Binge drinking - have you ever done it?

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Post by Edi »

If what is meant by binge drinking in the context of this thread means "drinking to get drunk and going beyond your limits", then yes, I've done that on occasion. Going beyond my limits has never been on purpose, but I can't deny that it's been stupid all the same every time it happened.

I generally don't drink much, a drink every now and then with friends or family, but just to get drunk, no.
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Post by Crown »

SirNitram wrote:The CDC defines it as '5 or more drinks on one occasion', or four, if you're a lady. They don't really clarify 'occasion'.
If that's the definition we are using in this thread, then I've done it once this year (last Friday in fact, celebrating my birthday), never last year, once in 2005 and about 2 times previous to that since 1998 (can not place down times exactly).

I'm the kind of guy who can nurse a pint of beer or class of spirit for a good hour plus, I'm also a two-can-Sam a one-pot-screamer, in short a very cheap date, and can get the 'tipssy/dazed' feeling pretty quicly so I never drink more than 2 standard drinks on 'a night out' (when I even drink, since I always preferred being the sober designated driver back when I had a car).

Add to the fact that I'm a control freak and hate losing said control out in public, binge drinking is not exactly my idea of a good night out (or in for that matter).
Darth Wong wrote:If the latter, how would you respond to the charge that you're a fucking idiot?
What? You think I was congratulating my Friday night endeavours on Saturday? :lol: :wink:
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Post by Master Arachnos »

Well I've cut down on my drinking now so I only go out on a Tuesday, Friday and Saturday (and sometimes Sunday) but i suppose according to the 5 drinks rule I'm a binge drinker.

I used to go out every night (and I mean every night) and have 5 or 6 pints on a weeknight, and at least twice that much on a weekend night..

But I'm more shocked after reading the thread at the amount of people on the board who either dont drink, or dont binge drink...
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Post by Turin »

The "in one sitting" is a poor definition, because it implies that someone who goes bar-hopping on a Saturday night and has ten drinks in the process is not binge drinking, which is ridiculous. Likewise, if someone has 5 (or 4) drinks over the course of, say, Thanksgiving day, I'd wouldn't call that binge drinking either.

In any event, I engaged in binge drinking here and there while in college, before I think I really knew better; I never drank in high school even a little, as alcohol was banned for underage kids even at the dinner table in my family (which I think is the wrong approach, but that's a whole other argument). I drank the point of getting really really drunk (and sick) once ever, and that was one more time than I needed to. Definitely stupid. But I smoked back then, too, so maybe my intelligence needed a little maturing at that point in my life.

As a "real adult," I've tempered my drinking and rarely have enough to get me more than slightly tipsy, although I probably drink a good bit more total alcohol than one might expect given that. This probably has a lot to do with typically drinking with food (or as an aperitif or digestif) -- I like having a glass of wine/beer with dinner.

I recently came back from Italy on vacation and noticed that this was the custom there as well -- people drink more regularly than most Americans I know, but they also infrequently drink without food. Even on a weekend night, I didn't see crowds of drunks roving the downtown streets like I would in, say, downtown Philadelphia.
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Post by salm »

Master Arachnos wrote: But I'm more shocked after reading the thread at the amount of people on the board who either dont drink, or dont binge drink...
I found that interesting, too. I guess it has to do with the fact that there are many Americans on the board and drinking probably being more socially accepted in Europe than in the US. I mean around here you can walk around pissed drunk in the pedestrian area of any city in broad day light and nothing will happen. Some people might look at you funny or laugh at you but that´s it. In the US you could get arrested for being drunk in public.
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Post by The Grim Squeaker »

Eh, not really.
I've gotten semi-drunk twice in my life, the first time I met up with friends and actually drank (I was 14 or so), when I spent a good 5 minutes proving that I wasn't drunk by walking ona plank ("See? I can walk in a straight line!".Then I trod on a nail.).
The second time was my graduation party when I did get tipsy-drunk, and even pushed myself into the mentality (I try to do it a lot (Drunken/open personality/behaviour) since it helps on the otherwise hellishly inhospitable environments of parties and dances). I was probably sober by the end of the "night" (around 4-5AM) but I tried to ignore it.
Never had a hang-over though.

I like to drink a cup of wine or two and maybe some Heering at fancy dinners (Say when on vacation or in formal events), and I can make and swallow a Vodka "Shot" with the best of them, but I'm quite resistant to alchohol, and despite my social miseries, I've never been desperate to the point of "Hey, let's go get drunk! And then we'll drink some more!" sounding like a plan to me :) .
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Post by Natorgator »

I did quite a bit of binge drinking in college. Sure, I did stupid things while drunk that could've gotten me hurt, but I also learned a lot from those mistakes because I always tried to do it in a responsible setting. Plus, it was a hell of a lot of fun and I wouldn't trade those good experiences with friends for anything.

And then there's also the fact that I wouldn't have hooked up with a certain girl if we weren't so shitfaced. That girl is now my fiancee and I couldn't be happier about it.

