Perversions of the Force comments

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Rabid Monkey
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Post by LT.Hit-Man »

This fic just keeps getting better and better with each chapter.
If you are going to add me into this fic I'll let you work my character on your own I'd like to see how well you two do on that.
The only thing I ask is that you keep the name LT.Hit-Man for me in this fic.
Brotherhood of the Monkey: Rabid Sith Monkey from hell.
Mad scribbler of the Writer's Guild Headquarters
Grand Inquisitor of ASVS (ret) ASVS Vets Assc.

" poor bruised and mistreated? jesus Christ Iggy, you haven't been watching Voyager reruns again have you? " - Darth Fanboy
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Post by LT.Hit-Man »

This fic just keeps getting better and better with each chapter.
If you are going to add me into this fic I'll let you work my character on your own I'd like to see how well you two do on that.
The only thing I ask is that you keep the name LT.Hit-Man for me in this fic.
Brotherhood of the Monkey: Rabid Sith Monkey from hell.
Mad scribbler of the Writer's Guild Headquarters
Grand Inquisitor of ASVS (ret) ASVS Vets Assc.

" poor bruised and mistreated? jesus Christ Iggy, you haven't been watching Voyager reruns again have you? " - Darth Fanboy
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Post by haas mark »

Twin posties! :P | lunar sun |

Hot Pants à la Zaia | BotM Lord Monkey Mod OOK!

Formerly verilon

R.I.P. Eddie Guerrero, 09 October 1967 - 13 November 2005

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Post by Pcm979 »

LT.Hit-Man wrote:
IG-88E wrote:The USS Darkstar, as you can guess, is crewed by pretty much every troll and trekkie I've ever heard of. This was supposed to be a way to laugh at their idiocy. Eventually, they end up getting pasted (and that's not a spoiler, you KNEW I'd kill them off) :twisted:
To make a slight misqoute of Diablo 2
" There souls shall fuel the hellforge " :twisted:
The've been far to efficient and clever. Make them dumber. :D
Kelly Antilles
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

Ok... here it is. Next chapter, written mostly by Iggy this time. Hope you enjoy.

Engineering, Jones decided, had fared better than the bridge during the Darkstar's journey. Most of the consoles were intact and only a few people had been injured. The warp core was mercifully undamaged. Jones and Anderson had paid a quick visit to sickbay, where Jones had his gash mended. The rooms had been quite full, but most of those there had received only minor injuries. As the two men entered the large room, Chief Engineer Arminius zeroed in on them. Oh, Christ,Jones thought when he saw the look on Arminus' face. "All right, captain," the Chief said, his voice full of anger and scorn. "Are you going to tell me what the hell is going on here?"

"Chief, we hit some kind-"

"HIT?" the man practically screamed. "We HIT something? What, has Clark lost his marbles or something? What's he done to my ship?"

Jones suppressed a bark of anger. It was no use, Arminius was too rabid when it came to the fact that he'd been working on the Darkstar longer than Jones, despite the other man's higher rank. "First off, Chief, we didn't hit anything that caused structural damage. It was probably some kind of fold in space-time. Second, we've only received minor injuries from that crazy trip."

"So where in the Sam hell are we?"

"We don't know."

"We don't know? WE DON'T KNOW?!" The Chief's face began to change colors. "What are you people doing up on the bridge, huh? Drinking Romulan Ale and having a grand old time, with no one watching where the hell the ship's going?"

"Arminius," Anderson broke in, "you know darn well-"

"Quiet, Scooter. This doesn't concern you." The Chief took a step closer to the captain. "Now you listen here, junior. Your slick moves might work on the Admirals, but I'm not impressed. For all the time you've spent on the Darkstar, my crew and I have been shot at, thrown around, stomped on, and laughed at. Now, you'd better figure out where the hell we are or I might just have to-"

"That's enough, Chief," Jones broke in.

