STGOD 2K8 Dramatis Personae

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STGOD 2K8 Dramatis Personae

Post by Dark Hellion »

Last edited by Dark Hellion on 2008-02-03 12:48pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Academia Nut »

Eh... why not? Here, I'll stick in the characters I've come up with so far so that people can reference them if they want to:

Magnus Körblson- Current Rück Tsar of the Konige, took the title in a formal duel. While an extremely good axeman who has improved since his ascension to the throne, he is only perhaps in the top twenty rather than number one in terms of absolute skill. What he lacks in that department he more than makes up for with cunning and an acute eye towards the manipulation of a scenario and in coming up with awesome gambits to help carry the day. Shrewd and ambitious, he wishes to carry his people to conquest and glory.

Birgit Körblson- Wife of Magnus, she is perhaps just as shrewd as he, if more in the background due to the fact that she is not a Rücker. Known for her extreme tenderness and viciousness, depending on the situation, the only ones who can get away with anything around her are her husband and her children. When assassins failed to eliminate her and their first born in order to get to Magnus, she was given control over their punishment. Screams still echo from the family's private dungeon.

Makes a mean apple pie.

Horst Rikard- Former Rück Tsar before being deposed by Magnus, he was a highly conservative figure who made a wonderful leader during the age of the Empire when the Konige where constantly under threat of annihilation by Imperial action, but after the Fall of Terra lead a period of stagnation. As is their way, this matter was quickly rectified by a young upstart chomping at the bit for action.

Jaako Blunt- Head of intelligence

Taavi Mustanen- Grand Fleet Tsar of the invasion fleet. Commander of the Megadeth

Tore Lukas- Ship Tsar of Dragonstrike
Last edited by Academia Nut on 2008-01-20 01:37am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Spyder »

Dr Julius Vance - Administrator of the Academy Vanguard and former head of the Terran Imperial Academy of Science; the number one source of heretics in the old Empire. Dr Vance had plans in motion to overthrow the Emperor and either reform the Empire into something a little more civilised. Unfortunately the arrival of the Enclave resulted in the exposure of Dr Vance's plan and their entire Academy was charged with Terrorism and Heresy. Some believe that were not for Dr Vance's meddling during the early stages of the Final War, Imperial forces might have successfully repelled the incursion.
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Post by Crossroads Inc. »

The CityMind
- Ages ago it was nothing more than the primary AI for the massive colony ship Teknotron-1. However when a Deadly Organic Plague Ravaged the Colony ship as it was approaching it's destination, the AI lept beyond its original functions and grew in scope till it could develop a cure for the deadly plague. The Kushawni people we're so grateful for it's help, they delegated it a position of power of the new colony as most of the old leadership had been killed by the plague.
Over the next 100 years or so it expanded till it became the De-Facto ruler of the Kushawni. Despite it being one of the very few pure AI's, it is Fiercly loyal to Humans and burns to see the Imperium remade and reborn.

Captain Theodore Moz
One of the oldest still serving Captains in the Kushawni National Gaurd, Moz is a master of large capital ship engaments and is feared and admired among his peers for his firm unbending yet devastating tactics in battle. He is a firm Traditionalists and a believer in the doctrin "Talk softly and Carry a big stick"

Richard Eckkerson
Richard is a Class5 CyberHuman That forewent his orginal Organic form long ago to become a "Computer" when he joined the Kushawni National Gaurd. He started as Ships Computer abored a simple Destroyer and work up to BattleCruisers where he served under Theodor Moz. Recently The CityMind has taken interest in him and has used him as a Liason abored the Bentusilon tradeship

Eddison Palasmo - (DECEASED)
ImageCurrently the oldest living large Tradeship "Pilot" Eddison has been the computer to tradeship Deuces for well over 18years. He is a seasoned tactician and vertern of the National Gaurd and became a Tradeship Computer to 'retire' After the Draft of tradeships from the Citymind, his Experience has been invaluable in organsing the other large Tradeships into military service.

