Look at some of his bullshit: I particularly like the way he obviously doesn't understand the "layered ecosystem" point at all (he seems to think there's just one layer, not successive layers perfectly segregated by time period), and the way he obviously doesn't get the biomass problem either (Earth's not big enough to support all of those animals at once, so he mumbles something about how it was like Eden, as if that would make it OK to stack animals five deep all over the planet).Cyma wrote:Actually, new mountains are formed all the time. why would it have to be equal erosion?The level of erosion should be constant all over the world, since all of the world's erosion was supposedly caused by a single global event. However, some mountains are much more eroded than others (eg. the Appalachians as opposed to the Rockies).
He had years to build the ark. Also, in the Bible it talks about usng various things in order to prevent leakage, among these, pitch on the inside and outside of the ark.How did Noah build the Ark? A simple examination of shipbuilding techniques and manpower requirements reveals that a wooden boat of that size will not be seaworthy because of excessive leakage, and that one man couldn't possibly build it. The act of procuring the necessary wood alone would have easily overwhelmed him.
Two words: Ice Age. As to the progresive greenland whatever it is...could you provide a little more background?How did the ice caps form? They would have been broken up and melted during the flood, and there hasn't been enough time for them to form since then. Moreover, Greenland ice cores show a progression of yearly patterns since well before the Flood, even though the entire mass should have been broken up.
umm...since when do we routinely look at the bottom of oceans for archeological digs??Why aren't the fossils of modern land-locked animals routinely found deep in the sea bed, even though a catastrophic flood should have easily pushed huge amounts of coastal life into the ocean?
Guess what? they do, there is evidence that it does. Look up Karoo fossil beds for instance.Why aren't environmentally specialized fossils found away from their native environments? A flood would easily disperse fossils over very wide areas irrespective of their original environmental suitability, yet we see no evidence of this dispersion.
This is unclear as to what you mean by sorting, please clarify.Why are different components of the same organism (ie. the pollen and trunk of a plant) invariably sorted at the same layer? Did the flood somehow sort the pollen and trunk and leaves of plants so that they would always end up in consistent layers?
IF they are layerd with entire ecosystems to match...they must have been buried by a ton of stuff quickly! now what could posibly do this, hmmm....Why are fossils layered with complete forest ecosystems to match, so that soil layers and plants and animals from one epoch are always grouped together? Did the flood somehow sort this too? That's one clever flood!
Earth was more of an eden before the flood, like a tropical jungle, when thers lots of food and little competition, the population grows very fast.How do they explain where all of the animals would have lived, or have they ever noticed that the sheer animal population indicated by fossil deposits is enough to fill the Earth to the point of being dangerously overcrowded? Not a problem if those animals lived over many hundreds of millions of years, but if they were all crammed into a 6,000 year history ...
OK, that's all for now, you gave me five pages to refute, that's all I have the time for
And his bit about the Ark is priceless; doesn't it occur to him that 19th century shipbuilders knew how to minimize leakage too? You still can't build a thousand-foot long seaworthy wooden boat.