Death from the Sea wrote:General Zod wrote:Until someone decides to actually call you on your bullshit and ask for your badge number to file a complaint. Moron.
But thanks for reminding me why you can't trust the fucking cops in Texas.
let them it is not against the law. And I said that if they tell me no, then I don't argue it with them.
Since when the fuck does a threat have to be blatant to be a threat?
no, you don't understand. I actually say "I am not going to arrest you for it." I tell them it is a Federal Law enforced by them.
I'm failing to see how that makes lying about a law acceptable behavior for someone who's supposed to be enforcing it.
as long as I am not arresting them on a lie or writing a ticket on a lie.
oh and it should have been
guys, I
CAN make false claims all day long, as long, as long as I don't take any action on it. As long as the false claims are not in court or in reference to any kind of official report, then there is no law(s) against it.
This is actually a significant problem, not just for US cops but for a number of police forces worldwide. No ethics or critical thinking skills.
As anyone sensible would think obvious, lying to push your own personal agenda is an abuse of power and it does harm your society. When someone hears "so I've noticed this illegal thing you seem to be doing here" from a cop, even if you do say you're not going to arrest them for it, they're still going to be thinking "hey, this cop noticed this illegal thing I'm doing, therefore someone that
is responsible for enforceing this particular law could notice and arrest me! Oh shit, I'd better do something about this, thank goodness this cop, this legal expert that wears a uniform that I trust, is here to help me stay out of trouble."
But then again you already know that, that's why you do it. Don't lie to us and tell us you're puzzled when they
miraculously comply, you're clearly done this multiple times, you've tested the theory, you know the result.
What's the motto of your department? Does it involve serving and protecting in some way? Because these lies your telling do not offer any protection for the people and serve only your own interests.
You should have a serious think about whether or not you should be a police officer, because quite frankly from what you've disclosed here, Texas would be better off with someone else filling your position.