Genea Solwynn - For all intensive purposes, someone who should never have amounted to much. She was constantly expected to not pass or fail in school and at jobs, yet she seems to succeed no matter what task she is given. After being denied a Military position, she went on to become one of the most esteemed, if horribly reckless, civilian cargo pilots. Currently in the civilian armed Conscripts.

BusterMachine #14
Long time friend of Genea Solwynn. Currently second in chain of command of the Buster Corps Elite Military Constructs.

BusterMachine #12
#12 is perhaps one of the most heavily visably modfied Machines in operation. More than a decade ago

BusterMachine #8
Currently the Oldest serving BusterMachine, #8 is the current Commander of the BusterCorps and is revered among his peers. His Buster is considered an Ancient modle but has been moddified so many times he is easily on par with even the newest Machines.
Last edited by Crossroads Inc. on 2008-02-22 04:43am, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Hotfoot »

Before this gets too far, I'd like to note a slight objection. The creator of this thread should be willing to keep the first post updated with data relevant to the subsequent posts, so that there is a nice and easy reference available without having to dig through pages of material.
Do not meddle in the affairs of insomniacs, for they are cranky and can do things to you while you sleep.
The Realm of Confusion
"Every time you talk about Teal'c, I keep imagining Thor's ass. Thank you very much for that, you fucking fucker." -Marcao
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Post by Dark Hellion »

It had been nearly a year since the high thirteen had met on Moloch for a round table discussion. The events leading up to this had demanded it. The entirety of the Molochi Technolegion was currently descending upon the home system, eager to avoid conflicts with the invading forces that the Empire's collapse had loosed. No one wanted to admit it, but the Empire's fall would mean a new role for everyone. The aristocrats would no longer be able to hold their opulent balls for every passing Imperial Consul and petty minister. There was little favor left to curry, and the Technolegion was no longer required to answer the beck and call of any sniveling Imperial shit who couldn't handle some backwater insurgency or barbarian invasion because he had sold his fleet to pay gambling debts, or had hired his drunkard friends to command the system fleet. The Sector Fleets had long returned to Terra, and even the Imperial system fleets had not fled, or been salvaged, or simply rampaged uncontrolled. Everything had gone to hell, but thats what the Technolegion was built for. To wade into hell and come out alive. Of course, the petty nobles of the Molochi houses would have to wake from their stupor, and realize that this time the Empire was dead unless the vassals did something. Which was the point of order of the high thirteen. Trying to get any point or order across was an entirely different matter.

The round table held the thirteen members; three women and ten men, who together held more power than any other group on Moloch outside the nobles Ghost Council, and even then guns, nukes and particle beamers tended to be a great equalizer. A fist belonging to an extremely young looking man rapped upon the hard composite table attempting to call the group to order.

"Seriously, we need to talk. Terra has been destroyed, the Imperial fleet is scattered to the wind, and just like the rest of the former Territories we are caught with out pants around our ankles. Now, many of the others are just going to bend over and take it, hoping the Empire rises from its ashes. I don't think we should be this passive, or this stupid. But we need to get some kind of plan into motion. We can't just go with the flow anymore. We won't be getting contracts, nor will the Imperial Logistics Corps. be providing us with our needs. We've valued our self-sufficiency, but the Technolegions are woefully unprepared for full-scale combat, and our fleets are not designed for such endeavors. Our coffers are full though, and there is enough wealth amongst the civilian fucks to fulfill our needs, if we can convince them that our systems survival might be more important that getting their son his new yacht. This isn't going away overnight. The dark is falling, people will look for a beacon, lets be that. We are known through a dozen sectors as the hardest bastards outside the Imperial Shocktroops. We need to survive this coming night."

As if on cue, the lights fell in the room.

'Very fucking funny!'
"Who the fuck!"
'Really, what the hell guys?"

"Would you all grow up!" The lights came back up, a thin, flustered blonde standing by the manuel switch, her pale form fuming. "It's not fucking funny! Didn't you hear Allimen, we are on our own. No more Fleet to watch our backs, no more IA to mop up."

