I let this lag for awhile due to other discussions, but I intended to come back to it.
Lazarus wrote:
And why not? Since when does 'powered armour' have to mean some multi-ton warmachine like SM armour? The example I gave of Peter F Hamilton's work describes suits of similar size to stormtrooper armour, and of light weight (users can stand on heavy wooden plank flooring with no problem). Users are massively enhanced in every combat-relevant aspect, and all combat personnel use them.
And? Ground pressure and weight were only
one problem I specified. In fact there were a good many specified over in the thread I mentioend (heat disposal, maintenance, etc.) All those magicwank "enhanced" features don't come without drawbacsk, you know. (more than just cost, anyhow.)
Moreover, I like how you assume it's neccearily REQUIERD for a given role.
I point again to Starship Troopers, which you claim is 'ludicrous' for equipping all troops with powered armour, despite the fact that this book created the very concept.
Uh, we they? As I recall MI were rather highly specialized troops, which was why they had those fancy jump packs and dropped from orbit in those drop pods. Hell, they even pointed out that they WEREN'T replacing alot of things (including tanks - which I also don't recall them using. I don't recall much of a combined arms doctrine mentioned period, in fact.) EVerything about them in the book screamed "specialization" - specialized troops for a specialized kind of war.
And apologies for misinterpreting your AT-PT point. Nevertheless, the case I'm making here is that SW tech should easily allow improvements in combat gear, and saying that these improvements are catered for by mechanised support misses the point. It's akin to saying that the US army didn't need to start wearing body armour, despite it being a practical reality. The technology is available, why is it not used?
Probably because, as NecronLord said droids are considered taboo. Much the same way that clones are, it would seem. Clones can, unlike droids, be "masked" in such a way that their presence is not known (why the stormies were both recruits and clones, apparently.)
Moreover, from a logisticial/industrial standpoint, droids are LUDICROUSLY more easily produced (asteroid field + automated construction = Army) - any one could field a massive army of them. That alone would be a good enough reason for Palpy to not want anyone to do so. Likewise, I doubt the Senate would want anyone else (including Palpy) doing it, and would come down hard on anyone trying to produce a droid army.
This is in much the same vein why Palpy went with the Death STar rather than just mass-producing a DS1's mass/volume in warships. Political/bureacratic shit would interfere or prevent it from getting done, or people would just unite against anyone who tried.
The best the Empire (or Palpy) can manage seems to be that droids are used in a strictly supporting role (IE the SD-series droids like we see in DE2, or the Darktroopers I suppose), in which case its obviously a matter of quality over quantity.
As I said above, there is no reason whatsoever to presume that 'powered armour' MUST be some sort of massive construction that can't walk on a second floor for fear of falling through.
I like how you assume "Power armour" must be capable of doing EVERYTHING and having every sort of wank feature possible, as if specialization is a bad thing, or that certain features might prove, for one reason or another, unneccessary. Or that power armour might have drawbacks regardless (which again, as I bloody pointed out, was covered in the aforementioned thread in OSF. If you need to, I'll bloody link you to it.)
Ok then, so it is necessary for an in-universe reason to deploy troops into situations where droids would be more effective, fair enough. Why, then, do these troops not have the benefit of combat gear that would improve their effectiveness as much as possible in the absence of droids? 'They don't need power armour, they have droids!' clearly falls on it's face. 'It's not practical' is also rubbish, there are dozens of improvements that could be made and used galaxy-wide for entirely justifiable expenditure.
Again, cost-effectiveness (where have they faced an enemy where such an upsurge in capability is
neccessary? Do you think they can just make uber-wank armour out of the blue like this was some fucking Ringo novel?) Politics (you think the Senate is just gonna let Palpy or anyone else mass produce any sort of military force- you know, much the same reason why he needed a Death Star?) Or taboo (as Necronlord said, the Separatist Droid Armies fixed that.)
Frankly, the basic stormtrooper/clonetrooper armour sufficed most of their needs for what they've ever faced. They had considerable protection against ballistic and impact weaponry, they had energy-weapons rpotection enough against anything short of a full powered blaster bolt (and even then it enabled them to survive such a hit) The armour has communications, sensors/targeting assistance, life support and enviromental support, and carries a fuckload of supplise in a very compact form without a bulky backpack (food, water, etc.) Clonetrooper armour provides more protection, and then the Commando/ARC armour provides yet even MORE (and there are varying degrees of that.) Its durable, its low maintenance (the Visual Dictionaries say that stormtrooper armour can last for a LONG time without maintenancec or attendance, even if you buried it.)
I don't really see what the fuck else you could add to it. Enhancecd strength won't really carry any benefits (Their gear generally isn't that bulky to begin with.) Increases in a trooper's firepower does not neccesarily require great strength (the REbel troops were firing anti-armour weapons against the AT ATs in TESB. According to the RASB, the rifles could put fist-sized holes in AT-At armour, which suggests they carry considerable anti-vehicle firepower.)