I don't drink so much anymore; the hangover just isn't worth it to me. But I'm glad I did it so I can have a been there done that mentality. In the end, I think it all just comes down to a matter of personal beliefs. Some people can handle it responsibly, some can't. Some think it's stupid, others don't. You could make the same argument about any vice that large groups of people enjoy.
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Post by Dartzap »

I rarely drink, and when I know I am going to be drinking large amounts, I will eat quite a bit of stodge to line my stomach before hand. I have several mates who are known to drink large amounts on a regular basis, and when I'm out with them, I tend to make them eat something as well, since I sure as hell don't want to be the babysitter when Last Orders is declared. I also tend to berate them if they appear to be still hung over the following day. Hang overs are for stupid people.

The fact that I'm larger than most of my mates is anouther factor, they automatically assume I will want more, bah.

Ah well, such is life.....
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Post by Dark Hellion »

I find the CDC definition of binge drinking kinda off, because I know that myself, my roommate and some of my friends could binge drink (ie consume 5 in 90min) lower alcohol-content beverages (wine coolers, Smirnoff ice, beer, wine) and not be drunk.
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Post by Turin »

Dark Hellion wrote:I find the CDC definition of binge drinking kinda off, because I know that myself, my roommate and some of my friends could binge drink (ie consume 5 in 90min) lower alcohol-content beverages (wine coolers, Smirnoff ice, beer, wine) and not be drunk.
There's a big range of alcohol content in those examples. If you're drinking 5 glasses of wine (other than a very low-alcohol content wine) in 90 minutes and not seriously feeling it, you're either gigantic or have built up quite a tolerance.
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Post by J »

I've done it exactly once in my life; to celebrate my graduation from university. In between the joy of graduating and starting a new chapter in my life and the teary farewells to many close friends, we got a little carried away and it just sorta happened.
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Post by Psychic_Sandwich »

I've never done it.

I have gotten drunk occasionally, usually on New Years, and once at a ball. Otherwise, I usually only have a beer or glass of wine with a meal in social settings, and I never just get a bottle and start drinking. Most of the alcohol I own, I use in cooking, actually.

Since I'm at uni, most of my friends think I'm a religious, teetotaling freak. :P
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Post by DarthShady »

Drinking alcohol is for total idiots,i will never understand a person willing to poison them selves.I mean if you cant have fun without being drunk than you have a fucking problem and you should see a shrink.
As for my self i only got drunk once when i was fifteen.I was drinking all night with some friends and i woke up totally fucked up,i didn't remember anything from the past night,my head felt like it was going to explode and i threw up stuff i had eaten days ago.
I never drank alcohol since.
I mean most of alcohol products taste like shit,so why drink it?When you could be drinking apple juice or something.
There is no defense for binge drinking,people who do it are alcoholics and idiots who don't know when something is bad for them, or they don't care!
Fucking idiots!!!
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Post by Turin »

DarthShady wrote:Drinking alcohol is for total idiots,i will never understand a person willing to poison them selves.I mean if you cant have fun without being drunk than you have a fucking problem and you should see a shrink.
Because obviously drinking at all = binge drinking until you throw up. :roll:

This may surprise you Shady, but there's a whole lot of people who, as mature adults, seem to have no problem with drinking in moderation as just one more enjoyable part of the human experience, without being drunks, becoming alcoholics, significantly damaging their health, or driving drunk.
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

Depends on how you define binge drinking, because the common standard of ‘more then six alcoholic beverages at one event’ is frankly nonsense. I can drink six beers and hardly feel a thing, and actually these days I simply cannot get drunk off beer at all unless it’s better then 6% alcohol. I’ll feel too full first.

Downing a whole case or a whole bottle to yourself in one night, vomiting only to resume drinking, that is what I think of as binge drinking ,and I’ve never done it. I cannot comprehend how people do it.

DarthShady wrote:Drinking alcohol is for total idiots,i will never understand a person willing to poison them selves.
Better stop breathing oxygen then, as it is a 100% lethal poison that causes irreversible genetic damage! Stop breathing now before its too late!
I mean if you cant have fun without being drunk than you have a fucking problem and you should see a shrink.
As for my self i only got drunk once when i was fifteen.I was drinking all night with some friends and i woke up totally fucked up,i didn't remember anything from the past night,my head felt like it was going to explode and i threw up stuff i had eaten days ago.
I never drank alcohol since.
So basically you had no experience and absolutely no self control; which is called being an idiot.

