foliage, buildings, etc. are a limiting factor there.
Now to the Predator side of this: where in the name of Zod did a bulletproof cloak come from?! It was plainly obvious to me watching Predator 2 that the bullets are bouncing off the facemask and chest armor. As stated before, the Predator's cloak does not cover IR because the Predator can see it's own body. It appears as a cooler blue compared to the hotter reds and oranges humans show in. This combined with the stated preference of Predators for hot climates may indicate that they are cold-blooded. It's merely my speculation so take it as you will, but it would explain the preference from the UV lights to spot the cloaked Pred rather than a thermograph, as the Predator would tend to blend with the background heat levels (I hate using the "they're morons" explanation if it can be avoided.) The liquid nitrogen would make sense in that light as well: they would be trying to capture it by driving it's body temperature down until it becomes torpid. Freezing it never made sense to me: it'd be just as effective (and easier) to shoot the damn thing until you're sure it's dead at that point. You'd be taking the same risk with the nitrogen as you would with bullets because the tech you're trying to capture could very well become brittle and shatter (and correct me if I'm wrong on that in regard to metals.) Bringing it's ship in is totally pointless because we've never seen it fire a single weapon in either movie: for all we know it may be totally unarmed. Would you assume that a guy in the woods with a 30-06 must have heavy artillery on his pickup? Likewise with the comic claims and extrapolating to infinity on the assumption they'll carry bigger guns in a setting like Coruscant.
As far as armor goes, as I already posted Boba Fett is not 100% covered in armor. I'm not trying to claim that the Pred's shoulder cannon or disc o' death will go straight through the armor, because I have no calcs to show for what their power is. What I am trying to point out is that there are vulnerable points, unless the cloth covering his upper arms, waist, neck, and most of his legs has some magical immunity to pointy things that I'm unaware of from the EU. That disc went through 5 or 6 sides of beef to bisect Bill Paxton and then return to the Pred, and it doesn't need to be locked on to do that since the Pred was already missing his helmet with the targeting laser on it. If the Pred is in range to do that, it can do the same to any unarmored location on Boba Fett if Fett isn't fast enough. Same deal with the dart it uses to kill one of the Jamaicans, or the net gun it uses in the same sequence. As far as it's "limited visual range," it was cycling through wavelengths until it found the UV lights the capture team was using. As far as range goes, the first movie takes place in the jungle and the second in downtown LA. I would presume that foliage, buildings, etc. are a limiting factor there.
Now to the Predator side of this: where in the name of Zod did a bulletproof cloak come from?! It was plainly obvious to me watching Predator 2 that the bullets are bouncing off the facemask and chest armor. As stated before, the Predator's cloak does not cover IR because the Predator can see it's own body. It appears as a cooler blue compared to the hotter reds and oranges humans show in. This combined with the stated preference of Predators for hot climates may indicate that they are cold-blooded. It's merely my speculation so take it as you will, but it would explain the preference from the UV lights to spot the cloaked Pred rather than a thermograph, as the Predator would tend to blend with the background heat levels (I hate using the "they're morons" explanation if it can be avoided.) The liquid nitrogen would make sense in that light as well: they would be trying to capture it by driving it's body temperature down until it becomes torpid. Freezing it never made sense to me: it'd be just as effective (and easier) to shoot the damn thing until you're sure it's dead at that point. You'd be taking the same risk with the nitrogen as you would with bullets because the tech you're trying to capture could very well become brittle and shatter (and correct me if I'm wrong on that in regard to metals.) Bringing it's ship in is totally pointless because we've never seen it fire a single weapon in either movie: for all we know it may be totally unarmed. Would you assume that a guy in the woods with a 30-06 must have heavy artillery on his pickup? Likewise with the comic claims and extrapolating to infinity on the assumption they'll carry bigger guns in a setting like Coruscant.