Strength increases aren't neccesary for improved defense either. If they needed tougher, they could outfit stormies with Katarn armour or something comparable. Or stick them with personal forcefields. (They don't routinely use them because they are power intensive, which makes them very short-use devices in most cases. Not very good in an open battlefield.)
Enhanced strength for melee? Why? Vibroweapons seem to be just as effecitve (and can be made in various forms.) Disregarding something more exotic, that is. (Some sort of lightsaber like or forcefield assisted weapon, which IIRC also exist.)
Moreover, the shit to enhance strength will add to the power requirements of the armour, its complexity (which affects maintenance), and probably necceesitates additional waste heat disposal measures (which can create other sorts of problems.)
Speed enhancements? How do you propose that? That's about the only other advantage I can think of, and there are lots of other ways to handle that that wouldn't require some sortt of uber-wank power armour.
For example, Scenario 1: A stormtrooper sees a grenade hit the ground 2 metres away. He tries to take cover, but is too slow and is killed when it goes off.
And how powerful a grenade are we talking? According to the visual dictionaries (which state Stormie and clonie armour is "impervious" to explosions and shrapnel as well as projectile weapons), and calcable instances from the novels (such as Mike's calcs in the IXJAC Hate mail page) it would take quite a powerful grenade (or one flinging extremely sharp shrapnel) to have any chance of doing damage. Hell even ignoring that, we know Katarn armour is grenade proof at point blank range.
Scenario 2: A stormtrooper wearing an enhanced suit of armour sees a grenade hit the ground 2 metres away. Thanks to his speed and strength enhancing armour, he is able to cover 20 metres distance before the grenade goes off. He survives. He then takes a blaster bolt to the hip, but again survives thanks to his personal shield (deployed when entering a dangerous area).
Disregarding the question once more of "how powerful a grenade are you talking about" - I will note (again) that you can deploy personal shields on stormtrooper without wank armour. There are reasons stormies do not use them consistently. (The NEGW&T describes Imperial officers carrying the kind Katarn wore. THe clone Commandos had access to personal shielding of some kind too. A stormie officer is noted as having "Shielding" on his body armour in the ANH novel as well.
Hell, ,regular stormie armour seems to have some sort of "active" defensive measure, given it has heat sinks.
The second trooper is alive, the first is dead. Why? The second's equipment is easily and practically achievable by the SW galaxy, but WHY are these improvements not made?
I do get the feeling I'm just running into an out-of-universe inconsistency here though, so there may well be no real explanation...
Frankly, I question just how much information on SW you have acecss to to be making these judgements. Or maybe you just didn't think the matter through very hard. Or both.
Every single combat scenario. Enhanced armour improves the average stormtroopers survivability and lethality very considerably. Wearing full body armour encumbers Coalition troops in Iraq considerably, and they probably won't need it in most situations, but it is still worn.
"Enhanced armour?" is not the same thing as "power armour" - either you've decided to change tacks with what we're discussing or you're using a very loose definition of what "power" armour is supposed to be. In any way its bloody obvious that there are a goodly number of things you haven;'t considered or were even aware of.
Powered armour > non-powered armour. For that reason alone, it should be deployed in all situations where it is deemed necessary to wear armour at all.
so basically your contention is "Powered armour has a ton of advantages but no disadvatnages whatsoever?" Do you really believe you can get "something for nothing" in such a blatantly absurd manner? If not, what the fuck is power armour giving up for all these superhuman capabilities?
I see nothing that indicates military use of any form (rumoured use by 'Imperial agents' can mean anything), never mind the kind of widespread deployment that is necessary to take the disruptor as a standard example of Imperial military weaponry.
Did you even bother reading what Nightmare said, or what I posted with regards to disruptors? Here, since it escaped your notice:
click the link, now.
Note the longer barrel. Note the scope. Why the fuck do you put a scope on a weapon with only 20 meters range, pray tell?
Moreover, I think its rahter obvious you ignored the fact that a disruptor is packing the firepower to cremate a person into the size of a SMALL pistol. As I already said, this capabilitiy in such a small package entails some drawbacks (ammo use and fire rate and range.) In 40K terms this is more like an inferno pistol or a digital melta than a full sized melta gun or plasma weapon (which are also large, bulky weapons with drawbacks over other weapons.)
On top of that, I noted (and its on Mike's bloody site, which I also linked to) its an established fact that Disruptors are just obscenely overpowered blasters - moreso than heavy blaster pistols vs regular pistols. Making the weapon bigger than what a disruptor pistol is will overcome some of the drawbacks (like range and ammo capacity.) And, as Mike notes on his site, a Disruptor seems to be 20x more powerful than a blaster.
If you still need it spelled out - disruptors as shown in the images posted are VERY COMPACT, very specialized, ovepowered blaster weapons. A military man has no need to use something so bloody small (eve disruptor rifles are small compared to some the DLT-19/20 or the DC-15, for crying out loud.) Its bloody obvious troops aren't going to be using such specialized weapons. That doesn't bloody mean the weapon isn't used in some more practical form elsewhere (like those anti-vehicle weapons the Rebels used in TESB that I already mentioned.) - they're all still bloody blasters, after all.