If you were 15 and hopped into a car, having never driven before, and drove around at 100mph all night until you smashed into a tree, would you assume everyone who drives a car must be an insane idiot? Or would you assume the accident was caused by inexperience and a lack of moderation?
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Post by DarthShady »

Turin wrote:
DarthShady wrote:Drinking alcohol is for total idiots,i will never understand a person willing to poison them selves.I mean if you cant have fun without being drunk than you have a fucking problem and you should see a shrink.
Because obviously drinking at all = binge drinking until you throw up. :roll:

This may surprise you Shady, but there's a whole lot of people who, as mature adults, seem to have no problem with drinking in moderation as just one more enjoyable part of the human experience, without being drunks, becoming alcoholics, significantly damaging their health, or driving drunk.
Yes some people drink moderately but that does not mean that alcohol is not a toxic substance which is bad for the human body.I can understand stupid people that drink(they do it because they don't know any better)but why would you drink if you know the effects on your organism and your mind?
Its a stupid thing to do and you cant deny that.But then again humans are notorious for doing stupid things.
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Post by Colonel Olrik »

DarthShady wrote:But why would you drink if you know the effects on your organism and your mind?
Several alcoholic drinks have been strongly connected to improvements in health, when taken in moderation. Being an adult about alcoholic drinks is also a cure for the disease of virginity, which from you attitude and punctuation I'm sure you're still suffering, case in point:

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Post by Superman »

DarthShady wrote: Yes some people drink moderately but that does not mean that alcohol is not a toxic substance which is bad for the human body.I can understand stupid people that drink(they do it because they don't know any better)but why would you drink if you know the effects on your organism and your mind?
Its a stupid thing to do and you cant deny that.But then again humans are notorious for doing stupid things.
So, are you a young kid or are you just mentally fucked up?
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Post by Bounty »

I binged - really binged - once. It wasn't fun. I'm not going to repeat it, ever, bar the invention of some sort of non-brain-and-stomach-murdering alcohol.

Ever since I've never been more than buzzed. Alcohol doesn't get to me very fast, but I get really bad hangovers, so I always take care to limit my drinking to maybe four-five drinks spread over a ~4 hour dinner.
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Post by Psychic_Sandwich »

Yes some people drink moderately but that does not mean that alcohol is not a toxic substance which is bad for the human body.I can understand stupid people that drink(they do it because they don't know any better)but why would you drink if you know the effects on your organism and your mind?
Its a stupid thing to do and you cant deny that.But then again humans are notorious for doing stupid things.
You are aware, yes, that some alcoholic drinks can actually benefit your health in moderation? Red Wine, for example.

Obviously, somebody who sits down an chugs a whole bottle of Tesco's own brand red from a plastic, screw top bottle, and follows it up with half a bottle of Sambuka isn't doing himself any favours. But somebody who has a glass or two of red wine with his Sunday roast, and that's it for the whole week, is likely to see benefits to his health, particularly cardiovascular health.
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Post by DarthShady »

Superman wrote: So, are you a young kid or are you just mentally fucked up?
Yes i am mentally fucked up,because my father was an alcoholic.
Several alcoholic drinks have been strongly connected to improvements in health, when taken in moderation. Being an adult about alcoholic drinks is also a cure for the disease of virginity, which from you attitude and punctuation I'm sure you're still suffering, case in point:
Nice picture.I take it you think alcohol=you are cool=you get pussy.
Are you really that stupid?

As for the medical purpose of alcohol,i am not denying it.It has its uses.
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Post by Bounty »

Nice picture.I take it you think alcohol=you are cool=you get pussy.
Moderate, responsible alcohol use = easy-going mood = fun. It's not neccesary, but it doesn't hurt, either.
Yes i am mentally fucked up,because my father was an alcoholic.
Unlike a lot of other drugs, alcohol has negligible negative side-effects when used in moderation. I hope you can see the distinction with abuse?
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Post by Colonel Olrik »

DarthShady wrote: Nice picture.I take it you think alcohol=you are cool=you get pussy.
Are you really that stupid?
:lol: Kid, I've been in a relationship for the last years, but from my extensive tests from the days before, let me tell you this breaking news, some alcohol shared by two does relax the mood and yes, brings pussy.
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Post by DarthShady »

Psychic_Sandwich wrote:
Yes some people drink moderately but that does not mean that alcohol is not a toxic substance which is bad for the human body.I can understand stupid people that drink(they do it because they don't know any better)but why would you drink if you know the effects on your organism and your mind?
Its a stupid thing to do and you cant deny that.But then again humans are notorious for doing stupid things.
You are aware, yes, that some alcoholic drinks can actually benefit your health in moderation? Red Wine, for example.

Obviously, somebody who sits down an chugs a whole bottle of Tesco's own brand red from a plastic, screw top bottle, and follows it up with half a bottle of Sambuka isn't doing himself any favours. But somebody who has a glass or two of red wine with his Sunday roast, and that's it for the whole week, is likely to see benefits to his health, particularly cardiovascular health.
Hey i am not attacking the people who have a few drinks a week,that can be good for the health especially in the case of red wine.
I am just saying that drinking alcohol just for the fun of drinking alcohol is stupid.
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Post by Ghost Rider »

DarthShady wrote:Yes i am mentally fucked up,because my father was an alcoholic.
Bully for you. Now stop using it as an excuse to label everyone this.

Your problem, not theirs.
Nice picture.I take it you think alcohol=you are cool=you get pussy.
Are you really that stupid?

As for the medical purpose of alcohol,i am not denying it.It has its uses.
You are the one projecting, and really this is funnier then usual moron who projects. So when are we going to become your father thus the source of your troubles?

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