Kojikun goes Apeshit at me on AIM...

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Post by InnerBrat »

OK, firstly - I miss Darksyde. Can you persude him to come back because there are other goths posting on this board?

Secondly, Kojikun pisses me off no end - not only does he support paedophilia, but he also is turned on by incest (see the fetish thread) and now he's bi-bashing.

Fuck him. Fuck him and all the Gayer-than-thou Nazis who think bisexuals are 'just kidding themselves'. May he sufficate in breast with his dick stuck in a fishy cunt.
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Post by Dahak »

As said before, this whole discusion you and Kojikun had is mind-boggingly absurd.

When gay people, getting often bashed for *their* respective sexual preferences, bash other gay people for their Oh-me-ghosh-not-so-gay preferences it starts to get really absurd. Or is that just me and my demented mind?

Anyway, I commiserate.

*hugs Einy*
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Post by Lord Pounder »

For a start well done Einy i'd have blocked him after the 1st rant. Secind can you as DarkSyde to come back we need more goths just ask him not to be so "FUCK YOU I'M A GOTH" it's that attitide that gets us goths a bad name.
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Post by Dahak »

Yes, I think DarkSyde should come back here.
I mean, just because he's goth doesn't mean he's eating small babies over campfire :)

And if some people have problems with it: Just make fun of them and/or taunt them. It's usually more fun than to retreat, and doesn't give the other side a "victory".

At least that's what I'd do. Never end an argument, unless the other side is a smoking ruin (or just gives in*g*) :)
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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:
ArmorPierce wrote:Oh yeah, I've only seen two posts from him.
He got an extremely hostile reaction for being a Goth. He doesn't post here no mo' and I'm still angry at the people who attacked him, with the exception of Weemadando. He apologized to me, plus his comics were amusing. The others, well, it's gonna take a while for my respect for them to resume their previous levels.

And Yes, I'm knowingly playing into a Thread Hijack.
I believe we were extremely rude to him, and turned that thread into a goth-bashing thread. If they wanted to do that, they should have done it elsewhere, instead of picking on someone who said he was one. His attitude was a bit annoying, but it was no excuse to attack him like that.
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Post by Illuminatus Primus »

innerbrat wrote:OK, firstly - I miss Darksyde. Can you persude him to come back because there are other goths posting on this board?

Secondly, Kojikun pisses me off no end - not only does he support paedophilia, but he also is turned on by incest (see the fetish thread) and now he's bi-bashing.

Fuck him. Fuck him and all the Gayer-than-thou Nazis who think bisexuals are 'just kidding themselves'. May he sufficate in breast with his dick stuck in a fishy cunt.
Aye, what an asshole.

And what's wrong with going out w/ one's dick in a cunt?
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Post by ArmorPierce »

I find that people at this board likes to find someone to pick on for whatever reason, especially people with low post counts. From what I've seen (all of it) you guys ganged up on him and attacked him for no particular good reason. Further proof of this attacking n00bs in particular (mostly for a post boost or just for fun, or maybe both), after Einhander Sn0m4n stepped in nobody wanted to actually argue with Einhander Sn0m4n but continue on with Darksyde.

Anyways, lets get back on topic. Kojikun is a hetrophobic (just thought up of the word) incesting pedophile freak. I remember an argument I had with him in which I was telling him what would happen his scenario would happen but he kept saying the same thing over and over even though it didn't matter.
Last edited by ArmorPierce on 2003-01-14 07:00pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Stormbringer »

ArmorPierce wrote:I find that people at this board likes to find someone to pick on for whatever reason, especially people with low post counts. From what I've seen (all of it) you guys ganged up on him and attacked him for no particular good reason.
I've got to agree with you. He was trashed before he ever got a chance to post much.

That said railing against cliques and self-censorship before annoucing his clique membership wasn't that bright.
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Post by Colonel Olrik »

I didn't even see the thread until now. I agree some of us were too harsh (weemando, with that ATJ comment :? ), but most reactions I can understand. I have some friends who became goths. Now, I'm OK with this, though I think it's stupid to always wear black, and using spike bracelets and rings (but hey, currently I'm the only one without gf, so who knows).

But when I hear one of them claiming loud how good is being a goth, how being different is better than conform with society, well, then my always present harsh debating mentallity arises, and discussion starts. And I kick his ass.
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Post by Dalton »

Stormbringer wrote:I've got to agree with you. He was trashed before he ever got a chance to post much.

That said railing against cliques and self-censorship before annoucing his clique membership wasn't that bright.
Really? From what I saw he merely introduced himself and said he was a goth. Then the ASSCLOWNS on this board RIPPED HIM TO SHREDS without a second thought. It was a fucking Pavlovian reaction. I thought the people here were better than that, but I guess not.

I'd also like to add that from what I've seen here, kojikun is a cunt. He has no right questioning other people's life choices.

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Post by Stormbringer »

Dalton wrote:
Stormbringer wrote:I've got to agree with you. He was trashed before he ever got a chance to post much.

