Academia Nut wrote:We definitely need some sort of "game board" and "game clock" of somesort so that we can keep temporal and spatial coherence of the game, which I think was part of the problem last time. Right before things ground to a halt one of the big problems was that it was hard to tell when and where things were happening and whether or not your group was even supposed to know about certain momenteous events yet.
Here's a relevant IM chat I had with Hotfoot:
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Hotfoot : the existance of a fleet map could be interesting
Starglider : I think it would be fun.
Starglider : Like the map in Masters of Orion, but with the ability to set waypoints that aren't systems.
Hotfoot : never played moo actually, but cool
Starglider : There would be a slider to view the state at any game time.
Starglider : There might have to be a 'game time advance' slider for mods as well, to stop people retconning their fleet movements.
Starglider : It'd be easy to do that by accident, never mind intentionally.
Hotfoot : How would you make this program? A web app or something that could be run client side?
Starglider : Web app. It has to be minimum hassle.
Starglider : I'd make it like a very very simple version of google maps.
Starglider : With zoom and find planet by name and set waypoints for fleets and 'show game time' slider.
Hotfoot : could work, would you deal with the third dimension in any way?
Starglider : And /maybe/ detection radiuses for radar station equivalents. That was pretty cool in F-19 stealth fighter.
Starglider : Oh and Ace Combat 5's sneak through the radar network missions.
Hotfoot : hehe
Starglider : I could put the third dimension in the way Frontier and First Encounters did it if necessary.
Starglider : i.e. fleets and planets on stalks.
Hotfoot : ok, right
Starglider : Or I could just simplify it to 'all planets are on a plane, fleets can go 'above' or 'below' the galactic plane to avoid detection at the cost of some speed'.
Hotfoot : dunno how necessary that is, of course
Starglider : (because they're on a ballistic arc)
Starglider : The later would be marginally more complicated to program but simpler to understand.
Hotfoot : could work
Starglider : Plus the attack fleet trajectories would look like the ICBM tracks in Wargames. That has to be a bonus.
Hotfoot : Haha, yeah
Starglider : I'd probably use this;
Hotfoot : and of course a "secret move" option so that certain movements aren't shown to everyone
Starglider : People tend to bitch and whine about applets even though they're faster once running.
Hotfoot : looks decent
Starglider : Ok well I'll look at doing it but it'll probably take a couple of months at best, so one for the next game if it happens.
Hotfoot : fair enough
For the time progression, to reduce mod workload, I could let players set a personal 'please don't advance time past here' marker, corresponding to their next battle, or conference, or communication or whatever. Game time would automatically advance by a day each night or whatever until it hits someone's limiter. Of course mods could override, and it's just a guideline, players would be free to write about past or future events as long as they're fairly sure it wouldn't conflict.
For comms I could have an option to set a 'big event happened here' marker, then a circle would expand out showing how far the news got, until a day or two later everyone knows and it disappears. And/or just a simple measuring tool that tells you how far a) a ship and b) a signal will take to get between any two points.
All that said, ruthless 'you leave without saying why, your nation is toast' is still needed.
Yeah, there were hopes that there would be bastards in the Earth nations willing to sell out their fellow humans in exchange for a shot at finally conquering the damn planet, but aside from the damage to Africa everyone more or less played nice with one another. Probably because no one was stupid enough to look at the fortress that was the Sol system and make a play that could have tipped the balance. Even Nephtys' attack was done knowing that it was ultimately doomed to failure.
Having two or three shared homeworlds could work. They'd be natural rivals and no one would be too powerful. Two is ideal for a 'balanced' war, three is ideal for diplomatic sneakiness and backstabs.