A huge, brilliant grin spread across the face of a member sitting at the table. "I heard it Lizel. No more orders from the sniveling bastards. We finally get to choose our battles. No more times dying by pieces on shitholes halfway across the galaxy, killing people I don't know for masters I don't care about. Light, dark, I can't care right now. I am not here for my masterful politics. I am here because so far I haven't died, no matter how hard anyone has tried to kill me. If you think the death of the Empire is going to make me any easier to kill, why don't you try right now?"

Lizel backed into the wall a bit. Darrien scared the shit out of her. All of them did really, but he was Darrien the Undead. The man had survived two hundred years in the suicide squad, twice what the next best had, and nearly four hundred times the average life expectancy of its members. Most left after a year. Only the total crazers stayed for longer. And the grin, the bright shining teeth he exposed so often. The teeth he was born with hanging around his neck on a simple golden chain, pulled from his head like buckshot after a failed combat drop.

"He's just fucking with with you Liz. He won't hit women outside of actual combat. He's a sappy romantic like that." The dark haired woman rolled her eyes.

"Thanks Bri, sometimes I wonder why we ever split up." Another grin.

"And I wonder why I ever married you." A fragile smile back. Liz felt the pain behind the grins. Their son had died in combat. It was a long time ago, long before Liz was born, but it wore on them heavy to this day. Somehow they had still served together for a century. They were deposits of pain, you set them upon the enemy, and let them work out their frustrations. She always had to hold back tears when she saw the two talk.

"Now that the lovebirds have spoken, what about the topic at hand? Do you have anything to add Bri?"

The dark haired woman shot a wicked glance at the tattooed man who spoke. He wore nothing more than a pair of running shorts, his scarred face looking around the room. Parikjacklan Declaux Roos. Another total crazer.

"Its Hallibria, Jack! I won't be called Bri by some prick who ran back to the Infantry! And we have already been gaining support in the Ghost Council. We've got the support of the Danielson's, and the Lecroix's and Chan-Carlsons should come along shortly. We should have some political real leverage soon. We can probably prevent the system from collapsing in civil war, although a batshit sadist like you would probably like that."

There was a momentary flash of anger in the mans otherwise dead eyes, and then a small smile, and a little chuckle. "Sorry Hallibria. I'll take this seriously too. The infantry are in good shape. We can provide riot duty, MPing and simple disaster services across the whole system. Kay can fill you in better."

He nodded at a middle aged man sitting across the table. Kaoru Steffen, General in the Molochi Infantry. "We have deployed across the system, reinforcing our bases, filling out the barracks, and outposts. I am sending the info to you all now. The basic soldiery is holding up very well given the magnitude of events. The main worries are the rising population densities of the young knights. They don't have any missions, nothing to prevent their youthful excesses. But we don't want to start a war just to stop the youngsters from sowing their wild oats. But we can't afford to lose a portion to maternity leave without having a way to replace them, and we cannot afford to start pulling up the proletariat, they won't stand to be conscripted, they'll expect noble rank, and the lower classes are going to get packed. We don't want to pull up any mid-class soldiery to the Death Pact either. We need the Death Pact lean and strong. We don't want to be spreading the political power thin. Its going to be important if we want to have any influence over the Ghost Council."

"Brilliant political history in the files Kay! Some is quoted from me, always nice to see ones work appreciated." Alvin Tostig, unnofficial historian of the high thirteen. He probably was upset that his history books would end here, but you couldn't tell it from his praise. "Right now is the time when Moloch can truly write its place into history. We have a precious chance to help restore order, perhaps forming a commonwealth, or a federalist conglomerate. Ensuring our power within the political structures forming after the collapse of any great social entity is crucial. We know we have a military advantage over many of our neighbors, so we should be most reluctant to use it. They will remember our restraint far more than our excesses. Priority should be reinforcement of the system itself, and provided military aid to those in need. The commanders in this room have repulsed more barbarian threats than some factions can claim in their history, we can use this to build more favors than they can repay. We'll have them in our pockets. Then we can crush them at our whim."

