Okay, and even if the U.S. had nationalized health care we'd be entitled to give state benefits to non-citizens while their refugee claim which is obviously specious is reviewed? Why? Because Canada does and people are now exploiting the system at the expense of legitimate political refugees and their families? "I'd prefer to work in Canada"-people should not be competing with "where I come from they tortured my dad to death"-people for resources slated for the latter.Keevan_Colton wrote:Actually fuckwit, the point was that people applying for refugee status in Canada get certain state benefits while their claim is reviewed. That is the strain that is being placed on Windsor, and what the letter to Harper is all about, they're basically requesting additional help to deal with this increased demand in a service they're obligated to provide. Shelter, food and medical care...
There are at least 11 million illegal aliens in the United States. That is the height of absurdity. Let's be serious, they do not have any right to be in Canada and people are directing them there with the express purpose of having them exploit the Canadian services while knowingly they have no rightful claim to refugee status.
Whether or not the U.S. should have a fully nationalized health care in its own right for its own needs is an entirely different issue, and even granted wouldn't mean that these fradulent "refugees" would be in any different situation in the U.S., if the hypothetical U.S. system didn't grant fatuous refugee reviews or coverage for refugees-under-review.
You went off on one of your typical off-the-handle soapbox spiels because Americans are too stupid to use national IDs. You haven't substantiated that a large minority or even a majority of Americans oppose them, much less for "Orwellian" reasons or otherwise. Being bombastic and getting attention don't leave much room for real arguments, I guess.Keevan_Colton wrote:You'll also find that you can walk off with a sports car with the aid of stolen credit card or a forged fucking cheque, that doesnt mean that creating more secure transations isnt a good fucking idea, and it also doesnt mean that you're entitled to that fucking car...but you're just a stupid little fuck so drop dead...or even better pull a Howedar and just run the fuck away you snivelling little retard.
You haven't cited anything or made any arguments as for why they'd be so much more effective than tracing and cross-referencing existing required identification data, such as SS and driver's licenses. So I'm the fuckwit? Maybe you should go somewhere in order to get needed attention.
They're not refugees, and that's obvious. They are not entitled to political asylum. They ought to be deported. And before you make some overgeneralization - I do not support this policy for the U.S. Our problem is much more systemic than yours, and we should provide amnesty for existing immigrants illegal and otherwise and expand (much) the lawful immigration process while toughening and securing the border considerably. Carrot and stick is my stance. And I would also support a better welfare package with nationalized full health care services, and support them for legitimate political refugee applicants.Keevan_Colton wrote:The simple matter is that Canada has a system in place to review refugee claims while providing the basic human rights as laid out in the UN Convention on Human rights and also in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, or had you forgotten that these refugees are folk with small children...heaven fucking forbid that someone want to keep their child alive with medical care that they cant get elsewhere...