Problem with old game music

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Problem with old game music

Post by OmegaGuy »

For some reason, the music for all of my old games that run on DOS (like Tyrian, Star Control II, etc.) is all glitchy and plays really slowly, with distorted pitch and speed.

Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this?
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Post by Starglider »

Is running under emulation (i.e. DOSbox) not an option? Or are you already running these under emulation? In the specific case of SCII, I'd suggest getting the modern Windows remake ('The UrQuan Masters'), it's awesome (it's just like the DOS game but with the superior 3DO sound).
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Post by OmegaGuy »

I do have that version, and I also have the new updated CD release of Tyrian, but the music still glitches
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Post by Stark »

If your UQM has broken sound, you've got serious problems. It also doesn't fall under 'old games that run on DOS' at all: any problems with UQM sound are going to be wholly unrelated to legacy concerns.
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Post by Dalton »

Bad MIDI drivers maybe?
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Post by Nathaniel »

Try turning it off and on again. Then hit it. Works for me.
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