I put in some time working for Animal Control: the callers were the rudest and most clueless bunch you could possibly imagine. The calls would usually boil down to one of three things:
1) neighborhood crank who doesn't like animals and would call if a neighbor's dog barked *once* to complain about "excessive barking"
2) one neighbor doesn't like another neighbor who happens to own a pet, and is using Animal Control to harass that neighbor
3) neighborhood asshole who's been warned by us over and over again about letting their pit bull run around chasing people and crapping all over, and is calling to bitch us out and tell us "we don't have the right to regulate their dog"
maybe 1 call in 5 was what we'd consider legitimate (and that's a generous estimate.) You get through it by laughing about the really astoundingly stupid calls, like the woman who called me swearing up and down that there was a rabid chipmunk on her porch trying to get in the house or the guy who wanted to give us an alligator that was getting too big for him to handle. I still have the Wanted poster I made for the "Demon Rabbit of Reisterstown," that some yuppie scum found in her basement and was convinced was going to kill her. Ya... dangerous animals, those rabbits.
I put in 3 years in retail: I really, really can't stand these sorts of people. They're the ones who say "this is so
inconvenient" as if that was the most terrible crime in the world. Arguing with a moron like that gets you nowhere: I'd usually try and tell them what I would normally do, and make it sound like I was doing them a special favor. If that didn't work, there's always handing them off to a higher manager (district managers in particular are there for this purpose.)