"I don't think we want to be crushing anyone, ever. All I can add is that the fleet needs an overhaul. Badly. Liz and me can make due with what we have, but without dedicated capital ships, our ships are far more designed for siege breaking, blockades, and insertion. We aren't going to win the long time slugging matches that the Imperial Navy handled for us, and we can't really provide mid-level strategic bombardments. We can take out a building, or glass the territory. We don't really have much option if we need to take down a few hardened square km, or just blow the shit outta a planet."

"Thank you Captain Jericho." The kindhearted man had really broken the ice, and now Liz felt back at home, once the monsters of Darrien Viest, Hallibria Viest Westmore and ParikJacklan had been called away, and the austere Tostig and Kay had provided their assessments. "The aerospace wing is well prepared for most of our duties, however we need more planes to provide the close range support that Jericho is talking about. I know you guys wouldn't want to enter battle without some eyes in the sky and a friendly couple of plasma warheads in a pinch." Now she was calm, and returned to her seat. "From the sound of it, we just need to up the budget on everything. We are going to have to requisition the Council for tons of money."

"The fat bastards have it. As long as we are getting it, we need some for the ground forces. Our conventional forces are well... really conventional, and it would do for us to either upgrade or expand. The technolegion may be the hardest infantry around, but we are using old Sharlian Mk V's for the most part. A uniquely Molochi tank would be nice addition, and would help curb some proletariat unrest. We still have to worry about them. Unlike other Imperial citizens, we can't just shoot them if they get too unruly. Give them some pride. I've been discussing this with Max, and we have the stockpiles of spare parts and can scavenge a lot of pieces of the Mk V's and older Mk IV's, as well as buying up surplus from around here, plus we can use some of the technolegion tech scaled up. Making an urban combat tank would be a huge boon in the coming days. We aren't going to see set piece battles, but peacekeeping missions against real guerillas, without the threat of come out or the Empire will carpet nuke you."

"Nice analysis Barthis." It was Ted. Theodore Hoplin. "Frankly, I want to avoid a war. I have my kids to think about, and I'd rather see them grow up happy then see a Molochi Empire. We all saw the flaws of the Empire in our service, even as we experienced all the good things it brought. Hopefully sanity will prevail in the galaxy, but if it doesn't I'd rather die on my doorstep for my family than in a duct trying to blow up someone else's. We need a defense budget. And the nobles will eat that. Their poor thousands of credits into the simplest things for their kids, they'll pay trillions for their lives."

A beautiful black haired women cleared her throat to get attention. It was a formality, they had been pinged on their internal comms, and new the Shebe wanted their attention. The data packet was ready to accept whenever they wanted. "I'll get my husband to work on the funding. Between him and the Danielson whore who is creaming herself over Darrien we should have enough pull to get the war industry restarted. Don't worry about it, Gustav will get it done, he's a sweetheart like that."

"I'll never get used to you calling anyone sweetheart Shebe." A young man with a single brilliant red scar across the right cheek. "Too many years away from serving under you, and I finally come home to the Death Pact and the high thirteen and find you a married woman. The world changes when you are at war. Anyway, I think Old Man Allimen wants to close this meeting up."

"Thanks for reminding me of my age Levon Tostig. We can't all be youthful like you, Liz and Jericho. Some of us just have to rely on grumpiness, bile and experience to get through the world. And don't grin Darrien, you're an old bastard too. Anyways, we all have the data sets we brought, and we can keep in touch over the system nets now. I'd like to keep these formal meetings going though. Face to face contact can be nice, especially after all these years of sporadic meetings. We need to plan the future out, no more wandering blind in the dark. We have fought too long, and too hard to fade away just because the Empire fell. We'll show the galaxy, we are the Molochi Death Pact. Just who do they think they are fucking with?"
Last edited by Dark Hellion on 2007-11-28 06:29am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Spyder »

Dark Hellion wrote:I will admit that I am weak at the code for posting, so I would appreciate it if someone would either take over, or could provide a tutorial on how one would go about such a thing. Thank you.
Hoo-ah! This sounds like a job for process documentation!

