BFG magazine #17
PAge 6
Tau vessels already used a form of gravitic dirve. this projected a sheath of gravitic energy ahead of and around the vessel which was continually re-projected further ahead, drawing the ship behind it rather like an archaic sail.
The Tau seem to have found (or "borrowed") something which resembles a Weberverse gravitic drive (either impeller wedge or the Fasste drive from the furyverse.)
Page 7
Achieving transition to the Warp required more than technology, it required psychically attuned minds and the Tau race boasted no psykers. without them to guide the transition no amount of power could breach the dimensional barriers. The best the Tau could go was make a partial transition, forcing themselves into the void that separated Warpspace and realspacec before they were hurled out again like a ball held under water then released.
By carefully angling their descent toward the Warp and extending the field generated by the gravitic drive into a wing, shaped to hold the vessel down a Tau vessel could extend the duration of the dive considerably.
The workings of the Tau FTL drive.
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Early tests lost several drone ships because they inadvertnatly passed far beyond the sensor range of their recovery vessels.
This could imply FTL sensors, but we know the Tau don't have FTL comms, which makes FLT sensors unlikely.
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..only the most powerful (and bulky) drives could sustaint eh graivitic wing throughout the dive and the power drain meant that considerabel recahrge time was needed between dives.
Limitations of the FTL drive. Presumably the size constraint was overcome, since Tau manta can equip the drive.
Page 7
Taking typical Imperial warp speeds the Tau drive was slower by a factor of five. The speed was consistent though, did not expose the Tau to the perils of the Warp and enabled the Tau to expand beyond their home star for the first time.
Despite its "advantages", the Tau are goign to be hampered in their expansion unless they can develop faster FTL (nevermind the limits of communication and such)
Page 8
a colonisation fleet was assembled based around seventeen Gal'
leath and twenty-three H'fannor class vessels. Between them these ships could transport some forty Kass'l class gunships.
The victory cost the Tau fourteen of their captial ships.
If we assume this represents the fleet assets of a single system, this would imply a fleet of around 4,000 ships.
Page 9
Tau shields are formed by shaping the gravitiic field to repel any incoming fire.
Tau use sidewall- err gravitic fields to repel enemy weapons.
PAge 9
Railguns of the size mounted on warships require massive amounts of energy to fire despite Tau superconductors. Because of this, power is routed to a singel barrel at a time. The sequence is timed to ensure the first barrel is reloaded before it is charged again.
This curiously implies Tau have some hefty power draw limitations with their railguns, which implies a slow recahrge rate (and possibly not a consistent rate of fire.) Perhaps the Tau have limitations on their ability to transfer power from their reactors to weapons - the reactors may have the needed energy, the weapons may be able to use that energy, but the power feeds may not be able to easily/rapidly handle all that energy.
Then again, as I recall the early tau vessels (big blocky dildoes) were crap compared to Imperium designs. The later versions (around the time of the Taros campaign, I believe) were much more impressive (in terms of performance AND looks)
PAge 9
Spine guns are massive railguns where mass drivers trigger the nitial acceleration before the ship's gravitic field is pulsed to squeeze the missiles towards the enemym at enormous speed. The missiles are drone-controlled and exceptionally dangerous.
Tau version of a nova cannon, but with guided munitions. (Although I suspect nova cannon are also guided.)
Page 9
The deflector is a specialised shield generlaly mounted on the prow of the latest Tau ships. It turns the gravitic sheath around the vessle into ad ense wedge, whcih isf ar mroe effective against incoming fire.
Tau equivalent of an Imperium prow. Basically just a stronger shield.
Page 9
Tau missiles are drone-guided and fired in salvos, each point of torpedo strenght representing aobut 10 actual missiles.
Tau use less powerful but more numerous missile volleys. Most ships tend to have "strength 2-8" with the missile/torpedo volleys, which implies between 20-80 missiles. Since they're launched by railguns, this may give us an idea of the number of broadside (or dorsal) guns a tau ship could carry.