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Then disprove the subway scene,Your ingnoring the facts of that scene doesn't help your case.Vympel wrote:Your ludicrous interpretation of the subway scene is not evidence in and of itself.Darth_Shinji wrote: No, you did ingnore evidence, the whole subway train evidence is thrown out the window by you. So bring in a point I never talked about.
Your defination of a slugging match is humouruos to say the least. That battle was not Pred and Danny going at it in a hth combat. The battle clearly shows who was the better fighter anyway, Pred. Of course your defination of staight up fight includes help, weapons, and lucky breaks, You used to beat up kids with six of your freinds holding them down didn't you? And brag about it afterwards?Of course the Predator' stronger, idiot. Where did I deny that? To continue on this tangent, for all your arm waving and theatrics, Danny Glover beat the Predator STRAIGHT UP- it is irrelevant if the Predator was stronger and tougher, he STILL got beaten in a slugging match. The mere fact that one opponent is stronger than the other does not automatically make victory by the 'weaker' party 'luck'. The Predator was an idiot and left himself wide open. This was no oops I just killed myself circumstance.
Don't worry, clap and maybe it will go away.....
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[quote="beyond hope"]
Now to the Predator side of this: where in the name of Zod did a bulletproof cloak come from?! It was plainly obvious to me watching Predator 2 that the bullets are bouncing off the facemask and chest armor. As stated before, the Predator's cloak does not cover IR because the Predator can see it's own body. [quote] Watch that seen carefully, when you see the heatvision look at where He drew a bead on the Pred. You will see that it couldn't cleary be hitting any armour where he was aiming at. Its only after we switch veiws from the Pred to the guy that he stands up and starts shooting in a place covered by armour. Its easy to miss but its there.
Now to the Predator side of this: where in the name of Zod did a bulletproof cloak come from?! It was plainly obvious to me watching Predator 2 that the bullets are bouncing off the facemask and chest armor. As stated before, the Predator's cloak does not cover IR because the Predator can see it's own body. [quote] Watch that seen carefully, when you see the heatvision look at where He drew a bead on the Pred. You will see that it couldn't cleary be hitting any armour where he was aiming at. Its only after we switch veiws from the Pred to the guy that he stands up and starts shooting in a place covered by armour. Its easy to miss but its there.
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- Joined: 2002-07-04 04:25pm
Your right, it has been awhile sincs I've read that, But still Considering the fact that he has been watching them for awhile and has awesome range and accuracy of your ICS rifle. Ample oppurtunity to get a better shot then getting that close. And then he gets closer.Illuminatus Primus wrote:Bullshit. He ambushes them, and they take cover. Chewie, who'd just been shot when he tried to jump Fett from behind, grabs him, steals his helmet and knocks him into the ceeling. No biggie. How is that stupid? When did he have the clear shot to use a medium stun? Dipshit.Darth_Shinji wrote:Thinking he wasn't beatening straight up in a fight or hand to hand I don't see why I need to admit something that isn't true. Can 20th centruy humans beat a pred? Yes, they can, same with Fett.SirNitram wrote:We'll ignore Fett's Character Shield(rated just below Ripped Shirt Kirk) when you admit the Pred was straight up beaten by 20th century humans.
And is EU all this uber? Dark Empire 2, Fett is tracking Han and Chewie thru Cuescant, and attacks them.... does he use his long range blaster on stun? No he holds them at gunpoint old west style, then gets smacked like a bitch by chewie, and only character sheilds in the form of plot happenstance with his hoverpack, allows him breifly to gain the advantage again, and loose it again. I'm not a big reader of the EU, but tell me this if I was to read all the comics and all the novels I wouldn't find another act of incompentance and stupidity? So all your talk of sniping at long distance is shown to be naught because he is capable of the same plot driven stupidity the Pred is.
You're a dumbfuck. I don't need to 'disprove' anything, as only a total fucking retard would be stupid enough to think that the Predator's cloak is bulletproof. Post screencaps or shut the fuck up, fan-whore.Darth_Shinji wrote:
Then disprove the subway scene,Your ingnoring the facts of that scene doesn't help your case.