Step one (1), in the header of every post (EVERY POST) there's a little graphic just to the right of where it says "posted", it looks like a little file, or dog eared piece of paper, or a little mini-goatse depending on what theme you've got this board set to. Right click it and you can then copy a link that will take people directly to that post.

Step two (2), make a dressed link, like this!

Code: Select all

[url=]Spyder wrote some shit here[/url]
Which does this:

Spyder wrote some shit here

Two things two note:

1 (one): The link goes inside the first tag after "url=", do not use " " for your links.

2 (10): If the link ends with "&sid=f8lookmumI'masessionID!4dd" get rid of everything after and including the &.

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Post by consequences »

Admiral Daggair Tarnok

Adiral Tarnok was a genius, who personally spearheaded the last refitting effort of the Imperial Navy. Unfortunately, as nearly every survivor of the Cataclysm now knows, he was also completely batshit insane.

What is known of him now comes from the physical remains and databanks of destroyed fith fleet detachments. It is known that he has plugged himself into his ships with a hardwired override control so as to directly control operations of the fleet. It is known that he has seized at least four prison worlds to acquire personnel willing to throw their full effort behind his atrocities. It is known that he has been confirmed as dead on no less than three occasions. This last has caused many sentients to lose a great deal of sleep.
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Post by Thirdfain »

The Chairman: Current elected head of the Council of High Syndicates on Kaldigrad. Currently un-named, seemingly only a functionary for the debates in the Council.

Foreman Diego: Representitive of the Civil Syndicates of the Periphery; with a constutuency containing the Planetary Civil Syndicates of four minor worlds. He is an Esperancer with little patience for the Earthward nations in the Internationale and a long-standing hatred of the Metallkonige.

Foreman Eberhardt:

Representitive of the International Union of Admirals and Naval Staff Officers to the Council of High Syndicates. He was a decorated Lord Admiral in the old Nordkaldic Royal Navy who saw service in combat against the Konig as well as in a number of police actions at the behest of the Kingdom's terran masters. He has great influence among the old guard in the Naval Militia Unions, but his aristocratic past undermines his position in the High Council.

Andre Tell:

A Syndicalist envoy or representitive of uncertain position; currently dispatched to negotiate with the Metallkonige. Fastidious, neat, and an asshole.

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Post by Shinn Langley Soryu »

Haruhi Suzumiya (涼宮 ハルヒ, Suzumiya Haruhi)


Sovereign and chief executive of the Holy Empire that bears her name. She is notable for being an immortal; records of her existence stretch all the way back to the late 20th century AD. Formerly a highly decorated Imperial Admiral, she was implicated with the Metallkonige-descended Haruhiists and the Data Integration Thought Entity in a plot to overthrow the Empire; while she managed to exonerate herself, she chose exile, seeing that the Haruhiists and the Thought Entity needed her leadership. While she is a fair and just leader, she is known to be highly eccentric and impulsive.

Yuki Nagato (長門 有希, Nagato Yuki)


Humanoid interface. One of Empress Suzumiya's chief advisors. Served under Haruhi during the Sasaki Heresy. (She is known to be able to take high-velocity metal spikes to the chest and live.) While highly reliable and trustworthy, she tends to be somewhat aloof and taciturn, making her less than suitable for diplomatic functions.

Ryoko Asakura (朝倉 涼子, Asakura Ryōko)


Humanoid interface. One of Empress Suzumiya's chief advisors. Served under Haruhi during the Sasaki Heresy. While exceedingly happy and upbeat, she is also highly sociopathic and has been known to display homicidal tendencies on occasion. Very handy with a knife.