"Why, you snot-nosed punk! I oughta-"

"You're out of line, Arminius." Jones' cold tone finally got the Chief to quiet down. "Now, what's the situation here?"

"We're fine. Just fine. ANDY!" he suddenly barked. Across the room, a younger man, his torso buried in a console, jerk up and bashed his head.

"OWWWWW!" the yell filled Engineering.

"You little moron!" Arminius bellowed. "What've you done this time?"

"Nothing, Chief!" he squeaked. As Arminius stalked towards the unfortunate crewman, Jones and Scooter seized the opportunity to get out of Engineering.

Ewo walked into the room at a steady pace. Her gaze was serene, and a slight smile rested on her lips. Her silver hair fell past her shoulders to nearly mid-back. She wore a simple uniform of white, belted at the waist. Her soft blue eyes currently were half-closed seductively, which belied the intensity they carried when she dueled. Admiral Valdemar had noticed that glint the day she walked off the IG-2001. It was a look similar to his own. He smiled and offered her a half-bow as she reached the middle of the room. "Hello, madam," he said, his rich voice filling the room.

She stopped and returned the bow with the smoothness that only came from a high-class upbringing, which she had received back on Ralltiir. "Good to see you, my dear Admiral," she said softly, her sultry voice matching his in courtesy. Valdemar killed the smile before it could creep onto his face. A true one in a million, he thought. IG was certainly lucky to find her, as was I.

"So, how are you this fine day?"

"I've found myself to be a bit...manic," she said, a mysterious grin crossing her face.

"Is that so?" he asked. "And how do you propose to relieve yourself of this mania?"

"There are several ways," she said. "One of which I would prefer..." she trailed off and tapped the lightsaber handle hanging at her side.

"Ah. I would be honored to assist you in your proposal, my dear lady," he said, unhooking his own lightsaber. The two walked to the center of the room, where a long pad had been laid down from one wall to its opposite. They stepped on, several feet apart, then simultaneously turned to face each other. She drew her lightsaber and ignited the yellow blade. A second, smaller blade, curved around the hand guard. After all, she thought, a proper saber follows tradition.

She placed her left hand at her hip and held the saber at a 45-degree angle. "Are you prepared, Admiral?"

"A small moment," he said. He removed his black cap and uniform jacket and placed them on a nearby chair, leaving him with a plain white shirt, which showed his athletic figure quite well. He's quite a specimen, Ewo thought. A true prize to be sought.

He ignited the red blade of his own saber, which reflected his upbringing in traditional fencing. It was built to match a foil, with a cup-shaped guard that started at the emitter and spread out towards his hand. Not that it would do much good against a lightsaber, he thought. All the more reason to enjoy the thrill of the battle. He smiled broadly and struck a fencing pose, blade forward, flank to his opponent, free hand above his head. "Best of three?" he asked.

She nodded. "As you wish."

He came to his starting position and a referee stepped between them. "Begin," he said, stepping back again. Valdemar moved in, striking quickly, his blade seeking a target, but Ewo batted it aside. The two began a long back-and-forth, sabers clashing, open smiles on their faces. Both were professional duelists with years of training and conditioning and it showed in their crisp, powerful movements. Finally, Ewo managed to knock Valdemar's blade aside and hold her own at his throat. "Point, Ewo," the referee called out.

She did not move her saber. "Have I tired you already, dear Admiral?"

"My sweet, lovely Ewo, I am simply getting warmed up," he said as they retook their positions. The referee gave the signal and Valdemar came in, faster than before, swiftly batting her blade aside and holding the tip at her breastbone. A shocked look crossed her face.

"Point, Valdemar," the referee said neutrally. Ewo set herself as they prepared for the final exchange. "Final point, begin." The two sabers crashed into each other and they began a wild series of exchanges that would have left even the most elite of fencers with their mouths agape. The Force gave them a speed and reaction time that no normal person could hope to emulate. It also brought them a sense of fulfillment. Ewo, once beginning to learn the Force, had quickly began besting even the quickest and shrewdest of duelists in her league. She enjoyed winning, but the easy victories left her hollow. Likewise, Valdemar had grown frustrated at the ease with which he defeated both human and robotic opponents. Both had been ecstatic when they found the other was a duelist as well as an aristocrat. Such thoughts ran through both of their minds as Valdemar brought his blade in from above and Ewo was forced to use her handle blade to stop it. The two of them leaned into the clash, their sabers crackling.

