God Will Fuck You Up

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Sith Acolyte
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God Will Fuck You Up

Post by Kanastrous »

Anyone else heard this song? Our coordinator in Salt Lake City turned me onto it; if you have heard the Moxy Fruvious version, it sounds exactly like a real old-fashioned gospel performance. Unless you're paying attention to the words...

Oh, sinner, do not stray
From the straight and narrow way
For the Lord is surely watching what you do
If you approach the Devil's den
Turn 'round don't enter in
Lest the hand of the almighty fall on you.

He'll fuck you up (he'll fuck you up)
Yes, God will fuck you up
If you dare to disobey his stern command.
He'll fuck you up (he'll fuck you up)
Don't you know he'll fuck you up
So you better do some prayin' while you can.

Long ago a man named Lot
Had a wife he thought was hot
But she could not stop her black and sinful ways.
You know it was her own damn fault
When God turned that bitch to salt.
That's the way he used to work back in those days:

He fucked 'em up (he fucked 'em up)
He really fucked 'em up
When the people went and turned their backs on him
He can fuck you up (he'll fuck you up)
No shit he'll fuck you up
Just like he fucked the people up back then.

I used to have a friend named Ray
Who walked that evil way
He cursed and drank and broke his neighbor's fence
You know Ray was full aware
That some sheep were over there
And he knew them in the Biblical sense.

God fucked him up (he fucked him up)
He went and fucked Ray up
Went and paid him back for all his wicked sins.
He fucked him up (he fucked him up)
Fucked that boy completely up
Now he's married to a Presbyterian.
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Post by Phantasee »

That's Moxy Früvous, sinner!
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Post by Kanastrous »

*rummages for cilice*
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Post by Zadius »

This one?
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Post by Metatwaddle »

Uh, dude, that's not gospel. Gospel is a specific type of music. It's usually sung in black churches with large and usually very energetic choirs, with lots of handclaps and improvised solos if it's done right, and IMHO it's far superior to any other non-classical Christian music.

The Moxy Fruvous version of this song is some sort of primitive-sounding folk/country. It is very nice satire though. :)
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Post by Phantasee »

Heh, I got this started up as the cool new thing on campus. We'll see how long it lasts.

*pets his phone with iTunes*
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