Sasaki (佐々木)

Imperial Captain Kyouko Tachibana (left), Canopy Domain interface Kuyou Suou (center), and Sasaki (right)

Haruhi Suzumiya's estranged twin sister. Also formerly a highly decorated Imperial Admiral, she implicated her sister in a plot to overthrow the Empire in order to divert attention from her own planned betrayal; a series of blunders turned the tables on her, however, and she was forced into exile. Current whereabouts are unknown; she was last spotted in a region of the Deadlands occupied by the xenos known as the Canopy Domain.

Fleet Admiral Shana Ito (いとう シャナ, Itō Shana)


Supreme commander of the Haruhiist expedition into the Humanist Union. Her strategic ability is questionable at best, if her performance during first contact with Union forces is to be taken as an indicator of her overall competence as an officer.

Commodore Marjorie Dawson (マージョリー・ドーサン, Mājorī Dōsan)


Executive officer of Fleet Admiral Ito.

Captain Kazumi Narumi (鳴海 和美, Narumi Kazumi) [deceased]


Commanding officer of the Kyoto Animation. Killed in action against Humanist Union forces.

Captain Christine Grace (クリステーン・グレイス, Kurisutīn Guraisu)

file photo currently unavailable

Commanding officer of the Aya Hirano.
Last edited by Shinn Langley Soryu on 2008-01-26 03:11am, edited 1 time in total.
I ship Eino Ilmari Juutilainen x Lydia V. Litvyak.

Phantasee: Don't be a dick.
Stofsk: What are you, his mother?
The Yosemite Bear: Obviously, which means that he's grounded, and that she needs to go back to sucking Mr. Coffee's cock.

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Post by Tanasinn »

Lenaard, Felix:
Military Rank: Admiral
Commission: Battleship HNS Cameron Wallace
Status: Living
Felix Lenaard is the commander of the Humanist Union Navy's 4th Mobile Unit. A meticulous, quiet, and mildly effiminate man, Admiral Lenaard is considered by most of his fellow officers to be apolitical, a person who prosecutes his coveted command role without either scandalous or orthodox political leanings to color his actions. Unassuming and relatively unambitious, Lenaard has reached his current position mostly through caution, calm, and competence. Lenaard is a man of many acquaintences and few close friends, but the network of allies he possesses is extensive indeed: his hard-to-offend nature, combined with his bland-as-rice politics, make him quite safely dependable. In combat, Admiral Lenaard is known to be unflappable, and it is here that his ability to command most shows: he is a front-line commander willing to hold the line even in extreme situations. His dependability and unshakable calm have rallied more than a few task forces throughout his career. Felix Lenaard is known for his particular dislike for pirates: he served aboard a planetary defence corvette before being given a commission into the "true" Union navy. He is known even now known for tenaciously pursuing and rooting out pirates whenever he gets the slightest whiff of their presence. Admiral Lenaard collects and repairs antique timepieces as a hobby, something at least some of his peers find ridiculous but reassuringly bland in the typical Lenaardian way.

Paterson, Anya:
Military Rank: Vice Admiral
Status: Assassinated
===To Be Updated===

Petrov, Ivan ("Father"):
Military Rank: Vice Admiral (ret.)
Civilian Rank: (Informal) Dictator
Status: Living
===To Be Updated===

Ferguson, Roland:
Military Rank: Vice Admiral
Commission: Battlecruiser HNS New London (Destroyed)
Status: Unknown
Roland Ferguson is the vice admiral of the Union Navy's third mobile unit, and the commander of the battlecruiser New London. One of the older living naval officers, Ferguson has served in the Union's civil war and in many of the conflicts since then. He was among the forces "loaned" to the Imperial navy during the Enclave-Empire war, and has fought against Imperial forces and pirates since the closing days of that war, as well. Ferguson is considered by many to represent the Humanist Union's official mindsets: he is cold and calculating, and very conservative in the spending of resources. His bridge is considered one of the more difficult to serve on in the third mobile unit: Ferguson is constantly rotating officers out who do not earn the prestige of their positioning or who fail to compare to up-and-coming officers. Perhaps most significantly, he is considered somewhat fearless: his subordinates rally around his proud bearing and willingness to do deadly things where necessary. This steadfast nature, when combined with his relatively skillful command, makes him one of the more respected commanders in the third mobile unit.