"You've gotten quicker," he commented.

"And you have gotten stronger," she replied. "But I am still going to win." She suddenly applied all her weight to the saber, pushing Valdemar back. He failed to compensate quickly enough, and fell backward, dropping his saber. It went out as it hit the floor. Ewo stood over the prostrate Admiral.

"Victory to Ewo," the referee said.

"Thank you," she said, not moving. "Now leave us, please." The referee bowed and exited. Ewo turned back to Valdemar, who was smiling.

"So. Was I successful in relieving you of your anxiety, milady Ewo?"

"Indeed," she said, a faint sheen of sweat on her brow. "I thank you." She extinguished her saber and allowed him to stand.

"I am honored. Now, would you care to join me for a drink?" He gestured to a table where a bottle of red wine sat with two glasses. "In honor of your victory."

"Well, in that case, I must accept." She strode over to the table. Valdemar held his hand out and his saber flew into it. He attached it to his waist and followed her as she seated herself. He picked up the bottle, uncorked it, and poured into her glass then his. He sat to her right and held his glass to hers. "To victories worth achieving," she said.

"And to an opponent worth competing with," he added. The expensive Chandrilan crystal clinked as they touched their glasses. She took a sip and held her glass to her lips, watching him over the rim. "Yes, Lady Ewo?" he asked, noticing her gaze.

"Admiral," she began as she set her glass down. "I believe I must reassess myself."

"In what way?"

"I am not as... calmed... as I believed myself to be when our match ended." She stood and leaned back against the table, looking down over her shoulder at him.

He set his own glass down. "May I be of any assistance?" he asked as he stood and moved to stand before her.

"I believe you can." Her hands ran up the front of his shirt to his shoulders.

He smiled. "It would be my honor," he said. She pulled him to her, kissing him fiercely. Her tongue parted his lips to do battle with his.

Valdemar responded with as much desire. His hands deftly undid the buttons on her uniform top and pushed it aside. He was pleased to see she wore no underclothes and leaned down to feast upon her perfect breasts.

She held him close and moaned. "Oh Admiral," she cooed as he suckled her nipple. Sliding her hands down his back, she moved them around to undo his pants and slide a hand into his briefs.

That was more than enough encouragement for him. He undid her pants and pushed them past her hips. Then he swept his arm across the table behind her, sending the glasses and wine tumbling. The glasses crashed to the floor. The bottle tipped and rolled down the table, spilling its contents everywhere. He lifted Ewo onto the table as his clothes fell to the floor.

She looked at him, deep lust on her face. Her hand still on his member, she guided him into her. As he thrust into her, he grabbed her wrists and pinned them beside her head. They kissed hard.

Valdemar kissed and nipped down her neck to her breasts as he pound into her. She leaned her head back and let out a low moan. He slid his hands slowly down her arms to cup her breasts. He rolled the nipple of one in his fingers as he suckled the other.

Ewo's hips raised from the table, trying to take him further into her. He was driving her mad. She wrapped her legs around his and pulled him close. Each thrust made her grunt with effort. Soon she would know exctasy.

He couldn't hold back any longer. With three swift strokes, he shot his load deep into her with a grunt. She writhed under him, feeling every drop. Soon, she climaxed, her pussy clinching his cock. They fell back against the table exhausted.

Shortly after Ewo left, a chime sounded. "Enter," the Admiral said. Necronlord strode through. Something was different about him, but it took Valdemar a moment to nail it down: the Sith Lord no longer wore his hood. He gave a mental shrug. "Ah, Norcen," he said with a slight nod. "What brings you here, my old apprentice?"