That said railing against cliques and self-censorship before annoucing his clique membership wasn't that bright.
Really? From what I saw he merely introduced himself and said he was a goth. Then the ASSCLOWNS on this board RIPPED HIM TO SHREDS without a second thought. It was a fucking Pavlovian reaction. I thought the people here were better than that, but I guess not.
I think it was an overreaction, I won't disagree with that. They attacked him for no really good reason. He was a bit hyprocritical but nothing that warranted flaming like that.

Dasrksyde666 did rail against clique-censorship and then announces he's a member of one of the most conformist cliques around. That smacks of hypocrasy.
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Post by InnerBrat »

Illuminatus Primus wrote:
innerbrat wrote:OK, firstly - I miss Darksyde. Can you persude him to come back because there are other goths posting on this board?

Secondly, Kojikun pisses me off no end - not only does he support paedophilia, but he also is turned on by incest (see the fetish thread) and now he's bi-bashing.

Fuck him. Fuck him and all the Gayer-than-thou Nazis who think bisexuals are 'just kidding themselves'. May he sufficate in breast with his dick stuck in a fishy cunt.
Aye, what an asshole.

And what's wrong with going out w/ one's dick in a cunt?
Because he hates cunts...
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Post by Dargos »

First off...I have nothing against gays. But Bi? I can imagine it

(bi man wakes up in the morning) "Gee, that woman was great last night...but tonight I want I mans harry ass."

Sorry if it offends anyone...but when I think about it, I have to laugh.
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Dargos wrote:First off...I have nothing against gays. But Bi? I can imagine it

(bi man wakes up in the morning) "Gee, that woman was great last night...but tonight I want I mans harry ass."

Sorry if it offends anyone...but when I think about it, I have to laugh.
Take that as "You didn't offend anyone (except probably Kojikun ;))"
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Dalton wrote:
Stormbringer wrote:I've got to agree with you. He was trashed before he ever got a chance to post much.

That said railing against cliques and self-censorship before annoucing his clique membership wasn't that bright.
Really? From what I saw he merely introduced himself and said he was a goth. Then the ASSCLOWNS on this board RIPPED HIM TO SHREDS without a second thought. It was a fucking Pavlovian reaction. I thought the people here were better than that, but I guess not.

I'd also like to add that from what I've seen here, kojikun is a cunt. He has no right questioning other people's life choices.

Ein, you have my full support.
Thank you Dalton. You have earned my trust and respect.
Colonel Olrik wrote:I agree some of us were too harsh (weemando, with that ATJ comment :? ),
All forgiven.
ArmorPierce wrote:Further proof of this attacking n00bs in particular (mostly for a post boost or just for fun, or maybe both), after Einhander Sn0m4n stepped in nobody wanted to actually argue with Einhander Sn0m4n but continue on with Darksyde.
Hmm I noticed they fled like kicked puppies too... :)

*ego swells again*

PH34R T3H E1NH4ND3R SN0M4N T3H 31337P1NK H4T H4X0R!H3 W1LL R0X0R J00R S0X0RZ!
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
ArmorPierce wrote: Anyways, lets get back on topic. Kojikun is a hetrophobic (just thought up of the word) incesting pedophile freak. I remember an argument I had with him in which I was telling him what would happen his scenario would happen but he kept saying the same thing over and over even though it didn't matter.
Back on Topic... Since I have him and several of his AIM Sock Puppets perma-blocked and unless he takes to spamming the shit out of my PM box, there is nothing much more to discuss. Feel free to lock this thread at your leisure.
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Post by Captain Kruger »

Einy, this kojikun Gay-Nazi is so far beneath you, it would not be out of line for you to drop your pants and piss on him should you meet in person. It's no business but your own if you want to bat for both teams. Having grown up near the San Francisco Bay Area, I've unfortunately met many loud-mouthed "Power Gays" like him. :roll:

As for the way DarkSyde was treated, my personal experiences allow me to see both sides of that story. During my 1980s high school years, the equivalent of the present-day Clique Goths were the thrash-metalheads that worshipped bands like Slayer and Cannibal Corpse. The only music that counted to them had to have a thousand-mile-per-hour drum beat, ridiculously-fast guitar solos that didn't make any musical sense, and grunted or screamed lyrics praising Satan or some other sort of mindless shit. Any other form of music, even good, loud hard rock that DARED to have something called a MELODY, was strictly for pussies.

Anyone who lived through the 80s probably remembers this particular group as a bunch of annoying fucks. I don't mean offense to anyone who likes thrash metal, but let's face it — these kids were more of an elitist, self-righteous clique than the very preppies and jocks that they hated so much.

I listened to hard rock and had long hair back then, just as I do now. Unfortunately, I got judged along with the thrash-elitists because of my looks and choice in music.

My point is I understand why DarkSyde caught the flak he did because those Clique Goths are annoying as hell, but that didn't make it right to attack him. I'm living proof that not everything is as it seems.
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Post by Dalton »

OK Ein, I'll lock it.
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