WTF?!? How can this happen in any remotely civilized country? I could understand this sort of news coming from somewhere like Saudi Arabia with its delightful judicial mindset (see the article about the rape victim getting lashed) or a similarly fucked up place with regards to basic human rights, but fucking Brazil? I know it ain't exactly Scandinavia when it comes to it, but I'm honestly surprised.A 15-YEAR-old girl was put in a Brazilian jail cell with more than 20 men, and for a month was raped relentlessly and forced to have sex for food, human rights groups say.
"She was raped from day one'' at the jail in Para state, a Children and Adolescent Defence Centre (Cedeca) spokeswoman said.
The number of men in the cell varied from 20 to 34 while the girl, a robbery suspect, was there.
"She was raped innumerable times and forced to exchange sexual relations for food,'' said Miere Cohen, the president of the Order of Brazilian Lawyers Human Rights Commission.
Media reports of the case have sparked outrage across Brazil, especially since it closely followed an earlier incident of a 23-year-old woman who was also jailed in Para state for one month together with 70 men.
The teenager, whose identity was not disclosed, was arrested in Para state capital Abaetetuba on October 21 on suspicion of robbery and put behind bars at a local police station jailhouse until an anonymous caller tipped off the media.
"Nobody really knows what she was charged with. She was a suspect in a robbery but police were unable to tell us which robbery. There was no formal charge,'' Ms Cohen said.
The girl's lawyers said police at one point said they believed the suspect was not under-age.
"Whether she was 15, 20, 50, 80 or 100 doesn't matter. A woman should not have been kept in a jail cell with men,'' Para Governor Ana Julia Carepa said.
She said she would mete out "exemplary punishment'' in the case.
The girl, whose family is very poor, "is distraught and very afraid, but said she's able to recognise the police officers who locked her up and the detainees who raped her. She's ready to talk", the Cedeca spokeswoman said.
Don't really know what to say without going into the stupid RAR! torture, disembowel, kill routine, but this example of inhumanity really got to me for some reason. What the fuck were those human excrements that masquerade as guards doing?!? Its essentially state-sponsored continual rape. I'm having trouble thinking of a worse realistic rape scenario then the circumstances here (beyond the "usual" prolonged pedophilia cases, but even there society as a whole, except in few cases, doesn't fail the victim as much as in this case).
Poor, poor girl.