"I'd like your help, Master Valdemar."

"Really?" he asked, pouring himself a glass of wine. "Would you care to expand on that sentiment?"

Necronlord explained.

Pash stood facing the group of NRI agents he'd come to know over the past few days. Beside him stood Agent Dolphin, Larz, and a dark-haired man who only identified himself as Einhander. The agents had not been happy about Pash bringing the renegades into their planning and even now, Stormbringer and Stravo looked less than pleased. Verilon's expression was neutral, as was Aulduin's. Aerius seemed to be evaluating the three men, as if wondering which one would betray them first. "So, uh," Pash said. "I'd like you to meet Larz, well, you already know him from Cav's place..."

Larz did not look frightened as he had before. His fingers were steepled and a superior look was on his face. "Seeing you again is quite... satisfying," he said.

"And these are the guys who sprung him out of prison. This is Einhander." He gestured to the dark-haired, green-eyed man who nodded and shook hands with several agents, but offered no comment. Pash turned to Spanky. The agent held another cigarette in his hand. "And this is Agent Dolphin, NRI. His fiancée was kidnapped along with the others, so he's got a stake in this, just like us."

"Great, fine, good," Stormbringer said, interrupting. He stabbed a finger at Einhander. "What's your full name, and why are you involved in this?"

Einhander glanced at Spanky, who gave a slight nod. "Einhander is my full name," he said, his voice soft but strong "and I'm involved in this because I believe that one of the men behind the disappearance is a man I once knew. A man I want to kill."

"Fair enough," Stravo said as Stormbringer raised an eyebrow. His silver eyes locked onto Spanky's brown. "And you. You claim to be NRI, but I've never seen you before. What's your whole name?"

Spanky blew out a breath of smoke. "Spanky Theodore Dolphin." Verilon snickered, and Spanky speared him with a glare. "Find something funny, pal?"

Verilon tried to kill the smile, but failed. "So, you're telling us that your name is Spanky, The, Dolphin?" He laughed. No one else saw the humor in his jest.

Spanky took a long drag on his cigarette then leaned forward and blew a cloud of smoke into Verilon's face. The other agent coughed. "You find that amusing?" he asked. There was no humor in his voice at all. Pash caught Verilon's eye and drew his thumb across his neck. Verilon got the message.

"Nope," he said. Pash sighed inwardly. Wedge, where are you when I need you? Wedge and all the members of his impromptu squadron had been called back into active duty. General Cracken had even found Mirax a job and she was unreachable.

"All right everyone," Pash said. "We've got plans to make and we've wasted enough time on introductions."

"Quite inspiring," Larz remarked flippantly.

Pash glared hard at him. "You were a prisoner less than a day ago. Unless you'd like to return to that status, I suggest you shut up."

Larz sniffed. "There's no call for that. We're allies now."

Pash leaned towards him, all his anger fixed on this one man. "Maybe," he said in a calm, but firm tone, "but as far as I'm concerned, you still helped Cav take advantage of all our loved ones. That means if I feel for one second you're not helping to the best of your ability, or if we fail because you fouled up on your info, we use you for target practice. Got it? Ally?"

Larz inhaled shakily. "Yes. I believe you've made you point."

"Good." Pash looked down at the table, trying to regain his senses. "Let's get to work."
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Post by Vympel »

I don't read this fanfic- but hey first post just to spite everyone :)

(not saying anything against the fic, it's just not my thing)
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Post by LT.Hit-Man »

Vympel wrote:I don't read this fanfic- but hey first post just to spite everyone :)

(not saying anything against the fic, it's just not my thing)
Oh ok in that case then, have you ever played baseball?
If not let me show you why I like the game so much
*Grabs Vympel and nail him/her to the ground with a four foot long railroad spike though the lower back with a 400LBS slegehammer*

" Nothing like spiking the second baseperson to make the game more funner. "

