Mr CorSec wrote:El Moose Monstero wrote:Unless my own sarcasm detector is on the blink and it was some sort of satire post.
I will admit this is probably my fault, sometimes my sense of humour can be drier than the Sahara desert.
I take your point of course that discrimination laws should be working both ways where appropriate, but to say that the rights of white men are being eroded because it's no longer allowed to persecute minority groups seems rather ridiculous.
It's not so much that we're no longer allowed to persecute minorities, which I never really saw the point of, it's more to do with how the new laws are policed.
Surely you must have realised by now that the one type of person in this country that the police are least likely to listen to is a white male, unless of course he happens to be rich and/or famous.
Maybe that's a wierd UK thing (or I am missing some point of sarcasm) but here in the states if you're a minority you'd better be able to impress with your ability to relate a story. Most cops expect (even in my area) to hear this.
Police: "Sir, you broke the mans nose. What happened?"
Black Dude: "Yo, dis ma fukka was tawkin' bout ma bitch aight? So I tol 'im 'Yo nikka you need to step awf.' An' he was like 'Fuk you.' So I checked the bitch, no wa I'm sayin'"
Police: "Okay sir can you please explain why you were running out the back of the restaurant?"
Mexican: "Que?"
Or in a situation where the minority is actually in trouble they won't listen because they can't understand them and or don't want to. Yet when a guy I worked with, who was a visiting student from poland, had he and his roomates home broken into, the police managed to get a full report and even questioning
me regarding $5,000 dollars stolen from their home and thinking of me as
prime suspect because there wasn't anyone they could think of who could have done it based on a
single visit to their home during which I didn't even make it inside. I had the cops calling my house, coming to my job, and contacting my school for almost a month. I'd met all of them and their English wasn't any better than example #1 up there. I'm rather confident though they were managed to get "Black" and "knows where we live" out of them to hound me for so long.
I live near (about an hour) from Albany and in Arbor Hill (bad part of town) the cops don't really do anything because the neighborhood is predominately black. The only times I have heard of people actually getting assistance and not simply arrested (note I don't have access to police reports this is what I have seen/heard from friends who live in the area) are when white individuals somehow stumble into Arbor Hill.[/i]