To celabrate the release of the complete Doomed Megaloplis dvd collection. Uber Willow goes toe to toe in a magical battle with the demon sorcer Kato Yasunori.
A cool picture of Kato though not an accurate one. Its alike enought for my purposes.
So does Uber willow beat the crap out of Kato? Or do we have a new source of those distrubing looking demon spawn?
Interested I am. I can provide data for Darth Rosenburg if I feel it is nessesary (from what little I know of Kato, he's one Bad Motha Fucka...)
ISARMA: Daikaiju Coordinator: Just Add Radiation Justice League- Molly Hayes: Respect Hats or Freakin' Else! Browncoat Supernatural Taisen - "[This Story] is essentially "Wouldn't it be awesome if this happened?" Followed by explosions."
Reviewing movies is a lot like Paleontology: The Evidence is there...but no one seems to agree upon it.
"God! Are you so bored that you enjoy seeing us humans suffer?! Why can't you let this poor man live happily with his son! What kind of God are you, crushing us like ants?!" - Kyoami, Ran
While Darth Rosenberg was powerful (and sexy), she did have a limit on her powers. Remember, she had to suck Rek and then Giles dry to maintain that power level.
Damien Sorresso
"Ever see what them computa bitchez do to numbas? It ain't natural. Numbas ain't supposed to be code, they supposed to quantify shit."
- The Onion
So, think she would try to suck Kato's power then?
ISARMA: Daikaiju Coordinator: Just Add Radiation Justice League- Molly Hayes: Respect Hats or Freakin' Else! Browncoat Supernatural Taisen - "[This Story] is essentially "Wouldn't it be awesome if this happened?" Followed by explosions."
Reviewing movies is a lot like Paleontology: The Evidence is there...but no one seems to agree upon it.
"God! Are you so bored that you enjoy seeing us humans suffer?! Why can't you let this poor man live happily with his son! What kind of God are you, crushing us like ants?!" - Kyoami, Ran
Okay. going over the show here is a list of powers and abilities.
Regeneration: Shows the ability to regenerate incredibly wounds. He recieved a hole in his midsection that flopped back out with his claok. He also received a knife thru his neck and while hurt remained alive and fighting. He also got hit in his eye but didn't regenrate till he got mad at the shrine madein n the next episode. Suggesting his regeneration is based on being exicted and angry. Also turned to stone and returned later.
Teloportation: Able to teloport at will. And he has also done this to uncounsis or hypontised victims
fly and levation: Shows decent speed in the air.
Telekenises: Project blasts and force feilds. His blasts vary in strenght with his most casual throwing people a good distance away and knocking them uncounsise to a massive blast that looked like a explotion ripping thru a neighborhood. His shields protect from magical and phyiscal attacks. A grown man was splattered and became a wave of blood on one. He has also been able to move people and objects with TK.
Illustions and reality manpulation: Guy has down alot of freaky things. Causing weird illutions and weird things to happen. Objects move of thier own volition, intangibility and palayisis. People feel his illutions and can be hurt by his manipulation so its hard to tell whats really real and whats illution. Expessally when everythings back to normal afterwards.
Possesion: I don't see how this is any use. He did it to one person who he did alot of weird and bad things too. Survice to say it might take some preparation of the subject to be possesed but can happen anytime after. Even years later.
Turn magic energy against itself: This ability was mentioned by Guri, Katos first oppenent. He apperently used this ability to easly dispeal several magical apperations that attacked him. A magical pentragram appeared later on guri's back and when he fired a magic arrow at kato it hit Kato's pentagram on his hand and the tip appeared out guri's back. Injuring him and it was considered a mircle he survived.
He also uses shapeshifting spirts in magical paper that can take many forms and attack/palyis his enimes. He seems to have a massive amount of them and even made a huge flying manta ray larger than a house.
Also a magical attack of pure darkness.... though it missed his target but I don't know if its because she made them missed or Kato was just trying to scare her.
And I think thats it. He also has made earthquakes and made the moon fall towards tokyo and almost falled on the city.
Willow Powers/Spells:
Willow is one powerful witch. Her combat abilities include the following: Telepathic abilities; Powerful Telekinetic Abilities (strong enough to Break walls/Raise buildings out of the ground (well…at least one tower of one), precise enough to drive vehicles and tear into a victim at a distance; she can also rip off opponent’s skin); Flight (Low Floating/Hover or Transforming herself into a stormy whirlwind); Increase the Density of the Air; Lightning Bolts from Hands; Summoning Abilities (Ghosts, Demons (Root Monsters and Hairy Demon), Spirits of Animals); Freeze a being in place; “Sonic Scream” (took out the emisary of , or the God Osiris itself, can't tell which. Likely it was the emisery, but still, that's impressive); Healing Abilities, for others and self; Absorb the magic out of another to replenish her own; Store Objects magically; Black, purple-lightning encased Magic ‘Death Rays’ from hands; Magic Force field; Immolate beings/cause spontaneous combustion of a victim; Increase Strength and Durability; Concussion Blast; Learns how to counter magicks quickly so the same trick cannot be used twice – or sometimes even once; Exert her will unto others (Jedi Mind Trick); Guided “Smart” Fire-Ball; Mild Regenerative Abilities based on her current level of power (instances, healing scratches on her face, healing a possibly fatal Ax wound to her spine); Teleportation of self and Others (with nausea/internal damage to others when she does this).
ISARMA: Daikaiju Coordinator: Just Add Radiation Justice League- Molly Hayes: Respect Hats or Freakin' Else! Browncoat Supernatural Taisen - "[This Story] is essentially "Wouldn't it be awesome if this happened?" Followed by explosions."
Reviewing movies is a lot like Paleontology: The Evidence is there...but no one seems to agree upon it.
"God! Are you so bored that you enjoy seeing us humans suffer?! Why can't you let this poor man live happily with his son! What kind of God are you, crushing us like ants?!" - Kyoami, Ran
SHit! YOUR RIGHT! IT'S M. BISON! or "Balrog" if you want to be all Japanese about it :p
ISARMA: Daikaiju Coordinator: Just Add Radiation Justice League- Molly Hayes: Respect Hats or Freakin' Else! Browncoat Supernatural Taisen - "[This Story] is essentially "Wouldn't it be awesome if this happened?" Followed by explosions."
Reviewing movies is a lot like Paleontology: The Evidence is there...but no one seems to agree upon it.
"God! Are you so bored that you enjoy seeing us humans suffer?! Why can't you let this poor man live happily with his son! What kind of God are you, crushing us like ants?!" - Kyoami, Ran
Going over the powers of each I'm going to stay with my first choice nad go with Kato. Heres why.
Distance: According to what I've heard about episode of uber williow she is really close to where her effects are. The most powerful effects kato has done however are over some range (Down a street and pulling the moon to earth). He also has shown the ability to attack unseen. Manupulating objects and using shapeshifters inside a house without being in there, Yet able to direct the attack as if in person. How he does it I don't know, but its potentaly fatal.
Energy: Willow has shown a limit to her powers. Kato never showed such a limit. Even if he is overwhelmed in pure power he still can attack from a distance to weakening her. Attacking with shapeshifter cyclones, objects, and blasts. Then finishing her off.
Smart: Also Willow is surpossed to be really angry in this stage. Thats really dangouse against Kato. The guy is incredibly clever and devious. He has used the good guys to his own ends several times. And basacly won if not for the main girl giving herself to him. Which is a victory really. I can see him letting someone important to her go to her and calm her down and bushwack her.
And her magic absorbtion is potentail danguos to her as well. Her power could invert on herself.