SylasGaunt wrote:Bolos frequently shoot down incoming fire by the way, both ballistic, missile, and ortillery.
For instance in Bolo Rising we see Clacker battler ships attempting a saturation bombardment of his position with big mass drivers firing asteroids. He's bullseyeing them at thousands of kilometers and having to manufacture ammunition while he did it.. oh and he had a clacker device sabotaging his power feeds and attempting to overload his reactor while this was going on.
Furthermore we know that the missiles bolos carry are capable of striking targets on the opposite side of a planet from them, and can even be set to loiter in atmosphere in hunter-killer mode and fry anything that matches a target profile.
There is a difference between Asteroids and micro-missiles. There are toothpick sized ones with 1 Kt warheads and 500 MT versions are in the 15 cm range.
I doubt a Bolo would even try to intercept something that small.
I'm not saying it would be an easy fight.
SylasGaunt wrote:
There's also the usual visual, IR, EM, etc.
As I wrote before Perryverse Combat-suits are in general stealthed against IR, visual and Rader, and a lot of Perryverse 5D stuff of course.
Ford Prefect wrote:
'Infantry' is more of a role than anything; to give an example, even a two ton weapons platform could technically be 'infantry', assuming that is the role it plays. You mention below that combat robots are more common than organics on the battlefield, and some do perform infantry similar tasks. The TARA V UH is a robot I've heard cited as being quite capable of killing a Bolo, but it is dependant on whether they are infantry equivalent - I understand that the Perryverse is very ... broad.
The TARA series is the most heavily armed robot class used by the Terrans in the Perryverse.
They are used to board space-ships/stations and attack bases(and the other way round), guard important facilities, they are used as prison guards for dangerous psi-users, they are often the first to make planetfall together with flying tanks when a planet is attacked, they engage vehicles and in a few cases even spaceships.
They are swiss army knife style robots and often vastly over-armed for what they do, there was even once a in-universe comment that a TARA would destroy the facility it guards and blow a nice hole into the plant if it used a maximum yield warhead(100 GT in that case).
There are humanoid robots which are better suited for peacekeeping and police stuff.
The series is not ground-combat heavy apart from small scale away-team stuff. Few big ground battles are mentioned in the series and those are not very detailed.
The large ground units mentioned in the series have more robots than soldiers.
Here the date for a ground units we know more about(but not even the name...) it consists of 10000 battlerobots and 200 medic-robots, 1000 soldiers with 150 transfromcannon-armed flying tanks, 75 mobile ground-to-air missile-batteries, 12 heavy flying transformcannons(I do not even want to think about those things as you can fit GT range ones into robots...) and 30 ambulance vehicles.
Most of the time I just mention Terran-tech level stuff. I mean a person with a combat suit which can be used to destroy whole star systems is hardly infantry...