Once I've got an image of the code base I'll get to work on integrating and testing those mods I wrote for the board a few months back. Here's the list of stuff waiting to go in;
Code: Select all
* Enhanced Polls Mod
> Approval Polls
> Average Rating Polls
> Instant-Runoff Polls
> Condorcet Polls
> Retractable votes (if enabled by poll creator)
> Public Ballots / Voter List (if enabled by poll creator)
> Lockable Polls (by mods/admins, separately from thread locking)
> Board-global poll duration limit (for non-mods)
> Semi-proportional poll bars
* Minor BBcode enhancements
> Superscript/Subscript (for equations)
> Strikethrough (for visible edits and jokes)
* Click-to-reveal spoilers
> Block spoilers tag
> Inline spoilers tag
* Forum specific anti-necro limit.
* Configurable max. thread subject length.
* Quicklink button (copy dressed BBcode link to thread to clipboard)
* Assorted minor bugfixes.
* Fix auto-prune to sync postcounts as threads are flushed.
As for the seniority stars, there are three possible upgrades.
1. Make gold/silver/bronze ones for 3 months/1 year/5 years. This avoids the situations of the stars taking up too much space, having to increase the time they represent constantly or just making them take a ridiculously long time to earn.
2. Make them themeable. Can be combined with the above. I can't recall who suggested this, someone in the Senate I think, but I implemented it;
Presumably there would be a few themes and users can pick one.
3. Replace them with an indication of posting activity over time. My initial idea looked like this;
which IMHO sucks ass. However I think this looks pretty good (though should probably shrink it slightly);
It'd be handy when browsing the archives to see if someone is still around, or if they suddenly start posting again to see when they were last active. Through the magic of caching there isn't any real performance cost to these.
Thoughts anyone?