Kyznetsov, Valdimir:
Military Rank: Captain
Commission: Cruiser HNS Radiant Dawn (Destroyed)
Status: KIA
A naval officer known for his communistic leanings, Vladimir Kyznetsov came up through the ranks of the navy as an Op/Def officer aboard the heavy cruiser Timber Wolf. Somewhat eccentric by naval officer standards, Kyznetsov made a negative personal impression upon many of his peers despite his professional abilities. Not even a militant meritocracy is free of political wheedling, and this fact affected the path of his career: Kyznetsov spent a brief stint as the Captain of a 150-class tactical cruiser when he was finally promoted. For an officer who had served as an Op/Def, being handed a poorly-armed support vessel was more of a punishment than a promotion. Rather than sinking into a depression or simply going through the motions, Kyznetsov proved the worth of himself and his crew in multiple engagements with pirates and Traditionalist remnants, managing to capture the attention of some of the Union's ruling inner circle. Kyznetsov was transferred to the Radiant Dawn and served as its commander until death, acquitting himself with the same level of professionalism as he always had. Kyznetsov perished when the Radiant Dawn was destroyed in battle defending against a Haruhiist incursion into Union space. Reputedly, his last words - or rather, word - was "Nuts!"
Last edited by Tanasinn on 2008-03-30 01:05am, edited 10 times in total.
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Post by Darkevilme »

Melusine, noble and aristocratic battlemistress of first conquest fleet.

Chesska, citymistress of City 1, Onnai of the fourth claw.
-Chesska was involved in trying to dupe King Kaplan of the BETAC ship Avalanche and then had her citadel badly damaged by a nuclear weapon unleashed by Syndicalist rebels, she's currently trying to salvage the situation.

Sharue, a member of a lancer pack, known glutton when it comes to human prey.

Meeru, crew member of the stealthed hunter Night prowler, pawbrain.

Nera and Mela, tiger pack members. Equiped with tiger power armour.

Naya, tigerpack member, one of the first to board the Bentusilon.

Stern Hammond, human captain in his forties with the cruiser Medusa. Alas a poor soul who's loyalty to the province has been usurped by Chamaran mental domination.
Last edited by Darkevilme on 2008-04-18 03:45am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Nephtys »


Councilman Gov. Rand, Member for Heavy Industry
Serving since the establishment of BETAC, Rand has been a driving force in the expansion of the Aquilae Sector economy. As a high-ranking member of the Manifest Ascendancy party, his policy decisions have driven much of the concordat's interstellar affairs.

Councilman Prof. Strangejoy, Member for Science and Technology
Mysterious in motive but well connected, Strangejoy represents the scientific and technical segments of the populace and economy. With his own motives, he has been an eager proponent of militarization and rapid expansion since the fall of the Empire. He is highly reclusive when not making official appearances.

Councilwoman Monroe, Member for Arts and Entertainment
Another powerful entity within the Council, Monroe represents the combined entertainment industries of the Concordat. Formerly a Sensovision actress herself, she is the head of the opposition coalition opposing Manifest Ascendancy's policy of expansion. Charismatic and energetic, her efforts have forced several compromises from other leading members of the council

Admiral Kearns, Commander of Operations
A long time no-nonsense miltiary man, Admiral Kearns is one of the senior military officers in Astro-Fleet. Chief of Galactic Command and Operations aboard Space Station Gargantua-1, he has planned the majority of BETAC's expansion over the last decade. He is supportive of the Manifest Asendancy party's stance on strengthening BETAC's Military.

Admiral Canders, Commander, Home Fleet
Professional and brilliant, Admiral Canders commands the sizable Home Fleet detatchment of Astro-Fleet. With the highest scores on record of any Academy class, she is a capable flag officer and tactical genius with experience on the front lines during the Imperium's Final War.

