This is Titania from one of the Fire Emblem games. Rather well armoured.
Moderator: Thanas
Metal Gear Solid tends to be half-way decent. Sniper Wolf and Eva show cleavage but the rest of their bodies are covered-up, and Eva showing some skin is actually justified and serves the plot. Meryl and Olga wear tank tops but also have military pants, a utility belt, and combat boots. The Boss has a normal military uniform when you first see her, and a rather unflattering sneaking suit for the rest of the game. The one exception is Fortune, who appears to be wearing a one piece bathing suit, albeit she had the sense to put on some combat boots (to be fair, she's possibly mentally unstable).Stark wrote:The only game with a female who isn't sexualised outrageously that I can think of is FEAR: the female FEAR operative wears the same shit as everyone else, doesn't have enormous fake breasts, and is just thinner. She's also plot useless and gets 5m of screen time, tops.
I can't help but imagine the poor girl's sex life sucks because the dammed things either get in the way or flop around uncomfortably.Covenant wrote:There are limits.
-snip picture-
It's because they are all twelve years old and/or really pathetic.Vympel wrote:I'm not convinced "sex sells" works for videogames. I can't fathom why anyone would buy this game because the game's protagonist is clad in a kinky S&M outfit (and leather, to boot - have fun with that chafing!) and massive tits.
I wish I could believe sex didn't sell for games either. DOA's existence and continued popularity says otherwise. Look at how many people bought BOTH Beach Volleyball games. What's the fucking point of WATCHING 3-D girls be all "lol hotz and thngs" while trying to throw in weird volleyball and interaction mechanics? If they wanted to make a soft core porn game why not go with that instead of trying to split the game between sports and sex? Shit right, the main audience is lonely virgin nerds.Vympel wrote:I'm not convinced "sex sells" works for videogames. I can't fathom why anyone would buy this game because the game's protagonist is clad in a kinky S&M outfit (and leather, to boot - have fun with that chafing!) and massive tits.
Yeah, they are pretty bad, though IIRC Yue Ying is at least in armor, as is Tachibana Ginchiyo in Samurai Warriors 2.Stark wrote:Well, not really, but better than most 'these are my titties' game women. And not in pyjamas like the Dynasty Warriors women.
Sounds like an idea. I will write that down in the sequel of my story, The War On Whores.Chris OFarrell wrote:I mean just ONCE I would love to see a game or an Anime or something where a hot chick in an 'armored bra' jumps in with a scream and a sword...only to have the protagonist calmly and simply level a shotgun and blow her into bloody chunks, then comment on the utter stupidity of charging a guy, with a gun, with a sword and wearing nothing...
Actually, they'd probably bat it back to the grenade thrower. In any case, grenades weren't part of the question. It was guns and swords.PeZook wrote:Even if you could block bullets with your sword, the enemy would just shoot a grenade at you. Of course, a cliched acrobatic swordsman would just wire-fu away from the explosion and kill the shooter, but hey.Beowulf wrote:I can think of one situation in which a sword would be chosen over a gun: no bullets. I suppose if you could block bullets with your sword might be another case.
always when I see "battle bikini" armor (be it female or male version(the 300 "armor"), I think it would be nice to see some just pull a dagger and stab then in the exposed part and say "you should have used armor"Chris OFarrell wrote:I mean just ONCE I would love to see a game or an Anime or something where a hot chick in an 'armored bra' jumps in with a scream and a sword...only to have the protagonist calmly and simply level a shotgun and blow her into bloody chunks, then comment on the utter stupidity of charging a guy, with a gun, with a sword and wearing nothing...
Dude Ariel was fucking hot, I totally wacked off to her a decade or so ago, and a week ago, but that was cartoon porn.Darth Wong wrote:Ever since Tomb Raider, I've been of the opinion that it takes a truly pathetic loser to buy a game just because the protagonist is a girl with large 3D-rendered tits. It's like that scene in American Pie when Biggs starts talking about how the character "Ariel" from The Little Mermaid is hot. It just makes you cringe, it's so pitiful.
fair enough; but isn't that mainly a fanboy creation? she is pretty but is she really a boothbabe on the same level as Lara Croft, Ivy or generic DOA girl?Resinence wrote:Cortana.Halo ?
This does not really apply to her, considering that her female form is just a holographic avatar that does not engage in combat.Resinence wrote:Cortana.Halo ?
Parasite Eve managed to do this fairly well too, for the most part. Only one fan-servicey scene in the sequel, and otherwise the most revealing thing I can remember the protagonist wearing was a nightgown in the very beginning of the first game. Otherwise she actually used guns and wore normal clothes the entire game.Adrian Laguna wrote: Metal Gear Solid tends to be half-way decent. Sniper Wolf and Eva show cleavage but the rest of their bodies are covered-up, and Eva showing some skin is actually justified and serves the plot. Meryl and Olga wear tank tops but also have military pants, a utility belt, and combat boots. The Boss has a normal military uniform when you first see her, and a rather unflattering sneaking suit for the rest of the game. The one exception is Fortune, who appears to be wearing a one piece bathing suit, albeit she had the sense to put on some combat boots (to be fair, she's possibly mentally unstable).
And what about Wilma Flintstone........lance wrote:Dude Ariel was fucking hot, I totally wacked off to her a decade or so ago, and a week ago, but that was cartoon porn.
Rob Grant and Doug Naylor just called. They want their lines back.Jade Falcon wrote: And what about Wilma Flintstone........
Damn, who are we kidding, she'd never leave Fred and we know it.
I'll take this moment to point out that the gigantic tits sported by Heavenly Sword's protagonist are not beautiful at all (to me, anyway). I actually visibly cringed when I saw the picture posed by Covenant.Darth Wong wrote:For me, the straw that broke the camel's back was the advertising tagline for the new Heavenly Sword game: "Vengeance has never looked so beautiful". I remember looking at the TV and actually saying out loud "Oh for fuck's sake, what a load of bullshit."