" I'm sure you can see my poin on that."
Brotherhood of the Monkey: Rabid Sith Monkey from hell.
Mad scribbler of the Writer's Guild Headquarters
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" poor bruised and mistreated? jesus Christ Iggy, you haven't been watching Voyager reruns again have you? " - Darth Fanboy
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Post by Kuja »

Vympel wrote:I don't read this fanfic- but hey first post just to spite everyone :)

(not saying anything against the fic, it's just not my thing)
LT. Hit-man wrote:Oh ok in that case then, have you ever played baseball?
If not let me show you why I like the game so much
*Grabs Vympel and nail him/her to the ground with a four foot long railroad spike though the lower back with a 400LBS slegehammer*

"Nothing like spiking the second baseperson to make the game more funner. "

" I'm sure you can see my point on that."
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

Good chapter, Iggy, Kelly. Say, just how many people in this story can use the Force anyway? (Sorry, Iggy, but your character doesn't count cause he isn't truly alive)
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Post by Kuja »

Darth Yoshi wrote:Good chapter, Iggy, Kelly. Say, just how many people in this story can use the Force anyway? (Sorry, Iggy, but your character doesn't count cause he isn't truly alive)
Well, all of the Council (9), all the apprentices (8 ), Aulduin, Cav (although he's dead and gone), and several others TBA. :twisted:
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Post by Vympel »

LT.Hit-Man wrote:
Oh ok in that case then, have you ever played baseball?
If not let me show you why I like the game so much
*Grabs Vympel and nail him/her to the ground with a four foot long railroad spike though the lower back with a 400LBS slegehammer*

" Nothing like spiking the second baseperson to make the game more funner. "

" I'm sure you can see my poin on that."
*I am a he, for future reference* :)
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Post by Pcm979 »

The day Einy is quiet and reserved Satan skates to work. :P
Last edited by Pcm979 on 2003-01-16 02:17am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Beowulf »

Yay! *boing boing boing*
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Kelly Antilles
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

(Warning: Hentai ahead. It's in the very middle, so if you don't want to read it, skip it.)

Wong watched Kelly like a hawkbat as she went through a slow kata. "That's right," he said softly. "Focus your emotions. Not simply your anger, nor your passion. All of them work together to produce your being."

"So, our emotions make us who we are," she said flatly.

"It makes sense, doesn't it?" he replied. "Our emotions determine how we act, how we think, even who we love."

Kelly hesitated. "Love?"

Wong laughed softly. "It seems strange, doesn't it? A Sith Lord, lecturing a Jedi apprentice on love. Well, perhaps not as strange as one might think." He motioned for her to join him at the window, and she did so. "The Jedi have a saying: There is no 'why'. The Sith believe that 'why' is the most important of questions."

She blinked. "I don't understand."

"Tens of thousands of years ago, the Jedi believed that serenity and detachment from one's emotions was the path to righteousness. Some of them, those who would become the Sith, disagreed. They were certain it was emotions, the flow of life around a person, that determined what was right and wrong."

"But," Kelly interrupted, "wasn't it a Sith that developed an Empire? Didn't he conquer the Old Republic? Didn't he and his apprentice kill thousands?" Her voice was indignant.

"Yes they did, and there is no denying it." Kelly was surprised by his honesty. "But those Sith, the leaders of the Sith Empire, made a crucial mistake. They were quick to anger and distrust, and it consumed them." Wong looked out at the stars, an expression of sorrow on his face. "They parted from the path that the first Sith had set down, and it destroyed them." He smiled, and gently wrapped an arm around Kelly's waist, pulling her closer. With his other arm, he gestured at the window, taking in all the stars they could see. "You see, the true Sith believed that all emotions must be kept in balance. Anger and hate were not to be fed and used solely, but neither were they to be pushed aside and forgotten."

She stiffened as he touched her, but his gentleness caught her off guard. She relaxed and concentrated on his words. "You mean, it's all right to be angry?"