Your hard-on for the Predator has clearly driven blood from your brain. Only in your idiotic mind could you look at your uber-creature being blasted by a shotgun, knocked off a building, having its arm cut off, and then gutted by someone right in front of him (what kind of idiot hunter forgets that a wounded animal is the most dangerous kind?) as being 'clear' proof of who was the better fighter.Your defination of a slugging match is humouruos to say the least. That battle was not Pred and Danny going at it in a hth combat. The battle clearly shows who was the better fighter anyway, Pred. Of course your defination of staight up fight includes help, weapons, and lucky breaks, You used to beat up kids with six of your freinds holding them down didn't you? And brag about it afterwards?
Your claim that this straight up fight isn't straight up because of 'help, weapons and lucky breaks' is also patently absurd. WHICH is the other worldly, stronger, 7 feet tall opponent with the shoulder cannon, smart disc and all that again? Dumbfuck. It's so amusing how you can't stand the thought of your uber Predator being killed by a 50 year old cop that you act as if the Predator somehow had the odds stacked AGAINST him!
Learn to type a coherent sentence, fanwhore.Don't worry, clap and maybe it will go away.....
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Also Wrong, That Jedi Master was at the time focusing his full attentions on Dooku so is it any wonder Jango plugged him considering he was busy at the time?...nupNecronLord wrote:BZZZT wrong. Go watch the movie again. Windu gets lucky and the Reek (or whatever) runs Fett over. IIRC the guy he shoots was on the Jedi Council at one point.Against a true Jedi Master(Windu), his life span was measured in seconds.
Xcom ; Standing proud and getting horrifically murdered by Chryssalids since 1994
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When you show some intellegence instead of mearly saying I'm not right, or lying, or flaming me when your losing control.Vympel wrote:If I had the dvd I would love to post screen caps just to shut your stupidity up and save you the embassment of debating with me. And since you choose to not debate and can't disprove my evidence when you can get off your lasy ass and rent the damn movie instead of calling me a fan-whore... concesion accepted.Darth_Shinji wrote:
You're a dumbfuck. I don't need to 'disprove' anything, as only a total fucking retard would be stupid enough to think that the Predator's cloak is bulletproof. Post screencaps or shut the fuck up, fan-whore.
And so you think Danny could of taken the pred on without weapons or staight up with weapons in a ring with no way of running? thats basicaly what you are impling.Your hard-on for the Predator has clearly driven blood from your brain. Only in your idiotic mind could you look at your uber-creature being blasted by a shotgun, knocked off a building, having its arm cut off, and then gutted by someone right in front of him (what kind of idiot hunter forgets that a wounded animal is the most dangerous kind?) as being 'clear' proof of who was the better fighter.
Thank you for posting my whole point.... Danny had the odds stacked against him and only won thru plot induced luck did he win. My point isn't that Danny won, its the fact that you are confusing this plot induced running battle as a hth slugging match with Danny, and that Danny was the better figter, So Preds can't be that tough. Thats the whole point, he WASN'T.Your claim that this straight up fight isn't straight up because of 'help, weapons and lucky breaks' is also patently absurd. WHICH is the other worldly, stronger, 7 feet tall opponent with the shoulder cannon, smart disc and all that again? Dumbfuck. It's so amusing how you can't stand the thought of your uber Predator being killed by a 50 year old cop that you act as if the Predator somehow had the odds stacked AGAINST him!
Learn to type a coherent sentence, fanwhore.
- white_rabbit
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Darth Wong wrote:As I said, if you admit that stuff, then you must also deal with the EU Boba Fett, and all of his toys, tricks, and techniques. Predatory is even more dead if you don't want to stick to the movies.
Perhaps...but the Preds also have lots of fun things/people to add in..
Dragon, for example, when faced with humans with equal/superior tech just cheated, brought in Cannon fodder Yautja then shot the hell out of the Spear squad..
I wonder, though, if Bobas planted any bombs in Coruscant.