It should be fruther noted that these missiles are launched from (IIRC) gravitic launchers, which are railguns with a grav boost, suggesting that the projectiles themselves travel quite fast (significant fraction of c) - probably much faster than normal railguns (Imperial or tau)
Page 10
Based on average speeds using full warp travel, not that average means a great deal, the drive was slower by a factor of five [Explorer/Gal'leath]
Again, difference in FTL speed between Imperium/Tau ships
Page 12
[Il'Fannor/Merchant class] Its reactors were a fraction of the size of the Explorer's power plant but were capable of reaching a third of average warp speed.
Here (advanced?) its implied the Tau drives are merely 1/3 the speed of warp drive, ,rather than 1/5.
PAge 13
The Tau were determined that they should have a ship [Lar'Shi/Hero class] that could match the Imperial Lunar class. As it became evident, they failed..
Earlier Tau warships were less powerful than their Imperium equivalents.
PAge 14
It [Kir'Qath/Defender] can make up to half a dozen warp dives in succession but will then be able to do any more for at least a rot'aa.
Unable to build a drive light enough to produce a normal escort the Orca is transported within a capital ship's grravitic sheath. One unleashed ohwever it is a powerful gunship [destroyer?} able to contend with any Imperial or Ork class.
Tau drives seem to have a delay/limited number of uses in a given time period. Also some ships aren't able to carry the drive, so they have to be used as "parasites."
Page 17
Ion cannon shots vaporize the object struck magnifying the energy discharge. Armour is of no value against them. they function as lances in all respects.
I persume "magnifying the energy discharge" refers to the violent effects of work-heating (shock waves causing mecahnical damage in addition to melting/vaporizing thermal damage.) These are the Tau equivalent of lances, and they penetrate armour.
Page 25
Nicassar dhows are small but elegant yachts that are propelled by their captains' psychic powers.
Indication of Nicassar TK strength (at least collective.) If the Tau ever get their asses in gear these guys might be useful against the Imperium. Assuming the Imperium just doesn't exterminate the planet.
Page 28
Despite having vastly more resources than the fleets of Chaos, the Imperial Navy is constantly engaged in war and beset by threat of rebellion and the many natural disasters that befall worlds throughout the galaxy, and as such at any given moment its fleets are spread very thinly, making it extremely difficult for the Imperium to dedicate significant fleet assets to any one star system except in the most dire of emergencies. However, no force in the galaxy can bring to bear the immeasurably vast resources of the Imperium can given enough time
Comparison of resource/industrial capability, fleet sizes, and the such of the Imperium vs Chaos (and other powers.) The flaws of the Imeprium's size and scope are also made evident - if they oculd concentrate on any one threat, they could crush it eaisly. But because they are dispersed dfending their vast territories from numerous smaller threats, they cannot do so (at least not rapidly.) The Imperium stillh as more resources though.
Chaos has a definite advantage over the Imperium defensively in that the Eye is difficult if not nigh impregnable to assault by any covnentional power (in any great numbers, at least.) and that even if someone does invade the inhabitants have tremendous control and influence (An unbeatable home territory advantage.) Which is one thing that allows them, whent hey cooperate to threaten the Imperium - their resources can devote themselves entirely to the offense, and they are able to concentrate better in terms of strriking.
Tau ships are typically equipped with a substnatial number of [railgun] turrets configured for defence against attack craft and torpedoes...
.. you can attach railgun turrets to represent these.
Railgun turrets for poitn defense.
Railguns of the size mounted on warships require massive amounts of energy despite Tau supercondcutors. Because of this power is routed to a single barrel at a time. The sequence is timed to ensure the first barrel is reloted before it is charged again. There are two common styles of railgun - single barreled and double barreld, either of which may be mounted on a ship. Railguns function as stnadard batteries.
Again Tau weapons seem to have limitations in firing large broadsides with their railguns. This suggests that their firepower/rate of fire/concentration of fire is not consistent (kind of like in Age of sial)