"Of course. It's unavoidable. But to allow that anger to grow and consume you is where you become lost. You must keep it balance with serenity and compassion, and yes, love."

Kelly frowned. "But, my master Aulduin taught me that when you learn to quiet your mind, you can sense the flow of life around you, and do what must be done to correct what's wrong."

"You master is an intelligent man," Wong said with a nod. "But he has only been taught to think it one direction. Yes, keeping your mind clear and pure is one way to solve your problems, but there are other ways. Has it ever occurred to you that the reverse is true?"

"The reverse?"

The corner of Wong's mouth moved up in a smile. "By tuning your emotions to that of those around you, you can develop a focus that even the greatest Jedi cannot duplicate. That focus, that rush of emotion can carry you straight to victory. When you want something, when you want something so badly you can taste it, touch it, trade your life for it, you gain an insight into a situation that could never be gained by staying separated."

Kelly blinked. She could here the truth in his words. She'd even thought along those lines before, but the way Wong expressed it, so eloquently, and so self-assured, made them seem like the answer to the age-old question: How does the Force work? "What you're saying makes sense, but I'm not sure if I believe you."

Wong laughed and his arm withdrew. "I would expect no other answer, Kelly Antilles. You're strong, intelligent, and it's quite obvious you've learned to think for yourself. You've spent years learning the Force, one way of approaching it, one school of thought. Now, I'm not saying that your way is the wrong way, and I'm not saying mine is right, but rather, they are parallels."


"Two different paths leading to the same goal, mastery of the Force. One is not necessarily better, but both will appeal to different people."

"I think I understand," she said softly.

"Good. Return to your quarters. I'll teach you more tomorrow." Kelly turned and walked out, the door sliding closed behind her. The room fell silent. For a long moment, Wong looked out at the expanse of stars. Then he began to laugh.

The creature slithered through the air ducts. He had gone back to Yoshi's room, but she immediately threw him out. When she'd first picked him up, they had the best times. Now, however, she didn't pay any attention to him. He resented that and went off in search of a new Mistress.

Kelly walked towards her room and thought of what Wong had said and how he'd touched her. He'd been gentle, something she hadn't expected. She closed the door behind her and it locked automatically. Leaning against the wall, she began to touch herself where he had. A moan escaped her lips as she closed her eyes and imagined him before her.

There was a loud thump in front of her and her eyes shot open. Looking down she saw a tentacled creature with one huge eye staring at her. "Who...or what are you?" she said as she looked it over. The creature seemed to be all eye, although a flap of skin concealed a thin mouth. A dozen or so tentacles branched off from the main body, which was nearly as large as a human torso.

"Humans cannot pronounce my name." The hidden mouth said on a low-pitched, resonant voice. "But, Xalev calls me 'Evil Sadistic Bastard.'" It grinned, if you could call it that. The mouth didn't change, but the eye suddenly seemed mirthful.

"Ok, that answers that question. Now, why the hell are you here?" She slid past him and moved towards the bunk.

"I am in search of a new Mistress. Mistress Yoshi has obviously grown tired of me and I must serve a Mistress or I will die."

Kelly snorted. "You'll die?" She removed her jacket and stretched, getting the kinks out from her session.

He eyed her body. Yes, she would do very well. "Yes, human women have something that can only be found on my home planet. It sustains us. That is why we do not leave our planet without a Mistress."

She looked at him, still skeptical. "So, what is this 'thing' only human women have?"

One of the creature's tentacles snaked up her leg under her pants to her epicenter. She gasped as it parted her lips and slid up into her. "The juices that are here have a mineral in them that sustain us. I have not had any in so long. I shall surely perish if I do not have any soon." He pushed his tentacle further into her.

She reached back and grasped the edge of the bunk tightly. "Um...I...oh god." She didn't realize just how hot she had been after her meeting with Wong. Desire flowed through her. "Ok," she finally breathed. "I'll help you out...but just this once."

"Thank you, Mistress...uh," he looked at her. "I do not even know your name."

