Minimum System Requirements:
OS--Windows XP or Windows Vista
Processor--2.8GHz or faster (XP); 3.2GHz or faster* (Vista)
Memory--1GB RAM or 1.5GB RAM (Vista)
Video Card--256MB**
Hard Drive--12GB
Sound Card DirectX 9.0c compatible
* Supported Processors: Intel Pentium 4 2.8GHz (3.2GHz for Vista) or faster, Intel Core 2GHz (2.2GHz for Vista) or faster, and other similar CPUs.
** Supported chipsets: NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GT + or similar GPUs. Laptop versions of these chipsets may work but are not supported. Integrated chipsets are not supported. Updates to your video and sound card drivers may be required.
And now, reccomended...
Followed by an interview with Crytek CEO.Recommended System Requirements:
OS--Windows XP / Vista
Processor--Intel Core 2 DUO @ 2.2GHz
Memory--2GB RAM
GPU--NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS/640 or similar
Cevat Yerli: The quality of Crysis running on [minimum spec hardware] does equal the shading and texture quality of games that are about three years old, but with polygonal detail that is bigger then games from that same generation. The scaling happens in various areas, such as shading-quality, texture-resolution, shadows. View distance and interactivity are close to Far Cry. Our goal was to reach a quality with the game on the various specs to compete with games that are from the last two generations until today's generation, respectively for low, medium and high [specification setups], with the very high [spec setups] hoping to define the upcoming and introduced generation with Crysis.
We are not afraid, since we know by statistics from our partners like Nvidia and Intel and from PC manufactures the base to play our game is theoretically bigger than the consoles, plus we hope Crysis inspires people to play at very-high configurations that--like in the past with top-tier titles--usually required you to upgrade your PC.
GS: What's more important to have for Crysis: A powerful CPU or a powerful video card?
CY: Actually they should be in sync. Low CPU and high GPU makes little sense, since the game might then become CPU bound, likewise if you have a strong CPU and low GPU, your game may not render fast enough. So you should align the generations of hardware when building your PC, in general. If you have a CPU and GPU both from the last 12 months though and you want to upgrade one of the components, then it should be the GPU.
CY: Yes 64-bit in general runs better than 32-bit. In fact I would recommend gamers run 64-bit only under very-high configurations. We ship both 32-and-64-bit out of box.
GS: Finally, any last thoughts on Crysis' technology and its system requirements?
CY: My final thoughts are, I am happy that we managed to scale down Crysis, which is on average 10 times more pushy than Far Cry, down to Far Cry specs. But Crysis is a high-end game that shall define what's now and in the future. Enjoy it as such as much as you can. It's like a concept car available and affordable now. I like also this quote somebody gave: "It's like a sexy blond girl with a PhD degree," upon which I said, "But with curly hair."