MKSheppard wrote:Really? That case was involving a bunch of my infantry sitting in a ruined forest in the Apocalypse map; and I could see enemy infantry moving within the ruined forest on the otherside of the hill.
Unless you're claiming the little 'tree' symbol, representing camoflage, is lying, I don't see your point. I regularly ambush people with infantry. EVERYONE regularly does this. I get ambushed all the time by invisible infantry firing MANPADs at me out of forests. If you can't do it, it's a personal problem.
Because in Stark World, all cover is always within the reach of the "sprint" command. Plus, this is obviously how real world tactics work. We better go tell the Warwolves that all that digging they have to do is pointless and not worth it; they should just be champion sprinters!
You're fucking pathetic. You're cut off, miles from cover, and IT'S THE GAMES FAULT YOU DIE? Grow the fuck up. Again, people dodge from cover to cover all the damn time - and let's face it buddy, you only have to move a hundred meters in the 12s it takes napalm to come down. 20s is a more realistic figure, and if you can't get out of the strike area in that time that's a personal problem.
And I'd have thought anyone with a brain would have realised by now that games have little to do with real world tactics. Amusingly you're just proving my point about your utter inflexibility.
And you can't build fortifications on a point, or gain points if you don't hold it! So you're screwed either way. Don't hold the point, and not get pasted by artillery; or hold it and get pasted by artillery!
The only real solution to the point system, while not totally breaking it; is to make the size of each point significantly larger by several factors; so that you no longer have the small point area = always something there = easily covered by various TA effect areas.
Shep, stop being a wanker. I know you're not this stupid. I just pointed out that most people cap, then retreat, then WAIT FOR THE STRIKES TO STOP, then fortify. I win fort medals with infantry all the time, because you've got trucks to just park there. The danger time is right after you cap and the map obviously shows it changing hands, as the enemy can be 100% sure your units are in the area.
I'm glad you're not complaining about constant arty barrages denying points to the enemy being unrealistc, because that'd be fucking hilarious.
So your solution to the broken point system is to only put cheap easily replaceable units on them, so that it won't matter if they get blown up?
I'm starting to see why you suck at RTSs. By the time you get to the front your infantry has dismounted, and while they're hiding in trees they can't very well be in the trucks, can they? So maybe if you're going to risk something by being on the great big target point, it should be the surplus trucks?
Considering the amount of firepower I've seen thrown around in games, up to and including nukes (even though they're incredibly wasteful), I'd have to say, yes, TA isn't a very big constraint.
Since most games have a few nukes garnered either by someone saving up the whole match or a bunch of guys sending TA, this is just proving the efficacy of infantry distractions. Many players can't get 80TA in a whole match, and yet I can encourage people to waste 6TA on a napalm strike, usually several times PER SQUAD. Do the fucking maths.
If the game is going to use massive amounts of sheer absurd firepower, but doesn't offer us tactics to mitigate or reduce the effects of said firepower, then it sucks.
Infantry might actually be useful if it had something more useful than soft-skinned vehicles available for cheap; but no, Armor must have the rebate on the BMP-2, Warrior, and Bradley, despite those being infantry carriers!
And infantry must never be able to entrench, making them hideously vunerable to virtually anything; despite virtually every Infantry FM emphasizing entrenchment whenever possible.
Infantry's current ability to hide inside buildings as it currently stands is not a workable tactic -- A single building by itself is going to be LGBed as an obvious target; and large groups of buildings will be quickly reduced to rubble by sheer firepower.
As much as you've humiliated yourself already, I have to point out that thousands of people out there have already dealt with these issues. What makes them better than you is that you try 'real tacticz', and when they don't work you try them again, and complain. Other people play the game and adapt. I've never had any of the problems you've described, and the design of the points is intentional and essential to the flow of the game.
BUT IT MUST HAVE THESE FEATURES SHEP DEMANDS IT! If he sucks at it, it's broken! It's not REAL enough!