"Kelly," she said breathlessly as she felt him sliding his appendage in and out slowly. "My name is Kelly."

"Mistress Kelly. What a beautiful name for such a beautiful human." He gently ran a tentacle along her body. "So beautiful you shouldn't wear clothing."

She chuckled at his double meaning and quickly removed her pants and tunic. Standing before the creature naked, she suddenly felt self-conscious. "Um..."

He could tell her sudden reluctance, after all, he was sensitive to the Force as well. Two tentacles reached behind her and removed a pillowcase. He brought it up to her face, folded over to make a blindfold. "Perhaps if you only feel and not see you will like it better?"

She allowed him to tie the case around her eyes. "Yes, this might work." She felt several tentacles sliding up her back. "Hey...what are you doing?"

"You must trust me, Mistress Kelly. I promise I will do nothing to harm you." He felt her relax and continued. Gently, he lay her on the floor upon a blanket he'd pulled from the bed. This entire time, he'd not removed the tentacle that was within her. Sliding up her body, he moved his mouth over her labia. She was leaking fluids out around his appendage. He licked them up quickly and began sucking the hard little nub all human women had. He'd found that when he did this, they gave him all the liquid he required and then some. It also seemed to somehow satisfy them as well.

Kelly was nervous, but he was being so gentle. She felt him moving in and out of her, making her so wet. Two tentacles had moved up and were lying across her breasts. His suckers lay on her nipples, suckling them. She moaned and ran her hands down them. He shivered at her touch. No other human had touched him that way before. He felt it to the tip of each tentacle. It encouraged him to move in and out of her faster and harder.

She moaned in reply. "Oh god, yes." Her hips bucked against him. His mouth locked on her clit and sucked hard. He wrapped two tentacles around her breasts and squeezed them. Her fingers dug into his skin as she felt her orgasm approaching. ESB loved her voice. He loved her body, the way it moved, the way it tasted. He felt her body tense as her climax took over. Her pussy tightened around his tentacle. That drove him wild. He experienced something he never had before, complete and utter bliss. He slid out from her and sucked up every drop of her juices. Kelly laid back, completely exhausted. "That was incredible," she said removing the blindfold. She looked down at the now limp creature lying across her lower body. "Feel free to come back any time."

"Really?" He was in shock. Had he done that well?

She pulled herself from under him and moved to kiss the top of his head. "Yes. I mean that." Evil Sadistic Bastard was suddenly happier than he'd ever been in his entire existence

Stravo and Stormbringer walked side-by-side around the exterior of the Jagged Edge. They'd told everyone that they'd gone out to catch a breath of fresh air, but had really left to discuss things privately. "What do you think of them?" Stormbringer asked. Stravo was an expert at reading people's motives and Stormbringer trusted him.

"Einhander seems like a straight shooter," the older agent said. "And Larz is pretty easy to read when he gets nervous. The third guy though-"


"Yeah. I don't know about him. I've never seen him before, and he seems like he's right on the edge."

"A lunatic?"

"Not yet, but he's close. Push him too far and he might explode. And there's something else."


"I don't know. I'm pretty sure he was telling the truth about his fiancée, but there something else, something he's holding back."

They reached the ramp. "Let's keep an eye on him," Stormbringer said before they stepped up. "If he gets twitchy, we might have to waste him."

Stravo pressed his lips together in a frown. "Not the best method for finding every spy, but if we have to..." He touched his blaster. Stormbringer nodded.

As they walked into the planning room, Spanky was bent over the table, another cigarette burning. He didn't look up. "You said you'd be back ten minutes ago," he growled.

"We got held up," Stormbringer said, his voice frosty. Stravo shot him a cautioning glance. "Sorry," he added.

Spanky didn't seem to care. "So," he said, addressing everyone. "How much do you guys know about what we're up against?"

"Well, nothing really," Pash said. "We haven't been given any information from NRI. They've been keeping us in the dark."

