I am paying attention... you're just dancing around throwing out a lot of vague allusions to particular issues without explaining why they're a problem. Some of these are apparently non-obvious and involved bringing in feats and powers from multiple books to create problematic balance issues. That's a problem with all classes.SirNitram wrote:It's from 'Complete Psionic'. While I won't say Overchannel is completely broken and game-breaking, it is there and it is like nothing a sorc or wiz can do.. WHich was the point I was rebutting. So please stay attentive.Turin wrote:Also, I don't have a feat called Practiced Manifester in my XPH (or anything equivalent to Practiced Spellcaster... where was that published?
Psions having a particular ability that doesn't match up with something wizards/sorcerers can do isn't a reason to call it broken.
Am I to assume that it pretty much does the same thing as Practiced Spellcaster then? Sounds like a case of copy-paste editing and poorly thought out consequences of translating magic-based feats directly into psionic ones. Raising manifester level raises effective spell level, which is an effect that Practiced Spellcaster avoids. I'll concede that feat is a rather obvious problem as written.SirNitram wrote:Practiced Manifester is broken because it allows further channeling of PP, and thus more nova.
Whoop-dee-doo. That's the game-shattered loop? How is that even a loop? The torc doesn't affect the points transferred by Bestow Power. You're not getting anything for free there that you weren't already getting. (Not to mention that the torc is a late-game item at 36000gp).SirNitram wrote:Nope; XPH didn't fix the obvious Bestow Power loop(Wilder and Torc Of Power Preservation; spend 3, get 4!)
Again, you're adding in material from a zillion different books and expecting it to be balanced. Shit, doesn't Incarnum bring in an entirely new system of magic? (I don't have it.) That's a problem not unique to psionics. Look at something like the Hulking Hurler. Combine it with War Hulk and the rules for improvised weapons and you have madness.and then they came back with the release of Earth Power(Races of Stone) and Midnight Augmentation(Magic Of Incarnum).
Affinity Field the 9th-level power? Wee! Ultimate powerz! You're trying to cram everything into this overly tight constraint for balance at the extreme edges. This is like complaining that Metamagic is broken because of what Epic-level clerics can do with it. [this point was moved out of order to group similar topics in my post]SirNitram wrote:Illithid Grapple, Affinity Field stupidity(You can get rather nasty recursive loops from it, and even without, a Psion and Cleric coordinating can heal the entire party in battle with this), Bestow Power Loops.. And you shouldn't be surprised I dislike psionics.
I think your other complaints are largely overblown, particularly as it seems that you have a rather catch-all approach to allowing material in your game. I have a pretty decent sized library (although I stopped purchasing around the time of Races of Eberron), but it seems like you let everything in your game... except psionics, apparently. But the encounter pacing issue is a legitimate complaint, although I don't think it's as big as you're making it out to be either. If a PC in my campaign isn't using some of the better items in his Bag of Tricks throughout the adventure, rather than just saving up for the end, he's going to have a problem.SirNitram wrote:They've generally abused Psionic Focus-feats until the Big Bad, then nova'd him out of existance. However, most of my ire was at the Bestow Power loops.
Pretty much nailed it. Spellcasters can get ugly in few encounters/day, but Psions get fucking obscene. Far beyond any specific power, Psions lock you into a set encounter/day mechanism to retain balance. Stack this on top of the other complaints..
I'll fully admit that some of this may just be the players I have. With the groups I've DM'd (many 20-30 people over the years), we always seemed to have a bit of an unspoken "gentlemen's agreement" about stuff that we considered "cheesy." Everyone likes to build some badass characters and play them, but when a PC is too badass, they usually find themselves in a spot that makes them weak soon enough, and then they get killed if they don't recognize it. I've pretty much never had the kinds of cheese you're describing pop up in my games.