- Illuminatus Primus
- All Seeing Eye
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Leia is clearly pregnant and standard stun shots could enduce fatal complications. Plus, they're in a fucking cave--what good does 5 km blasters do there? And why would you think that stun blasts have as good of range as standard bolts?Darth_Shinji wrote:Your right, it has been awhile sincs I've read that, But still Considering the fact that he has been watching them for awhile and has awesome range and accuracy of your ICS rifle. Ample oppurtunity to get a better shot then getting that close. And then he gets closer.Illuminatus Primus wrote:Bullshit. He ambushes them, and they take cover. Chewie, who'd just been shot when he tried to jump Fett from behind, grabs him, steals his helmet and knocks him into the ceeling. No biggie. How is that stupid? When did he have the clear shot to use a medium stun? Dipshit.Darth_Shinji wrote: Thinking he wasn't beatening straight up in a fight or hand to hand I don't see why I need to admit something that isn't true. Can 20th centruy humans beat a pred? Yes, they can, same with Fett.
And is EU all this uber? Dark Empire 2, Fett is tracking Han and Chewie thru Cuescant, and attacks them.... does he use his long range blaster on stun? No he holds them at gunpoint old west style, then gets smacked like a bitch by chewie, and only character sheilds in the form of plot happenstance with his hoverpack, allows him breifly to gain the advantage again, and loose it again. I'm not a big reader of the EU, but tell me this if I was to read all the comics and all the novels I wouldn't find another act of incompentance and stupidity? So all your talk of sniping at long distance is shown to be naught because he is capable of the same plot driven stupidity the Pred is.
"You know what the problem with Hollywood is. They make shit. Unbelievable. Unremarkable. Shit." - Gabriel Shear, Swordfish
"This statement, in its utterly clueless hubristic stupidity, cannot be improved upon. I merely quote it in admiration of its perfection." - Garibaldi in reply to an incredibly stupid post.
The Fifth Illuminatus Primus | Warsie | Skeptical Empiricist | Florida Gator | Sustainability Advocate | Libertarian Socialist |

"This statement, in its utterly clueless hubristic stupidity, cannot be improved upon. I merely quote it in admiration of its perfection." - Garibaldi in reply to an incredibly stupid post.
The Fifth Illuminatus Primus | Warsie | Skeptical Empiricist | Florida Gator | Sustainability Advocate | Libertarian Socialist |

- Durandal
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If you can't provide evidence for your claims, that's too fucking bad. Go out and rent the DVD, you little dipshit. You're the only one in this entire exchange who seems to be having these delusions of a "bullet-proof cloak" (as if that makes any difference against a weapon that can blow a 1.5 meter-wide hole in concrete), so it's up to you to provide the fucking evidence; it's not Vympel's or my job to run out and disprove every potentially drug-induced masturbatory hallucination you may have. This is known as the burden of proof, and the burden of proof rests squarely on the person making the claim, which is, again, you. I'm tired of your idiotic whining and moronic demands for proof of a negative. Get the fucking screencaps or shut your fucking mouth.Darth_Shinji wrote:If I had the dvd I would love to post screen caps just to shut your stupidity up and save you the embassment of debating with me. And since you choose to not debate and can't disprove my evidence when you can get off your lasy ass and rent the damn movie instead of calling me a fan-whore... concesion accepted.
Damien Sorresso
"Ever see what them computa bitchez do to numbas? It ain't natural. Numbas ain't supposed to be code, they supposed to quantify shit."
- The Onion
"Ever see what them computa bitchez do to numbas? It ain't natural. Numbas ain't supposed to be code, they supposed to quantify shit."