Spanky sighed. "I figured as much. Fortunately for you, I do know." He gestured to Einhander, who took out a large envelope. Inside was a flimsy with nine pictures on it. "Meet the group Darth Cav left," Spanky said smugly. "The Sith Council. We have little to almost no data on most of them, other than names." He began pointing and naming each one. "Wong, Yoshi, Necronlord, Typhonis, Valdemar, Utsanomiko, Tann, Xalev, and-"

"Shinova," a voice said coldly. Everyone turned to see Aulduin. He face was pale, grim.

"How did you know that?" Spanky asked, eyebrow raised.

Aulduin stabbed a finger down at the picture of the beautiful blue-haired Sith. "I know this woman!"
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Post by NecronLord »

I need Valdemar's help?

Never... :evil: (J/K :D )
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Post by LT.Hit-Man »

Now that was nasty but good I have a good name for this new chapter
ESB does the Sith?
Hehehe well done Kelly/Iggy
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

Sweet! Tentacle sex! Mwahahahahahahaha!

*Ahem* Great chapter, you two! Mmm...tentacle porn.
Fragment of the Lord of Nightmares, release thy heavenly retribution. Blade of cold, black nothingness: become my power, become my body. Together, let us walk the path of destruction and smash even the souls of the Gods! RAGNA BLADE!
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Post by The Dark »

Have I appeared yet? I did ask back on November 14 (still have the PM in my inbox).
Stanley Hauerwas wrote:[W]hy is it that no one is angry at the inequality of income in this country? I mean, the inequality of income is unbelievable. Unbelievable. Why isn’t that ever an issue of politics? Because you don’t live in a democracy. You live in a plutocracy. Money rules.
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Post by Evil Sadistic Bastard »




"She pulled herself from under him and moved to kiss the top of his head. "Yes. I mean that." Evil Sadistic Bastard was suddenly happier than he'd ever been in his entire existence"

That is a statement I can relate to.
Last edited by Evil Sadistic Bastard on 2003-01-18 06:11am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by XaLEv »

Feel free to come back any time."

"Really?" He was in shock. Had he done that well?

She pulled herself from under him and moved to kiss the top of his head. "Yes. I mean that." Evil Sadistic Bastard was suddenly happier than he'd ever been in his entire existence
Aww, how sweet. :D
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Post by consequences »

My question is why the hell did Yoshi kick ESB out in the first place?
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Post by Kuja »

The Dark wrote:Have I appeared yet? I did ask back on November 14 (still have the PM in my inbox).
No, but you will, I promise.
My question is why the hell did Yoshi kick ESB out in the first place?
She got tired of him.
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Post by The Dark »

IG-88E wrote:
The Dark wrote:Have I appeared yet? I did ask back on November 14 (still have the PM in my inbox).
No, but you will, I promise.
Ok. Was just wondering, I hadn't read the last few chapters and was wondering if I'd missed myself. :lol:
Stanley Hauerwas wrote:[W]hy is it that no one is angry at the inequality of income in this country? I mean, the inequality of income is unbelievable. Unbelievable. Why isn’t that ever an issue of politics? Because you don’t live in a democracy. You live in a plutocracy. Money rules.
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

consequences wrote:My question is why the hell did Yoshi kick ESB out in the first place?
Because she's got more important things to f--never mind. It's what Iggy said. Now then, the more important question is, how can my character get tired of ESB's?
Fragment of the Lord of Nightmares, release thy heavenly retribution. Blade of cold, black nothingness: become my power, become my body. Together, let us walk the path of destruction and smash even the souls of the Gods! RAGNA BLADE!
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

Darth Yoshi wrote:
consequences wrote:My question is why the hell did Yoshi kick ESB out in the first place?
Because she's got more important things to f--never mind. It's what Iggy said. Now then, the more important question is, how can my character get tired of ESB's?
Easy, she got tired of him asking all the time, especially when she's spending all her time obsessing over one of the apprentices. ;)
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