Adm. Hackett, Commander, 9th Fleet
An old man of the stars, Vice Admiral Hackett commands the most powerful frontier fleet in the BETAC Military. Formerly the chief of Spacelane Patrol, he has been since transferred given the rapid expansion of Astro-Fleet. Cautious and calculating, he is wary of rushing into things prematurely.

Commodore Hamal, Commander, 4th Fleet
A newer flag officer, Commodore Hamal commands the forces within Fourth Fleet since the death of Rear Admiral Tannhauser during the famed Opiuchi Blitz in which BETAC forces destroyed a marauding alien task force bent on holding the Concordat hostage under threat of the planet's orbital bombardment. He has reliably commanded his deep space patrol force for over a year, and is expected to be promoted soon to match his billet.

Captain Victor 'King' Kaplan, Avalanche (BC Onslaught)
Nicknamed 'King' for his majestic proclamations, Kaplan is a veteran of the Opiuchi Blitz and one of Astro-Fleet's most prominent captains. Quite competitive with 'Flash' Bourne, he and Avalanche have recently been issued command of the 1st Expeditionary Flotilla.

Captain Neil 'Flash' Bourne, Thunderer (BC Onslaught)
With his own dramatized serial, Captain Bourne is perhaps the most popular commanders within Astro-Fleet given his action during the Opiuchi Blitz. With the knack of always being there in the nick of time, his nickname 'Flash' derives from how he typically enters battle, performing daredevil maneuvers with his expertly trained crew.

Captain Alexis Anasan, Indefatigable (CA Majestic)
Typically reserved with silent confidence, Anasan ruthlessly and efficiently commands her squadron by fearless example. Captain of the Heavy Cruiser Indefagitable, she is on the fast track for flag rank.

Captain Marcil 'Ace' Alvarez, Victorious (CA Triumphant)
Formerly a high school physics teacher, 'Ace' Alvarez made a name for himself while a civilian engaging and defeating five pirate Sloops using modified mining lasers and antimatter drive exhaust during a raid upon his colony. Enlisting at a later age than most, he has recently made Captain and is well known for creative mathematics and an intuitive grasp of spacial dynamics.

Captain Joen Robinson, Borealis (CL Illustrious)
Amongst the most accomplished of the younger post-Imperium generation of Astro-Fleet officers is Captain Jr Grade Joen Robinson, Commander of the Light Cruiser Borealis. Formerly a teenage sensovision actor, he has enlisted out of heroic hot-blooded duty to the Concordat.

Captain Lana Judiz, Starfall (CL Illustrious)
Aggressive and goal-oriented, Captain JG Lana Judiz has recently become commander of the Light Cruiser Starfall. A protege of Admiral Kearns, she is a staunch supporter of BETAC Expansion and Astro-Fleet's increasingly central role in it, given the dangerous galactic political situation.

Sidekick SG Taranga Silva
Executive officer of the Battlecruiser Thunderer under Captain Bourne, Sidekick Senior Grade Silva is an effective officer. A capable organizer, she has also won the Astro-Fleet Competitive Raygun Competition for five consecutive years.

Sidekick SG Gam Al-Daim
Executive officer of the Battlecruiser Avalanche under Captain Kaplan, Al-Daim is a quiet officer. Stern and by-the-book, he is the counterweight to Kaplan's style of bold initiative. He is expected to be promoted to Captain JG within the next six months.

LTJG Ash MacPherson
Communications officer aboard Avalanche, Lieutenant JG Ash MacPherson is rumored to have been caught hacking Spacelane Patrol records over five, although no record appears in her official portfolio. She is also a highly rated small craft pilot.
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Post by A-Wing_Slash »

Grand Duchy of Malacaster Profiles

Grand Duke Adolph Zolverein

Lady Kristen Zollverein, Heir to the Grand Ducal Throne

Fredrick Grevenmacher, Baron Echternact

John Thwaite

Heather Corcaigh
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