- The Onion
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If I could rent the DVD numbnuts I would. As far as I'm concern you are making highly unreasonable request considering anyone thinking that I'm a lyier can rent that movie and see that scene for itself. My blockbuster doesn't even carry the vhs version. I'm realying on a copy that I made awhile back. I've gave a clear placement of that scene I am using as evidence. You are mearly ingnoring the point by using the fact that I am unable to post it for your lazy asses as a... what? If I'm wrong go get the dvd and prove I'm wrong I've provided an accurate description of that scene. Go fuck yourself.Durandal wrote:If you can't provide evidence for your claims, that's too fucking bad. Go out and rent the DVD, you little dipshit. You're the only one in this entire exchange who seems to be having these delusions of a "bullet-proof cloak" (as if that makes any difference against a weapon that can blow a 1.5 meter-wide hole in concrete), so it's up to you to provide the fucking evidence; it's not Vympel's or my job to run out and disprove every potentially drug-induced masturbatory hallucination you may have. This is known as the burden of proof, and the burden of proof rests squarely on the person making the claim, which is, again, you. I'm tired of your idiotic whining and moronic demands for proof of a negative. Get the fucking screencaps or shut your fucking mouth.Darth_Shinji wrote:If I had the dvd I would love to post screen caps just to shut your stupidity up and save you the embassment of debating with me. And since you choose to not debate and can't disprove my evidence when you can get off your lasy ass and rent the damn movie instead of calling me a fan-whore... concesion accepted.
- beyond hope
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I'll have to wait until I can go through the whole sequence in slow-motion to make a definative comment on it: that'll be the weekend when my girlfriend is at work. If the subway fight does indeed show bullets ricocheting from unarmored spots on the Pred, here's an alternative explanation straight from the novelization. The novel describes bullets in that scene bouncing off the the Predator's armor and skin. This might seem odd in light of the Pred in the first movie being hit in the leg by Mac and bleeding on that leaf, but in that scene the Pred is shot at with a rifle that would have more power behind the bullet than a handgun. Again, it's just a theory: I'll have to look at the scene again and watch where the bullets are observed to impact. Rotten.com has an autoposy photo of what a shotgun wound from 10 feet away looks like: the Pred's injuries in the second film don't look nearly as severe, which may corroborate it's skin being tougher than a man's.
By the way, I'm almost certain that Mac hit the Pred with the rifle he was carrying and *not* the minigun.
By the way, I'm almost certain that Mac hit the Pred with the rifle he was carrying and *not* the minigun.
Once again you utterly fail to meet the burden of proof. Concession Accepted.Darth_Shinji wrote: If I could rent the DVD numbnuts I would. As far as I'm concern you are making highly unreasonable request considering anyone thinking that I'm a lyier can rent that movie and see that scene for itself. My blockbuster doesn't even carry the vhs version. I'm realying on a copy that I made awhile back. I've gave a clear placement of that scene I am using as evidence. You are mearly ingnoring the point by using the fact that I am unable to post it for your lazy asses as a... what? If I'm wrong go get the dvd and prove I'm wrong I've provided an accurate description of that scene. Go fuck yourself.
The best thing about it is that it doesn't matter, but I just had to call out this bullshit claim.
In an antiseptic arena one on one with nothing endemic to the environment to take advantage of? OF COURSE NOT. This is hilarious. By your reasoning, a fight is only a straight up fight if it occurs in 100% antiseptic, totally unrealistic conditions. NEWSFLASH: in the real world, the stronger, well equipped party is not assinine and petty enough to complain about situations he cannot change, and we judge the way forces perform in combat in the ENTIRETY: how did they fight, how did they take advantage of the combat situation? And in case you haven't noticed, Coruscant is not a featureless Arena (although it'd have to be restricted to within 20m for the Predator to try out all his close range combat weapons out).And so you think Danny could of taken the pred on without weapons or staight up with weapons in a ring with no way of running? thats basicaly what you are impling.
'Plot induced luck'Thank you for posting my whole point.... Danny had the odds stacked against him and only won thru plot induced luck did he win. My point isn't that Danny won, its the fact that you are confusing this plot induced running battle as a hth slugging match with Danny, and that Danny was the better figter, So Preds can't be that tough. Thats the whole point, he WASN'T.

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