Hillary wrote:
So why does the Catholic Church (and the CoE and various other religious bodies) put all this money into schools, if it isn't for indoctrination purposes? If it is entirely alturistic, why do the schools need to be called "St Mary's Catholic School"? Why do they need to have so many clerics on the board of governors?
The counter question would be, why allow Muslims in and have to set aside teachers to look after them whilst he other children are in mass?
Another might point would be that given 1/3rd of English schools are faith schools (most being primary, about 1/5th of the Secondary schools are faith schools) why don't we see this many 16 year olds being regular church going automatons.
The reason to continue with the schools is that parishioners want them (even those who don't have children) and tradition.
No doubt they also like everybody wearing uniforms, going to church 3 or 4 times a year and having a prayer at assembly.
This however isn't going to indoctrinate anybody.
The bottom line is that churches put money into schools so that children of that faith can be taught in a certain way. The fact that you may be able to pick out a few exceptions where this is not (explicitly) the case does not alter the fact that the overwhelming majority of them do.
Obviously they want them taught in a certain way but that doesn't equate to indoctrination.
They may what stricter discipline, uniforms etc but getting education in a certain manner isn't automatically indicative of turning a school into an indoctrination camp.
You only have to look at Northern Ireland to see how divisive and destructive single-faith schools can be.
Segregation is quite apart from indoctrination (unless you are blaming Northern Ireland's problem on relgious indoctrination picked up in school rather than regular bigotry picked up everywhere).
That is Northern Ireland, hardly a useful indicator of the rest of the UK which isn't riven into two groupings which rally around seperate religions(of variants of a particular religion).
They couldn't behave themselves in handing out council homes, electoral boundary adjustment or first past the post voting but it doesn't more sensible areas should be forced to change or abolish those systems.
Whatever downside may come from religious segregation is probably corrected by the increased ethnic diversification of those same schools (21% of the make-up versus 17% in regularly schools) particualrly given that in great Britain race tends to be a more divisive element than religion (whcih frankly doesn't warrant much of a mention in everyday life),