On Wednesday, January 22nd, a contest will be ending. This is a contest your own Mr Bean has entered. The price of this contest? Why, nothing less than a coveted (For me anyway) place amoung the Beta Testers of the MMORPG SHADOWBANE. This is a game I have long been following with interest; only recently has it moved publically into the community.
Now the gist of it is, there is a contest to design a serious or joking cover for the online mag Game-Rifts. I have entered this contest and placed my name amoung the contenders. The top ten get thier places in Shadow-Bane's Beta and the Top three get T-Shirts along with that.
There is a problem, however...
Neither artistic ability nor comidic writing alone shall get me into the Top Ten for the process by which the winners are selected.
Is it democratic?
Yes, friends, the guilds of SB have already "picked" themsleves a winner and are voting those people in. Each guild has enough for 50-70 free votes and it's highly unlikley 100 Random Strangers will wander by and vote some freelancer (such as myself) into the top twenty, let alone the top ten.
This is where you come in folks! I must contract this ballot stuffing (as the Top Ten are determined by vote alone while the ranking within is determined by artistic ability). I must get into that ten and I need YOUR help to do it!
Yes, one week from now I shall give you a link which you shall copy and paste into your browser window, and there you shall go and vote and STRIKE A BLOW FOR FREEDOM!
I am already begining my campain efforts outside of this board, including running an ad-campaign that suggests those that vote aginst me make this Puppy

sadder and sadder for every vote cast aginst me.
So then ladies and gentlemen, I come to you a week ahead of time to ask, ARE YOU READY? Do you wish to join the cause of the common good?
If so then say it here! Vote in the attached Poll and post (Yes, Post! This is an allowed Post Inflation Thread!) that YOU wish to stand AGAINST those that would subvert Freedom ITSELF!
Vote YES!
I ask you only
Do it for Freedom
Do it for Justice
Do it for the Bean...
Spelling, punctuation, usage, capitalization and... uh, grammar fixed. Damnit, use some periods once in a while. (Ah, but for the day they add a spellchecker to phpBB...) ~Crayz9000